Zara Lille Near Me


Business in Clothing store:

1. ZARA - Lille

· 1517 reviews

centre commercial 100, 59777 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
ZARA: what do users think?
Jean Paul Boulinguiez: No one, stay away!!!!
Sergent Françoise: In the top
manue beaussart: Superb clothes, good storage, pleasant staff
François bo: Chilly sales
Max & Alex Cy: Very nice store except the prices are too much fortunately we can find mini prices
Chantal Raout: Own
Naïma Souhbane: Lots of clothes and people for the 1st day of sales.
Ines Versel: Pathetic experience as usual. Unpleasant staff as possible, companions prohibited in the cabin for no reason.
Dimitri A: alors que le client ne touchait même pas encore au vêtement et regardait juste l’étiquette. Puis cette dame lui dit à nouveau « en plus je vois que vous avez remis un pantalon n’importe comment au dessus de l’autre pile alors que je viens de tout ranger » et ce monsieur lui répond qu’il n’a même pas touché à ces vêtements. Bref Zara est réputé pour la nonchalance de ses employés mais elle atteint ici les sommets ! Je me suis senti très mal à l’aise pour cet homme.(Translated by Google
Linda Linda: I left with my 11 year old daughter to buy her some clothes for the holidays, she found pants in the children's department and the top in the women's department. At the time of fitting in the children's cabin a saleswoman came and explained to me that she has no right to try on the top in the children's cabin I find it difficult to understand that but I respected the rules and I decided not to try on, I took a short walk around I went back to try on only the bottoms, my daughter when trying on without pants I see a person who works in this brand open the curtain while my daughter was in panties to check if she was trying on the women's top, I was furious and very upset at her gesture. In addition to her she speaks to me in a very unpleasant way and shouts in the store to attract attention I explain to her that what she has just done is very out of place and forbidden she decides to call staff and the security guard to get me out of the store . I asked to speak to the manager who was very rude. frankly I do not recommend this store they are not pleasant to flee
Bhk: Unpleasant salespeople.We don't know what department you are in, so no need to be rude when we come to ask you something.Bag at 15ctm imposed at checkout when I said NO. In view of the prices of the sign, be humble if you want to keep your customers.
bruno lepla: Modern
Timothée Gaudeau: I went today to redo my wardrobe and I had the opportunity to have the help of an ultra friendly saleswoman who was able to guide me in my choice in a very professional way, she even allowed me to have the part I wanted on order. I'll come back to pick her up next week and hope to meet Maëva again and her big smile.I am delighted !!!!
ghalia cherifi: Zara my daughter's favorite store,A crush ❤️ she finds her happiness with each passage, a dynamic team!
Bertrand MARCHAND: Less choice than the city center Zara, the fitting rooms are always saturated...
Mansoor Radmanesh: Good quality but it's all from Bangladesh
Adele Katona: Saturday opening hours are unreliable. Set to be open at 9:30. Opens at 9:45.
Mélinda Botte: line up over the line just for a refund? it's not okay or what
nathalie Devallee: Vendeuses désagréables.
Moi Remoi: Catastrophe ! Des employés qui ne servent pas à grand chose à part tourner en rondOuvrez les caisses quand vous voyez qu’il y a du monde … ça vous évitera de perdre du chiffre d’affaire
Atmane Nora: 👌🏼

