Best Gastronomic Classrooms In Lille Near Me

Bloempot Les ToquĂ©es by Benoit BERNARD La Table Le Jane - Restaurant gastronomique Ă  Lille Restaurant L’Arc Le Lion Bossu Melting-Pot L'Assiette du MarchĂ© Canard Street - BĂ©thune Meet People BEEFHOUSE Jour de PĂȘche Le Domaine de Chavagnac L'Improviste Il Ristorante A la Table de Louise Isa Lille Brasserie de la Paix

1. Bloempot - Lille

· 984 reviews

22 Rue des Bouchers, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website
Bloempot: what do users think?
Yannick De Giorgi: Excellent concept and exceptional cuisine. The night we went, I was less enamored with the desserts, but the menu is consistent, quality and very original. The food-non-alcoholic beverage pairing is reserved for lovers of fermented drinks.
Anaëlle H: Very nice restaurant, caring staff, kitchen full of discoveries... I recommend!
Jean Paul Savary: Surprising and then exceptional cuisine. Everything was perfect...What more can be said. Our taste buds are in 7th heaven.Bravo and thank you for the chef.
Gregory Cnudde: Very nice experience if we take into account the constraint of cooking only seasonal products and especially from the region, which does not facilitate the work of the cooks, and manage to take up the challenge by highlighting our products. Going to eat in such a restaurant is driven by the idea of ​​discovering a new cuisine and perhaps by personal conviction.To discover 😉
Clemmy Vs: Food: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 5/5More
Laurence DEGUINES: longue. Le service fonctionne par vague : on fait une vague d’entrĂ©es et les personnes arrivĂ©es juste aprĂ©s doivent attendre la vague suivante. On ne sert pas le client en fonction de l’avancĂ©e de son repas mais en fonction de leur mode d’organisation Ă  eux ce qui est clairement problĂ©matique dans un restaurant qui se veut gastronomique.Les serveurs sont sympatiques, mais ne connaissent pas les vins, ils rĂ©citent ce qu’ils ont appris mais ne sont pas capables de rĂ©pondre Ă  nos questions.Les plats Ă©taient
 de qualitĂ© trĂ©s innĂ©gale. Rien de mauvais mais rien de fou.Le plat supplĂ©mentaire : un gnocchi au homard Ă  25€ le plat Ă©tait dĂ©cevant. La pĂąte est vraiment Ă©paisse et l’experience ne vaut pas le tarif d’autant qu’aucun accord de boisson ne lui est attribuĂ©.Le plat de porc Ă©tait une Ă©norme dĂ©ception : on nous a servi un porc bleu et gras. Impossible Ă  couper avec les couteaux certe jolis mais ne servant pas Ă  couper. Nous avons eu du mal Ă  comprendre le plat, sans lien clair dans l’assiette.Les desserts arrivent trĂ©s tard, et encore une fois, nous avons du mal Ă  comprendre le millefeuille au gout d’herbes mais sans gourmandise (la pĂąte feuilletĂ© Ă©tant trop salĂ©e
Syl Yep Yep: , c’est limite limite.Surtout quand le jus maison est servi comme du vin (!!!
