Best Dry Cleaners In Lille Near Me

Pressing 5àsec Carrefour LOMME Pressing 5àsec R. Nationale Lille Pressing 5àsec Pk MATCH Wambrechies Pressing 5àsec Match le Sart Pressing 5àsec AUCHAN V2 Laverie Speed Queen Faches-Thumesnil Carrefour E.Leclerc LILLE Intermarché SUPER Lille et Drive Carrefour E.Leclerc LILLE FIVES

1. Pressing 5àsec Carrefour LOMME - Lomme

· 43 reviews

130 Rue du Grand But Lomme, 59160 Lille, France

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Pressing 5àsec Carrefour LOMME: what do users think?
Baptiste Pinot: Firm
Bernadette LEGRAND: Nothing to say
Btissam Azaou: Very good pressing
V L: Botched work! But given the staff I'm not really surprised.I left them a coat to clean. When I got it back the closure was broken and left in the pocket.Strangely, you always have to wait for the "boss" to come back for any complaints... And as luck would have it, she's never there.Truly a dishonest brand.
Maxime S: Fourth shirt that I deposit without task and that I recover with tasks!!! In addition today I collect shirts whose fabric looks "broken" as if it had overheated. This concerns 2 shirts, one already worn and one new. If you care about your clothes and don't want to pay for a bad performance, go your way.
Sebastien Lemaire: good job, fast and cheap
Mina Mina: et sans cheveux dessus et je me retrouve avec un manteau degueulasse j'ai juste envie de le jeter tellement tous ces poils et cheveux me dégoûte. Je ne reviendrai pas chez vous mesdames !(Translated by Google
Miloud T.: A clean suit jacket but ironing problems on the sleeves... I'm going to abstain until the reopening of the one on rue de Dunkerque.
Philippe Legrand: Fast and efficient, average price.
Daniel Benezra: When the usual team is present, the welcome is very warm and the quality of service impeccable. It is far from being the same with replacement staff, which demonstrates a poor quality of recruitment and insufficient or unsuitable training of replacement staff.
Poussinette Ob: Friendly helpful pleasant
Jeremy Verstraeten: Decent service
Rémy EVEN: I found my duvet full of stains and/or burns.The service is quite expensive, I used to pay significantly less for down comforter. The latter had already perfectly supported a dozen cleanings, but not this one.Maintenance label always present and perfectly legible.I do not recommend this store.
fabrice lesuisse: Disappointed for the cleaning and ironing coat still full of hair having worked 12 years for 5 dry with the old bosses the work is rushed I would not go to this laundry anymore
Yannick Thorel: Pleasant staff
David DEVANTOY-MANDIN: Reception not always friendly and care often long due to lack of staff
MERIOT VIRGINIE: n'était pas retiré.(Translated by Google
Fx Monard: Staff really not flexible, being yelled at for a ticket is not a sign of quality customer service.SMS service not working...