2. ZARA - Lille



· 449 reviews

19 Rue de la Bourse, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

3. Zara - Hôtel-de-Ville

· 964 reviews

Bd de Valmy, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Zara: what do users think?
Hugo Heartgarden: The saleswomen are neither friendly nor welcoming…
yk m: Jh
med med: At the entrance, no hello... on the men's side, no one comes to see you, it's a quiet discussion Lady at the checkout haughty and cold... won't set foot there again
sophie Pit: Saleswoman at checkout not very pleasantThe prices displayed on the items are only valid on June 28th, we are on the 27th.I ask her the question because my item is more expensive than the displayed price .. she answers me dryly that the sales are on the 28th not the 27th, so I ask her why the prices are already set .. she answers me there there are plenty of posters in the store that explain… in short, I paid more for an item in this case not to display the sale prices if we pay almost full pot at the checkout.And a smile costs nothing, being nice too! Note to the sellers
Jamila CHATIOUI: Just made me recalibrate because closing earlier but no display has been set up on the front of the store
Remi Journieux: 20 sellers 12 customers not a hello!!!
nadege allaert: I have always been told that at Zara no one smiles, but you have recruited a real little sun with a smile and good advice!So my favorite Zara mtn is Zara v2: Plus there's a man, woman and children all together in a beautiful shopping centerAlso when I ask if they still have a ref in store, it's the only Zara where they won't answer me:"I don't know because we have a lot of theft"At Zara v2 they take their service phone to look for the ref! :DAnd also let it be said Zara v2 you often change the layout of the items but frankly it's tidy and it's clean :D
Br Malika: Hyper unpleasant saleswoman does not answer hello speaks badly laughs loudly speaks loudly has fun between the shocking rays never seen!!!!!
regina trinh: I am disappointed with the telephone service. I tried to contact the store for information on an article reference. The first time, it was too early and she asked me to call back in 10 minutes. The second time I was told they were out of info on the items, she left me on hold and hung up without bothering to say goodbye. Not very commercial! You have to change jobs. ...
zh hm: Good morning,It's a two-tone notice, I arrive in the store there was a hanger on the floor, I picked it up and gave it to a saleswoman who was totally lacking in education, neither thank you nor a look... I pointed it out to her, Maïté I knew it was your last day... So much the better you need rest... On the other hand, in the cabin, Sarah brightened up my journey... Very smiling young woman. Thank you... Recruit on this criterion please... Au sino' long live the net.
Antoine Delval: It's no longer the Zara that I knew, 15 years ago, we're back, there was a lot more choice, it was much more masculine and more FashionFor several years, the events have been of less good quality compared to the price of the purchase, and the style of dress has become too androgynous, it is necessary to know how to think of any type of client….I can understand that following fashion is important, but not everyone can wear these things. !!!For the V2 store, he should do like the one in Lille, hang the clothes, a mannequin to better see the visual of the clothesIt's time for the seat to change on a lot of things, that's my personal opinion.
SOUHILA HSAINE: . C’est bien dommage. Il faut changer vos horaires sur le site si vous ne laissez pas entrer les clients. A fuir !!!!(Translated by Google
cisse nasticho: No but to flee! lol. I never put a negative opinion but there is an Asian type saleswoman I am shocked how she looks down on customers! Just because of her, I won't even give Zara v2 €1. And of course I will pass the message on to those around me. I didn't want to reprimand because I hate putting on a show. But sweetie, calm down, you're just a saleswoman at Zara. On the other hand, a sugar his colleague with the long square who was in the cabins
Laughing Man: Try Exclusive Man / Woman, without a guide, why? Having your spouse's opinion is important. Would the Zara of this center yield to certain community pressures?
Lucas Delannoy: Bad reception
Sarah: I always do my shopping online but unfortunately I had to go to the store. Never again! The employee in the cabins was super unpleasant, haughty, talks to customers like sh*t. A lady I met in the store even made me think, she was so shocked! And when we let them know that he has ways of addressing customers, they reply that "if you're not happy, just go somewhere else". In short, I don't know who takes care of the recruitment but there is everything to redo.
Anne-Charlotte Delaby: Rude sellers and sellers. A cold reception, no smile, the customer disturbs!
Laetitia Goutte: que je suis étonnée de son manque de civilité ! Puis cette employée me dit : "je ne vais pas sourire bêtement"Melle ?? votre relation clientèle est à revoir.Par contre, la personne qui a procédé à mon échange en caisse a été très agréable !(Translated by Google
Joelle THIEBAUT: Amabilité du personnel plus que détestable.Avons l impression de les déranger.Aucun bonjour, aucun sourire, aucun au revoir.Recrutement plus qu' à revoir.
ines khlf: Je suis passée aujourd’hui le 11/03/2023 vers 19h30 en caisse enfant afin d’effectuer un remboursement pour un article que j’ai reçu via le site internet. J’ai eu le sentiment d’être ridiculiser et humilier car la caissière insinuait devant tous les autres clients qui attendaient que j’avais déjà porter l’article hors jamais je ne me serais permise de faire cela. J’ai reçu l’article dans un état qui pourrait laisser penser qu’il a déjà été porté et la responsable m’a alors dis que je devais en référé via le site et le service client. J’ai conscience qu’en période de rush cela peut être compliqué mais en aucun cas je ne peux accepter le fait d’être rabaissée de la sorte. Je ne cherche pas à faire de problème mais juste à ce que l’information soit remontée. Il n’est pas nécessaire d’être désagréable.
Ibtisseme B: Je ne mettrais pas 1 étoile car je suis grande consommatrice chez vous et que je reviendrai. Mais je n’en mettrais pas 5 quand en pleine après-midi, 1 seule caisse est ouverte et que l’hôte de caisse est un jeune homme en formation essayant de faire au mieux pour ne pas perdre ses moyens face à l’attente ( et qui de plus est super sympa) quand à côté de lui, sur la caisse suivante ( fermée ) nous avons 3 vendeuses en train de papoter entre elles. Cela à durée + de 15 min, jusqu’à qu’une d’entre elles se décide de prendre un relais caisse.

