Best Dog Accommodation Lille Near Me

H么tel Chagnot Lille Eklo H么tel restaurant Lille H么tel Brueghel Le Waf Flandres Appart H么tel par NOCNOC - Immeuble Priez Novotel Lille Centre Grand-Place Holiday Inn Express Lille Centre, an IHG Hotel

1. Citadines City Centre Lille (Apart Hotel Lille) - Lille

路 393 reviews

83 Av. Willy Brandt, 59777 Lille, France

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Citadines City Centre Lille (Apart Hotel Lille): what do users think?
Pauline rose: J'ai s茅journ茅 脿 plusieurs reprise dans cette 茅tablissements. Au d茅but je n'avais absolument rien dis jusqu'脿 temps que la directrice qui sous entend que je suis une prostitu茅e tout 莽a parce-que j'ai eu quelque amies de passage qui sont venue me rend visite. Et comme ce sont que des hommes il me manque de respect en me disant tout le monde a des amies femmes qui n'est pas mon cas et je n'avais pas besoin de me justifier. Jai 茅galement le droit 脿 ma vie priv茅e mes amie ne savent pas tout de moi mes il se permet de faire une enqu锚te derri猫re mon dos en posant des questions sur mon identit茅 qui d茅j脿 est totalement interdit mes de l脿 je ne dis rien et je laisse passer... Ensuite j'interpelle la directrice qui va a laccenseur que mon amie me connait et de la il dis mon pr茅nom (car il venais arriver) il dis qu'on se connait depuis tr猫s longtemps et de la 莽a se permet de posez des questions a mon amie qui 茅tait tr猫s mal a l'aise car il devais justifier mon nom de famille et qui ne voulais pas sp茅cialement r茅pond tr猫s g锚nant et il se demander qu'est ce qui se passe d'ailleurs ! Ensuite Je suis souvent en d茅placement 脿 Lille je venez dans cette h么tel pas tout la journ茅e non plus car je suis souvent absente pour aussi allez les voies a l'ext茅rieur, et je voyez aussi ma famille a ext茅rieur 茅galement j'allais bossez aussi en tant que femme d'affaire car oui jai 3 entreprises a g茅rer j'aurais pu donner mes papiers mes vu la malhonn锚tet茅 j'ai pr茅f茅r茅 partir de cette h么tels ! et le peu amie que j'ai accueilli on m'a prie pour une prostitu茅e au d茅solez sous entendez !!! Par contre j'ai toujours 茅tait honn锚te et respectueuse. Car je me suis fait un bain huile j'ai dis tout de suite que je r茅glerais la note pour le d茅sagr茅ment que j'ai causez dans la literie d'ailleurs j'ai payez et ensuite on ose me reprocher comme il y avais de huile partout et plusieurs va et viens avec mes amie qui fallais j'arr锚te les excuses et dire les choses. Alors que je leur dis juste c'est des amies et que je ne suis absolument pas une prostitu茅e d'ailleurs si j'en 茅tait une faut bien 锚tre conne pour payez un lieux h茅bergement alors que cela pourrais 锚tre gratuit a bon entendeur. Par contre je connais du jolie monde qui ne viendrais plus dans cette 茅tablissement 茅galement je ferais une tr猫s mauvaise pub a fuir ! Ensuite je rajoute que si c'茅tait un homme qui re莽ois des femmes 莽a serait pas la m锚me choses ! Ne sous entendez pas des choses sans aucune preuve ! Sachant j'ai rien a me reprocher et je vous et m锚me dis fouillez ma chambre puis que vous sous entendez. D'ailleurs a me menacer appelez la police aucun souci je vous est dis car j'ai absolument rien a me reprocher et que votre histoire de sous entendu ne tiens pas la route ! Ensuite a me dis au bout autant d'ann茅e de carri猫re sois disant vous n'avez jamais vu des personnes venir comme 莽a a l'h么tel 莽a rendre 莽a sort excuser moi un h么tel 莽a rentre 莽a sort logique non ? Je suis pas seule dans l'茅tablissement et ensuite il y a pas 10 personnes par jours qui venez me rendre visite seulement 3 a 4 personne par plus pas moins sachant que le reste du temps je n'茅tait pas l脿 ! Donc belle et derni猫re fois que je viens mettre les pieds dans cette 茅tablissement et je ne serait pas seule d'ailleurs ! Par contre le personnelle de l'accueil et les femmes de chambre rien a dire tr猫s professionnel et d'une gentillesse je les pleins a bosser l脿 avec leur directrices bon courage !!!!!
Jo毛lle Caron: Super emplacementPersonnel tr猫s a l ecoutrAppartement tr猫s confortable
Alexis Courtois: Merci 脿 Citadines de nous avoir sauv茅 hier soir!Une chambre gigantesque, un service au petit soin et juste 脿 c么t茅 de la gare!Parfait
Mostafa Refaat: Walkability: Very near to the shopping mall and metro stationRooms: 3/5|Service: 4/5|Location: 4/5Hotel highlights Quiet 鈥ore
Ludovic BERNARD: Mieux qu鈥檜n H么tel, les citadines Apart鈥橦otel offrent le confort d鈥檜n chez soi confortable 脿 c么t茅 des 2 gares lilloises, du centre commercial Euralille, son quartier d鈥檃ffaires, et dans une moindre mesure du casino.Bien 茅quip茅 avec une cuisine et ses accessoires, la chambre s茅par茅e de la pi猫ce 脿 vivre par une porte coulissante et la salle de bain dans la continuit茅, l鈥檃ppartement offre une vue magique sur la gare de Lille Flandres.La cuisine manque d鈥檃茅ration, marqu茅e par les meubles qui ont gondol茅, et la table de cuisson 茅lectrique 2 feux ne permet pas d鈥檃ccueillir correctement en place la casserole et la po锚le fournie. C鈥檈st dommage.Le canap茅 se transforme en lit.L鈥檈nsemble propose une laverie au premier niveau ainsi qu鈥檜n entre sol r茅serv茅 aux petits d茅jeuners si vous avez manqu茅 de courage pour faire quelques courses 80聽m plus loin et quelques 茅tages plus bas.La literie est confortable comme la qualit茅 des 2 t茅l茅viseurs de l鈥檃ppartement. On pourra regretter la disposition ne permettant pas (dans mon logement en tout cas) de regarder la t茅l茅vision en mangeant devant Gilles Bouleau.L鈥檃ccueil est cordial puis restreint 脿 une ligne t茅l茅phonique et 脿 un syst猫me de consignes pour r茅cup茅rer ses cl茅s pass茅e une certaine heure.L鈥檌mmeuble poss猫de une consigne (gratuit茅) fort appr茅ciable.
Cathy X: Tr猫s bien situ茅. Les chambres sont bien avec cuisine compl猫te.
Mango Chinese: It's basic but it's clean and have free tea and coffee.. location is very convenient and good value for money.
mathieu d: Good, well placedno air conditioning, request for a double bed and 2 single beds finally...
Oxanna River oc茅ane: Very clean, comfortable, place to put your suitcases during family vacations馃ぉ...thanks to the staff
Horeta Toufa: Clean room spacious practical kitchenette nothing to say only downside the stifling heat in the room no air conditioning it's a shame
laurent A: et qu'il n'y a plus d'autres chambres. A mon d茅part, soit 3 jours apr猫s, un nouveau r茅ceptionnaire m'informe que son pr茅d茅cesseur ne m'a pas donn茅 la bonne chambre et qu'il y avait d'autres chambres de disponible !!! C'est honteux d'avoir une qualit茅 de service aussi lamentable !(Translated by Google
nicolas mokhtari: There for training in a meeting room.All the equipment is in the room, up to the water bottles.From a security point of view, it's great, you don't go into a mill.Clean toilets and presence of hydro alcoholic gel everywhere.
Sol猫ne D.: car aucun oreiller disponible, il 茅tait trop tard car "seul agent dans la r茅sidence et je ne suis pas femme de m茅nage", dommage au vu du prix mais il a essay茅.Au final, lit b茅b茅 inutilisable mais h么tel pratique plus pour un s茅jour professionnel plut么t que familial !(Translated by Google
Christopher Lefevre: We are currently there, the location is really central, close to all shops and all transport, parking is really a plus, the apartments are really well equipped and clean, I recommend for a Lille getaway
Semiath S.: Nice hotel well located 10min walk from the city center and old Lille, it is clean, the staff are welcoming with private parking its worth it for parking I recommend and there is a code to access the machine coffee for hotel guests
Luca Castiglioni: Onesto
MARIE ALBUGUES: The rooms are not ready at 3 p.m. and we explain that "it's from 3 p.m." normally it's from 3 p.m. for customers! Not for hoteliers!Ah ah they are funny!Well, I'll be leaving from 11 a.m.! Who knows? Maybe 11am or maybe not!

