Best Advertising Universities In Lille Near Me

PRES Lille Nord de France University University of Lille IESEG School Of Management Iae Lille University School Of Management Isa Lille ESPOL (European School of Political and Social Sciences) School of Journalism in Lille IÉSEG Bâtiment R Lille Catholic University Charles de Gaulle University – Lille III SKEMA Business School - Lille IÉSEG CONSEIL Lille - Junior Enterprise EDHEC Business School

1. PRES Lille Nord de France University - Lille

· 2 reviews

1 Rue du Professeur Calmette, 59000 Lille, France

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PRES Lille Nord de France University: what do users think?
Owhlust: The biggest part

2. University of Lille - Lille



· 54 reviews

42 Rue Paul Duez, 59000 Lille, France

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University of Lille: what do users think?
Candide NGOMA: The House of Knowledge 💡🧠.
Mervine Nsangi: How many percentages do they authorize to register at the University of Lille?
Assoulti Yanis: A really great welcome for registrations I would like to point out that the staff is very competent and professional from what I have seen and especially the feedback from colleagues and friendsBig up to Laurence and Justine hayatte and Thibault very smiling Congratulations to you continue you are on top
AMP Reliures: . Le contact est déplorable, vous n'êtes pas rappelés, les quelques mails reçus le sont avec un dédain qui frôle l'impolitesse la plus grande, et en attendant l'université ne paye pas ses factures auprès de ses fournisseurs. Aux formateurs, et toute personne traitant avec le service comptable attention vous allez vous faire voler. Vous ne pouvez même pas faire valoir la close de pénalité de retard. Un scandale, une expérience que je ne renouvellerais pas.(Translated by Google
Docteur DUKE: The University of Lille is:- A pedagogical team whose quantity of suitable teachers is countable on the fingers of an adactyl hand.- A primacy of administrative formalities over the professional future, which is normally the culmination of university.- An administration that manages the feat of bringing together a number of brats per square meter well above the national average, which is already very high.And since you don't change a winning team:- A deplorable organization, like everything else.The university has at least the merit of preparing us for the incredible disorder that is France, it is also surely the cause.
KerayTv _59: Very nice university
Maroua LACHACHI: Very bad establishment
Stéphane Henneron: 😒
Aakash Malik: It is an honor to be a student at ULille, very supportive departments at the university helping in every scenario from integration, education, study, researcher skills, financially and free language courses. I am proud to be a former ULille Master's student 😊. I recommend more students to join this wonderful university to get multidisciplinary knowledge from both study and researcher perspective.
Kaniel LKrn: Good but declining
RetryMod: Très mauvais établissement les profs s'en fichent complètement des étudiants et ils ne sont même pas à notre écoute horaires mitigé et mauvaise organisation des salles et bâtiments car à chaque fois il faut 15 20 minutes pour trouver une salle
Laurent Allouchery: Très bonne université
pierre bucquet: Attention pour les urgences dentaire faut souffrir très fort sinon dehors
Justine Poulin: Bonne université
Bruno Watteau: Très bien reçu et rien a dire
Eric Noël: Emblematic place of the university
Kinder Maxi: Organization for deplorable registrations, an unavailable administration, a shame!
waleedo 1988: The most rasist university, I recommend more for foreign students
Medo Khaled: اريد التقديم فى هذه الجامعه ماوهوا المطلوب انا اكون طالب مصرى الجنسيه بالصف الثالث الثانوي
Mathilda M: Aucune organisation, aucune disponibilité... Tout va de mal en pire dans cette université... Horaires sur place toujours décalés par rapport à ceux du site, aucun numéro de téléphone pour les RI et quand tu appelles l'accueil, attente interminable :( ... C'est déplorable
Romain M: Le gardien de l'entrée qui se prend pour un videur, une queue interminable pour seulement deposer un courrier bref bienvenue dans une administration en France. Ajoutons à cela des étudiants chargés des inscriptions moches et incompétents. ( incapables d'imprimer une feuille)

