Best Pregnancy Courses Lille Near Me

Massage traditionnel balinais - Massage pr茅natal et postnatal - Shiatsu Firm Sages-Femmes / Gynecology / Sexologie / Hypnosis Medical / Acupuncture Villeneuve D Ascq University of Lille Gap UNIQLO-EURALILLE Pharmacie du Berger Boutique KOOKA脧 Carrefour Pharmacie Chanzy E.Leclerc LILLE FIVES E.Leclerc LILLE Stand KOOKA脧 - Printemps LUSH - Lille SKEMA Business School - Lille Louis Vuitton Lille KOOKA脧

1. Hypnose - grossesse & pr茅paration 脿 l'accouchement - Hypnose pr茅natale - Lambersart

路 0 reviews

26 Av. du Pr茅sident Paul Doumer, 59130 Lambersart, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Hypnose - grossesse & pr茅paration 脿 l'accouchement - Hypnose pr茅natale: what do users think?
Julie Gregoire: very pleasant and caring person. I highly recommend
M茅lodie Ill猫s: (Translated by Google
Leonie Wolfcarius: Very pleasant accompaniment
Michael Somphanthabamsouk: The consultations went very well. Ms. Chanroux knew how to be clear, put people at ease and quickly started the work.Thanks again
Benedicte Spriet: Thank you Sandy for the quality of your sessions!Your advice, your listening, your benevolence the quality of hypnosis allow real awareness.I recommend this therapist.馃榾
Aur茅lie D: Excellent Therapist! Me Chanroux helped me a lot in my professional retraining... I followed hypnosis sessions, and the effectiveness is remarkable. Sandy Chanroux applies a holistic approach to the person, and gives ways to continue the benefits at home, which leads to great positive changes. Quality listening, trust and kindness are at the rendezvous. I feel a real liberation when I leave his office. Many thanks to you. I highly recommend.
catherine le blan: Nice meeting..thank you
Caro Dve: What a great meeting both on the professional side and on the human side 馃憤 I can only recommend her 馃憤Listening - exchanges - excellent advice - pro in every sense of the word and what a great person!!!
Mourad R: Very good, I recommend 200%! Sandy Chanroux is very competent and professional. The sessions are very caring. I came out of it grown and liberated, I learned a lot of things in a short time. In addition, the sessions are very relaxing and provide a lot of good. A big thank you for your support Sandy!
Marie-h茅l猫ne Cano: A very benevolent welcome, listening and a very insightful analysis. Very satisfied with the sessions and the results. Lots of positive changes for me!
Aude Costeur: This practitioner was able to equip my son who had difficulty managing his emotions. Today I find him calmer and I am convinced that the sessions he had with Ms. Chanroux helped him a lot.
S D: Sandy is a benevolent therapist who helps to face the problems of life but also to find the resources necessary for the accomplishment of life projects. She accompanied me and still accompanies me in important moments. Therapy is brief and effective. I highly recommend
Laura: Madame Chanroux is a very nice person, very attentive and very gentle. She helped me a lot for my therapy. Thanks to her, I think hypnosis is the best medicine that currently exists. I am very grateful to him.
marie buffard: Sandy offers a nice, gentle accompaniment. The results are not expected without special effort. Perfect for regaining your balance quickly and without questioning everything.
Sophie Lahaye: First experience of hypnosis with Sandy who is more than appreciable in kindness, understanding and listening. No a priori neither positive nor negative on the technique: I did not know, except a friend who had used it and for whom it had worked wonderfully in one session.On the other hand, I came very motivated to quit smoking. In one session, Sandy gave me confidence in my ability to say no, stop and I can! Since this appointment, and while I am surrounded by smokers, I no longer have any desire to touch it. I have regained my freedom!I thought about it, I can't say otherwise, but I spent the first week telling myself on the one hand that I was saving a lot of time, and on the other hand that something strange was going on me: I think about it, I see colleagues and friends doing, I look at them and I tell myself that I too was with them before, but... it's hard to explain: the "physical gesture of cracking" or the will of the gesture or the will of uncontrollable mimicry NO LONGER EXIST! It's as if the session with Sandy had removed this weakness, physically! I am trying to understand this mechanism but it fades with the passing days in reality and today, for example, I did not think once of smoking or trying to understand. I was just free!I am happy and proud!The session is followed by the sending of an e-mail with a recording to listen to if necessary and Sandy's advice that it was precious for me to read. However, I did not listen to the session again. I absolutely did not feel the need. But I was reassured to have the opportunity to listen to it again...!!Thank you very much Sandy!
Faustine Tournant: I recommend this therapist. Professional, caring and gives good advice.
Valerie Merveille: Sandy is very professional. At the top very involved in the well-being of its customers
Benoit Cayen: Very pleasant and attentive person. 2 sessions to quit smoking and no cravings for 2 weeks. Perfect !! Thank you!!
Pierre DEMANGE: Smoking cessation counseling. Results from the first session. Sandy is a perfect listener and gives valuable advice. I recommend 200%. Thank you for taking me through this step.
Annick Lelard: Very professional therapist, listening to his patientvery sweet, who knew how to put my 15 year old daughter in confidence.I recommend without hesitation

