Best Christmas Lots In Lille Near Me

La Vieille Bourse Carrefour Beffroi de Lille Saint Maurice Catholic Church at Lille ZARA Home La Piscine Museum PAUL La Chambre aux Confitures Couvent des Minimes de Lille La Taverne Flamande PAUL Brasserie de la Paix Le Pain Quotidien Melting-Pot Carhartt WIP Store Lille


1. La Vieille Bourse - Lille

· 5632 reviews

Pl. du Général de Gaulle, 59000 Lille, France

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La Vieille Bourse: what do users think?
Wilmar Franco: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Not sureMore
Azur: A charming and interesting place, old book market in the day, danse hall in the evening.Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait …More
David Lumbreras Menendez: Edificio muy bonito correspondiente al estilo flamenco renacentista.
Alain Arnulf: Beau monumentVisited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …More
Meriem Eddahbi: Très intéressant ! À voir !
S G: Een Must-have-seen in Lille. Gezellige omgeving
Didier ROURE: Magnifique bâtiment
King Kerry: Un cœur battant à Lille.Petit monument phare de la ville qui ne passe pas inaperçu par sa façade rouge et jaune.Une fois dans la cour, on est captivé par les commerces qui y prennent place (qui vendent des posters, des livres, des romans, des jeux, des pièces de collection, des photos et cartes plus ou moins anciennes...).La cour est en pavé de l'époque.C'est un bel endroit à ne pas rater à Lille.
FRED MDS: Avec son architecture magnifique, c'est toujours un plaisir de visiter ou simplement de passer à la vieille bourse.
Philippe Brasseau: Lille, très jolie ville avec des gens de bonne humeur, alors en plus quand il y a du soleil, c est top.
Xavier B.: Very beautiful building with typical local architecture.In the courtyard, booksellers who make you want to waste hours looking for the rare pearl.
Matteo Angeloni: Gran bel posto. Di domenica ci go trovato un mercatino. Molto folcloristico
Jackie Teng: 广场上很多漂亮的建筑
Alexane B: Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended NoMore
Thierry Humbert: Gorgeous building that transforms throughout the day.
Anna Bonifaci: Magnificent building
Clara kookie: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended NoMore
Rashmi Chauhan: Great place. Local market is fun to explore while you are in Lille. I could explore this unknowingly during my morning walk 😃☺️
Michel DUMAY: Une mine d’or pour les collectionneurs de BD.