2. Aparthotel r茅sidence h么teli猫re Adagio Lille Centre Grand Place - Lille



路 158 reviews

76 Rue de l'H么pital Militaire, 59800 Lille, France

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Aparthotel r茅sidence h么teli猫re Adagio Lille Centre Grand Place: what do users think?
Gudrun Peters: Schwierig zu finden! Apartments OK, aber wenig Geschirr und Kochutensilien. Keine Zimmerreinigung unter 8 Tagen Aufenthalt, sonst nur gegen BezahlungAber gro脽z眉gige Regelung bei der AbreiseSehr nettes Personal
Ja茂rzinho Yengo: Fantastic hotel, modern rooms, good wifi, close to city center. Great service and friendly staff. 10/10 would definitely recommend 馃槷鈥嶐煉≧ooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Luxury, Great value 鈥ore
Steven Binic: sur petite cour int茅rieure (tr猫s calme donc
mark cutler: Great hotel very modern, definitely recommendRooms: 5/5|Service: 4/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Quiet, Great value 鈥ore
kaothar meziane: Unforgettable stay. I recommend it to you with your eyes closed. Thank you to the whole team for your welcome and your sense of service.
Mike Mab: . De jour comme de nuit vous serez 脿 c么t茅 de TOUT !('mention sp茅ciale 脿 Nordine qui s'est occup茅 de nous pr茅parer un petit d茅j' pour 30 personnes samedi matin.Nous devions partir 脿 7h maxi pour la Gare, il nous a pr茅par茅 un petit d茅j' continental 2h 脿 l'avance pr茅cisant je vous mettrai quelques viennoiseries, kf茅, etc... mais en arrivant c'茅tait full :-
Trevor To: nice room as usual with second door between living area and the communal corridor which screens out all the noise from the corridor. our room faces one of the internal courtyards and was very quiet at night. no pigeons or birds singing early in the morning or drunken crowd.Food & drinks: there's plenty of breakfast places around so think if you want to pay for the hotel one. you can also get nice pastry, fruit and yoghurt from the Intermarche supermarket which is 3 minutes walk away. note the reception can't sell alcohol after 10pm, so you have to go to the nearby bars.
Benjamin P: . Parfait pour visiter Lille !(Translated by Google
Aksho Bya: Very nice apartment hotel near the main square.Well maintained correct surface clean bedding okLacks a few little extras to live up to a real 4 starTissues, body moisturizer, weights in the gym, hammam or sauna etc...
Laurent: Super residence very well placed with a special mention for Adrien who is very professional and adorableVery good breakfastRecommended for your stayA travel agency managerLawrence
stephane poncery: Hotel very well located, close to the main square.Very quiet, the apartments overlook the inner courtyard.Modern and very clean rooms, very friendly staff and good advice for discovering Lille.Thank you for everything, establishment highly recommended 馃憤
leabzrb: Great property, well located and modern.The staff are lovely and give great advice.We had rented a studio: well organized, refurbished and with everything you need if you want to eat/cook there.The common areas are clean and really nice: billiards, table football, self-service games and books, etc.To do again!
Marie Planche: Very good establishment, well located, the welcome is great and the staff very accommodating. The place is charming and the rooms well equipped.
marco: Really very good from every point of view: accessibility, welcome, staff, comfort, calm, amenities, close to the center.I recommend 馃憤
Jules Carlier: great hotel staff at the topimpeccable room nothing to say I really recommend !!!
Eglantine D: Absolutely perfect experience. Location of the hotel ideal, very practical and central to radiate in Lille. Very well maintained hotel, very pleasant, responsive and caring staff.Very good quality breakfast.We will definitely come back.Rooms: Bien 茅quip茅e propre pour et d茅co tr猫s sympaNearby activities: Tous Lille ou presque accessible 脿 piedSafety: Acc猫s a l'h么tel s茅curis茅Walkability: Tous commerces accessibles en moins de 5 minFood & drinks: Petit d茅jeuner copieux et de belle qualit茅Noteworthy details: Des jeux et activit茅s en pr锚t g茅nial pour petits et grands.Petite attention pour les jeunes enfants avec des jeux adapt s a leur 芒ge
Alexandre PAUMARD: The entrance is well hidden, it is an old school renovated and very well decorated.The location is exactly 3 minutes from the main square, quiet street, quiet room.It is very pretty and calming. The team greatly contributes to this atmosphere, no missteps, everyone is friendly and at your service.There is a pool table, a lounge with board games, books, a gym.The breakfast is complete and fresh 15 euros it is a gift served with a smile with a piece of furniture bearing the image of the old Citro毛n tube.Small detail that is important for qq1 who enjoys reading 2 comic book bookstores glued to the hotel and on the other side a chest shop to read his book with his chocolate coffee 鈥ome on, we have to find a point of improvement: a swimming pool? 馃槄Rooms: Complete, calme, confort, la literie est grand luxe, vue sur les toits au 4 eme dans des duplex. Baignoires, cuisine tres fonctionnelleNearby activities: Librairies, magasins, grands parcs, musees, l architectureSafety: Tr猫s calmeWalkability: Ok pour les personnes 脿 mobilit茅s r茅duiteNoteworthy details: Resto 脿 proximit茅, librairies, mus茅es, parc,
-Micka毛l-: Great thank you for your welcome I highly recommend 馃憤

