Best Childcare Shops In Lille Near Me

Little Cecile Little&Tall Natalys Little Cecile Latelier De Maman - Concept-Store Okaidi Lille Lillenium Okaidi Lille Cc Euralille Lol Baby's World Au fil d'amour Maestro bebe Babylux Chiale Baby Tattoo Idkids : Obaibi-Okaidi-Oxybul Lille Englos Store Kiabi FACHES THUMESNIL IDKIDS King Jouet HEMA The LEGOÂź Store Lille

1. Little Cecile - Lille

· 41 reviews

119 Rue du Molinel, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Little Cecile: what do users think?
Purple Lyra: The atmosphere is perfect, the welcome is perfect, the exchange warm and fun. The choice of pre-selected products with great care is a pleasure. The site is very well done, the store very well laid out.
Isabelle -: Encore merci pour le petit mot et le soin porté au colis (Translated by Google
Clem D: It's always a pleasure to go to the store The sellers are friendly and the products are always presented with taste and attention. The selection is great, we want to leave with the whole store every time! The best shop in Lille to find a birth gift/for the little ones.A small suggestion: think of packages or gift boxes that are a little more aesthetic, even if it means offering them as an extra. Your products are so cute, it's a shame to offer them in a kraft pouch...Thanks for the welcome 💕
Justine: A shop where you can find everything for babies, original quality products with fair prices, the team is always very welcoming, helpful and gives good advice, I do not hesitate to recommend this shop to everyone around me who does not have more children This does not prevent me from going into this store, to give gifts to my friends, I can spend hours looking at all these little marvels.I can't wait to make my birth list with all the Little CĂ©cile products
Justine Lt: Baby and children's store that opened just when my 1st child was born! Very nice shop, spacious and well laid out. Nice selection of quality products and brands. The team is always very welcoming and friendly, while letting us stroll quietly through the store. Children are also welcome. Whether in store or online order I am always delighted!
Gloria Vandenberghe (Gloria Vandenberghe): Too pretty shop! We want to buy everything!!
Ophélie Wat: Whether it's the site or the two shops, everything is perfect. The team is at the top, full of good advice and the products are great! I love going to both stores and scouting the site or Instagram!
clĂ©mentine Barbe: It’s simple, I could stay there for hours! My favorite shop for kids đŸ˜»
MylĂšne LEVRIER: I like ! I recommend
Sandrine Oliveira: Que ce soit le site internet ou en magasin, je conseille Ă  1000%Plusieurs vistes et qu'il ait peu ou beaucoup de frĂ©quentation, l'Ă©quipe est toujours au topAccueillante, de bons conseils sans forcer Ă  l'achat 😊
SĂ©lĂšne Beaulieu: TrĂšs belle boutique pour enfants, l’équipe est de bons conseils et toujours accueillante ! Beaucoup de choix, c’est toujours un plaisir de venir pour soi ou pour un cadeau
Noemie Vitiello: Une boutique de rĂȘve pour les enfants et les parents, grĂące Ă  little CĂ©cile nous avons trouvĂ© le doudou de notre bĂ©bĂ© et il ne le quitte plus depuis sa naissance.Passage obligatoire quand nous venons sur Lille
Lorraine Caliez: J'adore cette boutique. J'y trouve toujours mon bonheur et j'ai souvent envie de tout acheter
Florent DELEPLACE: Boutique au top !Articles de qualité et les vendeurs sont toujours disponibles pour nous aider
Aline Deladerriere: TrĂšs belle boutique oĂč l’on est sĂ»r de trouver notre bonheur ! L’équipe est trĂšs agrĂ©able et disponible !Je suis cliente depuis qq annĂ©esA bientĂŽt
Clara Fournier: Boutique trĂšs accueillante, impossible de ne pas trouver son bonheur.
adeline ghekiere: Super boutique beaucoup de choix . Et un accueil au top.Je recommande ++++
Mariane Dignocourt: Je viens rĂ©guliĂšrement chez Little CĂ©cile et c’est toujours un plaisir. La boutique est jolie, agrĂ©able, bien organisĂ©e ; j’ai toujours envie de tout acheter, et pas seulement pour les enfants autour de moi (on en parle des peluches vĂ©gĂ©tales Jellycat?? et les peluches Jellycat gourmandes en gĂ©nĂ©rale? juste toutes les peluches Jellycat en fait). L’équipe est au top, toujours de bons conseils, agrĂ©able, souriante et chaleureuse. Je pourrai y passer des heures pour tout regarder dans les moindres dĂ©tails!! Bref, vous l’aurez compris, je recommande cette adresse sans hĂ©siter!!
camille Jonckiere: Une boutique d’exception, nous sommes toujours bien reçus chez Little CĂ©cile.Cadre cocooning et Ă©quipe chaleureuse (Ă  l’écoute et bienveillante) , il fait bon d’acheter dans votre belle boutique de Lille !Future maman, cela promet de beaux samedi Ă  chiner des pĂ©pites 😍
LĂ©a Deledalle: We come here, we never leave without anything and we love it!Keep it up, choose us little nuggets and stay as you are

