Best Unemployed Courses In Lille Near Me

PRES Lille Nord de France University Isa Lille University of Lille EDHEC Business School Lil'langues - Language And Cultural Centre Wild Code School Yes'n'you Junia Hei Lille - University Catholic De Lille IESEG School Of Management Sciences Po Lille ESPOL (European School of Political and Social Sciences) French Alliance De Lille - Course Of French Language Etrangère - French Ace A Foreign Language Charles de Gaulle University – Lille III ISTC - Strategies & Communication - Université Catholique de Lille University of Lille − Cité Scientifique Campus

1. Excelangues - Lille

· 1 reviews

17 Rue du Nouveau Siècle, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

2. PRES Lille Nord de France University - Lille



· 2 reviews

1 Rue du Professeur Calmette, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website
PRES Lille Nord de France University: what do users think?
Owhlust: La plus grande partie

3. Isa Lille - Lille

· 37 reviews

2 Rue Norbert Segard, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Isa Lille: what do users think?
Salah Hdiduo: Holla
Amrane Aouiti: Very pleasant staff
Jules T.H: Private engineering school costing a blind for the purchase of the diploma. It's a money maker that's all plus they recently increased the prices in all junia resorts.
Aubin Dalle: École qui promet un enseignement de qualité. Je ne l ai pas vu lors de mon master. Les cours en commun avec mon BTS étaient de meilleures qualitésIl n y a aussi aucun accompagnement professionnel, le seul avantage ce sont les stages assez long.
Ronan Santiago: J'ai perdu un CDI grâce à leur inefficacité administrative. Toujours en attente des résultats officiels au 25 octobre et bloqué dans mes recherches d'emploi, je ne vous remercie pas pour ça...
Elisabeth Poulain: Grande École qui ne peut ni délivrer une copie de diplôme, ni une attestation certifiant l’obtention d’un diplôme le 25 octobre pour une année d’études achevée le 31 août. Toujours en attente d’un retour de décision d’une entité ou de la signature de quelqu’un. Les recruteurs demandent une preuve de validation de formation aux jeunes qui voient donc un job leur passer sous le nez à cause de la lourdeur ET de la lenteur administrative. Évidemment pas de problème rencontré par l’administration au début de chaque année pour réclamer le coût de la formation. Honteux.
Gregory Vangreveninge: Bonne école d'ingénieurs liée à l'environnement , à l'agriculture et l'agronomie.
Franck Barbry: Très bon établissement
Franck Ibled: A school that does not respect its students and their parents.Take the money, they know how to do it... respect their commitments, no.
Franck Ghesquiere: Very nice buildingA perfect place for studentsexcellent level of security
Lucie Ferreira: Superb establishment I highly recommend
Houssam Amriou: I loved it
Blandine Amgt: Currently in my third year at the ISA, I am completely satisfied with the teaching. The school on a human scale makes the teachers available and the courses are of high quality. The school is geared towards the professional world and the outside contributors are diverse and numerous. Solidarity between students is one of the strengths of the school, as well as with teachers. The ISA is a big family.
Laura: Currently in the second year of prep integrated into the ISA, I highly recommend this school. The teaching team and the studies department are always there to help and advise us. The professional experiences are numerous and allow us to enrich our skills. A welcoming and warm atmosphere reigns in the premises of the school, what a pleasure to study there!
Tanguy Bernard: dès la première année.Les professeurs sont passionnants et disponibles ; nous avons également de nombreux cours et TP en petits groupes.Nous avons beaucoup de stages durant notre cursus, cela nous permet de découvrir les différents métiers et ainsi de pouvoir affiner notre projet professionnel.Concernant la vie étudiante de l'école, il y a une vie associative dynamique (une vingtaine d’associations et de nombreux événements organisés durant l’année
Fanny Cordonnier: . Je recommande +++ !(Translated by Google
Camille Bau: I couldn't have made a better choice. Golden teams, great opportunities, my second home.
jacques lesage: Spacious
Nicolas Lescop: Super school, quality teaching with very nice teachers and beautiful locals. To respond to certain opinions, the BDEs do what they can not to cause any nuisance, they respect the legislative timetables... After all, noise is part of life in the city...
Serhii Pryimachuk: Gorgeous
Odette Van-Lancker: It is high time that the heads of these universities teach their students respect for others living in this neighborhood. Fiesta every weekend. Impossible to sleep at night, including during the holidays: cries, hearty laughter...until more than 2am. Sanctions must be taken against these incivilities. We have the need and duty to sleep at night 😠😠😠 Big schools but selfish little brains 😠😠😠😠