4. Zara - Englos

· 606 reviews

352 Route Nationale, Centre Commercial Les Geants, 59320 Haubourdin, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Zara: what do users think?
lucy dnt: la vendeuse a bouclette super cool je montre une photo d’un article que je ne trouve pas, qu’il n’y avait pas dans le magasin la femme a directement étais me le chercher en réserve et très agréable!
THIERRY DELABIE: Pas possible d'accompagner son épouse en cabine.
Elise 28: C’est parce qu’on ne peut pas mettre 0 étoileArticle arraché à l’intérieur au niveau de l’étiquette , je demande si il est possible d’avoir une petite remise dessus. Rien de très gourmandLa responsable au carré avec des lunettes d’un désagreable me répond c’est ça ou rien !!! Ou ça part en défectueux ! D’entréeDonc je demande si elle préfère le jeter ou le vendreElle m’a répondue quand on sait pas on dit pas n’importe quoiJe pense qu’il y a un minimum de filtre à avoir avec les clientsSi vous n’êtes pas heureuse dans votre travail madame , changez de métier mais ne restez pas au contact des clientsVous les faites fuir
dany douay: grand choix , magasin bien rangé
Arnaud B: En accord avec de nombreux commentaires, l'accueil serait le principale axe d'amélioration.Parfois, l'impression de déranger, c'est dommage car le magasin est agréable et le choix de vêtements est vaste.
Buzy: Il y a du choix pas forcément pour toutes les bourses mais la qualité le vaut bien.
Hélène Lestavel: De tout. Prendre de suite si l zrticle plaît. Pas de reassort
Johann Jeanniot: Services Cabines d’essayage femme au top!
BEE Camille: Vendeurs au top! Le vendeur présent ce jour en cabine était très accueillant et de très bons conseils!
A Alf: A FUIR !!C'est la dernière fois que je mettrai les pieds à ce magasin Zara englos, car la personne à la caisse était désagréable ! ni bonjour, ni regard, elle jetait les vêtements presque, j'ai jamais vu ça !!Même le monsieur à coté qui plier les vêtements était pareil de très mauvaise humeur !Même les personnes qui faisait la queue à la caisse n'en revenez pas ! tout le monde se regardait ! franchement c'était gênant...Ce magasin est une vrai calamité...Nous sommes passés le 19/05/2023 à 11h45.
P p: Reprise ou échange ou remboursement impossible comme le pantalon est coupé....Le magasin veux rien savoir et me renvoie sur internet qui n'aboutit à rien !!Du coup pantalon immettable !!!36€96 à la poubelle !6€ de retouche pour ça ! j'aurais pu le faire moi même !!Je pense que Zara devrait changer métier et apprendre ce que c'est un ourlet !!(Translated by Google
Nad Choco: The person I had in the fitting rooms on 06/05/2023 around 3:45 p.m. is not friendly at all! Refusal to access the fitting rooms with the stroller and the baby, the reason: it's Saturday! Too many people so ban on going with a stroller!So little young blonde lady if you're in a bad mood, we don't force you to work on a Saturday! I still had 5 items to try… Thanks to this young lady, I will never come back to Zara Englos!Good Sunday. THANKS
Florian S: Impossible to go to the fitting rooms together to get his wife's opinion, we are surprised that the stores are closing and that people are buying on the internet, so I put my items down, I wouldn't set foot nor me nor my wife in this store.
Clementine Hosdez: The fitting rooms are closed. very disappointedSo I put the items back without buying anything
segolene vuylsteker: Only 1 seller is exceptional he will recognize himself he is the only man in the womanAlways attentive, available, he takes the time to guide and advise
Véronique Siby: Zara quality has deteriorated sharply! I bought a 50% wool sweater which completely pilled and became deformed after the 1st wash, despite it being on a cold wool programme. It cost me almost €50. A real disaster, I can now use it as a rag. Ditto for a men's Bermuda shorts which suffered the same fate,
Audrey Brun: As usual in this store, no information, no staff available.No need to ask the salesman a question at the checkout, he also prefers, as usual, to talk about his personal life with his colleagues rather than cashing in on customers... no need to broach the subject of how the returns are going. store "it's displayed on the wall and on your receipt"...nice isn't it? Worse and worse customer service...
Muriel Desmet: On est suivi et espionné, absolument pas à l'aise (Même si on a pas de sac).Le vigile n'est pas très discret, genre:je suis là et je te surveille. Je n'ai jamais rien voler et me sens comme une voleuse.Dommage, des articles me plaisent bien. .
Martin: Je me suis rendu ce jeudi à l'ouverture car je cherché 3 parfums pour ma femme je ne connaissais pas le produit la caissière habillé en tailleur verte étais occupée entrain de réapprovisionné les produits à ce moment là elle a pris le temps de me conseiller merci madame ma femme est super contente et ravie des choix que vous m 'avez proposées je reviendrais merci le magasin est bien ranger en tous cas les vendeurs sont agréables
jean jacques soitoux: Bon produit
franck laffez: Pas le droit d'accompagneren cabine, personnel désagréable .

