Best Coaching Courses In Lille Near Me

Color Me Happy, Coaching Balance Sheet De Compétences Lille CLUB GYM EURALILLE Keepcool Lille Numericoach Best Western Premier - Why Hotel - Lille Orange Bleue - Room De Sport Flixbus L'orange Bleue

1. Wall Street English - Lille

· 52 reviews

Centre Commercial Euralille, 59777 Lille, France

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Wall Street English: what do users think?
Laurence de weppes: Very professional and very welcoming training center thank you to the whole team for the follow-up of their students, I recommend without problem !!!!
Eric Caret: I am completing a 7-month training cycle with the WSE Lille. Excellent experience for me: Administrative and practical aspects always settled quickly, staff always very friendly and professional, teachers invested. My initial objective has been achieved and I appreciated the teaching method of the WSE, which I did not know and which allows me to progress regularly. The face-to-face and online mix is ​​ideal and comfortable when you are an employee. Thanks to all of you.
Romain Decool: ; or, ici, les membres de l’équipe (Ben, Lou, Sofiane, …
Lucile chaptal: A great experience! Listening teachers, gold Language Assistants, state-of-the-art support.The story line is super amazing!I recommend 200%!Go practice everyone, it's amazing. I went from level 6 to level 18 in a year and a half. Hello VO, goodbye VF and subtitles!
Karine FRISON: A fun and educational way to progress in English in a caring environment
Rayane Vincent: . Concernant l’agence de Lille, après avoir validé un premier palier j’ai essayé de joindre à plusieurs reprises la commerciale afin d’augmenter le niveau car c’était beaucoup trop facile pour mon niveau. Malheureusement je n’ai jamais eu son retour malgré plusieurs tentatives, j’ai totalement été ignoré. Pourtant quand il fallait que je dépose mes chèques pour le paiement de ma formation parce qu’elle n’arrivait pas à me faire payer en ligne, j’ai littéralement été harcelé. Formation inutile et commerciale malhonnête.(Translated by Google
tof christophe: An opinion for people who may still have questions. Wall Street English LILLE I don't even know how to talk about them, their kindness and their professionalism largely meet my expectations.The teachers are as kind as I have ever encountered in my environment.The teachers are listening to their student and frankly it's huge at times I wanted to stop but listening to them always told me NO AND NO continue.Thanks again to you and especially SOFIANE for having convinced me.
Aymeric Leroy: I took lessons for several months at the center of Lille. I found a team available, attentive and above all very professional. Congratulations to the WSE Lille team
la bonne parole: hello the online courses are given from a platform in the teacher understands you not difficult to learn and especially to understand the instructions 3000 € for training on a platform...
Laurence Virot: I highly recommend the training by the Wall Street English Lille center. I did a 9-month long training thanks to a CSP. From the welcome, to the advisers and to the teachers only positive, no judgment on your level, only benevolence, support and encouragement and yet it is not easy to get back to lessons after more than 30 years without real convenient. Lessons at your own pace in video, face-to-face meetings with teachers whose mother tongue is English, regular exchanges with advisers to have your feelings and your progress. Really, sign up, you won't regret it! Good luck!
Marie-Bérengère GUILBAUD: . J’ai apprécié le suivi et les conseils de l’équipe de Lille. La plateforme en ligne est très bien pensée, les cours et exercices très bien faits et les encounters en ligne parfaits également ! J’ai apprécié le fait de pouvoir tout faire en ligne (super pratique quand on est en activité
Olivia Deprez: Excellent training organization, professional and attentive. The training team is excellent and adorable, the same for the reception team, always smiling and giving good advice. I can't wait to finish my training, so much do I love coming to WSE Lille for my encounters or the various activities set up and always related to current events, which are always very good moments of exchange in a very good atmosphere.
LAURE FIEVET: I highly recommend this organization, I took courses for 6 months thanks to the CPF. The video exchanges with only English-speaking teachers, and people from all over the world really help to feel more comfortable speaking. Classes are fun to take. At the end, a certification is proposed, I am delighted with the result obtained. All the people met in the center or on the platform are at the top. The only negative point for me is the difficulty in reaching the "commercial" who follows your file. Not enough available.
a b: (Translated by Google
Liam nouh: Hello There is one thing that this training center forgot to tell you when signing the contract Which amounts to more than 3000 € Online courses are done from a platform in Africa. So when you have online lessons and you couldn't make yourself understood and the teacher can't speak French to explain it's very complicated. Today a report has been made to the services concerned. Best regards
mathis doyer: Good service. I level up faster than I want!The staff is very sympathetic!I love this method of work.
Perrine Ctn: I made contact in order to be able to pass and prepare my TOEIC. After doing a first online test, I have not received any news despite my numerous reminders and those of my CSP advisor. Big lack of professionalism. I'm so disappointed.
Audrey Spruyt: It is an excellent hybrid English course. Based on natural learning, it is a formula that combines both face-to-face and distance education. A progression that is fast and efficient. We approach different themes, different accents, the content is rich, playful and serious at the same time. I was able to choose my rhythm according to my availability, I was even able to do an intensive rhythm. We meet different teachers with an instruction never to switch to English which allows a real immersion. It is with pleasure that I would continue the adventure.
Anne Ratayzyk: A nice team!And with WSE, I got my TOEIC!
A. Jan: Method at the top, no regrets.Pedagogical follow-up is high despite the COVID. Cheer!
Benjamin Boval: Positive:Communication,Professionalism,Quality

