Vehicle Inspectors In Lille Near Me

Auto Norisko technical control center Centre contrôle technique AUTOCONTROL Auto Norisko technical control center Centre contrôle technique DEKRA Centre contrôle technique NORISKO Ford EUROCARLAND FordStore Lille CTA59 Controle Technique Autovision Herlies

1. Auto Norisko technical control center - Lomme

· 50 reviews

20 Rue Hegel, 59160 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Auto Norisko technical control center: what do users think?
Cathy Delautre: Alright.
Laurent Broll: No waiting taken at the time of the appointment. Very friendly, smiling and professional person.
Vianney Vandendooren: Friendly person who respects schedules. Explain well when there is a problem.
Benjamin Carré: Good reception and good service, thank you!
philippe caron: Very good control center, nice controllers which explains the faults well if there is to help you
Han Maf: Super technical control center.Special mention for Mr Cauwel Jean François for his welcome and his professionalism.
Fetene Ben nasr: I highly recommend this center. I established my technical control and the team was welcoming, professional and warm.
Emilie TEJEIRO: Thank you to the controller Mr. Cauwel for his welcome, professionalism and efficiency.
clément richard: Pleasant and picky controller, very pleasant to work with conscientious people
David Jeannin: Perfect, I dealt with Jean François, very well received, very serious.. I recommend +++
Ketty et Christophe L: Very welcoming, friendly person. No waiting, appointment taken on time. I recommend
Stephane Phisel: Professional Punctual
Johan Dumez: I highly recommend.Top notch hospitality and service.
cedric vervey: Very bad experience, they forced me to make a return visit to supposedly adjust the headlights, but the Renault garage told me that they were perfectly adjusted.In short, here is how to scam customers....
christian planckaert: Very pleasant staff.
Gerard Crombez: Control of my car very satisfactory
Jean Louis FREVENT: Very friendly welcome. Customer for 2 years, on recommendations, not disappointed. My son is also going there now.I recommend this technical control center.
Vincent Herbert: Friendly and on time
Nathalie Marchal: I had several times done the technical control of my car the speaker very professional and attentive to the customer thank you
Antoine L: . Nous appelons Arval et expliquons la situation. Arval nous confirme que ce n'est pas normal et essaie d'appeler le garage. Nous indiquons à la personne de l'accueil qu'Arval va l'appeler.Il raccroche au nez du conseiller Arval !!! 😳 Sans même prendre la peine de lui parler, il nous indique "qu'il a du travail" (nous non...
Jean Pierre Auquiert: Quick appointment, very friendly welcome. The whole family has been a customer there for several years.

2. Centre contrôle technique AUTOCONTROL - Lille



· 24 reviews

1 Rue de Vieille Aventure, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Centre contrôle technique AUTOCONTROL: what do users think?
Utilisateur 513: Thanks that's great.
Jean-Baptiste RIBES: Very friendly staff. Schedules and deadlines announced are respected. Control without surprise. I recommend this CT center!
Pauline C: They tell me by phone a counter visit at 14€... When paying, it's finally 30€. Very average I will go elsewhere next time.
Julien C: Very good, efficient and a good welcome
Coline Ca: Alright, I took my car this week and everything was fine. The person who received me was very friendly
Romain Gailleton: (Translated by Google
Marina Teuf: Loyal customer when I am satisfied, there, I would not go back to this technical control.
Vincent B (Vince59): Fast, professional, friendly and efficient welcome. Take the opportunity to do some shopping on rue Gambetta by bringing our local shops to life.
fanfan nafnaf: Very friendly and explains well
Criss59 “TofPasc” Pasc08: friendly staff
Jean-Charles Phelipon: ne comprendra rien et se taira... à éviter absolument(Translated by Google
Romane Phelipon: Refuses to acknowledge his mistake, although the two garages consulted did not find any problems.
Louis (Lnons): Fast and efficient service BUT murderous technical control, contrasting in a surprising way with the CTs previously carried out on the same vehicle in other centers and recently. A center too strict for owners wishing to sell their vehicle. I use my car every day, but since my last CT at Autocontrol it is good for breakage.
Sébastien Raulin: Fast and efficient service
Emmanuelle D: On time, professional and friendly.

