Best Psychological Experts In Lille Near Me

Benjamin Bureau - Psychologue Lille Charlotte Huet Psychologue Health Center Adult Psychological Sector 59g23 CGI

1. Benjamin Bureau - Psychologue Lille - Lille

· 3 reviews

55 Rue Jeanne d'Arc, 59000 Lille, France

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Benjamin Bureau - Psychologue Lille: what do users think?
Fred BL: Très bon ressenti. Efficace et pragmatique. Excellente qualité d'écoute.
Melissa Cheradame: Très bon praticien,Pour ma première et seule psychothérapie, je suis tombée sur un professionnel simple, bienveillant, à l’écoute et respectueux. J’en suis sortie très satisfaite et bénéficie encore aujourd’hui des fruits de cette rencontre.Je recommande sans hésiter régulièrement.
ama Gi: Très bon psychologue, avec une approche systémique. Grâce à sa bienveillance, son respect et aussi sa franchise Benjamin Bureau m’a permis de réaliser un travail sur moi même très probant, il y a eu un avant et un après ces séances. Merci pour tout

2. Charlotte Huet Psychologue - Lille



· 6 reviews

18 Rue de la Baignerie, 59000 Lille, France

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Charlotte Huet Psychologue: what do users think?
Marianne Lejeune: Charlotte Huet is competent, attentive and relevant, she helped me at decisive moments in my life, to take the necessary steps aside and to work in the right direction. His human skills, his experience, his training allow him to address different difficulties and adapt to patients. She trained in EMDR, which also helped me get through certain stages, with a lot of kindness! I recommend it around me
Virginie Morant: Very competent and available psychologist. She has always listened.
Jeanne Mq: I am happy to have found a psychologist who is attentive, caring and with whom I have felt good for 2 years now.
Fanny M: Very disappointed with my two consultations because I did not have the listening I expected, what a lack of empathy for a person who is part of the medical profession... Although the appointments are fixed, she does not take on time and we don't make up for lost minutes... I even had the unpleasant surprise of being interrupted in my speech when we still put my heart, my trips on the table only after 40 minutes of consultation telling me we stop for today, we will see that for the next session, I never came back suddenly because I felt more like a cash cow than anything else....
Kevin Imbrechts: Very competent psychologist, she was recommended to me by a friend. I absolutely do not regret having followed this advice because she is really gifted. She was able to help direct me to what I need. Thank you so much