5. Bershka - Lille

· 697 reviews

100 Av. Willy Brandt, 59777 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Bershka: what do users think?
Paul Marguerite: ?(Translated by Google
audelais jena: No right to accompany in the fitting room. Seller not very friendly.First and last time I enter this store
Naima Bela: Very bad experience during our visit to this Bershka euralille store on June 21, 2023 at 5:30 p.m., at the time of the fittings, we were waiting for our turn to try on clothes, while several cabins became available, we asked to access the cabin the seller who was present did not say hello to us and said no you are not coming in, the seller was unpleasant and haughty there were several customers waiting for their turn. disappointed by this behavior we dropped off our items and left
paccawan chico: Bright and well laid out store. A deplorable management of the cabins: a very lonely salesman overwhelmed to welcome and store the fittings. A menacing manager who deserves to do a customer reception internship. Yes the Bershka brand but elsewhere for me....
Léa Delassus: Visit on Friday June 2 at 9:45 a.m., I make my purchases at the quick checkout except that the checkout does not work, I try a 2nd time but it's the same so I ask an employee and she certifies to me that the payment is n didn't pass, so I changed cash registers and there I got my ticket, except that several days later I realized that my purchase had gone through my account 3 times.I will complain to the store and they told me that they send an email to the management and that I will have my refund in 5 to 10 days.To date I still have no news I absolutely do not recommend I am very disappointed as a loyal customer..
J Pendenque: Very nice store, bright and very well located on the ground floor of the Euralille shopping center.I admit that I had never been in this store for the 5 years that I have been in Lille and I went there to look for a gift for someone and I was pleasantly surprised.On the other hand, for the automatic checkouts which are supposed to replace the checkouts with physical saleswomen, they bugs... Concept to be improved.Also, once the purchase is complete, the so-called link to create a Bershka account does not work and is returned to the product site.
Flo: Too bad it is not possible to put any stars, the staff is unpleasant as possible.
Romane Vanderhaeghe: people are bitter
Eric MARTINAND: Not a big crowd but a much too long wait at the checkout. Thank you to the many people who left the queue by depositing their purchase again... it was faster but 30 minutes is long all the same
Léa Akli: I do not recommend at all,Not entitled to accompaniments in the cabin except at the head of the customer when I find that it is important for the opinionAlso the sellers are not nice.Luckily not all stores are like that.
heloise g: zero, execrable sellers, poor quality clothes made by Uighurs and having circumnavigated the planet 12 times.
Théo Wiart: . Au départ j’ai cru que c’était une caméra cachée où le but était d’esquiver un maximum le client en face de toi, je mets deux étoiles car sa collègue blonde était très sympa et a rattrapé le truc. Mademoiselle brune aux yeux bleus, si tu lis ce message un jour, donne ta place à quelqu’un qui veut bosser.(Translated by Google
Amélie Dhe: LET US BE ACCOMPANIED IN FRONT OF OUR CABINS. THANK YOU. Because when we don't have the right size, we grit our teeth, we get dressed to re-queue. We also like to have the opinion of our companion. Well, you're the only ones doing this and it's really boring and it doesn't make you want to stay.
Valérie Genard: Absolutely avoid!!! A so-called fast cashing system that does not work: I paid the amount of the previous customer's purchases!!! Despite the presentation of my online account attesting to the debit, I am made to wait more than 30 minutes!!! The director does not even take the time to apologize, takes me high and refuses to reimburse me. We believe we are dreaming! It's still a mistake of the store, not mine!!! What disdain of the customer, what contempt…. On top of that the store is badly kept… a catastrophic experience… I will never set foot there again and I will make it widely known around me. A real scandal this way of treating customers….
Fousseynou NIAGANE: Fashion 😳🤔
Cléo patre: On ne s'entendaient pas à l'intérieur! Vos employée doivent finir leurs journées avec un mal de crâne comme pas possible ! Pensez aux personnes malentendant svpBaissez votre musique ! Et je suis pas la seule a être partie vite à cause de la musique(Translated by Google
MasterRambaldi: Staff available, especially for click and collect. Not disappointed with what I bought.
Mar: Why is the area for women 10 times larger than that for men?
Clovis cerise: I came a little in the dark to find some outfits for my spouse and a saleswoman named Valentine I believe knew how to create two superb outfits for her! When I offered her the outfits she was delighted! Thank you Valentine I will come back with her!
Julia Moraga: Super magasin. Merci à la vendeuse au piercing au nez au top !
Maxence Fève: Magasin au top personnel très aimable surtout la vendeuse avec le septum magnifique est-il possible de lui demander sa main?