3. H么tel Carlton Lille - Lille

路 617 reviews

3 Rue Pierre Mauroy, 59000 Lille, France

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H么tel Carlton Lille: what do users think?
catherine deghaye: Nous avons eu un tr猫s bon accueilLe bar est cosy et nous avons profitez des planchesMerci 脿 l'茅quipe de nous avoir permis de d茅jeuner un peu plus t么t (heure de comp茅tition t么t)Bonne literieSeul b茅mol, la bo卯te de nuit 脿 c么t茅 avec le va et vient des clients et ceux qui discutent"fort" toute la nuit jusqu'脿 6h
sophie demeure: Superbe soir茅e en famille pass茅e au bar The View: accueil 脿 la r茅ception de l'h么tel et au bar tr猫s sympathique.Cocktails d茅licieux, planches charcuterie et veggie copieuses et savoureuses, vue imprenable sur l'op茅ra, ambiance chill chic et d茅contract茅e.Nous avons profit茅 de cette soir茅e pour offrir un atelier mixologie 脿 mon 茅poux pour la f锚te des p猫res qui a 茅t茅 enchant茅 par l'exp茅rience: tr猫s belle d茅couverte, 脿 r茅it茅rer entre amis!!!!Merci 脿 Dominique et 脿 Julien!!!Nous recommandons votre 茅tablissement avec la mention excellence.Sophie et SamuelFood & drinks: Tr猫s belle exp茅rience gustative au bar The View: de l'accueil au service, des cocktails aux planches, tout 茅tait parfait!!
Ann Claes: Rooms: CorrectlyBathroom outdated
Ren茅 VILLENEUVE: Un peu plus d investigation d explication de la part de l accueil 脿 votre arriv茅eOn a l impression qu il ne faut pas poser 2 fois la m锚me questionExcellent accueil au petit d茅jeunerTr猫s bonne prestation des massagesRooms: Chambre 脿 r茅noverT茅l茅phone qui ne fonctionne pas poign茅e de commode cass茅Walkability: Au centre de LilleProche de la gareFood & drinks: Tr猫s bon cocktail
Myriam CANSSE: Concert aux chandelles....G茅nial !
Rudi Tytens: Mooi hotel op een perfecte plek midden in centrumRooms: RomantischNearby activities: Leuke winkels en restaurantsWalkability: Vanuit de uitgang van het hotel gelijk in centrumFood & drinks: Heerlijk ontbijt
Christelle Balland: Apr猫s le concert nous avons pris un cocktail au bar, l'endroit est tr猫s joli, confortable, la vue magnifique et le service au top
Roland Joly: Nous avons R茅serv茅 pour notre Lune de miel pour notre Mariage le 24Juin 2023 rien 脿 dire super pour tous les services nous le recommandonsRooms: Super pour Un 脡v猫nement MariageFood & drinks: Super bon et personnel 脿 l 茅coute tr猫s vari茅s et rien 脿 redire excellents
Do Ska: Candle Light- Queen.Top.Service: 4/5|Location: 5/5 鈥ore
Ludovic NATHAN: Noteworthy details: Beau spectacleRooms: 1/5|Service: 1/5|Location: 4/5Hotel highlights Quiet 鈥ore
G茅rard Lauret: Rooms: La chambre tr猫s bien, en revanche, il faudrait que les gens fassent moins de bruit (claque les portes - parle fort) soit l'isolation est 脿 revoir ou un simple rappel de politesse et de savoir vivre.Walkability: En plein centre ville tr猫s accessible.Food & drinks: Petit d茅jeuner copieux, un large choix au buffet.Noteworthy details: Nous tenons 脿 remercier l'ensemble de l'茅quipe pour leur d茅licate attention 脿 notre 茅gard , leur disponibilit茅 et accueil chaleureux. Merci 脿 tous.
Regine Liebaert: Notre nuit de noces 脿 l鈥橦otel Carlton a 茅t茅 tr猫s romantique. Le personnel est tr猫s proche et respectueux de ses clients. Nous avons 茅t茅 choy茅.Rooms: Pour notre nuit de noces, il y avait l鈥檃ttention : un grand lit magnifique, des p茅tales de roses en forme de c艙ur sur le lit, des p茅tales sur les meubles et une salle de bain romantique. C鈥櫭﹖ait tr猫s beau, merci 脿 l鈥檋么tel Carlton .Food & drinks: Petit d茅jeuner pris 脿 l鈥檋么tel, avec un tr猫s grand choix de viennoiseries, de pain, de boissons et m锚me du saumon fum茅.
Hans Jan Bosscha: Hotel Carlton in Lille provided an exceptional experience. The central location, friendly staff, tastefully decorated rooms, and delicious breakfast made my stay truly memorable. They have very skilled cocktailmakers too! I highly recommended for anyone seeking a top-notch hotel experience in Lille.Rooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5 鈥ore
Laetitia Carlier: Food & drinks: Petit d茅jeuner au top, tout y est pour tenir toute la journ茅e !!Rooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Luxury 鈥ore
Justine Guerin: They prepared the room for us in 1 hour when it was 10 a.m. when we came to the hotel. We had a perfect breakfast. one night in a very comfortable mattress, no noise at night despite the location. An impregnable life. Everything was perfect, from the welcome to the departure. THANKS