3. Health Center Adult Psychological Sector 59g23 - Lille

· 12 reviews

172 Rue de Wazemmes, 59000 Lille, France

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Health Center Adult Psychological Sector 59g23: what do users think?
jonathan delebecque: I am followed in this establishment, my opinion is mixed, they try to do their best, the professionals are attentive, caring, attentive to their patients, friendly with research and the desire to improve the lives of patients in the face of problems encountered or it is not always easy to provide an answer. Sometimes there are communication problems between the team or appointments canceled at the last moment, the follow-up is generally done correctly.
Audrey Bridoux: Never went to this CMP, I strongly advise against it, nurse who infantilizes us, who speaks to us coldly and curtly, we are not listening, today because of this nurse I plunged back into depression I won't mention her name but she will recognize herself, I think that to do this job you must first be human and have a heart, something that the Wazemme CMP don't have!!!I won't set foot there again, rather die than be followed again in this old thing that's supposed to help us get better
pascal massez: A big thank you for your good advice my daughter is doing much better and I am sure that the interviews with Mr Michel have done her the greatest good thank you to all the staff and thank you to Mr moktari for the relaxation sessions
Pascal Anthonio Brignoli: I've been following this place for several years.I had ups and downs with many changes of practitioner...But now, I have an exceptional person who has helped me and who continues to help me enormously congratulations to the nursing staff and others who must see green and not ripekeeping a smile and empathy is very important that's what we patients ask for first 💪😁👍
Florine: Arrived at CMP for help, needed to talk to mental health professionals, I found myself faced with a man who judged me, didn't listen to me and put all the blame on me . Result; worse mental state when leaving than when arriving + no longer succeeding in seeing professionals for fear of it starting again. Look for help elsewhere, no one will help you there.
Chanelle Berthier: EPSM and earlier special because he listens to us without listening to us I find that the Psickiatrists are nicer earlier than the social worker and the nurse I like them and in addition he does not work on Saturdays so great
Elise: Very long delays between appointments, quite frequent postponements of sessions and if I'm lucky to finally have a session, they are very short.I didn't feel like I was particularly listened to either. To add to all this, the follow-up is very questionable, we chain the interns
Noah Massé: (Translated by Google
Zeny Michely: Un grand merci a mme montagne , une femme en or , qui ma beaucoup touché.
Nori: Certains n'agissent pas professionnellement, préfèrent avoir leurs propres caractères, ne sont pas compréhensifs envers nos soucis mentaux, oublient ce qui a été dit, coupent la parole et nient toujours ce qu'ils ont dit précédemment. Dans ce cas-là, autant se confier à un(e) ami(e) non ? Je ne vois pas ce que cela change...!
Xavier Pattyn: Merci et bravo. Heureusement que ce type d'établissement existe.En ce qui me concerne, j'ai été bien accueilli et bien accompagné.Merci a Madame Hellène L..... Vous êtes top.A bientôt.
Cat Cat: J ai appelé pour pouvoir parler d un probleme pour avis et conseil meme de facon express, au bout de 3 mn on m a tres vite posé la question si je prenais un me demande quel rapport il y a avec le probleme que je decrivais car cela concernait des agissements de manipulation d une personne a mon encontre. Bien que je decrivais un sentiment d insecurité et angoissant, je ne comprends toujours pas pourquoi chaque explications amene rapidement a la proposition de medication alors qu il suffirait simplement d etre ecouté, conseillé pour regler ce probleme. Je peux donc comprendre, suite a ces redirections hatives, les prejuges sur le corps medical et la reticence de certaines personnes a se diriger dans un centre de psychologues. Cet automatisme de penser regler un probleme par des substances accoutumantes ne donne pas bonne impression. Doit on detruire sa santé en ingurgitant des anxiolitiques prescrits a cause d autres etres irrespectueux qui se permettent tout et n importe quoi sur autrui.Je peux comprendre que certaines personnes en ont besoin pour surmonter des epreuves tres difficiles, et bien sur je ne parle pas de personnes qui presentent des pathologies mentales plus ou moins severes, mais je trouve que cette question de l interlocuteur au telephone qui arrive vite sur ce plan psychotrope etait un peu maladroite. Le patient pourrait il se manifester pour cette demande s il le souhaite...Hors dans ce cas precis il m a suffit juste de mentionner le mot "angoisse" pour etre amené a cela sans avoir le temps de decrire l essentiel du probleme.Peut etre a l etat de prendre en charge aussi ces personnes malveillantes, les mettre face a leur responsabilites et ecouter un peu plus les personnes importunees par ceux ci seraient plus judicieux que d embrumer la clairvoyance de ceux qui se reconstruisent et ont besoin d energie par des substances handicapantes a long terme, il n est pas utile de se retrouver en legume latent et inactif, je ne vois de posivité d action en ce sens .Je pense que ce sont ces personnes malveillantes qui sont plus a meme dans le besoin d un traitement et d un suivi personnalisé pour le bien de l humanité, beaucoup d autres seraient epargnes de leurs sevices et l afflux de consultations en centre psy dimunuerait grandement, ce n est que mon avis evidemment. A part ce detail bon accueil et ecoute en seance. Merci
Christine Jeantroux: Lieu de professionnalisme grde écoute grde bienveillance ils me sauvent
Mladen Kovacick: Bonne équipe à l'écoute du patient
Amelie nounours: J'aime pas comment ils sont avec les gens.

4. CGI - Lille

· 57 reviews

8 Rue Anatole France, 59800 Lille, France

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CGI: what do users think?
Julien Robert: Very welcoming and very friendly
Florian Millecamps: .(Translated by Google
Vincent Delecourt: Difficult to find a parking space
Adrien dsx: Very disappointed with this company...
caro friart: I love my box 👍
Owtist: Best company to work
R BILLON: Excellent company!
Demoo59: Superb company!
amelia nunez: Super! Movies are shown in their original language but with french subtitles! Not like in most movie theaters in france, where all movies are shown only translated to french

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