2. Pressing 5àsec R. Nationale Lille - Lille



· 25 reviews

300 Rue Nationale, 59000 Lille, France

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Pressing 5àsec R. Nationale Lille: what do users think?
Ramzi Houssou: Frankly, zero stars lack, professionalism no commercial smile, nothing that goes in this pressing. I dropped off a set I paid a high price it was planned to remove the stains but as soon as I got home nothing was done they removed nothing for the stains, it was just washed normal c It's shameful I advise people not to waste their money on a laundry, the same thing that's not even worth it 👎👎👎👎👎
Alix Dble: I strongly advise against. I deposited a dress of great value with a pleating held by a golden ring. My dress was returned to me without it. The lady is particularly unpleasant and without any empathy. She explains to me that "these are the risks" even though I was not notified at all when I dropped off the dress.I am absolutely shocked by the lack of professionalism of this person because no financial compensation is offered to me and above all I have to insist that she look for the object, which apparently required a significant effort from her. I am furious: I strongly cancel !!!!!Service:Special care fabric cleaning
Welschbillig Charles: 5 stars mainly for the caring person who agreed to wait for me beyond his hours!A courtesy that is lost these days!THANKSService:Clothes pressing
Sophie Schouten: First day of work, I have to have my only suit from the box well ironed, so I go to this laundry, notifying the vital importance for me of this suit and leaving my number. I'm leaving the suit on Monday for an appointment on Wednesday at 8am. I am asked to pick it up on Tuesday afternoon, which is great for me. Only on Tuesday when I arrive the laundry is closed. No notes, nothing at all. It is unacceptable. I did leave my contact details saying that if there is any problem I came to pick up my costume and no one called me and I was in very bad shape for the first day. Thank you 5 to 7, you never saw me again. I see that your opinions are negative and it is well deserved.Happy new year.
Justine Couilleaux: I dropped off a black coat to clean and when I got it back it was in exactly the same condition with lots of stuffed animals and hair… in short I wouldn’t go back thereService:Clothes pressing
Victorien Bigourdan: TPE does not work, friendliness seems to pay off, does not even help to fold up clothes... Pressure to flee.
Romain Novelli: Welcoming bordering on hostility
Joachim Loeb: Top notch staff and service
Jason Pugnet: Efficace, rapide et professionnel
marie Mapi: Très bon accueil aimable, souriant et efficace. Retour de prestation de qualité
Tony S.: Positive:Professionalism,Quality,Responsiveness,Value
MAX MAX: Femme très gentil et accueil ,merci très bon travaille !
Дмитрий Левенец: Très mauvaise qualité.
G Bailly: A FUIR ! Manteau de qualité, 70 % laine, rendu feutré, même les coutures des boutons sont abîmées ! la doublure dépasse du manteau ! les coutures des ourlets sont tirées ! mon manteau n'a plus aucune tenue. Acheté plus grand pour pouvoir mettre une veste dessous, je n'arrive plus à le mettre, il manque de la longueur aux manches ... Une "responsable" qui conseille de faire une "réclamation" et c'est elle même qui donne un avis, négatif !!! une farce ! Au vu de son comportement, elle ne doit pas faire la différence entre un vêtement de qualité et un autre. ILS SONT RESPONSABLES DES VETEMENTS PRIS EN CHARGE, ARTICLE 1789 DU CODE CIVIL, dixit une association de consommateur rattachée à un syndicat. Et je ne vous décris pas ici le manque de rigueur, de protocoles à l'intérieur de ce pressing contrairement aux autres, et sa vétusté. C'est sans doute pour cela que mon manteau a dû être lavé au lieu d'avoir eu un nettoyage à sec ! LAMENTABLE ce manque de professionnalisme !
Fanny Sikora: Aucun professionnalisme....manteau mis à nettoyé ac gros boutons métallisés...2 boutons de moins, les autres abîmes!evidement, pas de garantie...pressing à fuir!
Adel Abdelmalek: Service:AlterationsPositive:Professionalism
Mathieu Puyssegur: Ils se trompent dans les vêtements, j'ai deux pull en moins et un nouveau jean... A fuir car aucun professionalisme
Josselin Labbe: Le 3 septembre je dépose un blouson en cuir pour un nettoyage/rafraichissement, on me prévient que ça va prendre du temps car ce n'est pas fait au magasin mais envoyé chez un prestataire (envoie et retour le mardi). Pas de nouvelles je rappelle le 1 octobre... 1 mois plus tard quand même. Le cuir a été renvoyé au magasin, rien n'a été fait car il y aurait un problème au niveau de la manche. Il y avait effectivement une toute petite déchirure au niveau d'une manche sur un centimètre. On me dit qu'il faut d'abord le réparer avant de faire quoique. Comme en un mois il ne s'est rien passé, je veux récupérer le cuir. On me rend le cuir en me disant que je ne peux pas être remboursé tout de suite. Je constate que toute la manche est déchirée au niveau de la poignée. Que s'est-il passé? Personne ne sait. Une employée me dit que la patronne du magasin ("qui est très occupée et qui n'est pas souvent là") doit me rappeler dans l'après-midi. Mardi après-midi : pas de nouvelles. Mercredi : pas de nouvelles. Jeudi je rappelle : "oui oui elle a votre numéro elle vous rappelle. Jeudi : pas de nouvelles. Vendredi je rappelle et je deviens très très insistant, très lourd même, je finis par l'avoir au téléphone. "On va le réparer et vous remboursez,... " Le 26 octobre je rappelle et on me prévient que le cuir est à Paris pour être réparé et qu'ils l'ont reçu que le 22 oct. Mais que s'est-il passé entre le 4 octobre et le 22 octobre? ça va durer encore combien de temps? Ouf j'ai fini par récupérer mon cuir le 31 octobre. Voilà j'emmène un vêtement le 3 septembre pour un nettoyage et presque 2 mois plus tard je le récupère (j'envoie quelqu'un parce que j'avais été patient mais en cas de nouveau pépin j'aurais été agressif), pas nettoyé, et avec des coutures dégueulasses sur le revers de la manche. Merci Madame Touret. Merci Pressing 5à sec de la rue Nationale. Merci pour tout.
c Brt: Deux costumes rendus totalement froissés. Inacceptable. Derniere fois que je vais chez eux.
Alexandre ALTES: Une veste blazer de haute gamme détruite par leurs "soins"(soit disant "juste un peu froissée"....complètement fichue après avis expert)Une véritable escroquerieFuyez !(ps : 1 étoile parce qu'on ne peut en mettre zéro...cette enseigne devrait fermer)
Hermes Transport: Thank you Madam for your professionalism.I had an hour to iron a suit, shirt and tie.You assured. Big thanks