2. Cple Langues - Course Language Foreign À Lille - Lille



· 6 reviews

58 Rue de l'Hôpital Militaire, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

3. Ef Séjours Linguistiques - Lille

· 111 reviews

2 Rue Saint-Jacques, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

4. Coaching Ways France - Lille

· 8 reviews

Métro Porte de Valenciennes, 50 Rue Jean Jaurès, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Coaching Ways France: what do users think?
Katia LF: Excellent human adventure, I recommend ++++ Coaching Ways to train you in the profession of Coach Pro.6 months already that I am certified; I miss the pedagogy, the quality of the speakers, the monthly appointment of 3 days for 7 months....I continue to train in a complementary field, in a really qualified school and yet, which is not at the level of Coaching Ways, that is to say.There is no doubt about this school.For those who sign up for a coach training, I have only one advice: "Let yourself be carried away by the process" 🤗
Marianne TORREBORRE: In the top ! Exceptional training!
Ahmed .B: An essential school to train as a coach. Training uses collective intelligence. Finally, the learning process is based on immersion which makes it possible to very quickly identify areas for improvement.
Safya BARNAGA: Je recommande sans hésiter et je continuerai à me former chez Coaching Ways à chaque fois que j'en aurai besoin.(Translated by Google
Nicolas HACHET: The "Keys to Coaching" training gave me the opportunity to open up to Coaching techniques and ICF skills, to experiment with them on myself and on my peers, and thus to evolve as a person and so as a Professional Coach.Other training courses are also provided at the same location
Valérie BD: Excellent pedagogy with involved and experienced trainers!