2. Palais des Beaux Arts - Lille



· 4250 reviews

Pl. de la République, 59000 Lille, France

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Palais des Beaux Arts: what do users think?
Agnes Felten: Magnificent place of culture. Beautiful spaces that highlight the richness of the collection.
Frdric HEDUIN: StunningVisited on Weekend Wait time No wait …More
Gerard van der Hoff: Heel veel. Mooie zalen vol met schilderijen.
Evelyne FONTAINE: Large museum where it is pleasant to discover paintings and sculptures from the permanent collection and temporary exhibitions, for a reasonable admission price. The temporary exhibitions are generally of good quality. The shop offers a large selection of books and more. We also tested the cafe where we had a good time enjoying an excellent cappuccino, chocolate, lemonade and brownie.
Pascal Anthonio Brignoli: I really liked it, it's been a long time since I've set foot. Unfortunately, I haven't done the grand tour, however I recommend it for enthusiasts who plan to plan several hours.Of a very beautiful cultural richness with a constant evolution.I recommend it for young and oldI would like to say a big thank you to all the super dedicated caring and attentive employees who are there to help on simple request.It's up to you to make your own opinion 🤗
Rachel Munn: Beautiful displays of historic art, mostly sculpture and painting. Special digital expo interwoven skillfully throughout the museum. Highlights included pieces by Claude Monet, and the Picasso. Lowlight was finding out that Van Goghs cow painting was out on display at another museum!Nice cafe and relaxation spots too :)
mendy_ultra instint: First visit today to this place and I was pleasantly surprised by the beauty of the works inside the Palace of Fine Arts, a great visit to do with friends or family
catherine mercieca: Wait time Up to 10 minMore
Ju Gb: Visited on Weekend Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended Not sureMore
Emm Call: One of the finest museums in the region. The collection is impressive and the temporary exhibitions are very interesting, the latest on the theme of video games is a success. Finding busts of video game characters in the midst of great artists such as Rodin proves that the 10th art has its place there!
Du Pain sur la Planète: Magnificent, gigantic… what more can I say?
Valérie Merlen: Visit during the week, at the beginning of the afternoon, very pleasant, few people. The exhibition presented on video games gave the opportunity for a very interesting overhaul of the museography.
C G: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended YesMore
Mike C: Honestly. Only entered this building because I need led to defecate. Which in itself was well worth the entry price, but I digress.After exiting the toilets, found the gallery to be rather enjoyable. With several exhibits that were truly notable and worthy of the entry price in their own right.Anyway, whether in need of an epic dump or not, this is well worth a visit, even if you only have a passing interest in “art”.
S G: Pareltje. Echt gewoon magnefiek al die kunst bijeen.
Sarah Murray: I didn't even enter. Faced with a queue and unfriendly security guys. I saw two tourists of far east Asian descent having every inch of their suitcases examined before anyone was even allowed to enter. The other security guy just looked on and told people to move (it was difficult there was a queue behind the ladies having their bags checked) when there was no space to move. Seemed aggressive and unnecessary (and I didn't feel people were welcome) so I left and didn't get chance to see any of the art within the building.
Azur: Very interesting combination of video game and classic arts.Visited on Weekend Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended No …More
Patrice Dupas: A vast, modern, varied museum.Attentive guide, nice gift shop with low prices, nice for school groups.

3. IKEA Lille - Lomme

· 8732 reviews

130 Rue du Grand But Lomme, 59160 Lille, France

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IKEA Lille: what do users think?
Cecile LEROY: Thanks to Duc for the very practical app!
Nico VP: IKEA hospitality, quality and service.Nothing to say. Nickel!👍
Marceau Debailleul: Great advice and great decor!
Marco Havet: ça fait plusieurs mois que j'attends il n'y a toujours rien et après on vient m'informer que c'est livré le mercredi du grand n'importe quoi 😡👎🏻(Translated by Google
Yann Parmentier: The withdrawal of goods is in another city, this is not mentioned when you buy something and need to withdraw it
Raphaël wascat: Toujours de bonne trouvaille
Christophe Bonhard: Génial !!!
Veronique Buchet: Moment désagréable au restaurant ce midi.Une employée décrète, malgré la queue et sans qu’il n’y ait urgence qu’elle va réalimenter les 2 machines à café.Puis se fiche ouvertement des remarques sur le mode « je bosse moi ! ».Pathétique conception de la relation client…
Monsieur: Tout est mal pensé a cet endroit, le parking, ou on ne peut même pas charger normalement ces achats, et que dire du retrait : 2 colis : 1 a retirer au magasin et l autre a 20 minutes de la dans une zone industrielle en ruine. Inadmissible. Le magasin étant en plus situé dans un camp de Roms ça ne donne pas trop envie. Si cela donne envie d’aller en Belgique ou l’enseigne est moins cher et mieux entretenu
Fatiha Oulmi: Magasin propre, bien rangé, on trouve tout ce qu'il faut pour la maison. Personnel sympa et agréable
Louis Hubner: Un grand merci à Duc pour sa patience et son sens du service client pour le remboursement de ma lampe
Hanna Afshar: Bon magasin mais petit pour la Ville de Lille! Par contre le parking est assez grand. Les toilettes ne sont pas très propres. Le restaurant est également plus petit que l'autre Ikea mais ça va, j'ai commandé un plat et c'était bon et j'aimais bien le goût. Nous étions en recherche pour certaines choses qui n'étaient pas disponibles dans cet Ikea. Personnelles sympa. Merci Ikea Lille et j'espère voir le progrès dans ma prochaine visites.
Gabrielle Norbert: Sympa , très grandPetite restauration super sympa
mily Vdr: Magasin très bien rangé ! Personnel disponible un premier jour de soldes !
Dorothée Ghettem Delesalle: Magasin très agréable, grand choix de produits, l'application pour faire les achats en magasin est top !
Sema Civelek: Un vrai labyrinthe, on s'y perd. Dommage que l'on ne puisse pas trouver les produits sur le site internet.
alex fnll: J adore ce magasin ou on trouve de tout .cela et vraiment génial .superbe accueil super restaurant ou on mange super bien et très bon .! Je recommande ce mag a 100%.
Fab Can: Commence à vieillir un peu je trouve.
Méla vic argent sarp: Super beau magasin avec du choix
Sedat Asci: Alors soit c'est moi qui suis hyper malchanceux, soit il y a depuis quelques années une baisse de qualité flagrante et cela malgré une inflation des prix.- Table Lack : marque flagrante de vernis sur le plateau (photo)- Meuble Koppang : 3 poignées sur 12 (désormais en plastique) qui se cassent au vissage- Commode Malm : défaut de coupe sur le plateau du côté (photo)- Caisson Pax : manque un sachet de vis- Chevet Malm : renfoncement sur le plateau supérieur (photo)Et donc amusez-vous à faire des allers-retours pour récupérer les pièces manquantes ou faire le remplacement.Inadmissible !!!Et je m'attends à une réponse bateau type "passez en magasin pour le remplacement" alors que je dis bien que j'en ai plus que marre que de faire des allers-retours gratuitement.
frédérique fourdinier: Super, surtout les Chargeurs de batteries mis à disposition

