Best Cupcakes Courses Lille Near Me

MOND脡LICE Cakes L'atelier Des Chefs Lille Universe Sucr茅 Cr茅atif Sweet Flamingo Cupcakes et G芒teaux de F锚tes Lille Sohet L'Aziza L'Atelier De Rach Fournil bio G芒teau Cr茅ateur E.Leclerc LILLE E.Leclerc LILLE FIVES Starbucks Atelier des Saveurs

1. MOND脡LICE Cakes - Lille

路 33 reviews

24 Rue Jeanne Maillotte, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

2. Gaby's Cupcakes - Lille



路 0 reviews

27 Rue des Foss茅s, 59000 Lille, France


3. Sab Cake's - Lille

路 0 reviews

104 Rue des Sarrazins, 59000 Lille, France


4. L'atelier Des Chefs Lille - Lille

路 63 reviews

74 Bd de la Libert茅, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
L'atelier Des Chefs Lille: what do users think?
Valentine Bertron: (Translated by Google
Laure Cornil: The course was great! It was too good. The team was very nice. They were attentive to our various questions! To do again!
Pourtier Manon: Excellent time cooking and sharing, a real pleasure!
Jacques TAILLEZ: Very nice experience in Choux Chouquette 脡clair pastry A treat
Val Van: An interesting and rewarding experience for anyone who wants to learn to cook or improve their way of cooking. Chef Violaine is adorable, professional and efficient. The welcome is warm and the atmosphere relaxed. I left with a delicious Asian meal!
Anthony Sauvage: A pastry class with Violaine...Perfect!good humor from the start,kindness,everything you need.plenty of advice to ensure success.thank you very much for this time spent with you. see you soon
Emeric Nieps: Very good atmosphere, a great welcome and delicious dishes!
Na茂: A warm moment with my daughter, a talented and smiling chef, such a human and helpful diver, who took pictures of my daughter and me with my cell phone so that we have memories. I don't eat sugar, the chef has adapted. Cooking is love and we didn't miss it at the chef's workshop in Lille. Thank you to the whole team who did everything to make us feel at home! We will come back!
Teddy Hennart: Very good time spent together. The menu was excellent and the whole team is top notch. We will come back to it.
Dara Velikova: Great great experience! We came for the salmon pav茅, crunchy lime apples with mashed potatoes and a passion fruit pana cotta and it was a delicious result 馃槏 It was a birthday present for my boyfriend who loved it , and the team was super nice and brought us a happy birthday candle and free macaroons 馃槉 A thousand thanks!
Alexis Piot: Dommage.. Des ateliers sympas et j' 茅tais 脿 une r茅servation de plus.. Malheureusement pour apprendre par message moins d'une semaine avant: "messieurs on a pris un groupe de 40 personnes donc on doit annuler et vous rembourser "S'agissant d' un cadeau, je rappelle et 脿 ce moment on me dit " On va annuler pour votre confort" ..j'expose mon m茅contentement et on me propose le vendredi alors oui avec geste commercial mais s'agissant d'un cadeau la personne n est pas disponible.....Voil脿 un remboursement demand茅 et un client fid猫le de perdu et bien entendu un avis n茅gatif qui est justifi茅...D'ailleurs quand j ai annonc茅 que j allais poster un commentaire. Le timbre de voix a fortement chang茅.Cela s'appelle simplement faire de la marge plut么t que de garder ses clients reguliers..
Baptiste Lietaert: Tr猫s d茅莽u.J'avais r茅serv茅 pour l'anniversaire de ma fille avec ses amies. Tr猫s difficilement joignable par t茅l茅phone (uniquement le jeudi) et ne r茅pond pas aux diff茅rents mails envoy茅s, sur plusieurs adresses.Nous avions bien re莽u le bon de commande que nous avions retourn茅 la semaine pr茅c茅dent l'anniversaire. Nous avons m锚me demand茅 comment r茅gler au plus vite l'acompte. Aucune r茅ponse, et donc personne sur place ce jour pour recevoir ma fille et ses amies, malgr茅 toutes nos relances... Nous 茅tions d茅j脿 venus deux fois l'ann茅e derni猫re et 脿 chaque fois difficult茅 pour r茅server et communiquer.Nous ne renouvellerons pas l'exp茅rience.
Olivier Duquesne: Tout simplement g茅nial, notre fille a ador茅 son cours de cuisine pour sa f锚te d'anniversaire. Merci !
Lost Driver: Nous avons pass茅 globalement un bon moment et nous avons appris quelques petites techniques de cuisine qui nous permettent de repartir avec une exp茅rience enrichissante ! les mat茅riaux utilis茅s sont de bonnes factures. Je trouve que la cuisto manqu茅 de p茅dagogie et on a m锚me rat茅 notre plat dessert!! Dommage. A faire 1 fois pourquoi pas
MDY 360 CONSULTING Roubaix: Une exp茅rience culinaire sympathique o霉 on apprend pas mal de choses au del脿 des recettes qui sont r茅alis茅es.Un concept cr茅ateur de bons momentsJe suis ravie d'avoir eu l'occasion de le d茅couvrir
Fabienne Poppe: Tres bon moment partag茅, excellentes recettes simples mais originales en m锚me temps, chefd 'exception qui nous livre ses petites astuces, je recommande vivement.
Nath Bog: Que dire?Allez y sans h茅sitation !Le chef tr猫s sympa explique beaucoup de choses et donne des astuces.Les produits sont de qualit茅 et la d茅gustation est juste 脿 tomber par terre.Le vin est tr猫s bon (le blanc pour ma part)L'accueil est superTOUT le personnel est g茅nialJ'y retournerai c'est une certitude 馃ぉMerci pour ce moment qui fait tellement de bien 鈽猴笍
Ln D: J鈥檃i particip茅 脿 2 cours parents enfants avec ma fille. L鈥檜n avec Jonathan, l鈥檃utre avec violaine. Tr猫s sympathique, tr猫s convivial. Nous avons pass茅 un bon moment. Le plongeur propose de faire des photos souvenirs et est tr猫s sympa 茅galement. Je recommande
Ioana kis: Avec ma fille on a pass茅 un super moment !Tr猫s bon accueil, des chefs sympa qui font preuve de professionnalisme !Une ambiance conviviale !Tr猫s belle exp茅rience, jamais d茅莽u 馃槉脌 refaire au plus vite !
Noemie Ringot: Un chouette moment m猫re/ fille avec l atelier parent / enfant.Une 茅quipe tr猫s sympathique, attentionn茅e; y compris le plongeur qui a grandement contribu茅 avec sa bonne humeur et sa gentillesse! Des recettes faciles 脿 r茅aliser 脿 la maison ensuite. Exp茅rience 脿 r茅it茅rer avec grand plaisir!
Angela Risselin: Nous y avons fait un atelier pour l'EVJF de ma meilleure amie et nous avons toutes ador茅! L'accueil est top, le cours et les produits cuisin茅s tr猫s qualitatifs. Je recommande sans h茅siter!

