Best Senior Classes Lille Near Me

Residence Happy Senior Lille : Coeur des Flandres University of Lille French Alliance De Lille - Course Of French Language Etrangère - French Ace A Foreign Language Myoxygene Lycée Faidherbe Lil'langues - Language And Cultural Centre PRES Lille Nord de France University Lycee Gaston Berger School César Baggio Centre scolaire Saint Paul Prépas SENIOR COMPAGNIE AIDE À DOMICILE LILLE OUEST Isa Lille Junia Hei Lille - School D'ingénieur Lille ESPOL (European School of Political and Social Sciences) Yes'n'you Sciences Po Lille

1. Residence Happy Senior Lille : Coeur des Flandres - Lomme

· 11 reviews

32 Av. Nelson Mandela, 59160 Capinghem, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Residence Happy Senior Lille : Coeur des Flandres: what do users think?
Laurence Rennuit: Cold and impersonal residence, employees without empathy!
Jean-Claude Petit: Pleasant, comfortable place that offers a variety of activities. Excellent cuisine and very helpful staff.
Sebastien Laurence: Nice place for our eldest
Valerie Warein: Very nice concept very welcoming staff
Karole De meyer: Place worthy of a 5 star hotel! Staff attentive and available

2. University of Lille - Lille



· 59 reviews

42 Rue Paul Duez, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
University of Lille: what do users think?
Candide NGOMA: The House of Knowledge 💡🧠.
Mervine Nsangi: How many percentages do they authorize to register at the University of Lille?
Assoulti Yanis: A really great welcome for registrations I would like to point out that the staff is very competent and professional from what I have seen and especially the feedback from colleagues and friendsBig up to Laurence and Justine hayatte and Thibault very smiling Congratulations to you continue you are on top
AMP Reliures: . Le contact est déplorable, vous n'êtes pas rappelés, les quelques mails reçus le sont avec un dédain qui frôle l'impolitesse la plus grande, et en attendant l'université ne paye pas ses factures auprès de ses fournisseurs. Aux formateurs, et toute personne traitant avec le service comptable attention vous allez vous faire voler. Vous ne pouvez même pas faire valoir la close de pénalité de retard. Un scandale, une expérience que je ne renouvellerais pas.(Translated by Google
Docteur DUKE: The University of Lille is:- A pedagogical team whose quantity of suitable teachers is countable on the fingers of an adactyl hand.- A primacy of administrative formalities over the professional future, which is normally the culmination of university.- An administration that manages the feat of bringing together a number of brats per square meter well above the national average, which is already very high.And since you don't change a winning team:- A deplorable organization, like everything else.The university has at least the merit of preparing us for the incredible disorder that is France, it is also surely the cause.
KerayTv _59: Very nice university
Maroua LACHACHI: Very bad establishment
Stéphane Henneron: 😒
Aakash Malik: It is an honor to be a student at ULille, very supportive departments at the university helping in every scenario from integration, education, study, researcher skills, financially and free language courses. I am proud to be a former ULille Master's student 😊. I recommend more students to join this wonderful university to get multidisciplinary knowledge from both study and researcher perspective.
Kaniel LKrn: Good but declining
RetryMod: Very bad establishment the teachers don't care about the students and they don't even listen to us mixed schedules and poor organization of the rooms and buildings because each time it takes 15 to 20 minutes to find a room
Laurent Allouchery: Very good university
pierre bucquet: Be careful for dental emergencies you have to suffer very hard if not outside
Justine Poulin: good university
Bruno Watteau: Very well received and nothing to say
Eric Noël: Lieu emblématique de l'université
Kinder Maxi: Organisation pour les inscriptions déplorable, une administration indisponible, une honte !
waleedo 1988: The most rasist university, I recommend more for foreign students
Medo Khaled: اريد التقديم فى هذه الجامعه ماوهوا المطلوب انا اكون طالب مصرى الجنسيه بالصف الثالث الثانوي
Mathilda M: No organization, no availability... Everything is going from bad to worse at this university... Schedules on site always out of step with those on the site, no telephone number for IRs and when you call reception, endless waiting: (...It's deplorable
Romain M: (Translated by Google