6. PIMKIE - Lille

· 234 reviews

100 Av. Willy Brandt, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

7. PIMKIE - Lille

· 111 reviews

34 Rue Neuve, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
PIMKIE: what do users think?
Athénaïs Hurdebourg: ce que je trouve fort dommage de voir encore aujourd'hui ! De plus, le personnel ne vient pas vers vous afin de vous conseiller et vous ignore totalement, et préfère discuter entre elles.(Translated by Google
Vanille Des îles: I'm leaving the store right now...I am more than satisfied.. The manager is great, you have a rare pearl in this shop. I come for a trench coat and I leave with extra pieces because I have great advice, she takes the time and really listens and prioritizes her clients. Thank you so much.
ZI NET: Bad quality …Disappointing
aurelie Lily: Close on Sunday
Sabrina Dupont: Well received by the director or responsible blonde with glasses. Very pleasant. Who took the time to answer me with a smile. 😃
Faïza Ken: Julie was very friendly, professional and attentive. See you soon
lou _grnk: (Translated by Google
Nath DV: Thank you for the quality of the service, I had to exchange clothes for my daughter following a wrong size thank you for the speed
cecile loiseleux: Nice promotions nice collections welcoming sellers
Stef d: The store is airy, well laid out to showcase the products.Disappointment anyway when I show up with a coupon to hear me say at the checkout that the item I chose is not affected by the reduction when nothing indicated it on the coupon. Not a cool method...
ZOE BOULLAY: Tidy and very good advisers
F D.: Very unpleasant sellers apart from one who was very nice!We seem to disturb them in their discussionsI much prefer the saleswomen of Englos!
Alain Temple: Vast choice in ready to wear!
Ami Zjzodidjek: The clothes are so beautiful
J Kyr: I bought an item, I asked for the receipt to be able to exchange it in case, the person at the cash desk tells me that the receipt is sent by email. I have not received an email and therefore cannot return this item which does not suit me. Very bad experience
colibri Nathalie: Pleasant and available sellers.Success leads to a wait at the checkout
Florian Taniel: Very rude sales people
Anne Sophie Mullie: First visit to the store. Superb welcome from Lucie. A very big thank you to her. I will come back with pleasure. I recommend item reservations. Try-on possible. Very satisfied with my purchases. See you soon
Tamourt Lahna: I'm always satisfied at pimkie
Justine: Very good Pimkie store where you are always greeted with a smile! The sales assistants are friendly and give good advice.I totally recommend this store which also has a wide choice unlike other Pimkie stores
Céline Anzalone: Disappointed...I went last week to do some shopping. Apparently there was a computer problem, we could not register my purchases. They explain to me that I have to come back and they will put the points on my loyalty account.Carefree...Today, I go to the store to buy again, present my ticket from last week to save my loyalty points and I am told that it is just impossible. In short... Zero customer service!