2. Little&Tall - Lille



· 64 reviews

39 Rue Basse, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Little&Tall: what do users think?
Iséliande Fouquart: La boutique du bonheur pour petits et grands ! Des articles de qualité, un trÚs bon accueil, je recommande
berangere suvelier: C'est une boutique vraiment trÚs jolie principalement dédiée à l'univers des enfants mais aussi quelques articles déco, bijoux et accessoires pour les mamans. Le magasin est bien fourni, multi marques, des produits originaux. Le bémol, les prix sont dingues et il y pleins de boutiques au concept similaire dans les alentours
Camille Collier: Magasin merveilleux pour les parents en quĂȘte de belles idĂ©es pour une liste de naissance, des cadeaux pour bĂ©bĂ©s mais aussi pour les grands et la maison! J'ai Ă©tĂ© conseillĂ©e par Lou qui est adorable, patiente et d'excellents conseils !
Gabrielle Tonnellier: Le meilleur concept store autour de l’univers du bĂ©bĂ© et de l’enfant que je connaisse.L’offre est top et l’équipe trĂšs sympa et disponible. J’ai Ă©tĂ© trĂšs bien conseillĂ©e par Laury et je suis ravie de mes achats ! Un grand merci 😊
Charles David: Lou est trÚs attentionnée. Nous avons trouvé de supers cadeaux pour notre petite filleule.
Camille Lemeltiez: TrÚs bel accueil, boutique vraiment agréable bien situé et pleine de petites pépites
Justine BERTHIER: Je suis une fidĂšle cliente depuis la premiĂšre boutique et suis toujours aussi bien accueillie et ravie de passer dans cette jolie boutique ! Plein de belles marques, jolies pĂ©pites dans trĂšs joli lieu. De passage Ă  Lille c’est un incontournable : )
Rivoire valentine: Superbe boutique et super Ă©quipe ✹ je recommande mille fois 😍 On y trouve des pĂ©pites et on prend souvent le temps de discuter un peu quand l'affluence le permet. C'est gĂ©nial d'avoir cet Ă©change qui est rare. Certains magasins se contentent des politesses de base et de vendre. LĂ  il y a un vrai Ă©change et on le ressent 😍
ClĂ©mence Yon: Trop contente de mes achats pour les petits bouts et aussi de ma paire de Blundstone que je ne quitte plus â˜ș ( j’ai reçu un mail pour me dire qu’elle Ă©tait de nouveau en stock, super pratique ) La sĂ©lection est top ! Il y a plein de pĂ©pites, un incontournable Ă  Lille !
Marine Robic: Great welcome in store every time I went there, good advice, team always available and smiling. Having moved, I mainly use the e-shop now: always pay attention to my daughter, small tattoos etc. without hesitation my favorite shop!
Clémentine Paoletti: As always, a top-notch welcome, very fair advice without pushing to buy.As soon as I have to make a present for a child, I go to this shop where I am sure to find what I am looking for.
Stephanie Verschaeve: I think the reputation of little and tall is no longer to be done, the shop is sublime, what is sold are quality items and very pretty. In addition, the saleswomen are very friendly, you are always very well received there.
Morgane Pilate: et accueil parfait đŸ‘ŒđŸŒ(Translated by Google
ines sabatier: Magnificent shop, great advice and something to love for babies, children and parents!
Julie Rommelaere: One of my favorite shops, top notch welcome with always a kind word. Caring staff, good advice! I recommend ++. Be careful though
 very addictive!
Marie lou Noguera: Magnificent shop, you can always find what you are looking for! We always discover little wonders for our little ones and the welcome is warm. An essential store in old Lille.
AdĂšle Plisson: Superb shop!!! I recommend +++
Delebarre Marie-line: One of the prettiest shops in Lille!Faithful customer for my grandchildren and gifts since the beginning I find my happiness there every time. I also often fall for myself with decoration. Émilie and her team are very pleasant, I am always very well received and advised and the selection is very nice. I also tested the click and collect service during confinement and it helped me out a lot! I can't wait for the shops to open soon to get there.
Clr N: I love the selection and we are always greatwell received! top
Vanessa Blot: It's the essential baby, decoration and child shop... The only risk when entering it is to leave with your arms full of nuggets đŸ€Ł. The sellers are all more smiling than each other and the click and collect is ready faster than it takes time to tell. In short MY favorite shop in old Lille and this since the very first!
GĂ©raldine Michaux: My favorite shop in Lille! A perfect selection, an impeccable welcome and Emilie is super nice! BRAVO Little&Tall team!