3. Pressing 5àsec Pk MATCH Wambrechies - Wambrechies

· 14 reviews

471 Rue de Quesnoy, 59118 Wambrechies, France

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4. Pressing 5àsec Match le Sart - Flers-Breucq

· 12 reviews

Centre Commercial Match, 140 Rue Jean Jaurès, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

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Pressing 5àsec Match le Sart: what do users think?
Ines Nasseri: Service impeccable. Personnel très souriant et agréable et accueillantService:Laundry wash fold
gregoire warin: je dépose ce jour du linge pour du repassage. L'employée du jour qui se plaint régulièrement d'être seule et débordée, très désagréable, me répond qu'il faut attendre 10 jours ......C'est la seule à être aussi désagréable et ça ne me donne plus envie d'y retourner alors que les autres sont très sympas. La direction du magasin devrait mieux choisir les gens qu'elle emploie.
Delphine Lanseman: Super satisfaite de ce pressing, très bon accueil , je craignais de laisser certains vêtements delicats dans un pressing, mais ravie du résultat et du travail fourni, je recommande ++Service:Special care fabric cleaning
Nadia Lasmi: Ravie de la prestation. Je reviendrais dans hésiter.Service:Clothes pressing
vanessa pavy: Super accueil et bon travail je recommande ! 👍
Marie Emeline Rethy: Très recommande vivement.. très bon travail.Services:Special care fabric cleaning,Ironing
Loubna: Accueil souriant et du très bon travail !! J’y retourneraiMerci à vous pour la rapiditéService:Ironing
Mailys Munier: un bon magasin, un bon accueil je recommande !!Service:Special care fabric cleaning
Domitille & Jean-Sébastien Mulliez: Bonjour, s'il vous plait et Merci ne font pas partie du vocabulaire de la commerçante ... encore moins le sourire ...Elle est "cachée" au fond de sa boutique derrière ses machines et met un temps fou pour venir "accueillir" les clients ... Connait-elle au moins ce mot ?!Elle ne peut noter ou remonter aucune remarque face à du travail mal fait. Rien n'est de sa faute !Le seul avantage : la rapidité.Allez plutôt au Pressing du Pharos : ce n'est pas loin ! Travail impeccable et, cadeau, ils sont aimables et souriants !
Boez Bertille: Nouveau Personnel particulièrement désagréable, à la limite du manque de respect.Visiblement « bonjour, merci, au revoir » ne font pas partie de son vocabulaire usuel.Délais de pressing très corrects mais médiocrité du travail effectué : traces de repassage visibles, étiquettes de pressing agrafée dans le tissus (avec une peu de jugeote vous ne vous doutez pas que de telle manière il y aura des traces dans le vêtement ??).Je n’y retournerais plus, c’était bien mieux avant, dommage...Services:Special care fabric cleaning,Clothes pressing
krystyna jurczyk: I brought two cushions back to the dry cleaners, when I got them back I found that the yellowish color hadn't gone away, so I asked the lady if it was normal, she replied "I don't know. I didn't wash them and I don't have time, I answer my daughter's messages".I never wanted to come back to this laundry again.
Selma Lena: Unpleasant rotten welcome they have not yet understood that it is the customers who run their shop and concerning the work very badly long waiting time and then we answer you well I put it in the machine if that's it I do it at home once horror flee flee this echope of amateursService:Special care fabric cleaning
clemence konieczny: To flee !!! They gave me back my coat full of traces and after 6 weeks of battle I am told that it is wear and tear… surprisingly there were no traces before they were washed!The costume was returned to me with an iron mark but here again it is wear!Service:Clothes pressing
Emilie SL: 2 negative experiences: for my goose feather duvet, price on the window 19 euros for cleaning I am told 30 euros at reception without guarantee of results "you know even we only go through the washing machine, no products specials, we are not sure of the result"... and this day for a beret / cap for dry cleaning: "oh no we can't wash it for you, it's real leather and real linen... "other than that, what are you good for????
Rémi Speybroek: Very nice staff
Karim AISSANI: pour nettoyer ma doudoune et mon manteau pour moins de 10€ par article !Service au top(Translated by Google
Bachelet Fernand (RAVACHOL): Very friendly staff...
Edith Petit: Unpleasant welcome for my two visits only positive point: it is located near other shops and parking
Fidele mbag mbag: Friendly, efficient, highly recommended.
Philippe LUTUN: No complaints. Very good contact with the person I had already dealt with at the Wasquehal shopping center. Professional, smiling, I enjoyed putting down my work clothes. I hope I will have the same service in the next outlet.
florine danjou: Too bad we can't put zero stars!! Rarely mediocre, my husband dropped off his wedding suit for a simple cleaning and got it back damaged, it's a shame.