5. Universe Sucr茅 Cr茅atif - Ronchin

路 11 reviews

37 Av. Jean Jaur猫s, 59790 Ronchin, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Universe Sucr茅 Cr茅atif: what do users think?
Barant Tiffanie: Always on top for the cakes she makes for my children's birthdays or baptisms. Very beautiful and very good.
Rachid Rachid: Super good
Christelle: This is the 3rd year in a row that I have gone through a creative sweet universe for my son's birthday cake and it is always a visual and taste success. I recommend without hesitation go there with your eyes closed !!!
Chaima Aa: Great experience with Delphine, I recommend with my eyes closed. Very professional and responsive to requests
Meghane Menue: Very professional and smiling people. Job well done and more than delicious cakes 馃構 thank you for this beautiful sweet moment you shared with us! More training at the top what more?THANKS
C茅line DELANNOY: Magnificent cake.. as good as it is beautiful...Total incomprehension in the face of the absolutely unjustified negative comment.. in my opinion..Several orders placed and guaranteed success!!!
Emilie Schulz: I recommend 1000%! The family's birthday cakes are all made by Delphine, each time it's incredible she adapts to all themes. The cakes are too good. Brilliant address for beautiful AND good cakes
Elsa Modaine: Beautiful and delicious cakes! Order made for my daughter's birthday: the presentation was very very pretty and a treat 馃巶馃ぉ! Everyone loved it 馃挭馃徏 well done Delphine for your creations 馃槏
Laura Stranges: Difficile ?! L鈥檌nt茅rieur du g芒teau, il faut se bagarrer pour avoir des fraises et la g茅noise est s猫che trop cuite ou pas bien conserver depuis la veille. Mes invit茅s n鈥檕nt pas fais l鈥檋onneur de votre g芒teau. Et moi qui est de l鈥檈xp茅rience non plus. Mauvaise exp茅rience, non professionnel au t茅l茅phone, ne r茅ponds pas suites 脿 mes interrogations sur le non respect de la d茅coration de mon cake design pour les 3 ans de ma fille. Photos 脿 l鈥檃ppuie , demandes 茅crites 脿 l鈥檃ppuie.Si vous voulez 锚tre 茅couter et 锚tre sure du r茅sultat sur votre projet que vous vous 锚tes mis en t锚te , si vous avez l鈥櫯搃l du respect de vos demandes ,passez votre chemin.Cordialement(Translated by Google
Jocelyne BOUTRY: Delicious cake very friendly and attentive pastry chef
amandine meuray: Top pastry chef, excellent cakes
Anna Charles: A cake as beautiful as it is delicious, thank you for my princess's one year anniversary!
Magaly Dekindt: Wonderful cake.Delicious !
Pauline CEUGNART: As good as beautiful, I would not hesitate to call on you again thank you
diamant59 Diamant: I placed an order and I have absolutely no regrets it was as beautiful as it was good and I can't wait to be able to recommend again thank you
stephanie opsommer: Delighted with my order, very beautiful and good cakes! Very pleasant person鈽猴笍 I would not hesitate to come back for another event
Fabienne R茅my: Beautiful Harry Potter cake for my daughter's 8th birthday and very good.. I highly recommend
Erica Joy: The cupcakes were a real hit. Very good and the visual was really on top. I recommend. Thanks again 馃槉
Martin Blanc: Very best experience.
Lucie Huart: Highly recommend this.
Sarah Djedoui: An exceptional training with a very competent trainer who perfectly manages her field of activity. His little shop is full of great products not found around really I recommend with my eyes closed!