Jasmin De Luca: What a disappointing experience. I am an absolute fan of long lunches or dinners but here everything takes too long! What is more, the food and drinks are completely overprized. We had the "full experience" for EUR 60 plus the matching alcoholic drinks for EUR 30. What a joke! We arrived there at 12.55 and had our first glass of wine (filled at the MINIMUM level) at 14.30!!!! One of the waiters was quite unfriendly. The Bisque for an additional price of EUR 25 consisted of basically one small Ravioli with a spoon of lobster in it! Half of the meat was fat and the knives look trendy but do not cut at all! They do not adjust to your "eating rhythm" but YOU as a customer have to do it. They basically let you wait until they have enough people waiting for the same course. I do not recommend this place.
Konstantin: Je suis trĂšs déçu de ce restaurant. Nous avons Ă©tĂ© conseillĂ©s par ses amis et les avis Ă©taient bons. Je ne peux pas recommander ou donner plus de 2 Ă©toiles Ă  qui que ce soit. En ordre. PremiĂšrement, un endroit trĂšs cher, nous avons payĂ© 260 pour 3 personnes. DeuxiĂšmement, les portions sont assez petites, si vous avez faim - vous n'ĂȘtes pas lĂ . TroisiĂšmement, et surtout, bien que la nourriture prĂ©tende ĂȘtre de la "haute cuisine", tout n'Ă©tait pas bon. Par exemple, la viande Ă©tait grasse, trop salĂ©e et sans goĂ»t. La soupe Ă©tait Ă©galement trop salĂ©e et trop assaisonnĂ©e. QuatriĂšmement, Ă  cause de l'acoustique, c'Ă©tait assez bruyant et bruyant et ce n'Ă©tait pas trĂšs bon d'entendre les interlocuteurs. Ce qui Ă©tait bien : le service Ă©tait correct. Mais, messieurs, pas pour ce genre d'argent. Le prix devrait ĂȘtre 2 Ă  3 fois infĂ©rieur Ă  ce qui Ă©tait proposĂ©.
Acces Informatique: Le topFood: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 5/5 
fabienne domare: Excellent ! A tout point de vue !
Aurore M: Un pur dĂ©lice! Une cuisine locale et un service au top.PrĂ©voir quand mĂȘme du temps mais ça vaut le coup. 🙂
Catherine Bourgon: Menu à l aveugle avec boisson ...TrÚs bien, plein de saveurs...Un peu trop cher mais ce fut une belle découverte
françois Delforge: Déçu par une nourriture sans saveur, mal présentée et des vins tristes. Déçu par un service non attentionné une note salée comme certains plats. Une adresse que je vais oublier bien vite.
Gauthier Tellier: Rien à dire sur les plats, y a du niveau !Pas mal d'attente entre chaque plat (menu découverte).Chaise inconfortable et table étroite en extérieur.
Sjoerd: Restaurant viel tegen. ‘Wijnspijs’ combinatie viel erg tegen; bijvoorbeeld pils bij een kaasplankje, nog nooit eerder gehad in een restaurant en dat heeft natuurlijk een reden.
Cathy Daverat: An extraordinary culinary experience! We tested the lunch menu at 40 euros, consisting of 7 dishes. A delight ! All products come from the region. The menu changes every three weeks.

