Best Croissants Of Lille Near Me

Boulangerie Brier Boulangerie Mathieu Pâtisserie au Lion d'Or Patrick Hermand Eric Kayser Aux Merveilleux de Fred L'Ogre de Carrouselberg Maison Doucet Aux Merveilleux de Fred Brioche Dorée

1. Boulangerie Brier - Lille

· 390 reviews

rue, 112 Rue Esquermoise, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Boulangerie Brier: what do users think?
Dida: Très jolie boulangerie avec de bons produits. Mon mari a adoré le flan!Je reviendrai
Léa: Les produits sont très bons mais partent très vite. Si vous voulez un pain complet, le plus simple est de passer tôt le matin.Petit bémol pour les vendeuses qui ne sont pas toujours très agréables…
anna m: Produits de qualité médiocre. Baguettes réchauffées le soir …
Jack Jones: Very very nice pecan pie/cake in the team rooms section. The young lady (I must be getting old if I have to use that phrase) who was serving was very friendly and pleasant and spoke perfect English (not that I expect it, but a bonus I guess)
Marie Hrt: Très belle découverte, cette boulangerie vend de très bons produits, je recommande !
Chris: Wer hier eine süße Sünde sucht wird fündig! Lohnt sich. (:
Prasanna C: The service wasn't great. Mediocre coffee
Anna Bonifaci: Salon de Thé sympa
marco ds: Unpleasant welcome today, I will only come if necessary.
Z M: We came here for a simple breakfast and it suited us perfectly. Pleasant armchairs, attentive staff, fast service and excellent products. The macchiato is particularly good and sparkling.
V. C.: Super bakery where you can have lunch in old Lille with a very good price/quality ratio. Cheesecake is a taste killer. The server is very pleasant, attentive and you are given the time you want.
POUYOL Maxime: Their ceramic is a little bomb!
Lucie Gosset: I'm a loyal Brier customer. Above all, I enjoy having a coffee in the tea room. The server is very attentive, smiling and professional.However I am shocked by the way one of his colleagues spoke to him, giving him an order without even a "please" and this in front of the customers. It is, however, the basis of education. This gives a bad image of the brand where the pastries are delicious. Damage.
Benoit .D: Everything is great there!
Sophie Delve: Very good pastry!
Esther Van Raaij: Lekkerste croissants ooit gegeten
Marilyn: Un petit déjeuner dans le salon de thé qui nous a fait merveilleusement bien commencé la journée ! Un accueil chaleureux et charmant au possible, le jus d’orange pressé était un vrai plus, et que dire des tranches de cramique au sucre? Un régal ! Très bonne adresse que je conseille aux gourmands exigeants 😄
Paul GODOUET: Merveilleux trop sucré et meringue un peu sèche.
Nicky Vandriessche: Zeer lekker en verse slagroom bij de koffie . Vriendelijk en zeer proper .
Jerome Lietard: Tres très bonne boulangerie et pâtisserie avec la fameuse Cramique au Sucre 👌
Cécile: Beaucoup de choix et de bonne qualité