5. Pressing 5àsec AUCHAN V2 - Hôtel-de-Ville

· 31 reviews

Centre commercial Villeneuve 2, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

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Pressing 5àsec AUCHAN V2: what do users think?
yannis yc: Very disappointed as it disappeared
Martial Charlet: Why is the laundry closed?
Farid: Pseudo professional, I took a suit from a big brand and I recovered this one with the damaged pants, several tears present on this one.Totally unacceptable for dry cleaning.Avoid absolutely if you do not want to recover your damaged clothes.Also the staff is very rude it's a shame.Service:Clothes pressing
DOUNIA DD: people who are unpleasant I brought my coat back for a few coffee stains they told me on the phone that it can be dealt with without worry results of the races I end up with a yellowish stained coat I am offered no refund or anything at all never again! !!!!Service:Clothes pressing
MOHAMMED BAGHDAD: Complaint made for more than a month on a damaged item .. still unanswered !!!Service:Laundry wash fold
Margaux Skrzypczak: I came to drop off a coat for a simple cleaning, I recovered it still stained and full of hair.. I doubt that anything has been done!Go your way, you will save your money!Service:Clothes pressing
André Lerouge: We put back our double curtains from heytens first cleaning at 5 a sec from V2 they did not put it back damaged and some torn side, we can see very well that it was done by their Machine, professional error, as a pretext he there would be bad threads in our double curtains, heytens curtains,To anyone who has had the same inconvenience let us know.Service:Drapery window cover cleaning
Corine Dodin: sans prévenir au dépôt du linge.Aimable comme une porte de prison.(Translated by Google
Anna Birds: .Une honte pour le personnel et pour les clients. Inadmissible.(Translated by Google
zianne grevot: Scam. To avoid.The fact that I am told that the stains are not recoverable is one thing. But getting my jacket apparently washed twice, which stinks so hasn't even been washed, is another. For 7 euros of washing for 1 garment that has not even been washed, it's cheekyIn short, was not going down there.
Theo Pesques: Personal extremely unpleasant and haughty!Pressure to avoid!
Paul Francomme: I have never known such an incompetent pro he destroyed my clothes I had to buy everything back I am deeply disappointed 😥Service:Alterations
Rudy Legrand: alors que je voulais juste le laver. Vous êtes vraiment incompétente et irresponsable, aucune politesse de votre part. L’échange que j’ai eu avec vous était particulièrement horrible ayant l’impression d’être seul face à ce problème que vous avez vous même créé ! J’ai payé votre prestation pour finalement repartir acheté un manteau .. mon souhait est que vous fermiez , pour que personne ne vivent ce que je suis entrain de vivre actuellement. Je poursuivrais jusqu’à ce que justice soit faites(Translated by Google
Amel: My mother has been coming to this laundry for more than 20 years. I come there Monday 13/12/21 at 6:00 p.m. The person who receives the public is particularly unpleasant and long!Two people in front of me, the minutes go by. The person before me gives his name for the client file, the employee does not understand. So the client offers to write it down, something she took particularly badly. I then said to her "Ms. you don't have a mask? ". She shows it to me during her shot 😮 and tells me that with the plexiglass she doesn't need it. If a plexiglass avoided contamination it would have been known for a long time!In short, given the unpleasant person, I decided to go and have my coat cleaned elsewhere.