4. University of Lille - Lille

· 54 reviews

42 Rue Paul Duez, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

5. EDHEC Business School - Croix

· 95 reviews

24 Av. Gustave Delory, 59100 Roubaix, France

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6. Lil'langues - Language And Cultural Centre - Lille

· 28 reviews

36 Pl. Cormontaigne, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

7. Wild Code School - Lomme

· 30 reviews

4 Av. des Saules bâtiment Le Doge, 59160 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Wild Code School: what do users think?
Alex: No no no no. I do not recommend this lousy school. She doesn't even know how to explain
Benjamin Beugnet: A superb collaboration with an excellent team and a top promotion!Wild Code School provides the ideal setting for anyone wishing to turn to digital... And an optimal working environment to officiate as a trainer.If you are still hesitating to convert to digital, now is the time to take the plunge!
Julie J.D.: Great school with good support and a good atmosphere!
Jonathan Dhenain: I have been in Data Analyst training since mid-September. It's going very well, good course, team at the top!
Patrice Warembourg: A real pleasure to work with the teams of the wild and the wilders in the development of a solution in partnership! Top training for budding developers.
Émeline Pécourt: I entrusted the coding of a first beta version of my startup's site to students from the Wild and I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of their work! The trainers and supervisors are competent and everything is very well organized!
L V: Very good school to orient yourself in web development, the training is intense, you develop both your technical skills and agile methods in groups. Great spirit of mutual aid between the students.
Melvin Bridault: Great data analyst training which gave me the opportunity to succeed in my professional retraining.You have to roll up your sleeves and persevere, the training offers basics in SQL, Python and machine learning, for the rest it is up to you to develop your projects in order to increase your skills.I had a dream and the Wild helped me make it happen!👍
Caroline COPY-DENHEZ: A great human adventure, qualified trainers and web dev training that is really worth it, go for it without hesitation!
MACQUART Quentin: A top school that allowed me to retrain with solid foundations! A top campus with lots of support and a trainer who challenges us day by day, thank you again for all the Wild! ❤️
Bruchet Jérémy: Great welcome! Superb presentation! everything is perfect ...
Carine JEZO-BREMOND: Great team and training that will answer your questions and meet your expectations!
Clara Jouclard: A trainer and a regional manager at the top, who make the training great! I recommend !
Luigi Menez: Very good experience, cool atmosphere, a learning methodology that allows us at the end of the training to be able to self-train in another language and to be able to update ourselves, by ourselves. I highly recommend
Rattana P.: . Comme quoi, c'est possible.Le tout c'est de s'en donner les moyens et de persévérer !(Translated by Google
Jamila Roussel: Very good training in data analysis
Franck Depoorter: 5 mois intensive mais pour une bonne chose à la fin , bonne cohésion de groupe malgré les imprévus du covid avec quelque semaine de remote mais la formation a su s'adapter
Benoit L.: Super formation. Équipe de qualité. Mais ATTENTION , cette formation bien que qualitative ne fait pas tout. Le plus important est la post formation, plus précisément le stage et l'entreprise que vous allez intégrer après. La formation vous mettra un pied dans le code et le métier de développeur mais le 2em pied c 'est à vous de le mettre.Les contacts de l'école avec les entreprises seront determinants et selon la qualité de la personne en charge d'avoir ces contacts ça peut varier.
Tiphaine Ingelaere: Je remercie l'équipe et l'organisation de cette école pour la formation de qualité que j'ai pu suivre.La bienveillance, l'écoute, le sérieux et la bonne ambiance ont été au rendez-vous tout au long de mon parcours.Je ne peux que recommander !
Maryline: Positive:Communication,Professionalism,Quality
Antoine Dubar: Bonjour à tous, pourriez-vous me dire s'il vous plaît, si une personne qui n'a jamais développé ou codé peux réussir la formation?