2. Boulangerie Mathieu - Lille



· 577 reviews

82 Rue du Molinel, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Boulangerie Mathieu: what do users think?
Ascencas 74: Impeccable service and value for money.
Marine Delerue: Very good but quite expensive
Coralie Verheecke: We ordered two chicken sandwiches and we had tuna sandwiches.Last time I ordered 3 sugar pies and you forgot my order... DisappointedThe products remain good
quang nguyen: A very good bakery, in the city center, offering a wide choice of breads, ranging from traditional baguette to organic breads, sourdough, specials such as rolls with olives, chorizo, cheeses, and a range of good pastries. Good welcome.
prénom harisson: Nothing at 4 p.m., and the lady who serves really doesn't want to be there!
Maxime J: More than 5€ for a small sandwich prepared in advance with flies flying around? No thanks !Make your sandwiches to order or pack them! The size of these should also be increased!
Alimatou Dabo: Je suis venue hier pour acheter DES viennoiseries je suis ressortie avec UN seul browni congelé tout droit sorti du frigo (tellement j'étais déçu de l'accueil) par une vendeuse qui était dépasser par les évènements parce qu'elle n'arrivait pas à décoller les brownies qui était en rayon(tout ça en soupirant) 😏 avant de le balancer sur le comptoir comme du n'importe quoi !! habituellement je tombe sur une vendeuse au top du top elle a un petit accent russe ou polonais elle est nickel 👌🏿!! Mais revoyez votre accueil pour certains ...c'est primordial pour le bon fonctionnement de votre business. Je reviendrai quand même espérant avoir un tout autres accueil.
delvaux laurent: La qualité du pain et l accueil de la vendeuse quoi de plus
Andrei Florea: Le pain est plutôt moyen. Le service est rapide par contre
Abdelkader Boussaid: Accueil mauvais (...), salade au saumon franchement pas terrible. Loin de la qualité escomptée.Le plus mauvais repas de ma semaine.26/05 : non je ne souhaite pas participer à votre process d amélioration tel que proposé.La salade ne manquait pas de fraicheur (je n ai pas evoqué ce point) mais de goûts, de saveurs. Et loin de la qualité attendues..Dernière remarque : au lieu de contredire chaque avis negatif. Servez vous en comme point d amélioration 😉Cordialement,
Ef Dear: Bof bof, full butter pastry and it looks like frozen .. totally disappointed with different "dishes".Friendliness of the staff to be strongly reviewed
Ambre Gillet: Personnel chaleureux, je ne suis jamais déçue aveces pâtisseries qui sont très gourmandes !!
Xavier Detero: J'ai effectué un achat de sandwich rapide pour mon trajet de train et j'en suis fort content.
Lilas Royer: Pain très bon, je dirais même le meilleur que j’ai pu goûter à Lille.Concernant les pâtisseries, j’ai été très déçu. J’ai pris trois de leur gâteau : un macaron framboise, un Paris Brest et un gâteau cappuccino.Le macaron était très très dur presque immangeable alors que les framboises étaient fraîches donc peut-être que la coque était de la veille, le Paris Brest était bon mais sans plus par contre le gâteau cappuccino était très bon. Cependant pour ce prix là (plus de 4 euros de moyenne) on s’attend vraiment à aucune déception…
Thomas Radwanski: A perfect bakery! Great products.
Adrien Bucheton: The sandwiches are excellent with quality ingredients. The choices are varied. The bacon rolls, olives and cheese are well filled. I recommend !!
bob bob: very good products and very friendly employees!
Nicolas “Nico”: , d'une il ne ressemblait absolument pas à ce qui est présenté sur le site (photo du 6
A. D.: very large choice, breads, pastries, and snacks, all to take away, it's great!
Balthazar Delva: The bread of the sandwiches was really too hard it's inedible
Samy Couteau: The bread made me lose 2 teeth

3. Pâtisserie au Lion d'Or - Lille

· 117 reviews

11 Pl. du Lion d'Or, 59800 Lille, France

Address WhatsApp
Pâtisserie au Lion d'Or: what do users think?
Caroline V: , avec seulement une rondelle et demi de tomate fade et une feuille de salade.Un pain au lait sec et avec très peu de chocolat(Translated by Google
Arnaud BONDELU: There was a time when the croissants and pain chocolats that came out were of high quality. That time is totally over
Noemie Marchica: The bread is good and the sandwich that I took was super good, the welcome, the politeness and the organization at the top, keep up the good work
David: et tant pis pour les kilos 😉 Le flan traditionnel très bon. Personnelles souriantes et agréables 👍🏻(Translated by Google
rose: Very good pity that at 1 p.m. there are already no more sandwiches, when you take your break at 1 p.m. late in the shops around it's not great :/
Sébastien Heu: quality pastries and bread and service always with a smile
Isaac Netero: . Le pain est bon et j’aime bcp les gaufres également.(Translated by Google
SMILEクラン: Sorry, but I've come several times to buy pastries and it's the same every time: they're dry and tasteless. Very variable reception too.
Gwenvaela P: Nice bakery from the outside, same for the croissant and the baguette that I bought there. Inside, it's something else: the dough is not cooked inside, worthy of a croissant at a service station.
Aline Demoutiez-Watté: Très cher pour une pâtisserie sans goût dommage
P G: Bons sandwich et pâtisseries à prix correct.
ssofia1: Je ne comprends pas les notes et les avis. Je me suis dit qu'il fallait que je découvre cette boulangerie qui fait tant d'heureux. J'ai acheté un pain au chocolat aujourd'hui : insipide et surtout absolument pas feuilleté. Même un pain au chocolat industriel est meilleur. Je suis une habituée de Doucet car leur feuilletage est parfait mais j'ai testé 80% des boulangeries de cette ville où je vis dp longtemps et j'ai souvent été satisfaite. Ici, j'ai eu l'impression de manger dans les points chauds de gare et encore. Je ne peux pas parler des pâtisseries ni du pain car je ne les ai pas testés. En revanche, le croissant avait la même allure.
Paul Le sage: Je viens souvent prendre mon carré raisin ,forcer de constater une légère baisse de qualité trop sec et souvent moins de raisins
Francis Deroo: Invité chez des amis et envie de ramener un gâteau chiboust, nous avons vraiment été déçu.Sûrement pas frais du jour, pâte trop épaisse.Décevant, recette à revoir.
Sylvie Tanghe: Very good bread and their delicious pastry
Cl m: Relatively satisfied overall, the prices are quite correct.The quality of the products is not bad, and the concept of the billboard with the products of the day is top.Nevertheless, the sellers touch the products with their own hands which touch the money. There is an inevitable lack of hygiene, it's a shame..
Isabelle Engramer: Excellent Pastry3 chocolate cake a delight for the taste budsI highly recommend this house
patricia lohez: Good quality and smiling staff.
Anne D: All is well ! sandwiches, bread, cakes… an artisan as we like them. Thank you !
Baha Regaya: *The prices are within the average prices*The workers manners and service could be better.*The taste is good.
Laurence Bilotta: The best croissants in Lille!