6. Sweet Flamingo - Lille

路 431 reviews

24 Rue Nicolas Leblanc, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

7. L'atelier culinaire de Martine - Lille

路 7 reviews

30 Rue du Metz, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
L'atelier culinaire de Martine: what do users think?
Ludivine Lauwarier: Workshop made for an EVJF; Martine is kind, funny, professional, with a nice background and an endearing personality!The meal was exquisite! A delight to the eyes and the mouth; Magnificent.Thank you for these good times, your welcome, your joie de vivre, and your lovely words.I couldn't dream of a better chef to lead a culinary workshop.Nice continuation Martine.
Tatiana Godon: A convivial and appreciable moment for the edvjfSimple and delicious recipeA person with a big heartThank you Martin
Cathy Thomas: Martine is dynamic and gives very good advice. But not enough practice during the course. Staying 1h30 standing without moving listening is a bit long.
lucie faelens: Delicious recipe, professional advice, friendly and warm welcome. A workshop appreciated by all with the bonus of Martine's humor and good humor. Great !
Justine Verraux: Great friendly moment spent in the company of Martine, who does not lack humor. Martine gave us many tips and tricks and the meal was delicious and refined.
Yves Lecompte: A friendly welcome, a friendly place and a real pro in the kitchen with lots of little tips and good ideas that she shares with good humor and friendliness
Charline Delcroix: We had a great time between girls with Martine.Martine is a very pleasant and very professional person. We prepared delicious and original dishes, and she gave many tips and advice, very interesting and which will be very useful to us.All in a pleasant and caring atmosphere.I recommend !
Justine Boniface: Avec l'Atelier de Martine, vous 锚tes sur de passer un bon moment !! Je recommande :
Aurelie Baudet: Workshop at the top! Lots of advice, technique and making delicious dishes... a delight! Like Martin! Thanks for the welcome last night.
St茅phanie Langowski-Vitel: Martine is very welcoming, smiling .... patient ..... organized workshop, educational. do again!

8. Cupcakes et G芒teaux de F锚tes Lille - La Chapelle-d'Armenti猫res

路 27 reviews

68 Rue Vincent Van Gogh, 59930 La Chapelle-d'Armenti猫res, France

Address Website WhatsApp

9. Sohet - Hellemmes-Lille

路 56 reviews

248 Rue Roger Salengro, 59260 Lille, France

Address WhatsApp

10. L'Aziza - Lille

路 493 reviews

32 Pl. Nouvelle Aventure, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

11. L'Atelier De Rach - Tourcoing

路 75 reviews

5 Quai du Fresnoy, 59200 Tourcoing, France

Address Website WhatsApp

12. Fournil bio - Lille

路 4058 reviews

Halles de Wazemmes, Pl. Nouvelle Aventure, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

13. G芒teau Cr茅ateur - Ronchin

路 10 reviews

8 Rue Jules Guesde, 59790 Ronchin, France

Address Website WhatsApp

14. E.Leclerc LILLE - Lille

路 1330 reviews

2 Rue du Faubourg des Postes, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

15. E.Leclerc LILLE FIVES - Lille

路 2417 reviews

94 Rue de Lannoy, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

16. Lepr锚tre - Lille

路 100 reviews

20 Pl. Philippe Lebon, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

17. Starbucks - Lille

路 1450 reviews

67-69 Rue Esquermoise, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

18. Atelier des Saveurs - Lille

路 283 reviews

88 Rue du G茅n茅ral de Gaulle, 59110 La Madeleine, France

Address Website WhatsApp

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