3. French Alliance De Lille - Course Of French Language Etrangère - French Ace A Foreign Language - Lille

· 46 reviews

2 Rue Bernos, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
French Alliance De Lille - Course Of French Language Etrangère - French Ace A Foreign Language: what do users think?
ELA CHIS SZABO: Je vous en remercie pour votre support et encouragement de suivre les cours de française.Grace aux cours (du Février au Juin 2023) de l'Alliance Française de Lille j'ai obtenu la diplôme DELF B2 auquel au début d'année je n'osé rêvé même pas.J'ai encore beaucoup chose a apprendre, j'aimerai bien recommencer le mois de Septembre mais pour le moment c est n est pas possible de mon coté.Les sortis proposé pour chaque vendredi et le BLABLA Café sont des activités extraordinaires proposé par AF, comme ca nous arrivons a connaitre mieux l endroit ou on habite, la culture et les coutumes. J apprécié la chaleur, l ouverture et la flexibilité de l équipe de l'AF.C était une belle expérience d'être au sein de l'AF et une belle ouverture vers autre chemine.Grand merci a vous et a votre organisation!ROU.Datorită cursurilor (din februarie până în iunie 2023) de la Alliance Française de Lille, am obținut diploma DELF B2, la care la începutul anului nici nu îndrăzneam să visez.Ieșirile oferite in fiecare saptamana, vineri și atelierele BLABLA CAFE sunt activități extraordinare oferite de AF, cu ele reusim să cunoaștem mai bine locul în care trăim, cultura și obiceiurile. Am apreciat căldura, deschiderea și flexibilitatea echipei AF.A fost o experiență grozavă să fii în AF și o mare deschidere către o altă cale.Multumesc mult intregii echipe! Va recomand sa evoluati in lb franceza impreuna cu ei!Mihaela C.
Magdalena Wojtyna: En anglais et polonais ci-dessous:Je recommande Alliance Française De Lille. Je me suis inscrite au cours en octobre. Avant de venir au cours, j'avais du mal à former une phrase. Et maintenant je suis au niveau B1 et je suis capable d'avoir des conversations simples en français 😁 Les enseignants dirigent les cours de manière intéressante. Ils font souvent des jeux, donc on apprend en jouant. Et l'ambiance est très sympa.I recommend Alliance Française De Lille. I signed up for the course in October. Before coming to the course, I had trouble forming a sentence. And now I'm on level B1 and I'm able to have simple conversations in French. Teachers conduct classes in an interesting way. They do games often, so we learn through play. And the atmosphere is very nice.Polecam Alliance Française De Lille. Zapisałam się na kurs w październiku. Przed przyjściem na kurs miałam problemy ze złożeniem zadania. A teraz jestem na poziomie B1 i jestem w stanie prowadzić proste rozmowy po francusku. Nauczyciele prowadzą zajęcia w ciekawy sposób, często są to gry, więc uczymy się poprzez zabawę. I atmosfera jest bardzo miła.
Effrosyni Plakia: I highly recommend alliance français de Lille for learning the language.The professors are very professional and the administration very helpful.
Katarzyna Gardias: Jest to nowa przygoda z jezykiem francuskim, którego można się uczyć i nauczyć...zawsze krok do przodu!C'est une nouvelle aventure en français que vous pouvez apprendre et étudier ... avec toujours une longueur d'avance !
Sandra Asandra: Je suis très satisfait des études à l'Alliance française de Lille. Les professeurs sont très compétents. J'ai tellement appris en seulement un an. Aš labai patenkinta su mokslais su Alliance française de Lille. Mokytojai labai kompetetingi. Aš labai daug išmokau tik per vienus metus.
Viviane Bastos: Je recommande vivement l'alliance française de Lille ! Je suis arrivée en France en février 2022 avec un niveau A1. Mes études à AF Lille m'ont beaucoup apporté non seulement pour améliorer mon français (j'ai un niveau B1/B2 !), mais aussi pour ma intégration personnelle et professionnelle.Recomendo muito a Aliança Francesa de Lille! Eu cheguei na França com um nivel A1. Meus estudos na AF Lille me ajudaram nao somente a melhorar meu frances (agora tenho um nivel B1/B2!!), mas também para a minha integraçao pessoal e profissional.
Cristiano Muller: Great place to learn French.Teachers and support team are amazing!