4. Patrick Hermand - Roubaix

· 354 reviews

28 bis Av. Gustave Delory, 59100 Roubaix, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Patrick Hermand: what do users think?
Monique Honore: I don't go often, but it's a pleasant bakery and you can find all kinds of breads there as well as a large selection of pastries. The products are excellent too.
Anaïs Preud'homme: quand j'étais étudiante, sans contrat évidement et j'ai été harcelée par les autres vendeuses avant de me faire jeter comme une moins que rien par la patronne qui m'a hurlé dessus dans le vestiaire, à m'en faire pleurer. Les autres vendeuses étaient jalouses de moi et ont raconté des mensonges à la patronne, qui au lieu de rester objective ne m'a pas du tout aidé bien au contraire. Elle ne voulait pas me payer, et apres avoir insisté elle ma payé en pièces rouges. On fait belle figure en boutique mais derrière ça ne se passe pas du tout comme ça. Des vendeuses et une patronne cruelles. Une expérience traumatisante que je ne souhaite à personne. Je n'ai jamais osé parler jusqu'à aujourd'hui. J'espère qu'ils ont cessé ces abus.(Translated by Google
formation canine: Exquisite breakfast on site, I highly recommend.
laurent beaucourt: (Translated by Google
Naomie: The vegetarian sandwich is neither nutritious nor nutritionally balanced. A vegetarian cannot be satisfied with bread containing salad, carrot pieces and a sauce: he lacks a source of protein. You could also specify that this sandwich is very spicy to the point of being "hot".
Elodie Douay: Pastry drops too too good
nathalie Devallee: A treat as always.Very pleasant the small terrace.
Justine Dubar: et que je cite "plus aucun pâtissier ne se lève à 4h"!Juste déçue de cela. Il faudrait peut être le signaler lorsque l on passe commande pr le site que ce n est pas avant 8h30.Sinon le reste parfait et les patisseries toujours excellentes(Translated by Google
COD antéposé: Very good pet store, I found everything I was looking for. Special mention to the new saleswoman, even if I don't understand why she insisted on selling me pain au chocolat.
Yacine Sanaa: Hello, I wanted to share a very bad experience.My 3-year-old daughter who loves cakes from Patrick Hermand being hospitalized I make her happy by buying her cakes arriving at the hospital I start giving her the chocolate cake, giving her I discover a style of hair that comes out of the cake I stop giving him to see what it is, I put the cakes down, I take my phone and I film to show the manager what I found inside. Being stuck in the hospital alone with my daughter I decide to call them and the disaster I have 2 different interlocutors a young girl and a man called Thibault. I explain to the young girl what I discover at the inside the cake she answers me wait I'll pass you my manager already she's not even apologizing she's passing me his famous Thibault I explain to him thinking who to go started with an apology and shocking her with that answer he says bring me your cake I I'm going to show it to the baker shocked by his answer I told him how that he answers me yes bring it back I'll reimburse you or you take another one I told him know that I'm alone in the hospital with my daughter so I don't wouldn't have time waiting for these excuses still nothing I start telling him that it wasn't normal to find a hair and then he starts to get angry telling me we're putting Charlotte on them they're good protect me I answer ironically he sees he tells me I'm not going to shave their hair anyway it happens I say yes it happens but you could have started with an apology it would have been simpler and there he gets angry by looking down on me shouting at me , I calmly explain to him that if he continues to shout at me I was going to come see him to discuss it face to face and there he said to me ha you threatened me I call the police while the whole conversation I was very calm and that he is the one who gets angry alone frankly a petty and incomprehensible behavior on the part of a manager of such a sign I have so much to say but not too much courage I have to take care of well most important. But know that an unsatisfied customer is more dangerous than a satisfied customer PS: go see the video and the photo as proof
Big Foodist: vendeuse de ce midi particulièrement agréable et de bon conseil! Merci encore à vous!(Translated by Google
Pierre SEIGNEZ: Good welcome.
Axelle Toutain: Delicious and refined desserts, we recommend!
Lta: Very good but expensive
Carole: I haven't tasted the bread or the pastries but it won't be long.On the other hand, the pastries are a killer. Original and well researched.We eat one but not two. Very sweet too, don't overdo it. The staff was friendly and helpful. Through these cakes, we feel the work of passionate people.
Georges-Eric PAUL: The best bakery in Roubaix, not the cheapest of course. The lunch sandwiches are excellent, quality filling. Excellent travel cakes too. On the other pastries, the flavors are not always strong enough for me. Prices not always apparent.
V N (Dona Lola): Very good bread and delicious croissant
Naïma: great cake
Larbi Ahammad: Excellent 👌
isabelle Firome: The croissants and pain au chocolat are incredible as well as the chocolate fondants! CONGRATULATIONS 👏👏👏