4. Hotel Boa - BW Signature Collection - Lille Centre Gares - Lille

路 319 reviews

17 Pl. des Reignaux, 59000 Lille, France

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Hotel Boa - BW Signature Collection - Lille Centre Gares: what do users think?
Fred Terror: Very good hotel, nice decor, very friendly staff, excellent breakfast with lots of homemade products and very comfortable room.
Mathieu Loyez: (Translated by Google
Abdulaziz Alajlan: 丕賱賮賳丿賯 賳馗賷賮 賵氐丕賱丨 賱賱毓賵丕卅賱 賵賯乇賷亘 賲賳 賰賱 卮賷 賵 賲丨胤丞 丕賱賯胤丕乇 賯乇賷亘丞 丕賷囟丕Rooms: 丕賱睾乇賮 賳馗賷賮丞 賵賱賰賳賴丕 囟賷賯丞 丕賱賲爻丕丨丞Safety: 丌賲賳 噩丿丕 賵丕賱賲賵馗賮賷賳 禺丿賵賲賷賳 賵乇丕賯賷賳
Sophie Ducrot: A very nice hotel with a beautiful decor and a very good location. Local and homemade products. Top!!!!
C mon avis: A nice hotel close to the train stations, the historic center and the Z茅nith de Lille.Welcoming and friendly staff, comfortable and pleasantly furnished rooms on an exotic theme.
Tristan Landry: We had a great weekend in Lille and our visit to the Hotel Boa had a lot to do with it: a warm and smiling welcome, very professional but without being stuffy. Beautiful comfortable rooms, contemporary and ethnic decor, a hearty homemade breakfast with always the same smile to welcome us. In short, we recommend this hotel with your eyes closed!!
Benoit Dieu-Hunin: Very pleasant and enjoyable stay at the Boa hotel in Lille!The strong point of this hotel is its team!They are all pleasant, courteous, attentive, available and very professional.You are welcomed with a personalized welcome. We really feel valued.The hotel is nicely decorated and it is on a human scale. The atmosphere there is friendly.The rooms are immaculate and the bathrooms very clean. They are also fresh.The bedding is comfortable and the calm of the hotel means that you sleep very well there.Congratulations to the maids and housekeepers who do a good job.After my reservation on the Best Western site, I called the Boa hotel for a detail concerning the room. A charming receptionist, Mallory, listened to me and heard me. I am very satisfied with the attention given to customers!One night for dinner, I headed to the bar to check out the menu. I was made a mixed charcuterie and cheese board. I loved it. The people in the evening service took care to know if I had enough bread and if I wanted unsalted or semi-salted butter鈥 Details that really made me happy!The Boa hotel is ideally located in the city center of Lille and close to the train stations.Welcome, courtesy, comfort, friendliness鈥 In short, you really feel good in this hotel.I highly recommend the Boa hotel in Lille and I will return with pleasure!
Daniel Clerc: Island of calm and delicacy. Perfect service and rooms.THANKSRooms: Grandes chambres tr猫s fournies et confortable.Tr猫s grande salle de bainServices parfaitSafety: Calm茅 et secure
boukerma laila: Hotel very well located, clean with a very nice decoration, and super comfortable bedding. The staff is very welcoming without forgetting the homemade breakfast.I recommend 100%
Toni Laine: Lovely small and quiet hotel. Excellent location and only about 200m from Flandres train station.Rooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Quiet, Kid-friendly 鈥ore
Framboise Frogues: Great welcome in this hotel that I recommend 100%. And the rich local fresh and delicious breakfast.
Antonio Passalacqua: Walkability: Right in the centreFood & drinks: Really top breakfast
Al Hidden: Great location, super-friendly team, comfy room, good breakfast, free drink for not having towels and bedding changed each day! Fantastic. Recommended.Room was perfect for our three-night midweek visit.Rooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Great value 鈥ore
Moritz: Sehr angenehmer Aufenthalt. Freundliches und kulantes Personal. Super sauber und sehr zentral gelegen. Ruhige und komfortable Zimmer. Geschmackvolles Ambiente.
Enes Bozkurt: Margaux hebben we het meest mee te maken gehad. Top service heel vriendelijk en meedenkend. Ons kamer was schoon en wordt goed bijgehouden. Zeker een aanrader.
Adam H: Hotel was clean and staff helpful. We had a king plus a sofa bed to accommodate 2 kids, but with the sofa bed it was very cramped for the room size.Rooms: 4/5|Service: 4/5|Location: 4/5 鈥ore