Bruna Landeira: In Alliance française I noticed that I improved very fast. The methodology make you learn a lot, but you don’t fell overwhelmed because it’s a natural way to learn the language. The teachers are very kind and the class has few members so you have a lot of opportunities to speak during the class. They also propose some fun activities, as visiting the city or cooking class. I strongly recommend it.
Candy Luzby Reyes: La mejor escuela para aprender francés en Lille.Profesores muy profesionales, amables y con diversas actividades de enseñanza.Las visitas culturales son un plus para conocer la ciudad, la cultura y convivir con los compañeros.En la Alianza francesa he hecho buenas amistades y me siento en confianza para practicar el idioma.La recomiendo al 100%.La meilleure école pour apprendre le français à Lille.Professeurs très professionnels et sympathiques, avec diverses activités pédagogiques.Les visites culturelles sont un plus pour découvrir la ville et la culture française.A l'Alliance Française je me sens en confiance pour pratiquer la langue.Je la recommande
Russ CC: 整体来讲我在第一个session的学习中感受到了长足的进步。整体的教学围绕实际生活场景,锻炼表达能力,和在法国实际生活贴合的很紧密。如果时间允许,我应该会继续学下去。
Caren Graham: I am currently a student at Alliance Française de Lille for beginning French (A1, A2). I am very impressed with the school. The instructors are experienced, patient and encouraging. The administration is professional, organized and involved. It is fun learning French with students from all over the world. I highly recommend Alliance Française de Lille.
Charese B.: I highly recommend Alliance Française de Lille for many things! The staff have always been truly welcoming and friendly ever since I signed up in September 2022. It's a very good school, I would even say the best in Lille to take French classes where I progressed a lot with my French, also thanks to the professors who are super nice, encouraging and patient. I've made many friends because of this school so I am absolutely happy with my experience! Thank you, Alliance!
Raquel Braga: Je recommande l'Alliance Française de Lille. L'école est extrêmement accueillante, le personnel administratif est très à l'écoute. Les professeurs sont excellents. Les cours sont dynamiques. L'école est bien située, à proximité d'une station de métro. Je n'ai que des éloges à faire.En plus de l'enseignement en classe, l'Alliance française de Lille promeut les activités culturelles dans la région, comme les pique-niques, le cinéma, les visites aux musées, le cours de cuisine, l’atelier de poterie, etc.). Vous apprenez le français, découvrez la ville et la culture française et vous vous liez même d'amitié avec des personnes venant de différents pays. C'est vraiment enrichissant.Quel que soit votre niveau de français, étudier à l'Alliance Française de Lille est un bon choix...........................................................................................Eu recomento a Aliança Francesa em Lille. A escola é extremamente acolhedora A equipe administrativa é muito atenciosa. Os professores são excelentes. As aulas são dinâmicas. A escola tem uma boa localização, próxima a uma estação de metrô. Só tenho elogios a fazer.Além do ensino em sala de aula, a Aliança Francesa de Lille promove atividades culturais na região (como piquenique, cinema, visitas à museus, aula de culinária, curso de cerâmica, etc.). Você aprende o francês, conhece a cidade, vivencia a cultura francesa e ainda faz amizade com pessoas que veem de diversos países. É verdadeiramente enriquecedor.Não importa seu nível de francês, estudar na Aliança Francesa de Lille é uma boa escolha.
Leticia Joaquim: Em fevereiro de 2022 comecei meu curso de na Alliance française de lille. Foi a melhor escolha, pois além de ser uma escolar muito boa com professores dinamicos, eu tive a oportunidade de fazer muitas amizades com pessoas de diferentes culturas, foi um ano incrivel para mim. Obrigada Alliance Française de lille por me proporcionar bons momentos!