5. Eric Kayser - Lille

· 202 reviews

11 Rue de Tournai, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Eric Kayser: what do users think?
Mathieu Beranger: J'ai commander des baguette , j' ai vu des souris qui courrait , la serveuse l'a remarqué mais n'a rien fait. Concernant vos qualités de produits c'est vraimentimpeccable mais niveau hygiène à revoir.
Myriam Brochu-Dahani: Café moyen et service médiocre. Ils nous ont fait déplacer deux fois de places alors qu'on venait tout juste de s'asseoir avec nos cafés. Je ne recommande pas.
Pauline Marchal: Personnel peu aimable qui oubli couverts et sauces pour une salade achetée en menu avant départ en train…
Garm Holtzstern: Je dois avouer vivre assez mal le fait d'avoir payé un pain au chocolat congelé 1€40 pièce même compris dans une offre avec un café tout à fait correct pour sa part quand bien même onéreux.La seule chose qui vous dispense de n'avoir qu'une étoile de ma part réside dans la qualité du sandwich que j'ai pu y prendre une fois et encore j'ose pouvoir attester d'une pareille qualité à raison de 9€60.Soyez plus raisonnables en matière de prix car vous n'êtes clairement pas indispensables à cette gare au vu de l'offre disponible.
David Leuridan: Un accueil chaleureux accompagne la formule Café / Croissant pour bien démarrer sa journée !
Solaris 1840 (Solaris1840): Personnel des plus sympathiques merci pour le service rapide je reviendrai ☺️
Gaétan Amarab: Service parfait et accueil chaleureux.
Mar: C'est dommage d'accueillir les gens venant a Lille avec le train avec ce genre de commerce.Ce n'est pas bon, les produits ne sont pas de qualité et en trop petites quantité. C'est typiquement le genre d'attrape-touriste parisien que l'on préférerait ne pas voir à Lille, ça laisse une assez mauvaise image à notre très belle ville.Sans parler du service assez catastrophique mais ce n'est pas un lieu où l'on reste, la plupart des clients sont de passage donc ça ne me paraît pas être le point le plus important.
matcheu62: Pour le prix, on n'est pas surpris que ça soit bon.Par contre le personnel doit être sous payé pour être aussi désagréable.En plus il y a souvent des erreurs dans les commandes, ils profitent sûrement que les voyageurs aient un train à prendre (et s'en rendent compte dedans) pour mettre des produits moins chers (pain au chocolat au lieu d'un pain aux amendes). Bref du vol !
Joëlle Conta: Good pastries, Amandine is very pleasant, thank you
Alexandra Claulin: Best bakery in the area!
Kenza Bough: Very nice welcome, super nice and smiling seller
Emilie Catella: Vendeuse très sympathique et accueil courtois.(Translated by Google
Daniel Credis: Very happy with the products and especially the friendliness of the morning staff.
Maxime DELBERGHE: Unsmiling welcome.When it's 30°C and you choose a cold drink, you don't expect it to be at room temperature :(
Emmanuel Jacqueline: I know Kayser I went there regularly in Paris or Deauville. I was confident. But 1 star is too much. Sandwich sucks, exorbitant price for mediocre quality. really big disappointment
Stephanie PERRET: I'm putting one star because you can't put zero. Two very unfriendly waitresses, not smiling and repeating because they hear everything wrong. We had two cold cheddar chicken paninis not even toasted so not good at all. We didn't get the dessert we ordered because the waitress hears what she wants.My worst sandwich break experience! Go your way!
Hannes Stevens: Food: 1/5|Service: 1/5|Atmosphere: 1/5More
PATRICE HURLIN: Deplorable welcomeTo fleeEmployees are disrespectful and super rudeHow can you smear the image of a high-end brand in this Lille Flandres station?INADMISSIBLE
Tamara Hrl: I really don't have the habit of sharing negative opinions, quite the contrary, because I know how harmful it can be for an establishment.Stopping over in Lille Flandre for the first time and knowing the Parisian bakery, I was very happy to be able to order there.Once arrived with my mom, we were the only ones waiting in front of the counter, not a hello, not a smile!I want to order several things" the short answer is: "there are more"I then ask why leave the labels knowing that they were 4 and no one as a customer so either the time to do the reasort or to remove the labels..I specify that it was 2:00 p.m.My mom asks for a honey goat cheese sandwich and the same answer "we don't have more" and my mom says sorry I thought it was the one in the window... and the same saleswoman replies with disdain and spite "n no you can see that in the one there are tomatoes and there are none in the goat cheese! » b yes logical we are stupid 🙄In short, with each article ordered a sigh and they continued to discuss their personal lives…I think that a manager or a questioning is necessary, moreover the quality is not at the appointmentHyper disappointed, a pitiful service I have never seen that, and speaking badly to customers, when we are nice people always polite in short a disasterIt is necessary to bring urgently a superior that it is to postpone the personal and also the hygiene and the presentation at the counter...I always try to put myself in people's shoes and I'm always accommodating but this is unheard of!The location means that there will always be people but frankly it is really not worth it