3. IESEG School Of Management - Lille

· 78 reviews

3 Rue de la Digue, 59000 Lille, France

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IESEG School Of Management: what do users think?
Louis masson: Quality teaching which, beyond the rankings, brings real value to its students, both in managerial skills, analytical skills, public speaking, personal development and associative experiences.Joining IESEG means immersing yourself in a collective and intercultural dynamic, to meet the needs of a globalized world.
Werner Doufi: scamers
Bert Paesbrugghe: Super!
Ayan Jana: Good experience
Aarpa Basu: Student exchange program at IESEG from IMT Ghaziabad.
Nguyen Hoang Nam: I studied master in management of information system here. This is a suitable place for who is looking for both academic knowledge and practical experiment. Great school!
Florian Danvin: J-1 avant la rentrée : les plannings ne sont pas faits pour les étudiants.C'est possible qu'une école ne puisse pas prévoir le planning de ces propres étudiants même 1 jour avant le début ? C'est fou mais c'est la réalité. Aucune explication aux étudiants, ils sont livrés à eux-mêmes. Présentation de rentrée pitoyable. Impossible de poser une question au directeur qui était lui-même le présentateur, parti après 30 min de réunion de rentrée.J'ai même pas besoin de préciser que le prix de l'école devrait au moins permettre d'avoir une rentrée 'normale'.A voir le reste de l'année !
ILDIRIM77: Critical:QualityAvoid this "school" as a whole
P Jb: Amazing school with a lot of foreigners and qualified teachers
Kévin Apostol: Nightmare, I totally regret my choice and absolutely do not recommend this school. At least not for a Master of Sc program.
Twignar: Best school in the world.P.S: Vote Edwin for the BDE
Nathan: Very bad experience at the competition 2 years ago. 18/20 in English and 2/20 in meeting with the jury. I think they failed to see the potential, I'm currently on a gap year at Goldman Sachs in the USA, too bad for them.
harold m.: Bonne école et ouverture internationale.
Deval Panchal: Multicultural experience. Good professors. International club rocks!
Baptiste Gustin: Enseignement de qualité qui, au delà des classements, apporte une réelle valeur à ses étudiants, tant dans les compétences managériales, l'esprit d'analyse, la prise de parole en public, le développement personnel et les expériences associatives.Rejoindre l'IESEG c'est s'immerger dans une dynamique collective et interculturelle, pour répondre aux besoins d'un monde globalisé.
TL Meret: L'IÉSEG est une école, mais c'est surtout une grande famille dans laquelle tout le monde peut développer de grandes compétences managériales ainsi que des qualité humaines. Le garçon timide et peu sûr de lui que j'étais au départ n'est plus qu'un vague souvenir.
Brijeshkumar Maurya: I'm going to IESEG for September 2017
Grégoire DENIZOT: Ne répondent pas aux mails
Narath KH: another good school in Lille
Juan Colosimo: Excellent environment

4. Iae Lille University School Of Management - Lille

· 50 reviews

104 Av. du Peuple Belge, 59800 Lille, France

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Iae Lille University School Of Management: what do users think?
Mathilde Brllo: Hello, would someone have done the master's in human resources management and could tell me please? I would like to know your experience as a former student.
Ruben Schembri: Good teaching and support. Very responsive team
Duarte Leal: Great school!!
m m: Very nice building, the training offered seems very interesting and the young people encountered are motivated and motivating.
Freddy TARRACH: A very well supervised visit, inside a former hospital, a historic building.Received valuable information and correctly informed for the pursuit of my son's studies.Let's go!!!!
Amina Monyr: The perfect place
Rémi SCHÄRER: . Un bâtiment magnifique et un suivi de qualité concernant les mémoires à réaliser pour les études en alternance. Je recommande ! Ancien élève de la Licence Professionnelle Management Opérationnel des Entreprises.(Translated by Google
Agnès Basu: Attention 2 sites for the IAE of Lille, and it is not the largest that appears when you search on dGoogle... 😔
Fabrice C: Many positive testimonials from graduates. A big thank you to them but as a teacher at the IAE, it is rather the students that I want to thank: it is a pleasure to teach a public involved and eager to progress!
STEPHANIE DESCAMPS: Excellent memories of my resumption of studies at the IAE of Lille, a school rich in human values, quality and modernity.
Mouncif EL HIBARI: Always so nice
saadi salim skander: It's big
Matthias Gomez: Excellent School. 3 years spent in an innovative course, serious and quality teaching, very professional course. Association and student life is festive and dense.
thomas b: Very good school, but a little minus for the cafeteria, not friendly at all, we have the impression that they bother them to sell us food, we are at the limit of arguing.
Anna R: Excellent training in Master Finance Development and Corporate Treasury. The director of my training Mr. Jean-Christophe Statnik and also my teachers are extremely brilliant. Thank you IAE Lille!
Nathanaël Gaumeton: Institute which has nothing to envy to the business schools of the region.
jean michel pini: Magnificent building
lady AYO: can someone please tell me how much their masters is?thank you
J Pendenque: Quality school located in Old Lille and offering diverse and varied courses. It offers a rather extraordinary network where one can meet diverse and varied profiles whatever their background. I am in Master 2 Entrepreneurship and innovation management.
jean-charles kessler: Very good training, in close collaboration with the major companies in the sector. The assurance of post-graduate employment.
V: very good schoolRelevant, diverse training adapted to the labor market