2. Les Toquées by Benoit BERNARD - Lille



· 180 reviews

110 Quai GĂ©ry Legrand, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Les Toquées by Benoit BERNARD: what do users think?
m f: Dßner en famille au restaurant. Plats de qualité, service impeccable, salle chaleureuse.
Lili Licorne: une cuisine de qualitĂ© (surtout le homard au barbecue) mais peu gĂ©nĂ©reuse et chĂšre.Le service trĂšs maladroit. 2h30 pour entrĂ©e, plat et dessert. Personne ne nous a proposĂ© de lÂŽeau ou du vin. Tables servies dans le dĂ©sordre.C'est bien dommage car bon concept et vrai talent culinaire. EspĂ©rons ĂȘtre juste tombĂ©s un mauvais soir.
Ludovic L-V: trĂšs bon restaurant, des bons vivants
Jessica DECOCK: Que dire...Ă  part que tout Ă©tait parfait, merci Mr Bernard pour votre grande gĂ©nĂ©rositĂ©.Menu barbecue Ă  refaire sans limite😉👍
Derek Aubin: Fantastic people, food and stay. I will definitely keep coming back! Hands down one of the best meals in my life and I am well traveled.Rooms: Large and airy with a kitchenetteNearby activities: Too many activities close by to mention but the zoo and grand place would be the easiest to point towards.Walkability: Right next to Lille Citadel and heart of Lille.Food & drinks: The Chef was soo friendly and passionate. It was like watching her as a star role in a romantic movie but in reality.
WondeRaf Hrx: Nous sommes déçus par le menu proposé le samedi soir (barbecue) il me semble trop coûteux par rapport à la quantité et qualité des mets. L'entrée est bien préparée mais la suite n'est pas une réussite ! Je déconseille le homard (rien n'a mangé, manque de cuisson, laborieux à décortiquer et une amertume sur certaines parties). Le dessert trÚs basique, pas de recherche. En revanche, le cadre est agréable et le service parfait !
Moleskine pdf: Repas trÚs trÚs délicieuxPrix trÚs trÚs convenableTrÚs trÚs envie d'y revenir !
sylvie leroy: Impeccable welcome, quality service and an exceptional barbecue
Eleonora Deligia: La location da fiaba e l'accoglienza spiritosa ti fanno subito pensare di aver fatto una buona scelta, poi assaggi il cibo e non hai piu dubbi. Rapporto qualita/prezzo incredibile. Miglior Bistrot provato a Lille in 3 anni.
THOR59: Un excellent moment dans une belle maison, bel accueil, service efficace et détendue comme on aime! Tout était trÚs trÚs bon comme le poulpe ou le tartare de langoustine et que dire du homard ;
lilou Lilou: Great meal on one of the most beautiful terraces in Lille
Annie Standaert: A moment out of time during which the taste buds were in turmoil. A delight for the eyes, for the stomach and for the heart. The icing on the cake, the radiant weather, which allowed us to benefit from the terrace.
Hervé VERBRUGGE: Excellent meal, very good cuisine, very friendly and professional service, thank you
Patrick GIROUD: Patron trÚs désagréable qui reçoit trÚs mal les gens mais surtout cuisine trÚs moyenne malgré de bons produits.A ce prix , vaut mieux aller chez un étoilé
Salomé Chupin: Tout au top ! Merci.