Minami Umehara: Proche de Lille, accessible par métro, cette école propose un rythme de cours très bien adapté ; 3 fois par semaine de classes en groupe peuvent sembler peu mais c’est à la fois intense tout en laissant du temps à un travail ou à des activités en complément.J’ai fait d’autres écoles de langues et je tiens à dire que celle-ci sort vraiment du lot tant sur le côté technique d’enseignement qu’en matériel pédagogique. De plus, la manière dont sont animés les cours collectifs permettent vraiment d’apprendre les uns les autres. Les professeurs sont vraiment très professionnels et se passionnent à expliquer jusqu’à ce que nous comprenions tous.En plus des cours, des activités hebdomadaires gratuites sont proposées pour créer toujours plus de relation et plus d’opportunités de pratiquer le français !Les classes sont très bien adaptées aux personnes qui ne connaissent pas le français. Si comme moi vous partez de zéro, je vous recommande vivement : vous vous y sentirez vite à l’aise !
Lena Deckert: Personnellement je peut bien recommander l'alliance française comme école de français. Les cours sont très structurés et grâce à l'utilisation des matériaux et stratégies différents ils restent toujours intéressant. Je participais pendant 7 semaines dans le cours C1 et moi et ma famille d'accueil nous avons bien remarqués un grand progrès de mes connaissances du français et particulièrement mon expression. Avant j'étais dans une autre école de langue à Lille et même que l'on avais plus de cours par semaine, ma famille d'accueil trouve que le progrès que j'ai fait à l'Alliance française était plus.À coté de l'aspect d'éducation, le vivre ensemble dans cet école de langue et mieux que dans autres et on se sent bien accueili. Pas seulement entre les élèves, mais aussi avec les profs et le bureau. Tout le monde est très sympa et essaye tous pour on aider ou trouver une solution aux problèmes.Personally, I highly recommend this language school due to their kind staff and the welcoming atmosphere. I participated in the C1 level for 7 weeks and couldn't say a word of dislike. The lessons always had a good structure and due to the use of different materials like textbook, videos and audio tracks, as well as different pedagogic strategies, often included games who really helped by understanding the grammar, they were never boring or without any value. I stayed in France as au pair and therefor not only have I noticed the huge progress I made during my time at the alliance française, but also my french host family. The mentioned particularly that the lessons have helped me to sound really french in the aspect of the choice of words and french expressions.Another aspect which pleased me a lot is, the already mentioned, friendly staff. Not only the teachers who are very kind and willing to enter a personal relationship with their class, but also the "management team". If you have a problem or a question everybody is more than pleased to help you and to find the best solution possible.Ich persönlich kann die Alliance française mit besten Gewissen an alle weiterempfehlen, die in Lille auf der Suche nach einer Sprachschule sind. Ich war 7 Wochen im Kurs C1 und war komplett zufrieden. Der Unterricht ist sinnvoll aufgebaut und durch den Einsatz verschiedener Materialien, sowie Lehrmethoden bleibt er auch bei grammatischen Themen anschaulich und spannend. In meinem Kurs kamen auch viele Spiele zum Einsatz, die v.a. geholfen haben die Grammatik zu festigen.Neben dem Unterricht waren auch die Menschen ein ausschlaggebender Punkt dafür, dass ich mich wohlgefühlt habe. Sowohl das Miteinander unter den Schülern, als auch mit den Lehrern und den Verwaltungsmitarbeiter ist harmonisch und man hilft sich wo man kann. Die Lehrer gehen auch wirklich auf die Schüler ein und es wird dadurch eine angenehme Atmosphäre kreiert.