3. Natalys - Lille

· 25 reviews

2 Rue du Palais Rihour, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Natalys: what do users think?
Dumont Charlotte: Very nice shop and very nice sellers
Claire Navez: Wonderful shop. Clothes and toys are always well displayed.The sales associates are adorable.THANKS !
Elsa Remmery: Very warm welcome and great advice. I found what I was looking for very quickly, thank you!
Nicole Brimont: Always a pleasure to visit this lovely store. The very smiling staff is available and professional, knowing the products and knowing how to advise us. Qualitative, chic, timeless products.
Vandenhove Clémentine: Very good advice, and an absolutely charming saleswoman.
Rivoire valentine: Beautiful store with quality items. The sales assistants always give good advice and the welcome is very warm and personalized. I have been frequenting this store since my pregnancy and I go back frequently because you can always find what you are looking for. The quality of the clothes is superior. I recommend +++
Maxime Le Net: Warm welcome, good advice
 Everything is perfect!
Noémie Pinchart: Very good welcome, the store is very beautiful and well decorated
Aurélie Delannoy: Very welcoming and well thought out place for looking for birth gifts. Carole and her kindness welcomed and informed me very well. Very nice shop!
Justine Duquesnoy: Wonderful store! & top sellers. I recommend !!
Julien Leoen: I am compelled to share my disastrous experience with this company....I ordered a baby carrier on 12/01, to date the product has not been delivered to me, so I contacted customer service who told me about a delay following the modernization of their warehouse.In short, I asked for the refund because my baby is going to walk that I still wouldn't have a baby carrier....And there, I'm told, we have to block your order and wait for the refund from the warehouse...In short, we don't understand their explanations, it's been more than 3 months since the order was placed, I haven't received anything, I haven't been refunded....I don't know what to do anymore, I don't recommend this brand because of a real lack of professionalism..In short run away.....
Laurie Philippoff: Welcome and advice at the top
Elissa: Superb shop, you feel good there thanks to a clear and soothing decoration, you are well advised. I recommend, especially to make gifts that will melt the hearts of young parents, it's the perfect store.
Cécile Hamerel: Le programme fidélité est aussi trÚs intéressant et nous récompense réguliÚrement.(Translated by Google
Eléa Cense: Very nice shop and the staff is super nice! Lots of nice things for baby
Marguerite Vanderbeken Messier: Very pleasant place with charming saleswoman and good advice
Ro Vax: Perfect
Ahicoupo Koutouan: Very good reception, the saleswomen are very nice with a very practical explanation of the articles. I highly recommend that you take a tour.Cordially !!!
Joséphine Briatte: A wise and very warm welcome.I highly recommend this shop.
Agathe Blondeau: Very nice shop, very pleasant shopping.
Delhuvenne Arnaud: Super articles, super services