6. Aux Merveilleux de Fred - Lille

· 1978 reviews

67 Rue de la Monnaie, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Aux Merveilleux de Fred: what do users think?
T H: Top!Good welcomeA delight
Patrick Laurent: Very good
Janneke: A very light, creamy and soft treat, just delicious!
Nathalie Deval: too delicious the wonderful ones as well as the well-received ceramics
Argun Tanrıverdi: Although I'm not a big fan of their famous Le Merveilleux (personal preferences), this patisserie doesn't need any explanation.Their chocolate cramique (brioche with chocolate chips) is another one to taste.You can also the chefs working on their marvel!
christophe G: meringue fondante, crème légère. N’hésitez pas goûtez les merveilleux 👍(Translated by Google
Bartosz Promiński: Very good 🙂
Silvia Maglio: Wonderful delicious on the other hand the service is deplorable the young man at the counter is more than rude by his impatience ... Very disappointed !!!!
Myriam Lefebvre: I tasted the new lemon marvelous.Delicious !
Mercedes Cafe: The best cakes in the world 🎂
Christian Vayssouze: Too bad for a reference and institutions of Lille 😡😡😡😡Haughty and very unpleasant female staff commercially speaking ... everything to learn ..... 😡😡😡Wait 10 minutes before these people deign to ask us what we wanted to taste.The macrique swung in his pocketWhen to wonders...well here's what..😕In short, I would not advertise this shop well. Especially as a guide for google, you can count on me to give you a very good reputation.Be aware, however, that it is the tourists who make you who you are, so don't forget it 🤫A good hearer 🤬🤬🤬🤬
Julien H: The marvelous are always so good. This specialty is really a delicacy that should not be missed. After having frequented several shops, the service and reception deteriorated sharply. I don't know the house's policy on this subject but we will have to do something because that is also why we agree to pay this price.Here the shop was empty, I was the only customer. They were 4 or 5 in number in preparation and service and the discussion focused on their low remuneration and consideration in terms of benefits... not very pleasant for the customer to hear the employees complaining about their work. The service was vulgar and sloppy and really I felt inconvenient… disappointing.
Danielle Jacquemin: Wonderful super good and very fresh. I enjoyed myself
Imel Banks: The parent company, the shop that probably has the most history and cachet, in the Vieux-Lille district, what about the marvelous, for me the best pastry shop in the region
Cyr N: Enchanted by the quality and taste of your marvelous, available in different flavors. The proof: I went back in the afternoon to order some more!
Virolle Jessica: That's wonderful…I come from the south and every time you pass through Lille, it's a mandatory detour!!!The filled waffles are excellent, the brioches are melting and the wonderful ones are wonderful, a unique flavor!!
Saleja Boukhlef: Cakes very good welcome very cold pity
Lisa Mendicino: Very good with lots of meringueNot disgusting at all!
Noémie Abraham: The wonderful ones are way too sweet for my taste. I remember a warm, melting and fluffy sugar cookie that I devoured in 5 minutes. but I never found it again despite multiple attempts. I feel sorry to say that it's not like before.
Catherine Ollivier: Very good waffles and good welcome
Lina: Parfait