5. Isa Lille - Lille

· 37 reviews

2 Rue Norbert Segard, 59800 Lille, France

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Isa Lille: what do users think?
Salah Hdiduo: Holla
Amrane Aouiti: Personnels très agréables
Jules T.H: École d'ingénieur Privé coûtant une blinde pour l'achat du diplome. C'est une machine à fric voilà tout en plus de ça ils ont récemment augmenter les prix dans tous les complexes junia.
Aubin Dalle: School that promises quality education. I didn't see it during my master's. The courses in common with my BTS were of better qualityThere is also no professional support, the only advantage is the fairly long internships.
Ronan Santiago: I lost a permanent contract thanks to their administrative inefficiency. Still waiting for official results on October 25th and stuck in my job search, I don't thank you for that...
Elisabeth Poulain: Grande École which can neither issue a copy of a diploma nor a certificate certifying the obtaining of a diploma on October 25 for a year of study completed on August 31. Still waiting for a decision feedback from an entity or someone's signature. Recruiters ask for proof of training validation from young people who therefore see a job pass under their noses because of the heaviness AND the administrative slowness. Obviously no problem encountered by the administration at the beginning of each year to claim the cost of the training. Ashamed.
Gregory Vangreveninge: Good engineering school related to the environment, agriculture and agronomy.
Franck Barbry: Very good establishment
Franck Ibled: A school that does not respect its students and their parents.Take the money, they know how to do it... respect their commitments, no.
Franck Ghesquiere: Very nice buildingA perfect place for studentsexcellent level of security
Lucie Ferreira: Superb establishment I highly recommend
Houssam Amriou: I loved it
Blandine Amgt: Currently in my third year at the ISA, I am completely satisfied with the teaching. The school on a human scale makes the teachers available and the courses are of high quality. The school is geared towards the professional world and the outside contributors are diverse and numerous. Solidarity between students is one of the strengths of the school, as well as with teachers. The ISA is a big family.
Laura: Currently in the second year of prep integrated into the ISA, I highly recommend this school. The teaching team and the studies department are always there to help and advise us. The professional experiences are numerous and allow us to enrich our skills. A welcoming and warm atmosphere reigns in the premises of the school, what a pleasure to study there!
Tanguy Bernard: dès la première année.Les professeurs sont passionnants et disponibles ; nous avons également de nombreux cours et TP en petits groupes.Nous avons beaucoup de stages durant notre cursus, cela nous permet de découvrir les différents métiers et ainsi de pouvoir affiner notre projet professionnel.Concernant la vie étudiante de l'école, il y a une vie associative dynamique (une vingtaine d’associations et de nombreux événements organisés durant l’année
Fanny Cordonnier: . Je recommande +++ !(Translated by Google
Camille Bau: I couldn't have made a better choice. Golden teams, great opportunities, my second home.
jacques lesage: Spacious
Nicolas Lescop: Super school, quality teaching with very nice teachers and beautiful locals. To respond to certain opinions, the BDEs do what they can not to cause any nuisance, they respect the legislative timetables... After all, noise is part of life in the city...
Serhii Pryimachuk: Gorgeous
Odette Van-Lancker: Ils seraient grand temps que les responsables de ces universités apprennent à leurs étudiant le respect des autres, habitant ce quartier. Fiesta tous les week-ends. Impossible de dormir la nuit y compris pendant les vacances : cris, rires à gorge déployée...jusqu'a plus de 2h du matin. Des sanctions doivent être prises contre ces incivilités. Nous avons le besoin et le devoir de dormir la nuit 😠😠😠 Grandes écoles mais petits cerveaux égoïstes 😠😠😠😠

6. ESPOL (European School of Political and Social Sciences) - Lille

· 13 reviews

83 Bd Vauban, 59016 Lille, France

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ESPOL (European School of Political and Social Sciences): what do users think?
Trinidade Gaillard: pendant les 3 années de licence est un plus qu ' on ne trouve pas ds toutes lesécoles de l enseignement supérieur en France ! Bravo !(Translated by Google
Xavier Sionneau: Very nice university with beautiful buildings.
rodolphe alvial: Espol, or how to want to play in the big leagues without having the means...... how is it that master's students are obliged to resort to "sellers" of conventions for their internships? Espol refusing to give them..... Beautiful showcase, nothing behind 😌
Samuel Couteau: Incredible, this school is superb in the image of its students! Teachers of a rare and exceptional quality just like his students! Accompaniment at the rendezvous and quality learning like his students!
Nino Davitashvili: A very good quality education and engaging classes. As an exchange student, I was very glad with what I saw. Highly recommended for anyone willing to enter a professional field of Political Sciences. international Relations, Law and other related majors.
Matthieu Jacquin: A very good school based on European political science. Although fairly recent, it has succeeded in building itself up with gold and already a solid reputation thanks to qualified teachers and a real involvement of the students.