Arta Reinfelde: I joined Alliance Francaise in April. Joining the school was fairly simple - test and conversation over the phone. It helped to allocate the right level for me, where I could then progress accordingly. I progressed from level B1 to level B2 in three months. Big thanks to the teachers who were helpful, supportive, and knowledgeable. Everyone was so helpful and explained everything. The atmosphere in the class was always free and it felt like we were just a group of friends. We were encouraged to speak in French and even during the breaks we continued to do so. It really helped to improve my ability to speak in French. This was the aspect that I struggled with the most as I was worried about the pronunciation. There is also a BlaBla cafe - a free one-hour class with a professor where you practice speaking with other students who are at the same level as you. It helped me to feel confident when speaking in French. Even my boyfriend's parents have complimented me saying that I speak better in French. I am very satisfied with the school and how I have progressed. If there is a need to continue my studies - I will definitely return to Alliance!Je me suis inscrite l'Alliance française en avril. Rejoindre l'école était assez simple - test et conversation au téléphone. Cela m'a aidé à m'attribuer le bon niveau, où j'ai pu ensuite progresser en conséquence. Je suis passé du niveau B1 au niveau B2 en trois mois. Un grand merci aux enseignants qui ont été solidaires et compétents. L'atmosphère dans la classe était toujours detendu et on avait l'impression d'être juste un groupe d'amis. Nous avons été encouragés à parler en français et même pendant les pauses, nous avons continué à le faire. Cela m'a vraiment aidé à améliorer ma capacité à parler en français. C'est l'aspect avec lequel j'ai le plus lutté car je m'inquiétais de la prononciation. Il y a aussi BlaBla café - un cours gratuit d'une heure avec un professeur où nous nous entraînons à parler avec d'autres étudiants qui sont au même niveau que nous. Grâce à cela je me sens plus en confiance lorsque je parle en français. Même les parents de mon copain m'ont complimenté en disant que je parle mieux en français. Je suis très satisfaite de l'école et de la façon dont j'ai progressé. S'il est nécessaire de poursuivre mes études, je reviendrai certainement à Alliance !Es sāku mācības Alliance Francaise šī gada aprīlī. Iestāšanās skolā bija vienkārša - tests un telefona zvans. Tas palīdzēja noteikt pareizo valodas līmeni, lai varētu progresēt kopā ar pārējiem. Trīs mēnešu laikā es spēju progresēt no B1 līmeņa uz B2 līmeni. Liels paldies skolotājām, kuras bija ļoti atsaucīgas, izpalīdzīgas un zinošas. Klasē valdīja brīva atmosfēra un kopības sajūta. Katram bija iespēja izpausties un runāt franciski. Arī pārtaukumu laikā mēs runājām franciski, kas palīdzēja uzlabot runāšanas līmeni. Tieši šis elements man bija tas svarīgākais - pašpārliecinātība runāt franciski, jo baidījos par izrunu. Palīdzēja arī BlaBla cafe - katru nedēļu tu par velti vari pievienoties grupai, kur praktizējās runāt franciski profesora pavadībā. Šobrīd es droši runāju franciski, pat ja pieļauju kādu kļūdu. Drauga vecāki pat slavēja un taica, ka esmu progresējusi gan izrunā gan vārdu krājumā. Esmu ļoti apmierināta ar skolu un ja būs nepieciešamība turpināt franču valodas kursus - noteikti atgriezīšos!
Natalia Sosnina: Занималась на уровне А2 1,5 месяца в группе. Все очень понравилось. Было много теории, а также игр и общения. Преподаватель Ванесса большой профессионал своего дела: помогает, мотивирует; спокойная и очень позитивная. Не было ощущения потраченного зря времени (что часто бывает при таких занятиях). Каждая минута окупилась. Занятия стоят потраченных денег. Рекомендую 100%.
Claire Siegrist: Je recommande vivement l'Alliance Française de Lille pour vos études de français. Les profs sont très passionnés et instruits. Prix raisonnable, planning pratique et communication très claire de l'administration. En plus, c'est une bonne opportunité à rencontre les autres étrangers à Lille !
Hyewon Kim: Je recommande cette école, non seulement pour l'examen DELF, mais aussi si vous voulez converser en français. J'ai aimé étudier et il y a des cours pour parler, écouter et écrire. Tous les vendredis, il y a une expérience culturelle française et c'est très amusant. Enfin, tout le personnel est amical!
김혜원: 델프 시험 뿐만 아니라, 프랑스에서 생활하며 프랑스어로 대화하고 싶다면, 무조건 이곳을 추천합니다. 인삿말, 단어 조금 아는 수준이었는데, 말하기 듣기 읽기 쓰기 모든 것을 균형있게 가르쳐 주셔서 즐겁게 공부할 수 있었습니다!혼자 책으로 공부할 때는 너무 재미가 없었고, 듀오링고 등을 이용해도 듣기, 말하기는 불가능할 것만 같았는데, 가능하더라고요. 특히 영어, 스페인어, 심지어는 약간의 한국어도 가능한 선생님들이, 개개인의 부족한 점을 잘 이해하고 맞춤형 수업을 해주셨어요. 한국인들은 입 주변 근육을 거의 움직이지 않고 말하는 편인 것 같은데, 매번 혀의 위치 입 모양 등을 설명해주시며 발음 교정을 해주시는 선생님 덕분에 많은 도움이 되었습니다!즐겁게 실용적인 것들을 배우며, 동시에 델프에서 좋은 성적도 받고 싶다면 무조건 추천입니당...😊