4. Carrefour - Lille

· 3245 reviews

1 Av. Willy Brandt, 59000 Lille, France

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5. Beffroi de Lille - Lille

· 1135 reviews

Pl. Simon Vollant, 59000 Lille, France

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Beffroi de Lille: what do users think?
Claudine Lorenz: Reservation recommended Not sureMore
Xavier B.: Bad weather on the day of our visit but that did not prevent us from enjoying the unique panorama offered at the top of this belfry more than 100m high.The main visible buildings and monuments are also commented and described.But a painful thing: the metal nets installed probably for noble purposes prevent the taking of any photo with anything other than a mobile phone.
Jackie Teng: 高耸入云
HADDOU Haddou: Lille belfry 🤩
Patrick Bergeot: A good way to realize the extent of Lille but a bit too far out and too high for the view to be really picturesque.
Emily Entwistle: Must buy tickets online or at tourist office ~20 min walk away. 100 steps then can get elevator rest of the way, good view over Lille.Visited on Weekday Reservation recommended Yes …More
Ruud Oude Groote Beverborg: Een leuke beklimming naar het hoogste punt van Lille. Vooraf online kaartjes gekocht voor €6 p.p. Boven in de toren heb je een prachtig uitzicht over Lille. Na 30 minuten waren we weer beneden.
Antoine HEDOUX: Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Not sureMore
Lieven Lanckriet: Prachtig gebouw en uitzicht!!Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes …More
Fanny Leuthreau: Please note that you must book via the tourist office to go up. We didn't know that and so couldn't go up. Too bad, in the middle of the week at 12 p.m., I imagine that there were not many people and that they could have made an exception
bob kayak: Be careful ⚠️ book your tickets in advance on lilletourisme otherwise you risk, like me, finding yourself on the wall.Go to lilletourism,In I visit,Avoid the myriad paid tours and select: The heart of the city,It will be 7 euros or 6 if you are entitled to reductions.The city, in its great leniency, will force you to pay the visit of the belfry to be able to do it with a guide, something contrary to the policy of the city for the rest of the museums / public buildings for which is beneficiary of the free. If I have nothing against paying for a service, the method is more than questionable, opaque and difficult to implement.
Fernanda: Não conseguir entrar pois excepcionalmente fechado em uma quarta a tarde ( 14:56) fiquei chateada.
Jess Mts: (Translated by Google
Lilou Srap: Disappointed, recent belfryVisited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes …More
David Berthelot: Wow awesome 👍
Charles- Edouard: 104 m high, I reached the top via the steps, there is an elevator too. Beautiful view of Lille and its surroundings, choose a sunny day..
Leila DAHEL CARON: Great 👌I recommend
Catherine Allaway: Thoroughly enjoyed itVisited on Weekend Wait time Up to 10 min …More
Tribu F: Price a little expensive for the interest of the visit. The view of the city does not offer very beautiful panoramas because it is out of the way of old Lille. The terrace is protected by nets which limit the view and the belvedere has slightly dirty windows. The concrete interior architecture offers no interest for the climb on foot.
Anne-marie Gilet: Very nice view of this building.Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes …More
Laurent Petyt: Unmissable monument of the City of Lille