3. Auto Norisko technical control center - Lille

· 43 reviews

6 Rue Armand Carrel, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Auto Norisko technical control center: what do users think?
Fabienne aomame: Good welcome. Speed. Decent price.
DE CONINCK Justine: Very satisfied, I recommend this technical control center!No delays, fast support, very pleasant and above all very professional staff!
Jenni Roussel: Staff smiling, jovial, very pleasant it's great
JULIE MAZE: We have been customers for years. Another very good service yesterday. A friendly team, very helpful and very serious! We highly recommend.
Nu Ni: . C'est une équipe très avenante qui vous met très à l'aise lorsque vous arrivez pour le rendez-vous(Translated by Google
Camille Freychat: Technical control this day which went very well. Very pleasant, serious and helpful welcomeTHANKS
Maximilien Merlen: Nice controllerThe check went wellI recommend
Jean Guilhem Saquer: agrémentés d'un bon café. Evidemment, le travail fait l'a été de façon professionnelle. Je reviendrai!(Translated by Google
cathy piton: What to say: service, kindness, professionalism. I highly recommend.It's reassuring that it still exists. Thanks for brightening up my day.
Heather Dubruille: Honest technical control!I came to have my car checked at their place, pleasant staff who explain the points to be reviewed, it's great!They were able to advise me which garage to turn to for the repair. The return visit only lasted 10 minutes.In addition, appointments are quickly provided!I highly recommend this technical control. It feels good to come across honest people, especially in the automotive industry!
Franco Baldinu: Very professionalVery good communication
Muriel Mezere: Very welcoming and friendly staff. Respect of schedules, coffee offered. I highly recommend this control center.
Mathilde Marchand: Welcoming, friendly, efficient and competent staff!!! What more ?
MICHEL SIDNEY: Hospitality and professionalism at the top! THANKS
Quentin Connil: very professional and very accommodating, checks are carried out quickly I recommend
Lionel DEMANOU: Very satisfied with the quality of service and a big thank you again to Aghilas who was able to answer my questions about the maintenance of his vehicle. Super nice team. I recommend
Momo Palponce: Well put
arnaud huge: . Arnaud.(Translated by Google
Charly Canesse: Perfect !At the top super welcomeAghilas and Thomas
Clarisse Floch: Smiling and friendly professional. I recommend
Nicolas Mucha: Very professional, on timeThank you for the service