8. Yes'n'you - Lille

· 32 reviews

24-26 Bd Carnot, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Yes'n'you: what do users think?
Clothilde Fressancourt: Very good training with private lessons in video. Intimidated at first, it helped me a lot to gain confidence.Many teachers available with different approaches, accents and methods. It's enriching and educational!And a little mention to thank Lauren, a helpful, encouraging and very attentive secretary!
Peggy Demeyer: Bravo à Yes&you pour ce modèle de formation auquel j'adhère complètement !(Translated by Google
Sabrina Ait Kerroum: Excellent training! At first I was a little reserved but they put me at ease right away. Thanks to them I can talk to the drivers without stuttering too much lol. A big thank you to Coral and Michelle 🤗Have a nice day 😉
NICOLAS BAUW: Wonderful teachers!
Pierre DELFOLIE: I recommend, the trainers adapt to your level and make you progress. Over the sessions, my English from a light level progressed in grammar, vocabulary and comprehension to become more fluent.
Sév R: Excellent teachers, courses adapted to the level, I highly recommend
Marjolaine Goffart: Merci pour tout!(Translated by Google
Laurent Vandamme: Training that lived up to my expectations which made me gain confidence in speaking English. I recommend. Lawrence
Olivier Le Tual: A dynamic and attentive team, a pedagogy that I highly recommend!
Fab L: (Translated by Google
Hervé Lallau: I have been a client of Yes'N'You for several years. The training platform is of high quality, as are the trainers. Over the sessions, my level of English has improved and I thank Yes'N'You! I highly recommend this organization.
Benjamin Barbier: 50 hours of training in English 🚀
Antoine Gilbert: I followed for 1 year the elearning and 10h general business pack.I have absolutely no regrets, I have gained confidence and my English has improved.Thank you to all the trainers who were all dynamic.I appreciated the mix of trainers
CLAIRE GANDON: I took regular English lessons for a year and I made a lot of progress thanks to this formula.
Kevin GOEH-AKUE: Excellent training, well organized and with very competent teachers and learning service managers.I highly recommend & without hesitation
Romain Diphile: Training fully meeting my expectations, thanks to Dave I was able to progress quickly. The YESNYOU team is always very available if needed. I highly recommend!
jeanmi frobert: est très sympa , à l'écoute, professionnelle et dotée d'humour (une petite pensée pour Coral, Michelle, Dave et Susan avec qui j'ai partagé des moments d'échanges très sympas
Laurence Marescaux: Starting from a light level in English, I gained confidence. The elearning is very structured, complete and allows you to progress freely. Grammar, vocabulary, comprehension, writing everything is there. The face-to-face lesson hours are very suitable and the teachers are very attentive to the difficulties encountered. Available and attentive, they take the time to re-explain as necessary. Their patience, their explanations and their permanent attention make it possible to progress quickly. The fact of speaking only in English forces you to surpass yourself to gain confidence and that's exactly what I was looking for. Very satisfied, I want to continue with the next module.
stephanie delestrain: c'est tout simplement la meilleure : tant sur la capacité d'adaptation, l'écoute, la patience, l'état d'esprit générale, et je la sens très passionnée , j'ai toujours passé un très bon moment et surtout appris énormément avec Michelle, un grand merci à toute l'équipe mais un particulier à Michelle(Translated by Google
Caroline Mazzola: Professionalism and quality. Over the course, my English has really improved. The conversations made it easier and more fluid. A thought for Michelle, attentive teacher, who likes to transmit and always with humor. I highly recommend !
Bas Guyane: I do not recommend them.There are no French teachers available for the next 3 months.The communication with them is very poor, they just don't answer your email or skip the question that is asked. I have been waiting for more than a week to open my account.

9. Junia Hei Lille - University Catholic De Lille - Lille

· 43 reviews

13 Rue de Toul, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Junia Hei Lille - University Catholic De Lille: what do users think?
Utilisateur Google: Immense mépris de la part de l'école pour la promotion 2020, pour laquelle elle avait promis une cérémonie de diplôme en 2021 et qui l'a finalement annulée sans aucune raison. Elle a profité du contexte sanitaire au maximum et y a vu une opportunité de faire des économies sur notre dos.Cela laisse un goût très amer après toutes ces années d'études.
Christophe asseman: Today open house... Visit of the premises with a student then exchanges with a teacher... Very useful for orientation.. Superb premises and labs..
michel ulrich: It was very interesting I really enjoyed
Mingbun Jitpaisarnvatana: Took the exam here on 27th May 2019
Veig Garage (tHecHucK304): I don't know, I've never been there
Patrick MB: Generalist training with solid scientific bases which allows whatever option you choose to have a wide range of possibilities at the end of the course.In addition, Lille is a city that has a lot of charm and assets. We definitely get attached to it.
Jules Anthonioz: Ec
Narath KH: One of the very famous school in Lille.