4. Little Cecile - Hem

· 182 reviews

48 Rue Jules Guesde, 59510 Hem, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Little Cecile: what do users think?
Marine Opsomer: In the top
Tennisman: Thank you for the speed, the availability and your personalized note
Gwendo Mathurel: Beautiful store that makes you want to buy everything! Click and collect done, how fast! I recommend. Can't wait to come and have a look at the new store in Lille
EloĂŻse .de Wambrechies: Very responsive Sav, my product which had a defect was replaced in just a few days! Thanks again for your efficiency!
Caroline Perez: Perfect ! Neat package, I appreciate the card with the handwritten note. Send very fast! Thank you little Cecile
SELLE MAITE: Super nice and caring staff on Hem's shop
Laure Saigne: tout est conforme, livraison rapide et un trĂšs joli emballage ! merci
Camille Heim: Magnifique boutique d’articles pour bĂ©bĂ©s et enfants, le magasin regorge de produits canons. Impossible de ne pas trouver son bonheur que ce soit pour son petit bout ou pour offrir ! Les vendeuses sont adorables et trĂšs disponibles. Bravo pour le suivi et la rĂ©activitĂ© lors de l’établissement de notre liste de naissance. Merci encore et Ă  trĂšs vite!
ClĂ©ment Plouvier: TrĂšs bonne expĂ©rience dans ce magasin! On y trouve beaucoup de choses attirantes, l’accueil est parfait, les chargĂ©(e)s de clientĂšle sont souriant(e)s et rĂ©pondent Ă  nos attentes! Je recommande 👌
Alexia laurenne: AprÚs avoir craquée sur l'esthétisme et la mignonnerie de cette boutique, j'ai sauté le pas et commandé des petits cadeaux pour des amis. Envoi soigné, rapide et avec de petites attentions. Des produits qualitatifs qui ont ravis tous le monde. Vous pouvez plonger dans le grand bain les yeux fermés avec little Cécile afin de faire plaisir aux plus petits comme aux plus grands. Encore un grand merci, je n'hésiterais pas à refaire appel à vous dÚs que l'occasion se présentera.
MĂ©lanie LETOURNEAU: Produits exquis et de grande qualitĂ© emballĂ©s avec soin accompagnĂ© d’un petit mot chaleureux . Service Ă  l’écoute et sympathique . Le plus difficile est d’arriver Ă  faire un choix parmi tous les articles aussi choux . un plaisir de pouvoir commander cher little CĂ©cile . A recommander aux grands et petits enfants 😉
Valerie Delfosse: Beaucoup de choix, tant au niveau des prix que des produits. Et l’accueil est toujours tellement agrĂ©able !
Sophie Guirand: Toujours parfait comme mes derniers commandes ! Un grand merci đŸ€©
launay marie: Quel dommage que la boutique Little Cécile ne soit pas proche de chez moi ! La solution est de passer commande en ligne. Jamais déçu ! Colis soigné et rapidement envoyé ! J'aime suivre les nouveautés via les réseaux et il est possible de communiquer avec l'équipe.
Vio et laines: TrĂšs jolie boutique oĂč la tentation est grande pour les cadeaux de naissance et autres
 trĂšs bien reçue, je recommande !
Gloria Vandenberghe (Gloria Vandenberghe): Trop jolie boutique :) on a envie de tout acheter !
alexandrine singer: Shop too cute and always a great welcome! I go there whenever I can when I'm in Lille!
Odessa: This little shop is superb, each item is chosen with care, the team is very attentive and gives good advice. It's always a pleasure to go there and be amazed in person. The online store is also very well built, orders are always ready quickly and carefully. Trust them and do not hesitate! We were won over and we will return again and again... Thank you to the whole team!
candyfurla: This is my favorite shop to make and give me gifts. The selection of products is superb.Ps: thank you for letting me change my baby in your offices. Your kindness really touched me.
Manon Chls: A real shop where you want to buy EVERYTHING! Lots of choices, regular novelties, a top team!
Anne charlotte D.: A superb shop, where I have enjoyed going for several years now for birth and birthday gifts for the children around me! Always a warm welcome and saleswomen available!I highly recommend!!