4. Centre contrôle technique DEKRA - Lomme

· 95 reviews

9 2ème Avenue, 59160 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Centre contrôle technique DEKRA: what do users think?
Jj Jeanneau: I strongly advise against this C-T center ..... The controller goes after your vehicle to offer you a counter visit at 30€!!One star 🌟 is really very well rated.
Marie G: He squeezed my driver's seat like crazy, I had to go to my garage to unlock it and he had a lot of trouble unjamming it. I will no longer go to them. It seems that they are no longer the same managers as before.
bernard elbour: Speed ​​of appointment and efficiency, very good welcome, I recommend
Xavier Jolie: Endangered technical control done but with an essential oversight the rear brakes which almost cost us our lives two days after the passage to the technical control I lost my rear pads at 130km / h on the car road by conclusion no more brake at the took a while to be able to slow down and stop in a parts store to look at what she has, no more plates, an omission from DEKRA and when we contact them, the boss is never there and now they kill
Cedric Phin: Professional always at the rendezvous in this center that I have been frequenting for several years.To recommend without hesitation.
Grégory Vercruysse: One star I'm nice.A real con, a counter visit for a headlight adjustment with 2.8 instead of 2.5?Too bad for you my friend, I'm going to do my counter visit elsewhere 😂
Christophe Théry: Bad experience against visit to 67euro for worn brake disc scam thief ect
JM et E Bpz: No problem for me, I've been going there for several years for my technical checks.
Fabrice Wastyn: Correct reception but nothing more, attention against visit 30 €
fabrice aldoudou: Choisi par mon concessionnaire je n y mettrai jamais les pied de moi même la salle d attente odorante et l accueil plus que déplorable à la limite de l impolitesse je ne recommande vraiment. A fuir
Camille Gits: A fuir absolument ! Misogyne a souhait, sans éducation et escroc par dessus tout.
Anas Filali: A fuir absolument. Vous vous faites agresses rapidement par le personnel qui élève la voix très vite a cause d'une contre visite qu'ils font payer au même tarif que la visite initiale. Personnel vraiment désagréable. Je déconseille...
Caroline Delettré: Parfait rapide, efficace !
Kojiro Huygha: Une catastrophe !! Quand je téléphone il me dit qu'il n'y a pas besoin de rendez vous pour une contre visite (seulement disques et plaquettes avant à vérifier) et quand je suis sur place (16h45) il me dit ce n'est pas possible j'ai déjà tout rangé !! Si je ne me trompe pas le centre ferme a 18h Monsieur alors pourquoi ranger avant !!! Centre à éviter à moins que vous aimez faire des allers retours (vu le prix de l'essence ça m'étonnerait) La feïnéantise à l'état pure !! Fermez votre centre Monsieur je voudrais pas vous fatiguer !! J'irai ailleurs mais plus chez vous ça c'est sûr !!
Alex: J’avais rendez-vous à 8h45 le 22/05, à mon arrivé le centre été fermé, j’ai même cru qu’il été fermé définitivement à cause de la devanture qui semblait à l’abandon. J’ai téléphoné à un autre centre du coin qui n’était pas surpris que le centre soit fermé, ça serait une habitude chez le personnel de ce centre de laisser en plan les clients… nous étions 2 clients patienter en nous posant des questions…Il a fallut patienter l’arrivée d’une personne venant d’un Centre de Roubaix entre 9h-9h15 qui venait d’être tout juste prévenu de l’absence du personnel du centre, suivi d’une autre personne un peu plus tard provenant d’un autre centre. Le seul point positif à en tirer de l’absence du personnel du centre au vu des commentaires fut que je n’ai eu de contre-visite…
Alain Rohaut: J adore.personnels super.
Sandrine Guétière: Contre visite pour une orientation de feux de croisement avec un écart de 0.5 %. Contre visite de 30 euros annoncée , accueil pas très agréable. Je n y retournerais pas !J ai repassé mon contrôle dans un autre centre et bizarrement mes feux étaient bien réglés ! Réclamation en cours ! Passez votre chemin, ce sont des voleurs !
nicolas Godeman: Rapide et efficace
Damien74210: Personnel très sympathique. Explications claires du technicien. Pas besoin de prendre RDV pour la contre visite. En plus prix très intéressant. Le moins cher que j’ai trouvé. Je recommande fortement.
Axyl Mz: Malhonnête, il cherchent a vous recaler a tout prix, et bien sûr l'argument le plus facile a faire passer ( la pollution) alors qu'il contrôlent mal le reste...
Said Said: Positive:Professionalism,Quality