7. L'Ogre de Carrouselberg - Lille

· 232 reviews

17 Rue des Vieux Murs, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
L'Ogre de Carrouselberg: what do users think?
Léa: Literally the best pastry shop in Lille in my eyes. The pastries are more expensive than elsewhere but really worth it. The pastries are all to die for even if we prefer the lemon tartlets.A little advice, go before 11 a.m. on Sunday to give you the choice.
Nicolas Chapron: Always on top !The Phalempin strawberry plant... Oh my God!How do you do that????
Philippe Lepied: The little pouchins, the Phalempin strawberries, the pavlovas, the ladies' palaces, the chocolate rolls......Everything is delicious but I haven't finished tasting everything so I'm going to go back as soon as possible. Do the same, I advise you.
Argun Tanrıverdi: We liked this small bakery a lot. They have a few numbers of tiny cakes & of course croissants which all look beautiful & taste really good. We tried their chocolate croissant & that tiny little treasure chest of a bakery (see from the pictures) and with the company of espresso, they made our day!
Vy Nguyen: Lovely and tasty pastries to start the day. Croissant was beautifully flaky. We don't recommend getting the coffee here as they have limited options. But it's obvious that their main selling points are the pastries.
Davaric Davaric: avait son cœur encore congelé…. Dommage ! Nos tentatives s arrêteront la pour nous !(Translated by Google
Eva Carru-Grenier: The best fine pastry in Lille. It's always a pleasure to introduce new people.
Pieter Van R: Fantastic. Don’t look any further. These girls are the best
Marie-Laure Nicole: Delicious pastries and special mention to the little pouchins!
Stephan Fertikh: A perfect balance between refinements and aesthetics with a specialty "Les p'tits pouchin"
Philippe L.: There are beautiful addresses in Lille but not discovering this beautiful address, the Ogre de Carrouselberg, is an injustice to the refinement and delicacy of the pastries they offer.
Amdour Emmanuelle: Very small pastry but the cakes are delicious!!!!!
Nan: Very good and very light strawberries from phalempin. A good taste of strawberries.
Thy Maj: I'm from Brittany, with my family I went yesterday May 11, 2023 to pick up unique, refined and luxurious pastries from the boutique L'Ogre de Carrouseberg in old Lille It's an infinite delight. Thanks to the bosses. I strongly recommend this place.
B V: Huge crush on this pastry filled with magnificent, perfectly executed proposals. And when the team is so pleasant, you touch on perfection. Fortunately, there are still beautiful houses like yours.
Stéphane Bobard: Surely one of the best pastries in Lille where everything is homemade and worked. 5 € or 6 € the pastry. I also highly recommend the butter croissant
LEGRAND MELANIE: Exceptional to taste absolutely
Ros Mitton: *Perfect* Rum baba!
Cécile C: Amazing pastry! The finesse of flavors and textures: exceptional! First time in my life that I am impressed by the textures and surprises discovered during the tasting. The rhubarb dessert is excellent!
Déborah Bach: What to say ? I was told it was the best in Lille by far! The shop is small but the pastries are to die for!!! Very nice, very good… not too sweet and not disgusting. Obviously there is a cost behind all this but it is worth it.Remember to book in advance because in addition you are not obliged to pay on the internet. Possibility to pay on the spot.For me, it ranks ahead of Meert, which has become much too commercial and the pastries are too sweet.
Sylvie Tassart: Small pouchins a delight