Sam: Saleswoman very unpleasant, not smiling and aggressive. I point out that there is a blemish on my coat that wasn't there before I dropped it off, she gets angry and accuses me of wanting "insurance money" in broken French and an attitude very aggressive. She threatens me to call security while she herself is literally yelling at me. I really regret the old ones of this establishment, I had been going there for more than 20 years but this was the last.
sonia Suis moi !: Very warm staff. Job well done
nine pisacic: came that day, in the morning like every other day, not a hello, not a smile.dry cleaning is not just ironing, it is also welcoming, selling and offering.imperative to flee.
Flore Thibaut: Hassle-free emergency cleaning
Maxence Delattre: Professional and fast service.
Laurent Louchet: Friendly welcome
ines malleval: Good pressing

6. Laverie Speed Queen Faches-Thumesnil - Lille

· 11 reviews

9 Rue Paul Lafargue, 59155 Faches-Thumesnil, France

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Laverie Speed Queen Faches-Thumesnil: what do users think?
Daniel M: Laverie avec du matériel de pro. Lieu propre et agréable. Prix raisonnables.
Umpa: Au top !!! Je viens souvent avec ma maman et tout est super,Les machines sont de qualités, la laverie est très propre, les propriétaires sont très accueillants et attentionnés , ils nous proposent des cafés et du thé.Les larges horaires permettent à ceux qui travaillent de pouvoir quand même profiter de la laverie et le principe de carte de fidélité est super cool.Merci beaucoup je conseille fortement 👍👍
Morad: Franchement super machine puissante et en plus quand le patron est la ,il propose le café avec les gâteaux et la discutEncore merci pour la prestation
sebastien caron: Locaux très propre, machines impeccables, paiement par CB très pratique. Le gérant est très sympathique, j’ai même eu droit au café et petits gâteaux !
Victoire Gros: Excellente laverie!! Cycle de 33 minutes avec lessive et adoucissant inclus. Gérant très gentil il nous a offert le thé et le café ! Je recommande fortement, je reviendrais ☺️
Monia Bella: I recommend this laundromat.Accessible.Low cost.Cleanliness of washed laundry!!!THANKS☺️😉
Zizao Sensei: Home Impeccable clean cheap everything is provided great art
Ark: Incredible never seen a laundromat so pushed clean and very new and modern I also recommend the detergent is included in the price which is aggressive compared to the competition
defebvre jose: Perfect
Hugo Heartgarden: Simple, practical and efficient. It's clean and inexpensive
christophe savary: Modern and autonomous ras lavorama no surprises
DS Justine: First time I went there… This laundromat is very clean! The table is really a plus for folding laundry. The machines are clean and easy to use. Same for clothes dryers. The +++ for payment by credit card. Very attractive prices. Flat to park, I had no luck. Especially with all the sheets I came to wash.
Ali Aldhaheri: The service was so bad the machines didn’t work and they took my money and the guy give me just half what I paid for and they were disrespectful what a shame
Lolo Landeau: , meme les clients que j'ai rencontré sont au top !!! J'y reviendrais, c sûr !!!(Translated by Google
Hafida Boukraa: By credit card very well
Anthony Calteaux: Clean and well maintained machines
Pascal Valef: ,⭐Personnel très accueillant et dévoué,⭐Service supplémentaire (carte fidélité, wifi...
Manon Coppey: Accustomed to going to another laundromat for 3 years, I wanted to test this new laundromat that had caught my attention a few weeks earlier. Result: I will never go back to my old laundromat again, I am won over by this one. Clean and well-maintained machines, extremely reasonable prices, detergent and softener included in the service. Add to that the great sympathy of the manager. Nothing to say except that the experience was great. I would definitely stay here again for my next washes, and I recommend you do the same.