2. Massage traditionnel balinais - Massage pr茅natal et postnatal - Shiatsu - Wambrechies



路 17 reviews

Centre O SOINS, 22E Rue de la R茅sistance, 59118 Wambrechies, France

Address Website WhatsApp

3. Firm Sages-Femmes / Gynecology / Sexologie / Hypnosis Medical / Acupuncture Villeneuve D Ascq - Flers-Breucq

路 1 reviews

Centre Le Sart - Pav茅 de Lille, 35 Av. du Sart, 59491 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

Address Website WhatsApp

4. University of Lille - Lille

路 59 reviews

42 Rue Paul Duez, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
University of Lille: what do users think?
Candide NGOMA: La maison du Savoir 馃挕馃.
Mervine Nsangi: Combien des pourcentages autorisent-il pour s'inscrire 脿 l'universit茅 de Lille ?
Assoulti Yanis: Un accueil vraiment au top pour les inscriptions je tiens 脿 signaler que le personnel est tr猫s comp茅tent et professionnel d鈥檃pr猫s ce que j鈥檃i pu constater et surtout le retour des coll猫gues et amisBig up 脿 Laurence et Justine hayatte et Thibault tr猫s souriant Bravo 脿 vous continuez vous 锚tes au top
AMP Reliures: Une universit茅 qui propose de nombreuses formations pour ses 茅tudiants, et des aides aux financements vari茅es. En revanche depuis le changement de statut de l'universit茅 qu est maintenant un organisme d'茅tat, c'est un scandale de voir comment le service comptabilit茅 ne paye pas ses factures. Madame Sylvie Raoult, en charge des facturations se cache derri猫re les plateformes de paiement telle que chorus pro, pour ne pas payer les fournisseurs. C'est le premier service public que je rencontre dont le service comptable n'est pas capable de prendre en charge une facturation sur leur propre plateforme de paiement. En tant que centre de formation j'ai form茅 haut la main leurs 茅l猫ves, tous dipl么m茅s, sans r猫glement 脿 ce jours (plus e 2 mois apr猫s la facturation). Le contact est d茅plorable, vous n'锚tes pas rappel茅s, les quelques mails re莽us le sont avec un d茅dain qui fr么le l'impolitesse la plus grande, et en attendant l'universit茅 ne paye pas ses factures aupr猫s de ses fournisseurs. Aux formateurs, et toute personne traitant avec le service comptable attention vous allez vous faire voler. Vous ne pouvez m锚me pas faire valoir la close de p茅nalit茅 de retard. Un scandale, une exp茅rience que je ne renouvellerais pas.
Docteur DUKE: L'universit茅 de Lille, c'est :- Une 茅quipe p茅dagogique dont la quantit茅 de professeurs convenables est d茅nombrable sur les doigts d'une main adactyle.- Une primaut茅 des formalit茅s administratives sur l'avenir professionnel, qui est normalement l'aboutissement de l'universit茅.- Une administration qui r茅ussit l'exploit de r茅unir un nombre de branquignol au m猫tre carr茅 bien sup茅rieur 脿 la moyenne nationale, d茅j脿 tr猫s 茅lev茅e.Et comme on ne change pas une 茅quipe qui gagne :- Une organisation d茅plorable, 脿 l'image de tout le reste.L'universit茅 a au moins le m茅rite de nous pr茅parer 脿 l'incroyable d茅sordre qu'est la France, elle en est d'ailleurs s没rement la cause.
KerayTv _59: Tr猫s belle universit茅
Maroua LACHACHI: Tr猫s mauvais 茅tablissement
St茅phane Henneron: 馃槖
Aakash Malik: C'est un honneur d'锚tre 茅tudiant 脿 ULille, des d茅partements tr猫s favorables 脿 l'universit茅 aidant dans chaque sc茅nario de l'int茅gration, l'茅ducation, l'茅tude, les comp茅tences de chercheur, financi猫rement et des cours de langue gratuits. Je suis fier d'锚tre un ancien 茅tudiant du Master de l'ULille 馃槉. Je recommande 脿 plus d'茅tudiants de rejoindre cette merveilleuse universit茅 pour obtenir des connaissances multidisciplinaires 脿 la fois d'茅tude et de perspective de chercheur.
Kaniel LKrn: Bonne fac mais en d茅clin
RetryMod: Tr猫s mauvais 茅tablissement les profs s'en fichent compl猫tement des 茅tudiants et ils ne sont m锚me pas 脿 notre 茅coute horaires mitig茅 et mauvaise organisation des salles et b芒timents car 脿 chaque fois il faut 15 20 minutes pour trouver une salle
Laurent Allouchery: Tr猫s bonne universit茅
pierre bucquet: Attention pour les urgences dentaire faut souffrir tr猫s fort sinon dehors
Justine Poulin: Bonne universit茅
Bruno Watteau: Tr猫s bien re莽u et rien a dire
Eric No毛l: Lieu embl茅matique de l'universit茅
Kinder Maxi: Organisation pour les inscriptions d茅plorable, une administration indisponible, une honte !
waleedo 1988: La plus rasiste universit茅, je conseille plus pour les etudiants etrangers
Medo Khaled: 丕乇賷丿 丕賱鬲賯丿賷賲 賮賶 賴匕賴 丕賱噩丕賲毓賴 賲丕賵賴賵丕 丕賱賲胤賱賵亘 丕賳丕 丕賰賵賳 胤丕賱亘 賲氐乇賶 丕賱噩賳爻賷賴 亘丕賱氐賮 丕賱孬丕賱孬 丕賱孬丕賳賵賷
Mathilda M: No organization, no availability... Everything is going from bad to worse at this university... Schedules on site always out of step with those on the site, no telephone number for IRs and when you call reception, endless waiting: (...It's deplorable