5. Centre contrôle technique NORISKO - Saint-André-lez-Lille

· 92 reviews

195 Rue Sadi Carnot, 59350 Saint-André-lez-Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Centre contrôle technique NORISKO: what do users think?
Karim Arkiza: Top you top
Gaelle Arnaud-Metta: As usual, impeccable service. Good advice for the rest of the maintenance of the car. Professionals that I recommend without reservation
Alain Caby: Friendly staff correct price appointment on time nothing to say
Ercan catakli: Very good friendly reception center, clean waiting room and free coffee. Serious controller.
Jean-michel anderson: Good welcome appointment fast punctual I recommend them
Christine S: Always well received and undeniable professionalismClear explanationsAnd competitive prices if booking online
Hugo Leblois: A team at the top
Franne Maerten: 👍I recommend
A. Baës: Contrôle technique effectué rapidement, accueil chaleureux, véhicule restitué avec explications.
Céline BATISTE: Personnel courtois, disponible et agréable.Disposant de créneaux rapidement. Je recommande +++
Antoine HOUDOIN: Je suis passé ce matin pour la contre-visite de ma voiture, service rapide et efficace, très bon accueil ! Conseils très pro. Merci
Nicolas Dekindt: J’ai effectué mon contrôle technique chez Norisko, je recommande vivement. Super accueil dans la bonne humeur, très ponctuel, très pro, et tout ça pour un tarif dans la moyenne du marché.
Alexandre Kara: Je vous le conseille très sympa.Ils vous donnent des conseils pour régler les problémes de votre voiture
Vincent Timmerman: client depuis plusieurs années et content de leur service. de plus m étant trompé de jour de Rdv ils ont fait de leur mieux pour prendre mes 2 voitures. merci
Estelle Lec: Bon accueil et très sérieux.
franck Vandermarliere: Rapide et professionnel top
Cathy De Backker: Fast and effective …..
Maxou Maxsous: Nikel
Vincent Delorme: Very professionalAnd very friendly
Rémi Foucart: Picking up the vehicle on time, staff attentive, professional and pleasant, I recommend this center I will be back in 2 years!
Manu Banckaert: Going back to the center for a counter visit Received with a smile, it's something I remember and I appreciate

6. Subaru - Lambersart

· 1 reviews

5 Rue Lavoisier, 59160 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

7. Ford EUROCARLAND - Saint-André-lez-Lille

· 94 reviews

20 Av. de la Résistance, 59350 Saint-André-lez-Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Ford EUROCARLAND: what do users think?
W R: Avoid at all costs! Fraudulent and illegal practices. Unscrupulous and dishonest managers.
coralie bleuse: I bought my Opel corsa in this garage, everything went very well, thanks again to Antoine for his availability and his professionalism.
Sullyvan Mrcq: Quick repair no problem
Aurore Pecout: Very disappointed with this garage I do not recommend it at all to flee
sami boufarnana: I went to Ford Eurocarland in Saint-André for a revision of my polo shirt, they couldn't take me right away, that went very well, warm and welcoming person, I highly recommend.
Charly Gaudiere: Perfectly welcomed
pilou pilou: Superb welcome.
Max ess: We bought a Citroën C3 company in August 2022.We are very satisfied with our purchase, we had no problem, good commercial and attentive to our expectations.We recommend this garage!
gauthier debruyne: mais globalement je suis très content de mon achat, les prix sont, je trouve, en dessous de la concurrence. Je vous conseille ce garage, en tout cas si besoin il y aurait, j'y retournerai pour ma part :
NICOLAS BZL: Garage on a human scaleWell done
morgann irwin: , une ampoule morte non détectée et non remplacée ainsi qu’un amortisseur et une rotule de suspension défaillantes non détectées également, ce qui me vaut la contre visite.Monsieur n’a donc pas su détecter une ampoule défaillante ainsi que des gros problèmes de sécurité pendant une révision complète.De plus il a injecté un produit anti pollution sans mon consentement (non indiqué sur le devis que j’ai signé
So Gombert: I am delighted with Eurocarland's services; great welcome, wise advice; I bought a used car there; I got it back like new; waiting to get it back, I had a loan car that helped me out a lot; Congratulations to the whole team
Vincent Colpaert: Always very satisfied with my visits to Eurocarland!The welcome is always warm, with a coffee and a smile.Attentive, responsive and very serious professionals 👍Thanks to the Eurocarland team 😉
Lilloise Lifebike: I bought a used car, a Ford ka+, he prepares the car very well, he takes the time to advise and satisfy the customer, I highly recommend his garage
Philippe Duforest: Make an appointment for an interview on the website on July 1st for August 6th. To date, door closed, garage closed and no message outside indicating a possible period of closure for holidays.No message by email or SMS to cancel or postpone the appointment. LAMENTABLE!!!
Romain Beuvelet: We bought our car in March 2021 for delivery in June.We are delighted with the advice & professionalism of the dealer and more particularly of Antoine who knew how to manage and follow our case seriously.Thank you again for your work and your listening.Satisfied in every way, we will surely come back for a next purchase.
Constance Boulanger: , nous avons très vite été mis au courant régulièrement et avons pu récupéré la voiture à peine était-elle arrivé dans la région.Nous remercions vivement la concession pour son accueil et sa réactivité. C'est avec confiance que nous reviendrons pour l'entretien de la voiture à l'avenir.(Translated by Google
dominique gerbaut: .Vehicles not in our prices
Murielle Riffaud: Garage too expensive, he makes quotes but does not respect themBut you count the several cleaning me when I clean I do not start againrackrack of
Rafix Rafix: I highly recommend !! Great team of professionals who are attentive and accommodating and who have a taste for a job well done, I recommend once again 👍👍👍
Sebastien: Hello, we met the manager of the garage, Antoine for the purchase of a Nissan Qashkai, in summary the transaction went extremely well whether it was for the reservation, the preparation, the delivery as well as the test drive of the vehicle . The professionalism as well as the follow-up of this garage is really a pleasure, you can trust this professional and go there with your eyes closed.