3. La Table - Lille

· 116 reviews

32 Rue de la Barre, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
La Table: what do users think?
Laurence Verdiere: "Si la restauration est une histoire, nous venons de vivre un conte de fĂ©e " Bon accueil, un service impeccable, bravo Ă  TimothĂ©e pour l histoire des plats et Ă  Juliette pour sa gentillesse.Nous avons pris le menu "l idĂ©al" nous vous le recommandons, une une trĂšs belle expĂ©rience culinaire, dĂ©couverte sur dĂ©couverte, un chef exceptionnel ! Jusqu'au pĂątissier Pablo et merci Ă  Luc le chef de bar pour avoir rĂ©pondu Ă  toutes nos attentes.Bravo ! À tousExpĂ©rience Ă  renouveler !
Dr. Heinz Dreehsen: In 2022 noch alles top und super. Nachdem der Koch gewechselt hat ist das Essen sein Geld nicht mehr wert. Ich war das letzte Mal nun dort und sehr enttÀuscht.Food & drinks: In 2022 noch alles top und super. Nachdem der Koch gewechselt hat ist das Essen sein Geld nicht mehr wert. Ich war das letzte Mal nun dort und sehr enttÀuscht.
akem akem: Comment n’est il pas possible de boire un verre Ă  n’importe quel moment de la journĂ©e dans un hĂŽtel 5 Ă©toiles? Je n’ai jamais connu cela. RĂ©ponse de la rĂ©ception : nous avons un bar en sortant de l’hĂŽtel Ă  gauche mais il n’ouvre qu’à 17h30!Et bien nous sommes partis boire un verre ailleurs
Bruno Brottier: Hotel superbe, service au top, "normal" pour cette catégorie.Nous y étions pour un brunch spécial, réunissant plusieurs chefs faisant découvrir la cuisine de plusieurs pays.La pluie nous a fait passer de la cour aux salles intérieures, tout a été géré de main de maitre, efficacement et sans stress apparent, sourires et amabilités.
lili afi: Restaurant superbeLe personnel est trĂšs accueillantJe recommande vivementFood & drinks: Les plats Ă©taient exellentEt le service parfait
Mocquant Juliette: Venue il y a un an, le moment était excellent. Un an plus tard, trÚs déçue, à tout niveau : le service et le menu.
dorothée blas: SublimeRooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 5/5 
Julie Blondel: Nous avons passĂ© la soirĂ©e au restaurant Ă©toilĂ© de l'hĂŽtel.De l'accueil jusqu'Ă  la dĂ©coration tout Ă©tait parfait.Je ne parle mĂȘme pas de la qualitĂ© des plats aux saveurs ordinaires mais si bien rĂ©alisĂ©s.Gros coup de cƓur pour la mise en bouche façon waterzoĂŻ.
Benoit Belval: Un déjeuner avec mon fils. Nous étions en terrasse. Cadre trÚs agréable un service au top. Et des plats raffinés excellents. Nous avons passé un délicieux moment.
Matt Van: .Merci Ă  toute l’équipe.(Translated by Google
KIK THIKIK: A disappointing experience at the Clarance restaurant in LilleI recently had the opportunity to dine at the Clarance restaurant in Lille, and unfortunately my experience did not live up to my expectations. Although the menu offered was average, several aspects of the restaurant left me confused.First of all, the service at Clarance certainly does not deserve a Michelin star. The tables were improvised with a plate, which gave the impression of lack of attention to detail. Also, the waitress, whose lips appear to have been overly swollen from Botox injections, refused to provide us with a spoon for our soup. It is simply inconceivable that a restaurant of this caliber could not provide the necessary cutlery to enjoy a dish.Regarding comfort, I was disappointed to see stains on the fabric of the chairs. This shows a lack of maintenance and hygiene, which is unacceptable for an establishment claiming a Michelin star. Also, the prices of the wines on offer were excessively high which added to my overall disappointment.Although the setting of the restaurant is acceptable, I learned with regret that the real chef was no longer in post. This may explain why the quality of the food served was only average. It is clear that without a talented and creative chef behind the stoves, the Clarance restaurant is certainly in danger of losing its Michelin star.In conclusion, my experience at the Clarance restaurant in Lille was disappointing. The menu offered was average, the service did not deserve a Michelin star and various issues such as improvised tables, stains on chairs and high wine prices contributed to this disappointment. Also, the absence of the original chef only accentuates the shortcomings of this establishment. Unless serious improvements are made, it seems likely that the Clarance restaurant will lose its Michelin star in the future.
Nathalie Defraiteur: Very very disappointed with what was served to us tonight! A more than basic presentation and a lack of seduction and creativity for 150 euros per person is a bit expensive! We were delighted during our first visit but this time we were hugely disappointed, except for the service which remains very good.
olivier woel.: Unbeatable value for moneyClassic and deliciousVery welcoming hostess.Wines by the perfect glass.
anne nathalie bonifaci: A table always so delicious.
Dagmar Wiegel: Überbewertet, das Essen mittelmĂ€ĂŸig und nicht einen Stern wert, die Einrichtung zeigt das mĂ€ĂŸig gelungene BemĂŒhen alten Charme in die Gegenwart zu bringen, das Beste: freundlicher und bemĂŒhter Service, völlig ĂŒberteuerte Weine. Insgesamt enttĂ€uschend.
Sylvie grohin: magical meal with exceptional staff serving the chef's kitchen. everything is done for our greatest pleasure and well-being. magnificent place. 3rd time in this establishment and always a discovery that meets our expectations. for us the best restaurant in the regionFood & drinks: accord vins et plats exceptionnel
Michel MARTIN: MagicRooms: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Location: 4/5 