5. Centre R茅gional de Pharmacovigilance Nord Pas de Calais - Lille

路 2 reviews

Rue Michel Polonowski, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

6. Gap - Lille

路 306 reviews

50 Rue de B茅thune, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp


路 1133 reviews

Centre Commercial Euralille, 100 Av. Willy Brandt, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
UNIQLO-EURALILLE: what do users think?
Jean-Luc PINTO: Refusal to refund an item that a seller had certified to me before purchase that it was eligible for the return policy. I had taken the precaution of asking the question and finally they explained to me that it was noted on the receipt issued following payment. The error of a saleswoman must therefore be borne by the customer....Following this incident I sent an email to customer service which I am still waiting 2 months after the return. Customer service seems to be the least concern of the brand. I'm still waiting for customer service to return, we're almost at the end of March...Mid July, still no response
Fran莽ois bo: Where are the sales??
marie wlo: J'adore ce magasin on y trouve toujours quelque chose
Matthieu Michel: Ne respecte pas les horaires affich茅s
L H: J'adore ! Quel que soit le magasin, Uniqlo c'est tr猫s bien
PINTO Florence: 6 mois que j'attends le retour de mon mail de r茅clamation envoy茅 au service client. La satisfaction client est apparemment le moindre des soucis de l'enseigne. Ce sont pourtant les clients qui la font vivre.
脡ric eric: Personnel qui n'a pas le sens du mot "service"
A S: Encore du 100% coton. Merci !
Sylvain Santer: Quand mon patron m'a regard茅 dans les yeux pour me dire qu'il interdisait le port du short, et qu'on m'a parl茅 d'une descente de pantalon et chemise en lin chez Uniqlo, j'avoue que j'ai pas h茅sit茅 longtemps et j'ai fait le plein de lin de diff茅rentes couleurs ! C'est pas un short mais c'est du lin donc top.. 馃槄馃榿
Kanna The Queen: Tr猫s cher
Marie Macke: Tr猫s beau centre commercial !
Dominique Pinsard: On en a pour son qualit茅 n'est pas au top...
Oliviera Agathe: Les vendeurs n'y sont pour rien et sont tr猫s serviables, les collections sont sympas mais mon dieu que les r猫gles sont stupides pour les essayages. Je pr茅f猫re attendre 20min et pouvoir essayer tous mes choix et changer les tailles si je le souhaite que trois AR pour tout pour essayer.
Aurore Na茂tychia: Sobri茅t茅, simplicit茅. Des v锚tements ind茅modables et jamais vulgaire pour une qualit茅 tout 脿 fait suffisante. Dommage que la partie enfant ne soit pas plus d茅velopp茅e.
Azur: A big Uniqlo shop, can get really crowded during the day.
France Aubert: The strong point of this shop is the general friendliness, the clothes are nice, they are strong on their thermolactyl collection or regulating in case of high heat both on their price and on the materials very pleasant to wear.
袝谢械薪邪 袦懈褉芯薪芯胁邪: 袨褌谢懈褔薪褘泄 胁褘斜芯褉. 袥褞斜谢褞 褝褌芯褌 屑邪谐邪蟹懈薪
Souad Cardenia: Beautiful shop with quality products certainly the prices are high but it is justified
Baptiste Wolff: dur dans le temps et ne s'ab卯meront pas aussi vite que du H&M ou du Primark.(Translated by Google
Virginie Bertin: Nice outfits and very nice seller.
Mike D: Nice shop.