8. Maison Doucet - Lille

· 333 reviews

370 Rue Léon Gambetta, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Maison Doucet: what do users think?
Omar H: Great bakery with great products. On the other hand in 3 weeks you come on Sunday morning there are no pastries, damn at the end lack of professionalism
Je Anne: Very beautiful pastries, fine in the mouth and tasty.Parcontre Lots of waiting to get there. Many breads are offered.
Thibaut Guilluy: the bread is pas.bad but you have to like waiting half an hour with a queue of... 7 people.
Julie Leleu: The prices are only increasing and the size of the pastries are decreasing. Disappointing.
Anneso B: It's expensive and the wait is endless
Alexandra Dussel: Disgusting welcome. Super long wait time.
Céline DESGOUILLONS: The best bakery in Lille!
Jean Lux: Mother-in-law almost broke a tooth on a strawberry plant that obviously hadn't been taken out of the freezer early enough... Saturday at 2:30 p.m. it was frozen to the core!!!Under Les Halles staff always on top that we will regretOn the other hand the shop... it's tendax, bad atmosphere and declining product quality. Little hairy visitors as a bonus!In short, what is going on? Is there still a pilot on the plane? Run away…
Gerard Bellet: (Avis qui sera supprimée quand la trancheuse a pain sera remplacé:
jb: Obnoxious manager who mistreats his employees in front of customersThe bread is certainly excellent but I cannot condone this behavior and therefore I will not return there again.
Un Visiteur: scandaleux, une seule serveuse le samedi matin… quarante minutes de queue pour des viennoiseries toutes molles… c’est honteux je ne reviendrai pas,
Phraorte Cyaxare: Il s'agissait d'un fraisier 8 parts pour un anniversaire. Esthétique, en outre fin au goût et léger comme il fallait pour une fin de repas. La commande n'était pas tout à fait prête au moment de l'enlèvement. Mais bon, soyons sportifs. La maison Doucet se donne du mal pour satisfaire ses nombreux clients.
Louis Bougeard: Trop cher et fadaaaa ça galère en caisse, c'est fait exprès pour créer une file et faire croire que y'a du monde ou bien
Louna Cnc: Excellente boulangerie, jamais déçue de leur pain, viennoiseries ou même sandwichs
Julien 1981: La meilleure boulangerie de Lille.
Quentin Sibille: Probablement la meilleure boulangerie de Lille ! Les pains sont excellents ainsi que les viennoiseries et les pâtisseries ! Le bonheur !
Meir Hazon: WOW, the best French pastries that I have ever had and I have visited many pastry places in France.
Adrien: one of the best bakeries in Lille, big downside: the minimum 3euros for the credit card...
mary vaillant: Cakes as beautiful as they are good....a treat! .... a caramel cake and a meringue cake with whipped cream and red fruits! Delicious !And all very nice!
Steven Faront: This is not the first time that the manager and the employees have argued in front of the customers… not to mention the organization and the lack of warmth from the new store team… you are losing a good customer.
Jo Se: Pistachio eclair and millefeuille 100% perfection when you see that at Auchan you pay 3/4th for certain pastries what a pleasure to find taste and quality

9. Aux Merveilleux de Fred - Lille

· 940 reviews

Pl. des Buisses, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Aux Merveilleux de Fred: what do users think?
Danie Sta: It is the temple of the marvellous!! What a delight
M Sbr: Marvelous always so incredible! The day you make the lemon in large version I think you will see me every week, it is delicious!
King Kerry: .Pour le coup, j'ai trouvé que c'était cher pour ce que c'est.(Translated by Google
Adrien: Always a pleasure to taste wonderful pastries.
Christelle DEMABRE: Wonderful ones that are always so delicious, sugar, raisin or chocolate chip ceramics which are also very good, as are their waffles filled with vanilla or vergeoise 😋I found out today, June 16, 2023, that there is a Lemon Limited Edition that has been on sale since early June and will be until the end of July. Some customers I've asked about the taste have told me it's addictive, but so far my favorites are the cherry eccentric surrounded by rose-tinted white chocolate and the caramel-filled sans-culotte surrounded by white chocolate ^^
Valentine Kuhn: Ua
Vincent B (Vince59): A marvelous good from Fred. Whether chocolate, coffee, speculoos. The n always enjoys., brioche and others as well.
Crème de Panda: 👌Noté negative : Le prix augmente mais la taille du merveilleux diminue de plus en plus... Parfois même irrégularité sur la taille des merveilleux pour une même fournée. Quand on vient acheter des merveilleux on aimerait qu'ils aient la même taille 😑(Translated by Google
Nicolas Lerouge: Delicious Wonders! I highly recommend!Store located in Lille Flandres station
Michèle Rougerie: Lamentable aucun accueil. Pas de "bonjour". Les quatre personnes présentes nous regardent à peine. Puis au bout de 3 mn afin un bonjour et on s'occupe de nous. Les deux clients derrière nous sont déjà ressortis.... On demande deux pains au lait au chocolat cela n'a pas l'air de plaire à la vendeuse car elle n'a pas eu le temps de les fourrer. Elle nous les prépare. On quitte la boutique . Les clients derrière nous ne sont pas mieux accueillis. Ils n' ont pas l'air très contents. Un au-revoir et un merci serait les bienvenus pour un maison comme le Merveilleux !!!!
florian cron: Excellente gaufres par contre en payer 12 et n’en avoir que 11 c’est moyen surtout quand le produit et délicieux c’est frustrant
유감: 당신이 동양인이라면 가지 않는 것을 추천합니다.캐셔 여성분이 인종차별자인 것 같습니다.줄서서 앞에서 주문 받는 여성에게 주문 후 포장 결제하러 앞 쪽으로 이동했습니다. 캐셔는 제 앞 손님하고는 웃으면서 대화하는데, 제 차례가 되자 저를 경멸하는 눈으로 바라보면서 인사도 안 받더군요. 멀뚱히 바라보길래 제가 주문한 걸 가리켰고, 그걸 포장해주면서 제 뒷 사람하고 웃으면서 자연스레 대화하더군요. 포장이 끝나고 제가 미쳐 제대로 잡지도 못했는데 놓아버리더렸습니다. 마지막으로 제가 웃으면서 인사를 건냈지만 받지 않았습니다.디저트는 제 취향이 아니었습니다. 취향을 떠나 이 디저트가 드시고 싶다면 다른 지점으로 가시는 것을 추천드립니다.
tahiri mohamed: Excellent
audrey dekeyster: Always so good the marvelous and the waffles!
David Gommenne: It's okay, no problem.But that's not the wonder of my childhood.Not enough meringue.Sorry.It was my dad's favorite dessert
D B: Helpful seller and quality products. I recommend
nouni coyote: The wonderful ones are just a killer!!!🙂
Mehrunisa Majid Soubret: We love the merveilleux!
Nora Gallisch: I adore
Sébastien Cem Gokdemir: Not much to say, it's exactly the same recipe as the shops you find in Paris...The service is very fast at the stationThe prices are a little expensive but hey exceptionally it's okay
E B: Choice of wonders. You can even see them being made