6. Retrait Marchandise IKEA Lille - Marquette-lez-Lille

· 7 reviews

12 Av. Industrielle, 59520 Marquette-lez-Lille, France

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Retrait Marchandise IKEA Lille: what do users think?
Dmytro: Заїзд офісу завантаження/розвантаження50.678058,3.055112
Anthony Tatti: Impeccable service
Jolène Garnier: Stiff and efficient, I recommend.
Mimoune Hennach: great no waiting
Sarah: Friday, May 26 evening team ultra competent! Attentive, available, very helpfulThanks again to them for my sofa!
herve dupont: Very well advised and fast
marie-francoise rousseau: Quick withdrawal. Alright
Sylvain GHISLAIN: Fast.
Mrs Bali Leïla: Service at the top! Very fast.The only downside is that the warehouse is not next to IKEA and that we have to drive a little bit to be able to pick up the goods.Otherwise perfect service.
Lii Surmont: Too bad, we had to go back and forth in the wind because we needed the paper receipt and the digital proof was not enough. At a time when all traders ask if you want your ticket for the sake of wasting paper, it's time to ask you questions. Especially since it is not specified anywhere either on the site, or by SMS or email that the ticket is absolutely necessary. Nevertheless, the lady at the reception kindly explained the procedure to us, taking note of our dissatisfaction and raising it because we are not the only ones to have had this problem.Update: Following your response, I do have an ikea family account but proof of purchase on my phone was not acceptable.
Chris Largillet: A bit far from the store but the teams are at the top
Romain Breyne: Simple, efficace
Francis Maes: Pratique et rapide
MOHAMED Dahmoune: Au top à mon arriver le produit déjà prêt
PROKOPOV Dmitry, NORD: Super ! Service très agréable et très rapide. Pas de files d'attente. Très satisfait.
Nico VP: Retrait hyper rapide, très bien organisé.Tout est prévu pour les éventuelles difficultés que pourraient rencontrer les clients.Ficelle à disposition pour fermer le coffre si colis trop grand, chariot à disposition pour emmener les colis à la voiture, location de véhicule possible...L'organisation IKEA!👍
Catherine Merkhous: A 10mn du magasin ikea de Lomme !la commande est prête lorsqu'on arrive!rapidité et efficacité !
Bernard Doucy: Excellent accueil, aucune attente, parking et chargement faciles
Alain Bouché: Super rapide
Laurent Fourmentraux: Impeccable tous points de vu
daniel boulenger: Très bien