5. H么tel Chagnot Lille - Lille

路 635 reviews

24 Pl. de la Gare, 59800 Lille, France

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6. Best Hotel Lille - Lille

路 311 reviews

66 Rue Littr茅, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Best Hotel Lille: what do users think?
Bernard Delaloutre: Tr猫s bon h么telPetit d茅jeuner au TopEmplacement parfait 脿 c么t茅 du metro
Nadia Henry: H么tel tr猫s bien situ茅, propre, petit d茅jeuner au top, service agr茅able, je le recommande
Xavier Piscart: Excellent rapport qualit茅 prix, tr猫s propre et personnel tr猫s sympathique
Nicolle Depoilly: Bon rapport qualit茅 prix !!Rooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5 鈥ore
Lumilec electro&lichttechniek: Prijs was hoger dan bij reservatie鈥mdat wij cash betaalden,ineens een nieuwe formule berekend.. raar?Basic kamers,ontbijt was wel goed en voldoende.Aan rand van centrum.
St茅phane Darnois: Service minimum, 脿 un tarif trop 茅lev茅. Chambres propres, mais petite, notamment une cabine de douche particuli猫rement 茅troite ! A 50 euros la nuit, 莽a passerai, mais 脿 plus de 100 euros....Rooms: Chambres petites et sommaires. Douche exigu毛.
Marie Glinne: Accueil chaleureux propre et reposantNoteworthy details: Bon qualit茅s et prix
Stephen King: Perfectly functional hotel. Excellent breakfast and friendly, helpful staff. The shower was a tad too tiny for me 馃槼
Walter Greco: 脠 all'uscita della metro (M1 Gambetta) e gi脿 questo lo rende ideale. 脠 posto in un'area multietnica vivace e colorata, del tutto tranquilla.Le stanze, se prendete una doppia sappiate che vi potrebbe capitare una in cui 2 persone stanno strette, ad uso singola, invece va bene. La stanza ha il condizionatore indipendente. Bagno piccolo, sparagnini con teli e saponi: nulla di che, ma in linea con la categoria.La colazione 猫 varia ed assortita. Prodotti buoni sia dolci che salati.Sembra strano, ma se volete un bicchiere di acqua, devi chiederlo ch茅 al buffet non ci sta.La wifi 猫 stata irrangiungibile per tutti e tre i giorni del soggiorno
J茅r茅my FLORIMOND: Bien en tous points, tr猫s bon accueil et chambre propre. N茅anmoins, ne n茅gligez pas le stationnement de votre v茅hicule et prenez le box que l'on vous propose 脿 l'accueil sous peine de voir votre v茅hicule (peut 锚tre) vandalis茅. 2 pneus crev茅s pour ma part en ayant laiss茅 la voiture 脿 c么t茅 de l'h么tel sur un stationnement public, le quartier est apparemment connu pour ce genre de probl猫me.
Emeline Noureau: .Niveau chambre, c est correct pour le prix pay茅.Le petit d茅jeuner est pas mal.Point faible : l ext茅rieur avec des personne qui tra卯nent et font leur deal juste 脿 c么t茅 de l h么tel ce qui fait que l on ne se sent pas trop en s茅curit茅. L h么tel, lui est tr猫s bien s茅curis茅, ce qui permet de dormir paisiblement.(Translated by Google
Catherine Ollivier: Very helpful reception staff.Rooms: 4/5|Service: 4/5|Location: 2/5Hotel highlights Great value 鈥ore
Luc Benichou: Very central hotel even if a little out of the wayThe first smelled of cigarettes, but immediately changed by the reception by another.The bedding is top and the sheets silky for a good night's sleep.Ask for a room at the back if you want to sleep with the window open, otherwise there is air conditioning.They have a garage at 9鈧 per day.Maybe they could extend the breakfast hours for the unprofessional.Rooms: ConfortableLiterie impeccable
Franck Gevas: Too bad for the location, and paid parking.
Phil Stone: The hotel is easy accessible and they have also reserved parking nearby which costs 9鈧 a day. The rooms are clean but shower was very small. Overall it鈥檚 ok if you are a price sensitive traveler.
Centrale Taxi Lille: No welcome, I turned around
M Daniele Z: La chambre compar茅 aux h么tels pr猫s de Lille Flandres est nettement meilleur. Juste le quartier est un peu moins pris茅. Personnel menager brouillant 脿 9h.