8. Bureau Veritas - Flers-Bourg

· 3 reviews

14 Rue du Haut de la Cruppe, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

Address Website WhatsApp

9. Centre contrôle technique AUTOCONTROL - Wasquehal

· 82 reviews

95 Rue de Tourcoing, 59290 Wasquehal, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Centre contrôle technique AUTOCONTROL: what do users think?
Xtofus Magnus (Xtof-Photographie): pour votre efficacité et votre rapidité...Et en plus j'y ai croisé l'heureux possesseur d'une Ami 6 1961 de toute beauté...Je recommande CCT Autocontrôle Wasquehal à 100%(Translated by Google
Fab H: Fast and effective
Jacek Uznanski: In the top!
Thierry Boudry: Very friendly welcome.
camille renaut: chez eux les yeux fermés. Toujours très satisfaite !(Translated by Google
Henrique SIMAO: Competent and very friendly team 👍Taxi Henrique SIMÃO.
Jacques Grunwald: Serious, efficient, fast.👍
Delphine Motte: a very caring technical control for our cars, a more than welcoming, smiling, helpful welcome.located on wasquehal, in a small quiet street.quick appointment...they check recent cars as well as vintage cars.A shock team...I highly recommend them
Louezna Khenouchi: Good welcome and very competent team. After the technical inspection, the mechanic took the time to explain to me and show me the faulty elements on my vehicle.If I had to recommend a control center it is really this one.
Cédric Wille: Fast, friendly service!It's not a simple ok or it won't pass, it's also a pedagogical explanation!
Pierre DAGNIAUX: Friendly and professional welcome.Work done with precision.Small waiting room with specialized press.
Boolanha Son: Top
Pauline Crble: Very well received this morning, quick and efficient check!I recommend !
Dimiitri Vaniseghem: Perfect
LORANT Daniel: Very good technical control. THEController including fast, efficient and professional. Possibility to leave your vehicle the day before. Which is very nice. The establishment is clean and we are always very well received.
Marine lossouarn: Very friendly and pleasant thank you
François Sellier: Quality of reception, professionalism, speed, friendliness, explanations and advice: congratulations to the whole team, remarkable.
Patricia Assuncao: Excellent welcome Competent staff Taken on time. nothing to say
Tony Beune: Very professional.Pleasant and friendly team and always gives good advice
Christophe Carlier: good reception

10. FordStore Lille - Hellemmes-Lille

· 415 reviews

Bd de l'Ouest, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

Address Website WhatsApp

11. CTA59 Controle Technique Autovision Herlies - Herlies

· 29 reviews

Zone d'activité de la Maladrerie, 9 Rue des Remouleurs, 59134 Herlies, France

Address Website WhatsApp

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