5. Latelier De Maman - Concept-Store - Croix

· 13 reviews

8 rue de la fonderie en face de l'accÚs métro, Pl. des Martyrs de la Résistance, 59170 Croix, France

Address Website WhatsApp

6. Okaidi Lille Lillenium - Lille

· 5 reviews

centre commercial Lillenium, 2 Rue du Faubourg des Postes, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Okaidi Lille Lillenium: what do users think?
Marie-amandine Wojcik: A warm welcomeVery good adviceCounselors are made for this job.Thanks to her
Joséphine Moerman: Thanks to Kaina and Alisson for their warm welcome!
Claudine Masset: A big thank you to Melissa who guided us well in making our choice. Very professional and very kind.
Pascale Dorchies: Melissa and kaihina very pleasant and good advice.
Maymouna Kanoute: Great welcome from the saleswoman MĂ©lissa!! Very good advice.I will come back with pleasure
Alexandra Maurice: Very good visit. Very well received by Juliette. Excellent seller, very welcoming and smiling. I recommend
Soumaya Megaiz: Super expĂ©rience ! Des vĂȘtements de bĂ©bĂ©s incroyable ! Et un accueil plus qu’excellent de la part de mademoiselle Juliette !!! Je conseil đŸŒ
Tasnim Elkadiri: Super Juliette vraiment agrĂ©able et sympathique super accueil merci Ă  elle 💞
Thomas R: Merci Alysson pour l’aide avec les chaussures du petit đŸ‘đŸŒ
Chami Charlotte: Super accueil et excellente communication. MĂ©lissa est vraiment au top. Je reviendrai
Coulibaly Sse nema: TrÚs bien accueillie et renseignée par Juliette !
Sophie: Magasin spacieux, propre, offrant une large gamme diversifiĂ©e dans le choix des vĂȘtements proposĂ©s.Le jour oĂč je suis venue, MĂ©lissa m'a accueilli. Elle a Ă©tĂ© de bon conseils. J'ai trouvĂ© tous les articles que je dĂ©sirais grĂące Ă  son aide !
Malika IDAABOU: Trùs bon accueil chaleureux et conseils au top. Ça fait plaisir Toujours contente d'y faire mes achats. Ma fille est repartie ravie
Séverine Wattel: Melissa et Peggy au topTrÚs bons conseils agréables super sympaMagasin trÚs bien
D: Merci Ă  Juliette pour son accueil et ses conseils
Molurus V: Never had such a pleasant welcome I would drive my hour just for this pleasureReal advice and real supportThank you Melissa
Pascaline ASSER -CAMPUS-: Juliette had a very professional and attentive welcome, ready to find solutions even online! THANKS !
Ruth Poya: The service was impeccable, the sales consultant was pleasant and attentive! THANKS!!!
Mathieu Prade (darkezekiel): Nice store! Great advice and a very warm welcome from MĂ©lissa. THANKS.
Yves Van Ooteghem: Impeccable service thanks to the two sales consultants. They helped us with a smile. The shop is spacious and very pleasant with a lot of choice. We will be back!
Rak Ham: Superb warm welcome and very good advice from the saleswoman Juliette

7. Okaidi Lille Cc Euralille - Lille

· 60 reviews

C.Cial Euralille, Av. Willy Brandt, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Okaidi Lille Cc Euralille: what do users think?
Emmanuelle Abeillé: Of course, I had already spotted the items I wanted, but Amandine "served" me with incredible efficiency and a smile!Moreover, the whole team was pleasant and smiling, a real pleasure!
Louis Dumont: Very pleasant experience in this store. From its entrance to the exit through the cash desk where I had the advice and the pleasure of being welcomed by rouaida and Pauline, two smiling and professional women. So thank you again to these two women who allowed me to buy the right clothes in the right size for my nephew.
Justine Carre: Warm welcome, I like going to this store for my children.I was very easily informed by sheherazade available and attentive to my questions. Thank you so much.
kevin carels: Thanks to Elodie for her advice and efficiency!
loubna Da Silva: Shirazad is always very helpful smiling every time it's a pleasure to see her again bravo
Laura Baudelet: Excellent advice from Scheherazade, very smiling. Thank you so much !
Mohamed Ali: Thank you Amandine very professional
Pierre DUEZ: Congratulations for the professionalism of the young trainee Amelia and for the smile of the charming Alysson the store manager!
Elisa Primus: Un grand merci Ă  Amandine qui a sauvĂ© le spectacle de danse de mes Ă©lĂšves en nous trouvant des costumes pour le soir mĂȘme !! Équipe vraiment au top !!!
Pollet Gregory: acceuille parfert
Krista Kivuvu: Merci Louane pour ton excellent conseil đŸ‘ŒđŸŸ
Sandrine Beix: TrĂšs bon accueil avec Sheherazade
Bernard Cindy: Superbe Ă©quipe Euralille , Élodie, Alison et MargauxBienveillante et souriante , on reviendra...Myah et ces mamans
Aurélie Fichaux: TrÚs bon accueil et trÚs bien renseignée par Sheherazade.
Merlange Narcisse: Pauline Sheherazade a été trÚs agréable,à l'écoute , acceulliante et aussi patiente
Jeff: Bon service client de Margo. Je recommande vivement son service.
Taron Isaxanyan: Nice shop with fantastic workers. Lea and Elodie helped us very much. Thank you girls
Christine Quin: Very well received by Lea. Very satisfied.
Audrey Santer: Amandine, pleasant and smiling seller!!!!
Aurelie Rotsaert: I was welcomed by Catherine and Amandine, they are superb advisers, super smiling, pleasant, and attentive ❀
Jahida Djermouni: Received by Catherine very nice welcome, pleasant helpful at the top