7. L'Hermitage Gantois, Autograph Collection - Lille

路 1473 reviews

224 Rue Pierre Mauroy, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
L'Hermitage Gantois, Autograph Collection: what do users think?
Pierres & Tradition en Luberon: . Vue sur la Rue, au premier 茅tage, donc impossible d'ouvrir les rideaux (voiles
Katia A.: que nous n鈥檃vons pas re莽ue.Le mot de bienvenue n鈥櫭﹖ait pas 脿 notre nom (dans aucune des deux chambres !
mendy_ultra instint: A great weekend in a very nice hotel, staff at the top from the beginning to the end of the stay 馃槉 the swimming pool is really a real plus, the rooms are nice and the bedding comfortable. I will come back with pleasure 馃ぉ
Alexis: If your wealth is sky high, this hotel is for you. Beautiful hotel and perfect service.I recommend
Denis ROBERT: Very nice hospice. A place steeped in history, highlighted with professionalism!
AHGH: This is a great hotel with many pros but also a number of problems. If they fix the problems, this hotel can be the reason for many guests to come back to Lille city and enjoy a luxury stay, including myself.The building is huge and impressive with lots of historical character, and given its renovations, it is a beautiful blend of modern and classic architecture. It literally has places for you to explore, like a little museum, with beautiful green courtyards, old spaces that resemble a classic church or gathering area, and lots of architectural details, including sculptures. There is even a modern bar with nice, contemporary furniture.The room I had was large and beautiful with a unique layout and a beautiful modern bathroom. It had a cute classic space in the sleeping area with French furniture and a comfy bed. Even in the bedroom, there were some nice attention to details such as beautiful French picture frames, wooden walls, and exposed old wooden structures. The hotel has a cute pool and spa rooms that are all modern and nicely designed. The staff were also professional, kind, and helpful. A guy at the reception even gave me a tour. The hotel also has very good access to key areas. Overall, I really enjoyed my stay and will recommend it for a very unique experience.There were some drawbacks too. Firstly, in the breakfast room, although the space was beautiful and historical and even the choice of French furniture was nice, the breakfast itself was very modest with very limited options. All the hot items had below average quality, and the plates and glasses were not as clean as I wanted. But the croissants and sweet stuff were very nice, though overall the breakfast didn't give me a luxury or 5-star vibe at all. Some of the modern art painting pieces across the hotel spaces were cheap and should be replaced with more authentic modern art paintings. In some of the old parts of the building, they have only painted the old walls to make it feel fresh with dark colors, instead of exposing the original bricks, and it kinda felt a little spooky in some of these areas, such as some of the corridors. The bathroom basin was made of a nice stone but was not perfectly cleaned. Some appliances, such as the hairdryer, were old and not up to standards. The same goes for the equipment to make tea or coffee, which were not at a 5-star level. The TV is located in the wrong place, so it's not practical to watch TV. The Wi-Fi internet was sometimes very poor. Overall, more effort is needed to bring a luxury feeling to the rooms, corridors, and the breakfast
ROTA Good morningI stayed for three days for a seminar in this establishment which is magnificent. I would like to especially thank Andres for his welcome. His attentiveness and his professionalism. He found me a solution to everything so that I could enjoy my stay without worrying. Very professional as well as Camille. CheerRooms: Parfaitement d茅cor茅e et TR脠S propreLiterie au topNoteworthy details: ANDRES m鈥檃 trouv茅 tout de suite une chambre de remplacement et s鈥檈st occup茅 de tout. Bravo
Corinne E: Very pleasant visit to this exceptional site followed by lunch at the Ghent tavern. I recommend the potschevleesh to amateurs 馃榿.Food & drinks: Estaminet pour d茅couvrir les plats locaux.
Ognjen Zobenica: Amazing place. Personnel at reception was extremely helpfull and kind.I would like to thank them for all the recommemdations with regards to restaurants and extended check-out. Breakfast had a variety of hot dishes which we enjoyed. Bed was really comfortable and room was impeccable with an old charm. Hotel seemed like a museum so we felt overwhelmed with emotions every time we walked around.
Benjamin Hinojosa: Exceptional experience! To do again.Rooms: 4/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5 鈥ore
Laurence Mini: Very nice hotel. The renovation took into account past heritage with an indoor medical museum, a cute chapel and a magnificent patio. I have not stayed at the hotel so cannot provide any information.I went there as part of an evening organized during a congress.
Tatiana Medina Bruni: et l'emplacement est tr猫s pratique. Le spa est au top, j'ai m锚me test茅 un soin et je recommande 脿 100% !!! Le petit-d茅jeuner est tr猫s bon et copieux. Mention sp茅ciale 脿 Thomas, Andr茅s, Gaspard et Nina qui ont tout fait pour que je passe un excellent moment m锚me si c'茅tait pour une seule nuit, merci 脿 eux. Je reviendrai c'est s没r !(Translated by Google
Christophe Hobeur: se m茅lange tr猫s bien.La literie est tr猫s bonne, on y dort bien et on se laisse guid茅 pour une bonne nuit.Petit d茅jeuner comme le reste, personnel au petits soins, service au top et qualit茅 du buffet tr猫s bonne.Le bar est lui agr茅able, on y est bien install茅 sous une verri猫re vair茅 avec un passage de soleil qui chauffe un peu, choix des alcool assez grand avec un choix tr猫s large pour les spiritueux.La piscine est elle tr猫s agr茅able, l eau y est 脿 bonne temp茅rature, le tout inox reflette la lumi猫re bleu transmise par l 茅clairage, elle n est pas olympique et m锚me loi. Mais on y est tr猫s bien.S茅jour 脿 refaire au vu des prestations(Translated by Google
Chris Cornelis: Prachtige locatie. Veel volk aanwezig en toch geen overtollig lawaai. Vriendelijke en vlotte bediening. Proficiat!