4. Myoxygene - Lille

· 36 reviews

33 Rue de Douai, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website

5. Lycée Faidherbe - Lille

· 57 reviews

9 Rue Armand Carrel, 59034 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Lycée Faidherbe: what do users think?
Hugo Pals: Quite respectable school, teaching like everywhere that follows the program, rather interesting options to choose from. The choice of white bin subjects is not very judicious. The rewards promised by the principal are not kept, regrettable. In 3 years time to live good times despite the covid crisis. Park and infrastructure in working order, canteen on the other hand, you have to wait at least 30 minutes in line if you respect the moral principles seen in philosophy class, but only 5 minutes of waiting if morality does not exist and you do not want to wait under the rain.
Name Is SmikZ: Quite old fashioned and poorly insulated :/
Marjorie Hezil: High school with one that's not straight. Teachers who don't explain anything, don't help the students and put them down. They want to take students to technology when they are 14 years old. They want to denigrate the newsletters. They are very strict and do everything so that the students do not succeed.The Arabic option is too good really the best course.
Rosetta Arnoux: Disappointment
Babouchka-_-: Eating it is good and I don't study it it's fake Google stop spying on it please
Anna Maroyan: horrible school, incompetent teacher!
Frederic Calmels: I've been working there for 10 years as a night watchman.
Alix Vaneecloo: .(Translated by Google
Scheherazade 90: Very large quite green but dated.The teachers are very willing
Thomas _: The administration's desire to put an end to traditions is regrettable.HXI, always full!
Walid Khi: The director named Torrez is a lady who should no longer practice because of her haughty behavior which is not representative of national education! It's a shame for the image of this school! Kudos to teachers.
GDD Syv: It's a great school supervised by a great team that seems to me just as dynamic as it is efficient.
E S: en CPGE pour répondre à d'autres interrogations. Faustine s'est montrée également très avenante et accueillante. Le fait de voir ces jeunes filles parfaitement épanouies au sein de leur établissement n'a fait que renforcer notre intention d'inscrire notre enfant à Faidherbe. Un grand merci à ces deux jeunes filles pour leur gentillesse!(Translated by Google
Sephora Ibri: Go to Gaston Berger, it's better.
Tweaks Hatake: The reception of this establishment is a disgrace for the National Education.
yannis bastien: Deplorable welcome, the receptionist remained seated, extremely rude staff, I went through this high school as part of my job, so it is off my list.
Sidonie Pinas: I hope it's a very special high school for my profession
Camille Rssl: 3 years spent in this good school, the teachers are mostly very competent, the buildings are a little damaged over time but it does not affect the quality of education.And then I think that like everywhere, if you really want to work you get there.2 sports halls, several buildings and boarding schools, picnic tables, canteen and infirmary at the top.Bins and spaces to relax outside in view of the many magpies that come
Lys Hault: Teachers at the top and I want to show them a big thank you!In this difficult period, My son L. continues his year in prepa MPSI in good conditions thanks to a very good organization put in place and a great availability of teachers.I also see a great solidarity between the students. This is all very reassuring!Congratulations to all !

6. School Lille Of French Language - Lille

· 4 reviews

32 Pl. de la Gare, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
School Lille Of French Language: what do users think?
SennizZ: it's not serious to avoid the equipment provided are a scandal their radio we expect nothing there are in addition to that very unpleasant really to avoid they don't give a damn about you a disaster.
Charlie Bakkalian: Well placed place. Very professional and friendly team that puts the candidates in good conditions. Also a good reactivity in the exchanges by mail or telephone. A big thank-you!