8. Stradivarius - Lille

· 315 reviews

centre commercial 100, 59777 Lille, France

Address Website
Stradivarius: what do users think?
So Ghl: Donc j’ai pas pu me faire rembourser, c la vendeuse qui c’est tromper mais cest le client qui paye. J’ai eu une carte cadeau alors que je viens jamaisCe qui est sur c’est que je reviendrais plus(Translated by Google
Sarah Lisambert: Having had a problem with receipts, I go to the store with the details of the purchases, the day, the hour, the amount of the payment. "Impossible" for them to edit a duplicate.I am sent back to the after-sales service who tells me that the store can do it but not the after-sales service.In the end they pass the buck and I end up with clothes that are not my size.Deplorable service. I see myself indignant at their commercial policy. Teaches to flee I will not make any more purchases from them!Being myself a trader, I am quite outraged by their incapable services!They have computerized cash registers and are unable to type 5 times on their screen to satisfy their customers!Run away, never again.
Lea Lea: The clothes are top but the employees much less
Victoria Treffel: There are 4-5 cash registers but we are forced to pay at the automatic cash register which is in a corner of the store where there are a lot of customers and sellers, especially for fittings. The bad placement means that we are in the middle of the store and the saleswomen make it clear to us that we are disturbing when we were scolded at the checkout because we wanted to pay by card and sent back to the car checkout.
Lidia Sahnouni: I agree that the job of saleswoman is sometimes very difficult and that some customers are most unpleasant, but for once neither hello nor goodbye - we are directed to the automatic checkouts after having been in the queue in normal checkout for more than 15 min because "we only take the cash returns" so that in the end the self-checkouts do not work.Still happening, technology has its limits. But when we arrive at the checkout again, we get back in line and we are asked to pay more for items because we forgot to change the labels on some clothes when it's the displayed price which is the one to apply, that we are put 7 clothes in a very small bag that we also pay for instead of the adapted format and that we are not even bothered to say goodbye, we leave a opinion at the "height" of the reception.
Laeti Tia: The smell of perfume is very unpleasant.We waited 15 minutes for the manager to come and help her employee for a €100 note. Fortunately, the seller was very pleasant because his manager is very haughty! We need to review the customer relationship 🤣🤣
Maïti Carroll: There are 5 people at the checkout in front of me and I've been queuing for 20 minutes, waiting way too long for so little
dorine de oliveira: Very friendly team I recommend
Stéphane Verlinde: Very unpleasant security guard, bordering on the vulgar! A young girl picks up a bag that has fallen on the ground and is accused of having dropped it! No apologies from him once proven thatit wasn't her. What will he do if we accidentally break into this store.
Margot slk: Contrary to some comments, I was well received and advised by a saleswoman. I will go back there .
Sirine Dht: Fuyez si vous souhaitez postuler, vu les nombreux commentaires vous l’aurez compris …Ma pire expérience dans la vente on nous apprends à ne pas calculer la clientèle car je cite « elle n’est pas notre priorité » bref j’ai tenu 2 jours
vivien herve: Vendeuse petite a lunette très désagréable qui nous prend de haut... Franchement je ne retournerai pas dans cette boutique malgres l envie de ma fille... Si le commerce ne lui plaît pas, il faut changer de métier... Honteux..... Passez votre chemin...
marty land: Bonjour, 5 personnes derrières les caisses. Paiement par carte bleue, c'est à nous d'effectuer notre paiement aux caisses automatiques, d'enlever nous-mêmes les antivols et personne pour vous accompagner. C'est magnifique de mieux en mieux et après ils viendront se plaindre qui n'ont plus de taf et qu'ils sont remplacés par des machines. Bonjour, la jeunesse !!!
Lucie Mastin: Je ne sais pas si votre but c'est de faire fuir les clients mais faut doser sur le parfum là... en 30 secondes on se choppe une migraine et le goût du parfum dans la bouche.
catherine erine: Un super magasin mais le personnel doit avoir une hiérarchie qui applique le management autoritaire car pas souriantc'est choquant.J'ai effectué un achat qui malheureusement pour moi était mal taillé, j'ai voulu échanger où autres je me suis fait envoyer bouler par la responsable car entre temps cet article avait été soldé. Sincèrement je ne veux plus entendre parler de cette marque dommage car j'étais une vraie fan je vais favoriser Bershka 😉
Lamia Habet: Il y a une responsable avec des longs cheveux qui est très gentil très souriante mais alors une petite de taille avec des lunettes qui prend les gens de haut qui tire toujours la tronche elle c’est le cas de le dire quand on rentre dans le magasin aucune forme de politesse elle prend littéralement les gens de haut si son métier ne lui plaît pas elle a qu’à tout simplement changer car être en public ça ne lui va pas du tout Je travaille moi-même en tant que vendeuse et je peux vous dire que si j’avais le même comportement qu’elle ma responsable ne m’aurais pas gardé plus de deux jours Ah et j’oubliais elle ose faire des commentaires Mais elle oublie qu’elle n’est pas toute seule dans le magasin Ça n’est pas parce que on a le dos tourné qu’on entend pas
Citoyenne: Commande passé en magasin un samedi on me dit que la réception se fera du mardi au plus tard mercredi, j appel le magasin le mercredi on me dit il faut voir avec le service client, je demande le numéro reponse bah regardez sur internet 0800 ... manifique !! Du jeudi je rappel du vendredi aussi et enfin le produit dans le main ouff. Mon article était de 55,99 € a l'achat mais une étiquette blanche caché le prix, je tire dessus et la je vois 49,99€. Une personne peux m'expliquer cette diference de prix ou je me suis fait avoir en beauté??
Antoine Bourgogne: Très bon magasin
Manon Pruvost: Vendeuse très désagréable pendant un remboursement
Sandy: J adore ce magasin, je ne connaissais pas avant mais maintenant qur je connais j y retournerais avec plaisir
Amélie Lmrx: Very unpleasant reception. Don't even bother to help us at the self-checkout when it's the first time we've done this. No smile, no hello or goodbye. I wouldn't come back again.