7. dentsu lille - Lille

· 4 reviews

217 Bd de la Liberté, 59800 Lille, France

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dentsu lille: what do users think?
Ju Mallet: Positive:Quality
warning: Very good agency

8. School of Journalism in Lille - Lille

· 24 reviews

50 Rue Gauthier de Châtillon, 59046 Lille, France

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School of Journalism in Lille: what do users think?
delobel patrick: Il y fait froid 😓. Une grosse dépense d'énergie pour chauffer l'inchauffable.En revanche, enseignement intéressant
Y. Mastykash: Найкраща школа журналістики у Франції, що розташована в самому центрі неймовірно квасивого міста Лілль.Школа - перша в рейтингу у ФранціїЇї випускики - найкращі журналісти не лише у своїй країні, але і за кордоном!Тут затишно і приємно здобувати освіту!
Yurii Mastykash: Гугл запитує чи тут надаються послуги онлайн?!Проте це вища школа журналістики, що має статус академії! Однієї з найкращих у Франції, де стаціонарно навчаються студенти, в тому числі студенти Університету м. Лілль!)
Lilia Ghazali: Libérez le starship ! Pour Camille !
Camille Asl: Ils ont ruiné ma soirée
pierre bouckson: Prennent beaucoup de placeCamille pas content 🤬
Eric CAFFIER: Bel amphithéâtre pour conférences, rencontres.
Balthazar Delva: 👍👍
Nathan Rochefort: Génial
Ayman Abker: Cette école me plais beaucoup, c'est un grand rêve pour moi qui j'espère se réalisera. Alors Je garde espoir.
shaïna: I just went there for 1 day, put it looks really too good, I hope to be able to integrate this school after high school, it's my biggest dream
Mbainaissem Christian: Very good school. I dream of studying there.
bado vincent: Very nice school with very practical training in journalism
Aonarchs: Did an internship at the EsJ, definitely great personnel and place.
Matthieu Velaert: Excellent school whose influence goes well beyond its home region!
paul durana: Not satisfying at all!
Carene Bouyi: I like this school a lot, even if I have never had the chance to be there for real. I hope in a few years to come and study there, it's a big dream for me which I hope will come true. So I remain hopeful.
Gloire Lubanzadio: very good school of journalism, I intend to come and study in a few years! ! !
Ramzi KHACHA: A whole university district.
vincent d: Nice building and good school
Jean -pierre Evrard: The best for journalism studies.

9. IÉSEG Bâtiment R - Lille

· 1 reviews

65 Rue Philippe-Laurent Roland, 59000 Lille, France

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IÉSEG Bâtiment R: what do users think?
hugo Stirer: Bof
Joao Magnani: This is the farthest building IESEG has in relation to the A/B and E buildings. If you are coming from this direction, allow at least 10 minutes to walk from those buildings to this one otherwise you'll be late for class!

10. ISEFAC Bachelor Lille - Lille

· 8 reviews

6 Bd Papin, 59000 Lille, France

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11. Junia Isen Lille - University Catholic De Lille - Lille

· 51 reviews

41 Bd Vauban, 59800 Lille, France

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12. Lille Catholic University - Lille

· 135 reviews

60 Bd Vauban, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

13. Charles de Gaulle University – Lille III - Pont-de-Bois

· 175 reviews

Domaine Universitaire du Pont de Bois, 3 Rue du Barreau, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

Address Website WhatsApp

14. IÉSEG School of Management - Solférino - Lille

· 14 reviews

7 Rue Solférino, 59800 Lille, France

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15. SKEMA Business School - Lille - Lille

· 57 reviews

Av. Willy Brandt, 59777 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

16. IÉSEG CONSEIL Lille - Junior Enterprise - Lille

· 86 reviews

3 Rue de la Digue, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

17. EDHEC Business School - Croix

· 95 reviews

24 Av. Gustave Delory, 59100 Roubaix, France

Address Website WhatsApp

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