8. Pharmacie du Berger - Lille

路 25 reviews

243 Bis Rue Pierre Legrand, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Pharmacie du Berger: what do users think?
sylvie brunfaut: I recommend, very good welcome, great support, toppp staff
Denis Dziwosz: Professional
Robert Van haudenhuyse: Alright
Steven Prevot: Agr茅ables et de bon conseil(Translated by Google
Patrice Vandemaele: Top pharmacy! Personal, friendly, smiling and competent who seeks to satisfy patients!
AngSoPhie: Very friendly pharmacists and assistants. Good atmosphere & good customer service. Good team !
Marion: Excellent pharmacy that knows its users and the doctors in the neighborhood, does not hesitate to spend time on the phone with a doctor and to get involved in seeking solutions, very good team communication.
Michelle Nina: Very good pharmacy very welcoming 饟啯鈽吼搯狪 recommend with eyes closed馃槉
Virginie vansteene: Superb to listen to
starx noel: Great staff, highly recommend
Gui Lan: great teamthanks for your advices
Mia Ysf: Too bad we can't put 0 stars.No sympathy, no smile.To flee !
Maxime Dufour: Great service, accommodating and pleasant.
Caroline: Pharmacist smiling and very pleasant
Support Boost: The team is professional and dynamic!This pharmacy places the satisfaction of its customers and patients at the heart of its concerns. In particular, it sets up regular and professional health advice on the pharmacy's Facebook page.Thank you 馃檹
Dagga19k: Neighborhood pharmacy with competent staff, very pleasant and attentive to its customers / patients.
Christophe B: very good welcome very professional always a pleasure to see the team
marie salingue: Pharmacy very good, with staff doing their best and smiling. Fast delivery if there is no prescribed product
Julie BIERRY: Welcoming service but less accommodating than before
M G: Bien

9. Boutique KOOKA脧 - Lille

路 3 reviews

32 Rue de la Grande Chauss茅e, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Boutique KOOKA脧: what do users think?
rose: very nice shop, I had availability and listeningI will come back with pleasure!
Catherine Bonte: It's a nice shop with a friendly saleswoman who is attentive to the wishes of customers. I recommend.
Amy: Pleasant setting, top sellers