8. Okaidi Lomme Cc - Lomme

· 25 reviews

Centre Commercial Carrefour, Rue du Grand But Lomme, Zone Artisanale, 59160 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Okaidi Lomme Cc: what do users think?
Maya.: Excellent reception of customers by Sheherazade!!
evelyne staquet: Very well advised by LeonieWell done and thank you
Hanane Kamli: Team at the top, very nice, available â˜șïžđŸ‘
Louhane Burbure: The sales assistants Madame Sheherazade and Madame Pauline were very welcoming and very warm, they gave us very good advice.
marie-andree Delattre: Brilliant.... pros thank you
Aude Belliard: Store well kept and well presented: practical to save time. Always well received.
Yasmine trĂ©sor: hello I recommend the Okaidi store in lomme very well received by Pauline and sabrina a bag and balloons for offered for my twins 😍😍😍😍
Elodie Birembaut: ShĂ©hĂ©razade was very efficient, welcoming and allowed me to make the right choices 👍.Thank you...I will be back 😉
Leila Laoufi: Very warm welcome from Sheherazade. Smiling and friendly, without being intrusive, she was able to advise me on the clothes to buy for my daughter. A kind word to each customer present in the shop. It's nice. THANKS !
micheline cornez: Welcoming and very patient. I recommend cherazad
MĂ©lanie Noyelle: We came by this Monday, May 29, 2023, we were very well received by a saleswoman named ShĂ©hĂ©razade, very friendly and smiling 👍 we recommend this pleasant and well-appointed shop 🙂
LĂ© Gion: Thanks to Sheherazade for her welcome and her kindness, I will definitely come back.
Julia Moraga: Thanks to Sheherazade for the welcome, very nice 👍
Emma Swyng: Vendeuse trÚs sympa et le magasin était bien rangé. Top!(Translated by Google
carolus: Super organized store I found in 2 minutes and Pauline and ShĂ©hĂ©razade are on top đŸŽ©
cachou lmre: The team is warm and welcoming. Sheherazade is great, she helped me in my choices. A great collection for summer 2023 😁😁
Celine Fontaine: Very friendly and professional welcome from Shéhérazade in Okaïdi lomme.
Arly Kosi: Welcoming and warm
Sarah N: Home at the top. Scheherazade took very good care of us. THANKS !
CĂ©line Verdoene: Always a very welcoming store. The sales assistants Farsia and Laurelenn are always attentive, kind, smiling and give good advice. Wide choice of clothes.In short, the best Okaidi store for me.
Mogueh Chill: Sheherazade very warm welcome