10. IESEG School Of Management - Lille

· 78 reviews

3 Rue de la Digue, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
IESEG School Of Management: what do users think?
Louis masson: Quality teaching which, beyond the rankings, brings real value to its students, both in managerial skills, analytical skills, public speaking, personal development and associative experiences.Joining IESEG means immersing yourself in a collective and intercultural dynamic, to meet the needs of a globalized world.
Werner Doufi: scamers
Bert Paesbrugghe: Super!
Ayan Jana: Good experience
Aarpa Basu: Student exchange program at IESEG from IMT Ghaziabad.
Nguyen Hoang Nam: I studied master in management of information system here. This is a suitable place for who is looking for both academic knowledge and practical experiment. Great school!
Florian Danvin: J-1 avant la rentrée : les plannings ne sont pas faits pour les étudiants.C'est possible qu'une école ne puisse pas prévoir le planning de ces propres étudiants même 1 jour avant le début ? C'est fou mais c'est la réalité. Aucune explication aux étudiants, ils sont livrés à eux-mêmes. Présentation de rentrée pitoyable. Impossible de poser une question au directeur qui était lui-même le présentateur, parti après 30 min de réunion de rentrée.J'ai même pas besoin de préciser que le prix de l'école devrait au moins permettre d'avoir une rentrée 'normale'.A voir le reste de l'année !
ILDIRIM77: Critical:QualityAvoid this "school" as a whole
P Jb: Amazing school with a lot of foreigners and qualified teachers
Kévin Apostol: Nightmare, I totally regret my choice and absolutely do not recommend this school. At least not for a Master of Sc program.
Twignar: Best school in the world.P.S: Vote Edwin for the BDE
Nathan: Very bad experience at the competition 2 years ago. 18/20 in English and 2/20 in meeting with the jury. I think they failed to see the potential, I'm currently on a gap year at Goldman Sachs in the USA, too bad for them.
harold m.: Good school and international openness.
Deval Panchal: Multicultural experience. Good professors. International club rocks!
Baptiste Gustin: Enseignement de qualité qui, au delà des classements, apporte une réelle valeur à ses étudiants, tant dans les compétences managériales, l'esprit d'analyse, la prise de parole en public, le développement personnel et les expériences associatives.Rejoindre l'IESEG c'est s'immerger dans une dynamique collective et interculturelle, pour répondre aux besoins d'un monde globalisé.
TL Meret: IÉSEG is a school, but it is above all a big family in which everyone can develop great managerial skills as well as human qualities. The shy and insecure boy that I was at first is now only a vague memory.
Brijeshkumar Maurya: I'm going to IESEG for September 2017
Grégoire DENIZOT: Do not respond to emails
Narath KH: another good school in Lille
Juan Colosimo: Excellent environment

11. Sciences Po Lille - Lille

· 38 reviews

9 Rue Auguste Angellier, 59000 Lille, France

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12. ESPOL (European School of Political and Social Sciences) - Lille

· 13 reviews

83 Bd Vauban, 59016 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

13. Le Wagon Lille - Coding Bootcamp - - Lomme

· 5 reviews

2 Av. des Saules, 59160 Lille, France

Address Website

14. French Alliance De Lille - Course Of French Language Etrangère - French Ace A Foreign Language - Lille

· 44 reviews

2 Rue Bernos, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

15. Charles de Gaulle University – Lille III - Pont-de-Bois

· 175 reviews

Domaine Universitaire du Pont de Bois, 3 Rue du Barreau, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

Address Website WhatsApp

16. ISTC - Strategies & Communication - Université Catholique de Lille - Lille

· 20 reviews

81-83 Bd Vauban, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

17. University of Lille − Cité Scientifique Campus - Cité Scientifique

· 285 reviews

Cité Scientifique, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

Address Website WhatsApp

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