5. Color Me Happy, Coaching Balance Sheet De Compétences Lille - Lille

· 12 reviews
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Color Me Happy, Coaching Balance Sheet De Compétences Lille: what do users think?
Hélène Fontaine: Le bilan de compétences en compagnie de Virginie a été un accélérateur vers un monde professionnel que je désirais tant. Cet accompagnement m'a permis de poser clairement ce qui est important pour moi personnellement et l'inclure dans ma vie professionnelle future. C'est au cours du bilan que j'ai créé ma micro entreprise dans le domaine de la création, un domaine que je ne m'etais jamais permise d'explorer. Virginie est un véritable guide, une personne ouverte et dynamique qui à su s'adapter aux situations que je vivais pour m'aider à construire mon projet.Un bilan en douceur, bienveillance et optimisme !
Hélène Genay: Ce bilan de compétences effectué avec Virginie a été pour moi un véritable tremplin pour fermer un chapitre de ma vie qui ne me convenait plus et en commencer un nouveau en confiance. Nous avons réalisé une véritable introspection qui m'a permise de comprendre qui j'étais, mes forces et ce que je souhaite trouver dans mon travail, ainsi que de soulever des freins psychologiques dont je n'arrivais pas à me défaire.Virginie a été présente pour moi au moment où j'en avais besoin, avec l'art et la manière qui m'ont permise d'atteindre tous mes objectifs. Encore merci Virginie pour ta grande confiance en moi et ton écoute attentive. ☀️
Pauline Leclercq: Mon BC avec Virginie a été une vraie expérience de vie !L'accompagnement a été personnalisé et le temps de séance 100% présentiel a été proactif.Adaptabilité, écoute et bienveillance caractérisent au mieux cette coach de qualité :))Je recommande +++++
Sophie Cordier: Virginie m’a formidablement bien accompagné pour m’aider à trouver ma voie. Une coach professionnelle, bienveillante et pleine de resourcesJe vous la conseille vivement !!!Mille mercis à elle
Kathleen VEILLET: J'ai eu la chance de suivre un bilan de compétences avec Virginie cette année.En pleine quête de sens et d'un métier plus en accord avec mes convictions, cette aventure m'a réservée d'autres surprises, notamment une introspection de soi.Virginie m'a accompagnée avec pertinence, bienveillance et tellement de positivité ! C'est une personne inspirante et qui dégage une belle énergie !Nos temps d'échange étaient riches et vraiment intéressants. Je te remercie encore pour voyage incroyable qui m'a reboostée =)Au plaisir de te revoir et d'échanger à nouveau !
Lucie galice: Merci pour votre accompagnement. J’ai adoré travailler mon bilan avec vous. Relation de confiance. Une belle personne à votre écoute. Je recommande
Carine DORNE: Virginie Pezin est non seulement une coach formidable, très professionnelle et extrêmement compétente mais également une personne charismatique, empathique, aux valeurs fortes qui m'a parfaitement accompagnée et guidée tout au long de mon bilan de compétences. Les outils et méthodes sont parfaitement adaptés aux personnes et à l'objectif fixé. En ce qui me concerne, j'ai initié ce bilan de compétences car je souhaitais me repositionner professionnellement. J'en ressors grandie, avec une confiance en mes compétences boostée et surtout avec deux pistes professionnelles solides. Une belle rencontre, tant sur le plan professionnel que personnel. Je recommande vivement Color me Happy et ma coach, Virginie Pezin.
François-xavier Desrumaux: Merci beaucoup Virginie pour votre accompagnement !!!
Virginie MOUZON: Un bilan de compétences en compagnie de Virginie est un voyage introspectif rempli de bienveillance et de professionnalisme.Grâce à cet accompagnement, j'ai une confiance en moi actée, acceptée, et encrée.Aussi, j'ai pu réaliser un projet professionnel hybride et pétillant !
beatrice cnockaert: Very nice workshop near my tree which allowed me to discover ikigai and beautiful people. Very rewarding experience. Virginie is very professional and empathetic. Don't hesitate to contact her, she gives good advice.
Alice Renard: I had the chance to participate in the Ikigai and Sisem workshop with Virginie. Group workshops are interactive and enriching. Thanks to L’atelier I managed to find my Ikigai, thank you Virginie.I highly recommend both to get to know you better and to have a good time.
SAFIA ZEMIRI: Ikigai workshop! I loved this workshop which was very instructive! Thank you Virginia
Gwendoline. D. S: Ikiga workshop. Claire structured in a nice and benevolent atmosphere. Thank you for this very enriching sharing. I recommend
Kaiss Ham: Very enriching moment for my business creation! I see more clearly in my progress and my ambitions.Thank you for this moment!
Maru Talavera: I took an Ikigai workshop with Virginie. It was an awesome experience!
Mathieu Vandecasteele: 5 months of work for a skills assessment that gave me some very good surprises. The most sought after being a better knowledge of myself and my abilities. All the challenges were met thanks to the involvement of Virginie during the periods of work together but also the preparation of these sessions. I appreciated the human exchanges adapted to my person throughout this assessment. Thank you Virginie, continue and I will not hesitate to give you news in my steps started together. See you soon
Dimitri BRODERS: Great Ikigaï workshop made with Virginie Pezin with the mustard seeds collective last Monday. Virginie brings a good method, opens up the possibilities to then return to what is essential, namely our "ikigaï". Thanks to her.
Philippe Lefebvre: Very good moment of sharing by discovering the "Ikigai" philosophy. Moment of relaxation and personal refocusing. A tool that allows you to walk throughout life. THANKS
Olivier de Labadie: Excellent intervention to apprehend, dig, constitute and develop its IKIGAI. Virginie takes you on a real journey to meet your IKIGAI, I recommend this beautiful, very concrete and rich adventure to everyone to improve their daily life and their life trajectory!
Vianney: Thank you Virginie for your workshop on the IKIGAI, where you manage to give meaning and keys to go deep into the tool and understand its meaning and the associated temporality. Great coach!
celine tiertant: Very nice experience on the discovery of Ikigai !!Virginie is a wonderful trainer who knows how to transmit and listen!!!100% satisfied 🙂


· 214 reviews

166 Centre Commercial Euralille, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

7. Keepcool Lille - Lille

· 134 reviews

417 Av. du Président Hoover, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

8. Numericoach - Lomme

· 224 reviews

Eura Technologies, 165 Av. de Bretagne, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

9. Le Wagon Lille - Coding Bootcamp - - Lomme

· 5 reviews

2 Av. des Saules, 59160 Lille, France

Address Website

10. Best Western Premier - Why Hotel - Lille - Lille

· 662 reviews

7 Sq. Morisson, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

11. L'hache Prise - Lesquin

· 290 reviews

940 rue Maurice Herzog, 59810 Lesquin, France

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12. Orange Bleue - Room De Sport - Haute-Borne

· 77 reviews

292 Rue des Fusillés, 59493 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

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13. Keepcool Villeneuve d’Ascq - Flers-Breucq

· 100 reviews

197 Rue Jean Jaurès, 59491 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

Address Website WhatsApp

14. Union Nationale Ctres Sportifs Plein A - Lille

· 2 reviews

Rue de Marquillies, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

15. Flixbus - Lille

· 304 reviews

160 Bd de Turin, 59800 Lille, France

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16. L'orange Bleue - Libercourt

· 123 reviews

ZI des Botiaux, 62820 Libercourt, France

Address Website WhatsApp

17. Decathlon City Lille - Lille

· 487 reviews

31 Rue de Béthune, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

18. Orange Bleue - Room De Sport - Menen

· 29 reviews

ZAC des 2 nations, Av. de l'Abbé Lemire, 59250 Halluin, France

Address Website WhatsApp

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