9. Lol Baby's World - Mouscron

· 10 reviews

Rue Jules Vantieghem 19, 7730 Estaimpuis, Belgium

Address Website WhatsApp
Lol Baby's World: what do users think?
Les experiences De So: Well informed for the purchase of a baby monitor for a gift I recommend
Kylie Oosters: An incredible experience in this store â˜ș We decided to go through this one for our birth list and we don't regret it at all. The people that work there are just awesome!Listening and super benevolent, no judgment from them 🙂We made an appointment to create the list and the appointment went really well đŸ‘đŸ». The lady who listened to us was really incredibly sweet, super nice and attentive 🙂She really took the time to show us article by article, whether it was for the color or the type of fabric, she never pressured us for anything 🙂I recommend +++ this establishment! You won't be disappointed 🙂
vdp justine: My favorite baby store!At the end of March we came to make our birth list for our little baby. We are 100% satisfied with the team and at the top they are all very attentive to what we like, what we need. I 100% recommend this store. â˜ș
Victoire Decraene: We went to make our birth list at Lol and we are delighted! They are attentive to our tastes and offer us the articles according to them. They do not push for sales and do not hesitate to give good advice, which we appreciated for a first child!Once again, thank you very much for your kindness and your speed.
Nicolas Bouillon: demandes avec le sourire.Nous avons bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© de nombreux conseils judicieux sans jamais nous sentir poussĂ©s Ă  l'achat et aucun des objets de notre liste ne s'est avĂ©rĂ© superflus ni manquants lorsque nous en avions besoin.Merci pour tout, nous n'aurions pas pu rĂȘver mieux.A trĂšs bientĂŽt.Thifaine, Tom et Nicolas(Translated by Google
francois-xavier Jumiaux: merci L'équipe rendez vous l'année prochaine c'est déjà prévu :
Valerie Vercamst: tarifs assez élevés mais de belles qualités un confort et une sécurité pour les parents et les enfants. Le personnel tres dévoué pour vous conseiller je vous conseil d y passer faire un tour vous allez craquer ...(Translated by Google
ben vdp: We made this Sunday our second birth list. Nothing to say, the welcome is warm and always very good advice. Very good follow-up too.We are very happy with this store.
Adeline Lourenco: A great childcare store with top sellers who take the time to advise you.
Coucou C’est Moi: Complete store and very welcoming staff I bought my stroller and clothes for my daughters I would come back without hesitation
Megan Hourez: A wonderful store! 😍We made our birth list at LoL and we have absolutely no regrets!The store works with a lot of brands, you will find your happiness for sure!The team is always attentive to our wishes and gives good advice in the choice of childcare materials without falling into "gadget" purchases.All the necessary equipment for the baby's arrival had been ordered well in advance so that we would be delivered on time, so it's a very good organization on their part! They will always do their best to satisfy you if deliveries from suppliers are late!We thank the LOL store team very much for their kindness, good humor and professionalism!We can only recommend them to you to best prepare for the arrival of your baby!
ysenpi: Quality of items and friendliness of staff
SĂ©bastien Hanno: A store where the staff listens to your expectations. My wife and I are very happy with this store. We also made our birth list there. Much more choice than in the big brands. There is something for every taste! There are collections and brands that cannot be found elsewhere. Do not hesitate to go to Lol baby's world, prefer the independents!
Océane Mahieu: Top top top don't hesitate for a gift or a birth list. Managers at the top and listening to all your needs!