7. Lil'langues - Language And Cultural Centre - Lille

· 28 reviews

36 Pl. Cormontaigne, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

8. PRES Lille Nord de France University - Lille

· 2 reviews

1 Rue du Professeur Calmette, 59000 Lille, France

PRES Lille Nord de France University: what do users think?
Owhlust: The biggest part

9. Lycee Gaston Berger - Lille

· 43 reviews

Av. Gaston Berger, 59000 Lille, France

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Lycee Gaston Berger: what do users think?
RDO Fit: Gaston Berger deleted my opinion which was relevant and true therefore:Madame Margaret Margerin and Madame Zajac are catastrophic teachers.Never go to BTS notary. If they teach it, they are zero, know nothing about the profession of notary as well as the course, they all simply read the books that the students read.If the google review owner disagrees with me, contact me, I'm ready to discuss it.
Yvon Mortier: Student in the second year of prepa, I spent two very pleasant years in this establishment thanks to a teaching staff always ready to do the maximum for our success, a CPE attentive and devoted to its students as well as a smiling and pleasant staff at the reception, always ready to help us in case of problem.
Elo: Letting a high school kid die... you should be ashamed!"If death is a stage of life" to quote one of the leaders that day, we live in a world that is gradually deteriorating
khalis troudi: Shame on those responsible
kartiaxツ: How can you let someone die in front of a class is unacceptable!
Bader Flijq: A high school that deserves to be sued shame on you
Rémi Mazaleyrat: Let a student die.... Shame on you!!!! I support the family of the victim who filed a complaint against you for not assisting the person in danger! You will be in prison I hope!
Céline: It's a shame !!!!! Let a miner die before your eyes without calling for help. The adults present should be convicted of manslaughter!!!!!!
Nakococo Damoi: kudos to officials for costing a student life. If the students' testimony is to be believed, you should all go to prison! Horrible
Ana 2.0: Letting a student die... well done!!
Alex DFX (PetitBouddha54): Letting a high school kid die... you should be ashamed!"If death is a stage in life" to quote one of the leaders that day, jail will be a stage for the irresponsible who have not assisted anyone in danger!
jade castanier: I spent two superb years at this high school, the teachers in the communication section are brilliant.
Lena Tiston: Student in 2nd year of BTS communication, the school is pleasant and the teachers allow us to raise ourselves professionally. I recommend.
Najia Sahli: I'm satisfied
Mamah _: This opinion concerns the BTS SIO and that over the 2 years, teachers absent mentally but physically present unheard of, evaluations or mock exams returned several months after having been carried out or never returned, therefore an impossibility to self-evaluate and understand mistakes, almost non-existent support from teachers in practicals and courses, non-existent or too quick corrections of practicals even after repeated requests to re-explain, workstations that are mostly defective or broken down, and moreover, teachers do not have done next to nothing to improve these incidents being technical teachers me and my entire class doubted their skills time and time again until they lost all motivation regarding some teachers answers to questions from students who have nothing to see with the question asked to "fill in the teacher's lack of information", I still put 2 stars with regard to the exceptions on 1 or 2 teachers who are not concerned and whose work I respect. If you come to progress in SIO you would do better to work at home it will go faster and especially if you want to learn something other than to protect yourself on the internet you have to create more complex passwords and this over 1 of the 2 years.
Şilêr: A public and multidisciplinary high school, the Gaston Berger high school provides training ranging from bac+1 to bac+5. Located in Lille, the school is particularly known for its offer of BTS and preparatory classes. His training in higher education mainly concerns management, commerce, banking-insurance, transport and tourism.
Farouk Ghezali: Personnel au top. Keep UP thé good work
Valentin Portrat: Very good experience today for the "job dating" initiative for apprenticeship training, just a shame it didn't last longer
Dylan Delétrez: Un professeur est censé être présent pour la réussite des élèves. On a l’impression que c’est une corvée pour eux. Encore plus étonnant pour un lycée si réputé que ça 🤭.Bref, je vous le déconseille.(Translated by Google
colombe lacom: Super high school with a good follow-up of work-study students and a special mention for the lady who takes care of the reception in the afternoon, she informs me as soon as I have the slightest question but also she relays to me her motivation and her good mood

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