7. Saint Maurice Catholic Church at Lille - Lille

· 737 reviews

Parv. Saint-Maurice, 59800 Lille, France

Address WhatsApp
Saint Maurice Catholic Church at Lille: what do users think?
théière “ALICE”: Beautiful welcoming church
nabil benjebara: qui a été construite sur près de 500 ans : de la fin du XIVe siècle à la fin du XIXe.La première mention écrite d'une église sur ce site, celle dite Saint-Maurice de Fins, remonte à 1066 et concerne un établissement de la collégiale Saint-Pierre financé avec les recettes de la Saint-Maurice. L'heure exacte de son apparition est inconnue. Les historiens l'associent au mallus publicus (sorte de tribunal public
achille ocnel: Site to discover,I recommend
S G: Indrukwekkend, echt een aanrader. Goed bereikbaar te voet.
Jackie Teng: 很壮观的大教堂
Constance Maillard: , pas très accueillante et incohérente avec les valeurs d’hospitalité censées reigner dans ce lieu (dois-je venir me recueillir en bourqa la prochaine fois au sein de cette église ?
Séverine Bailleul: C'est une belle église
Wojciech Mrowicki: Based and Christpilled. Remember to attend Mass on Sunday! Great community. Many liturgical abuses though :(Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait …More
Alain VERSTREPEN: Lieu excellent Je suis accordeur de piano et je participe à l'évènement candlelight Où nous avons Le plaisir d'écouter de bons artistes n'hésitez pas à venir Écouter un concerts à l'éclairage de la bougie
Regis DUSENGIMANA: Mon église préfère
Joy Mennings: Mooie kerkVisited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …More
Pierre-Antoine Zidi: C’est une église ou une salle de concert ?
Desmarets Sylvie: J adore
jean-marc Ange: Super à visite
valerie luyckx: Très belle église. Possibilité de la visité.
bob kayak: Les vitraux notamment sont magnifiques, il y a une ambiance assez sombre mais pas macabre, ont s'y sent tout petit
Roberto Cocchis: Un luogo in cui sembra che il tempo si sia fermato, nel quale si riesce a cogliere benissimo il senso della religiosità medievale.
Latorre Xavier: Très belle église. Parfaite pour accueillir des événements !

8. ZARA Home - Lille

· 117 reviews

Bd Carnot nº 1-5, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
ZARA Home: what do users think?
Oum Yassine nour ام ياسين نور: I adore
Catherine Jacob: Very bad experience, passing through Lille for a professional appointment, before taking my train back to Lyon I quickly bought handles for my chest of drawers, alas in the rush I forgot mycheckout items.I contact the store the next day and I propose to send a stamped envelope to my, the manager replied that it is impossible because it is not a possible procedure... Where is the commercial relationship, where is humanity, where is the sense of service,Have we made robots with no empathy...In any case, this is the case with this manager! Katherine
Nicolas Clipet: Came to exchange an item 2 days after the 'maximum date', and not possible to make an exchange. The information is well hidden on the back of the ticket I was given.80€ lost. It wouldn't have cost them anything, but you have to believe that customer service is the least of their worries.
Huda Q: جميل
Jean Pozzetta: A feeling of luxury at retail prices, a lived-in place, beautifully preserved and enhanced, come on, a little smile and a hello from the sales teams and everything will be perfect
David Yatah: Beautiful items at Zara Home, true to the brand.
Nicauw “Nicauww”: Extremely friendly store, very pleasant to visit. It is very cozy and chic.The products offered are all fashionable, many things make you want to.They also offer a children's department, with various wooden toys in the best taste.
Smy Sam: Nice store with the very nice and famous Zara Home items. However, there is not a lot of choice... We quickly go around. Moreover, that day in any case, the sellers were not very friendly, no hello, no request for advice, yet not busy. Nothing bad, but not very warm. For my part, following this visit, I therefore prefer to focus on the website where there are many more nuggets... Too bad.
Marine: Very nice store, very elegant and airy.Possibility to buy tableware, decorations, bathroom essentials, toys and decoration for children.
isabelle Monteil: Shop very well kept, very good welcome and advice! I was able to find the perfect bed linen items there!
Aude Hanus: ce jour était très désagréable avec un service déplorable:1. On nous réprimande parce qu’on met de côté nos articles près de la caisse (là où une collègue les mettaient pour nous… Mais l’endroit ne convenait visiblement pas à Madame qui a tout déplacé
Léa Qv: I love this store. You will find everything you need to decorate your home. Very nice building and very nice products. It smells good and the saleswomen are smiling. I recommend without hesitation.
Christine ALEXANDRE: Very nice store but on the service side, kind limit, at least that day!
Philippe Staelen: Open this Ascension Thursday. Very good choice and reasonable prices
Florent Macrez: Proposal if you want to rename the brand: 99
Morgane C.: .Or je ne serai pas là pour donner mon colis aux transporteurs et je n'ai plus trop de délai ensuite. Je l'ai signalé, mais rien d'autres à faire. Les transporteurs vont donc se déplacer chez moi pour rien (empreinte carbone merci
Sylvie Davion: Large selection of linens.Large size sheetFitted sheet with wide edge for thick mattresses.Barrier gestures: hydro-alcoholic gel, limitation of the number of people in the store, wearing a mask is compulsory for sellers and customers alike, plexiglass at checkouts.
Antoine Thomas: Always great products
Sarl Aaudrelecc: Seller not very friendly
Nathalie MOLIN: A very nice collection.
Bernard Charlotte: Lots of choices, nice store!