10. Au fil d'amour - Lille

· 26 reviews
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Au fil d'amour: what do users think?
Iona: Very happy with my order, the items are exactly what I expectedReceived quicklyI recommend you 😇
Jessica Belhamida: Third health book cover that I order, product of very good quality and really beautiful in addition to his really very friendly young wife
Tracy Narayanin: Thank you for your responsiveness both at the level of the order and at the level of the confection. I was able to get my order before I left. Magnificent order made with care and delicacy. Recommended 300%
Charline Charpentier: I have ordered twice and have never been disappointed. it's perfect.
Eva: Work and quality really perfect! It's just gorgeous, I love it!I recommend
bouhail fatma: Very satisfied, professional workI highly recommend
Nolwenn Lecame: Superb work, I have ordered several times and I have never been disappointed. I recommend with eyes closed.
Laura M: What can I say .. really the creations are of incredible quality and moreover it's nice to have a person reactive to a message.Really a thousand thank you really wonderful birth gift 😍
Fatiha Boudjelida: I have just received my order, I am amazed by this magnificent work, quality products, packaged with care and the delivery time respected. I highly recommend this website you can trust the professionalism of the designer.
Jennifer Cohen: Very happy with my order! I spent it on 06/10 and I received it on 24/10, super fast and very good quality. Thanks again 💗
Joyce soham: The best I recommend ++ order to place and received exactly in time before the birth of my daughter pleasant person understanding and who really does her best to satisfy everyone magnificent product very good quality the wait your really worth it
Anne-Charlotte IMBACH: The products are really beautiful and of high quality! Thank you very much for your wonderful work! I would recommend without hesitation! Thanks thanks thanks !!!!
Nassima Chachoue: I received my order on time.Beautiful items and the quality of the finishes is right 👌I recommend and would not hesitate to order again
imane ZIANI: pour justement ĂȘtre dans les temps pour mon accouchement, voilĂ  maintenant + de 45 jours passĂ©es et je n’ai toujours pas reçue ma commande.J’accouche trĂšs bientĂŽt et je comptais sur le pyjama de naissance ainsi que le petit bonnet et autre accessoires que j’ai commandĂ© et je n’ai pas prĂ©vue autre chose..Je n’arrive ni Ă  vous contactez via Insta, ni sur le numĂ©ro indiquĂ© sur le site..(Translated by Google
qureshi jannat: Thank you for your work, serious person. I am satisfied with my order I would not hesitate to come back to you. I recommend 100%
Drey Shm: Oh crap I'm so delighted that I'm waiting for the baby to grow up to buy cushions and the like we are very happy with our order sincerely. To quickly explain, I gave birth to a very premature baby at 28 weeks, and so I ordered during my hours as a neonatologist because my baby stayed there for 59 days, having had a top course, he came out at 35 weeks.... And I had nothing, no comforter, no pacifier clip, no blanket to cover it, nothing
 because I wasn't supposed to give birth so quickly and so early.. so I was looking forward to the gifts for my little one and my god thank you. It's beautiful, my entourage is conquered đŸœ thank you for your work and thank you also for answering me when I was looking forward to receiving everything you didn't have to. I'll come back to your site as soon as my Loulou can have cushions in his bed đŸ€ČđŸŸ
Sarah Guerrouj: , j’avais une petite commande et vu le prix des articles et de la livraison j’espĂ©rais la recevoir Ă  temps , ou alors ĂȘtre prĂ©venu du gros retard..Avoir un mail pour nous prĂ©venir de l’expĂ©dition et avec le numero de suivie du colis sa serait vraiment bien..J’ai reçu en plus la brosse Ă  cheveux d’un Ă©tat complĂštement inutilisable, heureusement delphine est quand mĂȘme trĂšs professionnel et m’en a renvoyer une dans les plus bref dĂ©lais.(Translated by Google
Ilyes Touaf: donc à revoir pour le « fais à la main »(Translated by Google
MĂ©liambk: I ordered a protector for my family livery just beautiful and of good quality ❀
Somaya BBenabid: sans raison valable. Un geste commercial aurait pu au moins ĂȘtre fait !!(Translated by Google
Otm370 Otm370: Really disappointed after several messages I've been sending for a month I haven't received a response several reminders still nothing really unprofessional đŸ‘ŽđŸ»đŸ‘ŽđŸ»

11. Maestro bebe - Phalempin

· 1 reviews

59133 Phalempin, France

Address Website WhatsApp

12. HEMA - Lille

· 277 reviews

53 Rue de BĂ©thune, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

13. Babylux - Comines-Warneton

· 883 reviews

Route des Ecluses(B-W) 46, 7784 Komen-Waasten, Belgium

Address Website WhatsApp

14. Chiale Baby Tattoo - Lille

· 55 reviews

41-43 Rue des Ponts de Comines, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

15. Idkids : Obaibi-Okaidi-Oxybul Lille Englos - Englos

· 98 reviews

Galerie Marchande Auchan C.C. Auchan Englos, 59320 EnnetiĂšres-en-Weppes, France

Address Website WhatsApp

16. Store Kiabi FACHES THUMESNIL - Faches-Thumesnil

· 385 reviews

1 Rue des Fourmestraux, 59155 Faches-Thumesnil, France

Address Website WhatsApp

17. IDKIDS - Faches-Thumesnil

· 195 reviews

Rue des Fourmestraux, 59155 Faches-Thumesnil, France

Address Website WhatsApp

18. King Jouet - Lille

· 252 reviews

80 Rue Pierre Mauroy, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

19. HEMA - Lille

· 706 reviews

100 Centre Commercial, Local n° 198, 59777, France

Address Website WhatsApp

20. The LEGOÂź Store Lille - Lille

· 1258 reviews

100, Avenue Willy Brandt, Centre Commercial, Unité 43, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

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