8. Villa Gounod - Lille

路 79 reviews

2 Rue Gounod, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Villa Gounod: what do users think?
Sarah SLAMA: . Le lit est grand.(Translated by Google
Sandi Dinc: Close to the train station and comfortable. Nice patio!Rooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5 鈥ore
phanie: We booked the Charles Suite and we were pleasantly surprised when we discovered it. Suite with contemporary decoration including 1 spacious living room and 1 beautiful bedroom. the little extra: the terrace for lounging at 鈽锔廋lose to old Lille, 20 mins walkI recommend this establishment and I will stay there again with Plaisir.
Cindy Esnault: Very nice room, well located and quiet.Only downside it is very hot in the room especially in this period.Bring a fan and mosquito repellent.I didn't sleep all night because of the mosquitoes.Walkability: M茅tro 脿 2 pas
Mathijs Van Landeghem: Like the room, the little garden, great bed. Only point is that it does get quite hot there.Some ventilation or airco would be nice.
Cedric Debreyne: The room was spacious and the hotel and right in front of a metro stop. The soundproofing vis-脿-vis the street is excellent, well done.The service is ultra basic since there is no reception, everything takes place with codes to retrieve your keys.
olivier bochaton: Superbe adresseRooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5 鈥ore
PEDRO FRAGOSO: Nearby activities: Subway, park.Rooms: 4/5|Service: 4/5|Location: 4/5Hotel highlights Quiet 鈥ore
Nina Rahimi-Barbazin: S茅jour excellent gr芒ce 脿 une 茅quipe souriante, disponible et tr猫s serviable 馃憣馃徎
Mohamed Ouledmoussa: Personnel comp茅tent,disponible et attentionn茅. Propret茅 irr茅prochable. 脡tablissement confortable 脿 recommander sans h茅sitation. Situation g茅ographique tr猫s pratique. Ai gard茅 un agr茅able souvenir de mon s茅jour. Y retournerai s没rement lors de mon prochain passage 脿 Lille
Solo Simo: Excellent s茅jour
Ana茂s Bellal: Superbe 茅tablissement ! Un accueil tout 脿 fait charmant, et ce tout au long du s茅jour. Tr猫s bien d茅cor茅, propre et bien situ茅. Je recommande, n'h茅sitez plus
Fr茅d茅rique Evrard: Excellent accueil.L'h么tel est tr猫s agr茅able,. Notre chambre 茅tait spacieuse et d茅cor茅e avec go没t, tr猫s confortable. Grande salle de bain.La rue Gounod est tr猫s agr茅able avec ces tr猫s belles demeures 脿 l'ancienne ,pleines de charme.comme l'h么tel GOUNOD.
marc coroler: Un hotel familial tr猫s confortable. Accueil tres sympathique. Parfait pour qqs jours 脿 Lille. Idealement situ茅 au pied du m茅tro 脿 5 minutes du centre. Nous y retournerons!