9. Stradivarius - Lille

· 175 reviews

49 Rue de Béthune, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Stradivarius: what do users think?
Lucie Delion: The young brunette with the tail is really very nice 😊
Anaelle Locquet: Two months ago I was scouting the store to see some items I spotted on the website. Not finding it, I ask for help from one of the saleswomen in the cabins, I simply had the right to a sigh and a look that made me understand that I was disturbing her in her jeans folding! It's a bit limited as a welcome! Naturally I dmd her how long it takes, I can receive a package delivered to the store and she replied "I don't know", a little motivation and sympathy in the answer would be appreciable. I went back two days ago telling myself that it was just this saleswoman and that they are not all like that! I was very wrong, it was borderline I snatched the hello from the mouth of the cashier. The job of a saleswoman is not just about collecting customers.
Veve Boulen: I love this store affordable prices....great clothes
dominique pierard: The store closed at 6:48 p.m. not 7 p.m. as prescribed on the window
Pac Pac: It's a good thing to keep the doors closed to save energy, but displaying it proudly on your driveway when all the lights inside are left on all night risks losing all credibility.Next time, think about it 😉
Marina Elbaz: I love your sticker for energy sobriety. But for the light on in the evening what do you do???
Alexandre F: Hello Stradivari,You close the doors so as not to heat up outside, well done! But at 10 p.m. everything is lit as if it were still open... Really, really too bad, your speech is incoherent.
Vincent Vercruysse: It's not Versailles here!!!Photo taken at 9:47 p.m. and the big store lit up!!! 💡💡💡
Alex: I arrive at 6:40 p.m. in the store, which closes at 7 p.m. I had to try on an item to buy it later, it's not possible because the fitting rooms are closed when I had an item in my hands. I should point out that this happened to me in April. May 16 I go back to this store next to where I work to buy the same item because I had a crush. Impossible to enter at 6:45 p.m. !! while the store closes at 7 p.m.! In addition, the saleswomen are rude and the security guard is terrible
Olivier Pucher: Bonjour, Je souhaiterais attirer votre attention sur le fait que vos lumières sont encore allumées après la fermeture de votre boutique. Or, depuis octobre 2022, la loi sur l'éclairage nocturne a été renforcée et vous risquez une amende de 7500€ si vos vitrines restent allumées. En pleine crise énergétique, il est important de faire des gestes pour économiser l'énergie, et cela passe notamment par l'extinction des lumières en quittant les lieux. Je suis convaincu que vous serez sensible à cet argument et que vous prendrez les mesures nécessaires pour éteindre vos vitrines après fermeture. Merci d'avance pour votre attention.
Elodie Degezelle: De bons prix pour les soldes et de belles choses
Sandy: Très bon accueil téléphonique,
Bénédicte Planchez: Étiquette à 9,99€ erreur d’étiquetage de leur part et on me fait quand même payer le « prix affiché sur les autres » J’ai appelé Henin-Beaumont pour savoir si je pouvais me faire rembourser la différence et on m’indique qu’en effet j’aurais dût payer 9,99€ mais que je dois retourner à Lille pour avoir des explications ! Je n’y mettrais plus un pied !
Arman Ohanyan: Vendeuse désagréable
Lea Loudini: Commerce propre, articles de qualité mais l’amabilité de certains reste à revoir
audrey batteur: Expérience peu enviable.2 étoiles exclusivement réservées aux produits trouvés sur place.En parallèle, l’accueil est inexistant et le sourire aux clients en est de même.Vous passez en caisse et les caissières se parlent entres elles à 1m50 de distance , même pas un regard!Le seul mot qui vous est adresse est pour vous proposer d’acheter un sac à 15 cts et le regard est dédié à votre carte bancaire qui s’insère dans le lecteur!!!Comment vous dire que le prix est le même dans tous les stradivarius et qu’il est donc préférable de passer votre chemin sur cette boutique !!!!A fuir!!!!!
Silvy Bat: Closing the booths 1 hour before closing causes you to lose purchases
Rim: Cheap trendy clothes with different sizes. Pleasant welcome
Sabine Six: Very nice welcoming staff with a smile, very nice affordable price I like this store
Anaïs Dreux: Hours: 10 a.m.I pass the door at 9:59, since it was open I allow myself to enter but I am sent back outside because "we are not open yet". I also work in the trade and we sometimes open a little early! The friendliness was not there, for 1 minutes worse than the Post Office!!!
Axelle Blas: the whole store is top, however the saleswoman who received us for the collection this Monday, July 25 shortly before 5 p.m. was very unpleasant, we were disappointed by this welcome.