10. Brioche Dorée - Lille

· 596 reviews

100 Av. Willy Brandt, 59777 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Brioche Dorée: what do users think?
Motor M: no hygieneFood: 3/5|Service: 1/5 …More
Nlnn Afyon: Thanks a lotFood: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 5/5 …More
Lucile Moncheaux: Very warm welcome from Aurélie.Very pleasant, smiling seller.A very pleasant and quick service.I recommend 100%
yodi lephenix: Food: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 5/5More
Sébastien Mamalet: I'm going to take the formula at 5.40Food: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 4/5 …More
Lowaina Wongsang: So awesomeFood: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 5/5 …More
Fah Ben: Frozen foods at exorbitant pricesFood: 1/5|Service: 3/5|Atmosphere: 3/5 …More
itachi uchiha: the toilets are in a catastrophic state, very unfriendly for the service, I do not recommend, especially for the toilets
Célestin Chevalier: Disastrous receptionFood: 1/5|Service: 1/5|Atmosphere: 1/5 …More
Sylvie Natier: Parking: Gare a côtéFood: 4/5|Service: 4/5|Atmosphere: 3/5Recommended dishes Croissant, Sandwich Aux Thons Crudités Parking space Plenty of parking Parking options Free parking lot, Paid parking lot …More
Raven Branwen: The staff is sulking, your a crepe with 3 tons of Nutella in it, the tables are not cleaned
Marine Thomas: I found something that looked a lot like mouse droppings near my pain au chocolat. I didn't ask for a refund or anything else, because I was in a hurry and I avoid confrontational situations. Obviously I don't recommend it at all.
Karrakchou zakia: As always, very satisfied 😍😍 this is my HQ 💕💕
Marwan Alabdullah Alasmar: Very good but a little expensiveFood: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 5/5 …More
FVK3 (Val2mort): I usually come here before work, the staff is welcoming, attentive and very professional. Always a pleasure to spend time there, I recommend 100%
Gilles F: Quality coffee and pastriesOn the other hand, toilets HS, entrance door regularly open lets the cold pass...Too bad for these last points because, otherwise well located at the exit of the station
sab tia: Pas top un café au lait servi dans un verre de cantine sans sucre ni touillette, en plus pas bon du tout ! Serveuse qui facture tout à l'unité sans proposer de formules...pas sympa. Prix élevé pour une qualité médiocre, endroit à éviter.
Jeremy Cc: Très bonne vienoiserie je recommande
Giovanni D'Onofrio: L'accueil est fort humain. La nourriture est bonne. L'ambiance est tranquille et naturelle.

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