10. Carrefour - Lille

路 3927 reviews

1 Centre commercial Euralille, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Carrefour: what do users think?
cey sansgluten: Ma visite au Carrefour de Euralille a 茅t茅 une bonne surprise ! Super s茅lection de produits sans gluten avec en plus les nouveaut茅s de la marque Schar ! Il m'a 茅t茅 tr猫s facile de trouver le rayon gr芒ce 脿 la signal茅tique Sans Gluten. 脡tant de passage rapide je n'ai pas pu voir si il y avait des produits sans gluten surgel茅s. De plus, mon passage en caisse automatique f没t tr猫s facile et rapide. Je recommande pour toute personne cherchant des produits sans gluten !
Sans Pr茅nom MINDOMBE NZILA: Ce n'est pas la premi猫re fois que je fais mes courses dans ce supermarch茅 de Lille-Flandres. Les prix sont abordables pour mes emplettes.
S茅bastien Mamalet: Je vais faire des courses de temps en temps 鈱涳笍
noureddine sarar: Tr猫s bon super march茅
Cerise Violette: Beaucoup de monde tout de m锚me
Mohammed Tita: Tr猫s bonne situation au centre ville de Lille. Acc猫s tr猫s facile. On y trouve tout dont on a besoin.
H茅l猫ne Maniez: Situ茅 au RDC au fond du centre commercial, s茅curis茅 et facile d'acc猫s de plus passage en caisse rapide et caissi猫re tr猫s courtoise 馃檪
S茅rgio Heyder: Melhor local para comprar em Lille.
J茅r么me Gellinck: Tr猫s bon magasin
Assoulti Yanis: Tr猫s mauvaise exp茅rience dans ce magasin 脿 cause d鈥檜n agent de s茅curit茅 tr猫s m茅chant et non professionnel qui regarde m茅chamment les clients qui s鈥檈xprime tr猫s mal quel image donne 脿 sa soci茅t茅 et surtout 脿 l鈥檈nseigne Carrefour moi mon 茅pouse et mes enfants lors de notre passage au magasin et 脿 2 reprises reacts agressif et tr猫s m茅chants on dirait qui voulait nous manger en sachant qu鈥檕n est des clients et on vient faire les courses et d茅penser notre argent 脿 carrefour comme on fait tous les mois alors que ce jour on 茅tait t茅moins et assister 脿 comment il parler tr猫s mal 脿 des jeunes filles et aussi il a oser ces mains 脿 l鈥檌nertie des sacs en sachant que formellement interdit le pire qui y鈥檃 rien de tout 莽a vraiment incomp茅tent les filles ont contacter leur m猫re qui est venue de suite et il lui a geule dessus on dirait qu鈥檌l voulait la taper c鈥檈st juste honteux et inacceptable si carrefour ne bouge pas pour stopper le comportement inacceptable de ce monsieur non professionnel on va devoir porter plainte contre lui tr猫s rapidement on est tr猫s insatisfait
Pierre Cortesi: Seul magasin d'Euralille 脿 faire d jouets pour les tous petits et d rayons d茅di茅s aux bonnes affaires, personnels sympas... Parfait
Emy Adamczak: . Espace optimis茅. Rayon presse et une para-pharmacie.(Translated by Google
Elisabeth Kitembo: Amazing with a huge choice
Jean-Marie: Particularly practical, very central with parking. Think about it for a small snack before taking the train.
Kroo Gerald Wilfried AKA (jinuwill): Carrefour Lille has a very large selection of products and a plethora of various promotions.
Nikhil P: Carrefour centre is good as you find all groceries needed.
Martine Laskowski: Du choix et un magasin bien tenu en g茅n茅ral. Le parking au centre ville est un plus.
Diego Akel: Probably the biggest supermarket in Lille.
Wolfgang Peters: Ein kleiner, innerst盲dtischer Nahversorger mit dem 脺blichen, was man da hoc ben枚tigt. Nicht f眉r den Gro脽einkauf gedacht, eher wie der Laden um die Ecke. Aber freundliche Mitarbeiter!
Christian Dhaenens: Ras

11. Pharmacie Chanzy - Hellemmes-Lille

路 36 reviews

160 Rue Chanzy, 59260 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

12. E.Leclerc LILLE FIVES - Lille

路 2417 reviews

94 Rue de Lannoy, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

13. E.Leclerc LILLE - Lille

路 1330 reviews

2 Rue du Faubourg des Postes, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

14. Stand KOOKA脧 - Printemps - Lille

路 2 reviews

39-41 Rue Nationale Printemps, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

15. LUSH - Lille - Lille

路 617 reviews

20 Rue de B茅thune, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

16. SKEMA Business School - Lille - Lille

路 58 reviews

Av. Willy Brandt, 59777 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

17. Louis Vuitton Lille - Lille

路 230 reviews

29 Rue de la Grande Chauss茅e, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

18. KOOKA脧 - H么tel-de-Ville

路 28 reviews

2 Rue Saint-Lazare, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

Address Website WhatsApp

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