10. MANGO - Lille

· 170 reviews

Av. Willy Brandt, 59777 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
MANGO: what do users think?
theo delbarre (theosmatch62218): Serveuse tres impolie, demande plusieurs fois la commande mais n'ecoute pas ce que l'on dit.Se trompe dans la commande, deux fois. Nous avons demandé un grand ainsi qu'un petit smoothie, nous avons eu deux petits. Gauffre country commandée mais nutella recue ...
Shérazade AOUADJI: Je suis hyper déçue de mon expérience client en magasin.Dans un premier temps je passe commande en magasin pour une tenue à 69,99€, je récupère la commande, on me demande de payer le sachet alors que j’ai fais plaisir à la vendeuse en la commandant l’article en magasin au lieu de le recuperer dans le magasin Rue de bethune.Je passe en caisse pour ajouter une jupe etiquetté à 29,99€ la vendeuse me dit que c’est une erreur, la responsable du magasin me répète la meme chose et refuse de me le faire au prix affiché, sans s’en excuser.
Virginie Bertin: Magasin un peu petit mais vendeuse plutôt agréable
Laurence Belhassane: Aucun accueil de la part de vendeur, et rien trouvée de spéciale.
Harshini Natarajan: Slow people
Glória Rodrigues Aroma Nurse (gr8aromanurse): Staff sympathique
Kimora Aoki: I am going today, December 27, to the Mango Westfield store in Lille. Nonchalant attitude of the person at the checkout who is in telephone communication with another shop, at first she asks for the availability of 1 product, except that she continues her chatter by talking about her staffing problems because of "farida" who leaves and that she needs to find a replacement. I look at a saleswoman and ask her if she can cash me. She finally decides to put an end to her call because she is the only one who can take it. Unacceptable, disrespectful and not professional at all. I am making a complaint to the headquarters today because I am not the only comment to denounce this.
Julie Moreau: .Mais déjà l’accueil qui est inexistant alors que c’est primordial et de plus la vendeuse était très désagréable et hautaine, j’avais l’impression de la déranger !Si c’est pour être ainsi avec les clients, ne travaillez pas dans la vente. C’est une honte vraiment ! J’ai jamais vu ça.De ce fait, je mettrais plus un pied dans ce magasin.(Translated by Google
Moly Aziri: The store smells really bad
Christel Nouvon: Beau magasin
Imane Hamdane: C’est vraiment inadmissible de laisser l’étiquette avec le prix dit « espagnol » donc moins cher, et une fois à la caisse la vendeuse m’annonce que le prix indiqué sur l’étiquette n’est pas le bon car il s’agit d’un « oubli ». En effet je suis passée de 19,99 € à 25,99 €, ce n’est que 5 euros de différence mais ceci n’est pas la première fois que cela arrive et ça m’agace vraiment parce que j’ai très bien compris que cela n’est qu’une tactique commerciale afin d’attiser les clients. Déjà que l’accueil est hyper froid et que personne vient nous accueillir nous demander si on besoin d’aide, mais là cette pratique très limite me fera plus revenir vers vous. Je suis extrêmement déçue. Cet info va être d’ailleurs remonté sous pli à la direction général de mango france.
Capu Cine: Bien accueilli merci mieux que Lillenium
Matt McFly: Rapide, généreux et prix du secteur justifié. Petite salle sur place par contre. Merci ✨️
Lucie Stella: Passez votre chemin !Nous sommes deux et nous commandons chacune à notre tour. Lors du payement, nous sommes surprise de par le prix (peu cher pour deux personnes). Nous demandons à la serveuse si elle a bien pris nos commandes, ce qu’elle affirme. Quelle ne fut pas notre surprise de voir arriver qu’une seule de nos commandes ! Nous avons dû recommander une deuxième fois notre commande (de plus, son collègue lui se souvenait qu’il y avait bien deux commandes et non une…)De plus, les gaufres n’était vraiment pas bonnes…
Black Cat: The waitress who looks like an unpleasant Maeva Ghennam, who turns her back as I wait to be served and when she finally makes up her mind, the sandwich is put down and she leaves. No politeness, I expected better from a sign in Lille.
Omlegende: A team at the top very happy with my visit to the mango euralille store.The clothes are superb. I was advised by a tall young man with black hair who gave me very good advice and guidance, smiling and very friendly. Delighted with my visit, I who come from Belgium
Daquiesha Keaundra: As I enter the fitting room, the rather strong black saleswoman jostles me by sending me into the curtain and leaves me with a haughty look, not a hello, sorry.Really rude and disrespectful
morais sophie: Very bad experience in Lille. A 15-minute wait before being served. 2 waiters for a Saturday afternoon with a mall crowd. Staff not friendly.Purchase of a Nutella + oreo waffle. All soft and hyper equeurante. I do not recommend
reine de coeur: The best kebabs 😍
ifa alone: Very good smoothie and Donuts at the top! I recommend !
leothllz: The ice cream cone is horrible seriously do something sah the eggs my tshirt will remember it

11. MANGO - Lille

· 306 reviews

15-17 Rue de Béthune, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

12. MANGO - Lille

· 7 reviews

62 Rue de Béthune, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

13. ZARA - Hénin-Beaumont

· 910 reviews

Route Nationale, 43 Aushopping Noyelles, 62950 Noyelles-Godault, France

Address Website WhatsApp

14. ZARA - Roeselare

· 369 reviews

Ooststraat 33, 8800 Roeselare, Belgium

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