9. Eklo H么tel restaurant Lille - Lille

路 727 reviews

6 Rue Professeur Langevin, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Eklo H么tel restaurant Lille: what do users think?
Vincent Gustin: Simple et bien pens茅... (chambre, confort, jardin, service, amabilit茅,...)avec un tr猫s bon rapport !
A. K.: Guter Eindruck !F眉r einen Zwischenstopp auf jeden Fall empfehlenswert.
Thomas GILBERT: Nearby activities: Parc d'activit茅s et salle de sport (9鈧) au sein du complexe Btwin village.Rooms: 5/5|Service: 4/5|Location: 4/5Hotel highlights Great value 鈥ore
Celine Duquenne: La chambre partag茅e est de 25 euros par nuit. Le dortoir est compos茅 de 3 lits superpos茅s avec une douche, lavabo et toilette s茅par茅s. Il y a un placard pour vitre valise mais vous devez apporter un cadenas. Compl茅ter avec un petit d茅jeuner 脿 7 euros, qui est adapt茅 脿 chacun ( pain aux chocolats et croissants ) avec 艙ufs, pain, fromage, yaourt, confiture, beurre. Votre s茅jour 脿 32 euros TTCSafety: Les agents sont 24h sur 24h 脿 l'accueil, il y a des cam茅ras sur le parking et 脿 chaque 茅tage de l'h么telFood & drinks: Il y a un bar 脿 disposition et une pizzeria 脿 l'int茅rieur de la cours ( voir photo)Noteworthy details: Parking gratuit, jeux baby-foot et flipper 脿 disposition, petit salon d茅tente
Dylan Wenger: clean and cheap and that's all I care about tbhRooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5Hotel highlights Great value 鈥ore
Sue Soussain: Prima plek, klein prijsje en kleine kamer maar voor een nacht helemaal ok! Personeel is altijd vriendelijk en hulpvaardig.Fijn dat je in de gezamenlijke ruimte ook gebruik mag maken van de keuken.In de zomer zijn de kamers wel erg warm.
King Kerry: Nous avons pass茅 3 bonnes nuits.L'accueil 茅tait parfaite, tr猫s agr茅able et le rapport qualit茅-prix de l'h么tel est tout a fait convenable.Le personnel tiens compte des demandes et rendent bien service. Ils sont aussi souriants et communicatifs.L'endroit est plut么t calme et l'ambiance plut么t "jeune".Tr猫s bon s茅jour selon nous.Rooms: Petites, avec le strict n茅cessaire, mais tout 脿 fait suffisantes pour des courts s茅jours.Disposent d'une t茅l茅vision.Ouverture et fermeture gr芒ce 脿 une carte attribu茅e 脿 la chambre.Salle de bain facile d'acc猫s avec douche et sanitaire.Walkability: Facile. Grandes places pour garer la voiture et en sortir.Noteworthy details: Ont des ruches et produisent leur miel.
Amadei Antoine: Accueil parfait dans cet h么tel.Ambiance fort sympathique dans les parties communes, chambres peu spacieuse mais propres et le minimum est assur茅 .Mention tr猫s sp茅ciale pour l鈥檈nvoie par colissimo d鈥檜n objet oubli茅 !!! Encore merci
Lucie Leforestier: Bon rapport qualit茅-prixRooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 3/5Hotel highlights Great value 鈥ore
Roy Wilson: A fun and lively atmosphere a nice stayRooms: A bit small but cleanWalkability: Easy walking distance to town
Daan De Vries: Good location, easy to get there with a car. It is also easy to get to the city centre with the metro. The rooms however were disappointing. The bed sheet were dirty with a lot of hairs on it and a blood stain. The toilet was also dirty, and the bathroom door was dirty as well. The room is also very hot (no airconditioning) You can open a window, but the corridor to the other rooms is next to the window, so you loose any privacy.Breakfast was good.
LM invest: Never ever get there ! First the location is very bad, next to the highway in a no man鈥檚 land ! No stores, nothing around.Then, the building looks like a prison. There are fences everywhere.The room is like 9m2 (97sqft), with just a tiny window and of course no AC ! The temperature in the room was 40 Celsius and there was no way to ventilate it.The bathroom is tiny, the shower messy and clogged and the water is constantly passing from cold to boiling and from boiling to cold.The only positive thing ? Uh, I can鈥檛 see any.Even not cheap for what it is !Run away !
Alli G (CrazyGerbilGirl): Broken Shutter, letting in light, Broken bedside light and Shower, hot and stuffy room as the Air conditioning wasn't working too well. The Bed was also quite hard and I didn't feel particularly Safe going outside Room. Wouldn't recommend.
Gerard Robertson: This hotel suited our needs well, as we are travelling by bicycle with the occasional train. It was close to the station and easy to get to.The rooms are compact but adequate. The absence of air conditioning might be a problem in mid-summer; we left the window open and the shutter up a little to get some fresh air. It wasn鈥檛 too noisy.We had one of their pizzas for tea and found it excellent. Equally, the breakfast was the best in 3 weeks of travelling; juice, coffee, cereals, croissants and pain au chocolate.The leather sofas in one corner of the bar were comfortable for having a relaxing beer.With the qualifications above, we found this a very good hotel - better than first impressions.
J茅r茅my Tallard: Non,non et non.Chambre sans serviettes alors qu'elle etait cens茅 锚tre pr茅sente.Musique au "restaurant" jusqu'脿 0h30 qui reprend le lendemain a 8h30 au cas ou les gens qui mange sur la terrasse ne vous r茅veille pas car c'est mal isol茅.Le "restaurant" c"est en v茅rit茅 une baraque a pizza-frite-salade.Ne venez pas ici en esp茅rant passer une nuit tranquille.
Pierre N: A tout les rageux qui se plaignent de la literie etc pensez 脿 dire que le prix est plus qu鈥檃bordable, que l鈥檃ccueil est au top et que la r茅ception et le bar sont vraiment super chouette sans compter l鈥檈space ext茅rieur accessible.Certes la chambre est petite mais 脿 55鈧 la nuit faut pas s鈥檃ttendre 脿 du grand luxe.
Astrid Allix: Bien pr juste dormir on s y attarde pasL'ambiance / jardin ect 脿 l'air agr茅ablePar contre decue que le bar ne reste pas ouvert le samedi soir merci d au moins nous le dire le sourire.Son coll猫gue de la journ茅e lui 茅tait agr茅able souriant et aimable
COCO Frindel: H么tel sympa, propre mais chambre et sdb tr猫s petite. Accueil nickel. Pti dej soft, pas trop de choix, croissants ptis pains chocolat bons !

10. ibis Styles Lille Centre Grand-Place - Lille

路 362 reviews

28 Rue Anatole France, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

11. Lille City Hotel - Lille

路 316 reviews

57 Rue de B茅thune, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

12. L'Esplanade Lille - Lille

路 196 reviews

42b Fa莽ade de l'Esplanade, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

13. H么tel Brueghel - Lille

路 285 reviews

5 Parv. Saint-Maurice, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

14. Le Waf - Lille

路 875 reviews

57 Rue de la Barre, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website

15. Flandres Appart H么tel par NOCNOC - Immeuble Priez - Lille

路 64 reviews

5 Rue du Priez, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

16. Novotel Lille Centre Grand-Place - Lille

路 634 reviews

116 Rue De L'Hopital Militaire, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

17. B&B HOTEL - Lille

路 2123 reviews

169 Rue Berthe Morisot, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

18. Holiday Inn Express Lille Centre, an IHG Hotel - Lille

路 745 reviews

75 Bis Rue L茅on Gambetta, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

19. H么tel Campanile Lille CHR - Lille

路 545 reviews

Rue Jean Charles Borda, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

20. Novotel Lille Centre Gares - Lille

路 658 reviews

49 Rue de Tournai, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

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