9. Westfield Euralille - Lille

· 25469 reviews

100 Av. Willy Brandt, 59777 Lille, France

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10. La Piscine Museum - Roubaix

· 4137 reviews

23 Rue de l'Espérance, 59100 Roubaix, France

Address Website WhatsApp
La Piscine Museum: what do users think?
Beatrice Wohnhaas: Visited on Weekday Wait time 1 hr+ Reservation recommended Not sureMore
Caroline Tcholakian: Visited on Weekday Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended YesMore
Shilpa Jain: This museum is great. I had a guided tour of this place. The swimming pool is beautiful MESLET: Un moment magique...originalité de la mise en espace des œuvres...un véritable coup de cœur ! A voir et revoir !
Nalg Guillon: Absolument à visiter !Wait time No wait Reservation recommended No …More
Pat Kiwi: Musée exceptionnel au sain d'une ancienne piscine.Prendre le temps de ce poser quelques minutes et de s'imprégner des murs et carrelés.Regarder les sols, les murs, les plafonds. Une très belle page d'histoire.Profitez aussi du bar, ou de la restauration, à l'intérieur. D'ailleurs il est possible d'y accéder sans prendre un billet de visite.A voir ou faire absolument.
Manon Lo: Very good time / fun / tablet for children / friendly staff / must do
Catherine Lauer: One word: beautiful
marina: Visited on Weekend Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended NoMore
Sylvie Laurent: What a magnificent place! Each time we are amazed by the exhibitions and also by this stained glass window bringing a superb light to the swimming pool!
MrMickey279: Really worth visiting
Les Pommes Rebelles: To do absolutely for the history and the beauty of the site!
Patrick Marchal: Magical company outing.An exceptional guideA fabulous welcome, the Meert restaurant just magical
laurent-pierre PERA: Super, a real pleasure, it's out of the ordinary with a lot of works to discover, the restaurant looks nice, but don't arrive too late.To discover.
S G: Rijke collectie, uiterst gevarieerd. Mogelijkheid om een kleine snack te eten na het bezoek.
marc landrieux: A must-visit museumVisited on Weekend Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended Not sure …More
Philippe Isaac: A sort of large 'playground' where the layman of art must find his 'initiatory path' in order to gain access to knowledge...! My stars go especially to the catering staff who, in a certain hustle and bustle, serve you with a smile and efficiency! Remains the magnificence of the place.

11. PAUL - Lille

· 102 reviews

44 Rue Lepelletier, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

12. La Chambre aux Confitures - Lille

· 33 reviews

12 Rue Esquermoise, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

13. Crowne Plaza Lille - Euralille, an IHG Hotel - Lille

· 687 reviews

335 Bd de Leeds, 59777 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

14. Couvent des Minimes de Lille - Lille

· 631 reviews

17 Quai du Wault, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

15. La Taverne Flamande - Lille

· 405 reviews

15 Pl. de la Gare, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

16. PAUL - Lille

· 642 reviews

Centre Commercial Triangle Des Gares, Local 22, 59777 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

17. Brasserie de la Paix - Lille

· 598 reviews

25 Pl. Rihour, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

18. Le Pain Quotidien - Lille

· 699 reviews

22 bis Rue Basse, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

19. Melting-Pot - Lille

· 550 reviews

3 Rue Anatole France, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

20. Carhartt WIP Store Lille - Lille

· 150 reviews

26 Rue Lepelletier, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

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