7. Carrefour - Lille

· 3246 reviews

1 Av. Willy Brandt, 59000 Lille, France

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8. E.Leclerc LILLE - Lille

· 970 reviews

2 Rue du Faubourg des Postes, 59000 Lille, France

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E.Leclerc LILLE: what do users think?
alexy59139: A little messy.
DANIEL GILLON: Pour respirer je conseille de rentrer dans un magasin. Une dame me disait qu'en hiver il fait caillant. Triste(Translated by Google
Ludivine Hocquet: Nice staff but much less superior…
vincent vervaecke: Drive rate and store rate not identical.Cheaper at Leclerc nieppe
Corinne Billot: Attractive prices.
jennifer hah: Its dear
Phil Deb: A clean and safe place
Cali Claeys: et 3 il faut penser a fournir ses propres sacs…. ( ayant des difficultés à me déplacer j’avais appelé avant pour connaitre les détails des livraisons mais personne n’a jamais décroché
Yohann Warion: Top for shopping there is everything
Indo Paradize: First time I go to this store I was amazed by the cleanliness and the very organized storage. Kudos to the staff
fréd L: Disappointment in the performance of the bulk products department!A very good idea to have implemented this responsible concept!Unfortunately during my visits every Saturday, the cans are empty...Finally my bottle remained in the shelf like other customers
Guillaume Dada: Sells expired quietly4.18 the stale stuffBe careful or don't go
Françoise Vanasten: Nice place but lacks interesting shops
Angelique Blondeel Leukam: Clean and choice of products
Aurélie Paul: Very well laid out and unbeatable prices despite its location in a large new shopping center.
BeardLaw: Big, bright, good shops, well located, good products. Could do better in the delicatessen department but otherwise very good
inaya ait: My HQ
Methissea Blabla: A large, clean store with friendly staff, but it is unfortunate to have a fishmonger without a fishmonger. I come every week and unfortunately every week I arrive at its break time, so I do all my other shopping and go back. Today, I am nicely told that there is no fishmonger in the afternoon, the latter being on vacation. It's time to recruit, right?
Nathalie Marseille: Very clean 😊 Bravo to the employees and management 😊😊😊👍👍👏👏👏
Miona Terii: Beau et grand centre commercial mais j'y vais plus pour Action et Leclerc
virginie bouchedda: Magazin et galerie pas top trop chaud en été gelée en hiver donc pas agréable de faire la galerie zt les magasins pas top vêtements mauvaise qualité et cher

9. Intermarché SUPER Lille et Drive - Lomme

· 1174 reviews

219 Rue Jean Jaurès, 59160 Lille, France

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10. Laverie Revolution Laundry - Haubourdin

· 1 reviews

INTERMARCHE, 44 Rue de la Canteraine, 59320 Emmerin, France

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11. Carrefour - Lomme

· 2068 reviews

130 rue Du Grand But Boîte Postale 129, 59160 Lille, France

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12. E.Leclerc LILLE FIVES - Lille

· 2217 reviews

94 Rue de Lannoy, 59800 Lille, France

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13. Belfor France - Lomme

· 2 reviews

23-25 Rue du Cœur Joyeux, 59160 Lomme, France

Address Website WhatsApp

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