4. Le Jane - Restaurant gastronomique Ă  Lille - Lille

· 303 reviews

45 Bd Carnot, 59800 Lille, France

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Le Jane - Restaurant gastronomique Ă  Lille: what do users think?
Daniela Bolten: Food: 4/5|Service: 4/5|Atmosphere: 4/5More
Marine: Great restaurant.We feasted. Everything was very good and nicely presented.The service was very professional and smiling.
Madeline: This is the best food I've had in France so far and possibly one of the best meals of my life! I got the starter+entree+dessert menu (only 35 euro!) and added on a cheese course. True fine dining and every flavor and dish thoughtfully and artfully put together. Highly reccomend!Food: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 5/5 
Pauline Liege: Very goodFood: 5/5|Service: 4/5|Atmosphere: 3/5 
Alice Chretien: Excellent food and perfect service.I recommend
Lambion Sabrina: Refined cuisine, caring staff who make every effort to make you spend an exceptional moment, a cozy setting
. What more?Thank you for this magnificent culinary and human discovery.
Muriel Wolkowicz: We enjoyed ourselves. Very good discovery. To recommend
Michel SCHUH-JOCQUEL (PaPyMiMyDeOuf): Very nice experience, really!Food: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 5/5Recommended dishes Planche de Fromage, Dessert Exotique 
Marie pierre Gobinet: Very nice place excellent cuisine very attentive staff thank you to my children for letting me know this place
Justine Ladan: The service is impeccable. A little attention for the really appreciable birthday! The food is of high quality and it shows. But still hungry at the end of the 5 course menu.
Thibaut D: Food: 5/5|Service: 4/5|Atmosphere: 5/5More
Thomas K1mpf: (Translated by Google
DĂ©gu Stateur: Exceptional meal in this very high quality gastronomic restaurant! Everything is immaculate! Thank you 🙏
V C: Very well receivedExcellent meals and good wines 👍Original formulas.Prices to match but some alcohols a bit expensive.Armagnac: 14 €.... it is certainly good but high price
Anne-Sophie Audegond: It is a very pretty table
 I recommend. Their cocktails are delicious. And their delicious dish. The cuisine is traditional in the noble sense of the term, without pretension. It's a delight.
Malika TAALBI DEVILLE: Superb experience! We ate there with our 15 year old son and loved the 5 course menu. A little regret not having tried the 7 courses when we saw the pasta cooked in the wheel of parmesan cheese and flambéed. The dishes are full of taste and perfectly seasoned, The flavors are worked to perfection, the pre-dessert and the dessert were really great, the staff is very friendly, the service is efficient, the place is pretty. The value for money of this restaurant is really excellent. Highly recommend Le Jane! Thank you again for this good time!
Aurore Bocquet: Impeccable welcome and service, original and tasty dishes. Unbeatable value for money. An address to remember

5. Restaurant L’Arc - Lille

· 144 reviews

10 Rue des Bouchers, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Restaurant L’Arc: what do users think?
Malhan Fatin: Une excellente adresse, les assiettes sont magnifiques et pleines de saveurs. L'accueil est parfait, le service aussi. Le lieux est agrĂ©able. C'est un plaisir d'y ĂȘtre aller. Merci
Marilyn Devoitinne: TrĂšs bonne cuisine d estaminet, mais comme beaucoup de restaurants de centre ville, trop exigus ,
P W: I have been here many times here and its never less than perfect. My favourite restaurant in Lille. Superb food Clean fresh tastes Every aspect was outstanding. Service is really friendly and helpful, not intrusive. but attentive. The set lunch although is always exemplary and amazingly good value The dessert of pineapple and coriander was an absolute revelation
Anne-Charlotte MQGN: Restaurant agréable - plats de qualité
Lyon Chen: Warm welcome. Nice pick of tableware. Dishes are well cooked and partly integrated with Asian style of seasoning. Vegetables are seasonally selected. The true surprise is fish main course that we like the most. The steak though is a bit too tough for us but seasoning and pairing vegetable and seeing are good.Desserts are good to look and taste as well.Soft drink and beer are good but wine is ok.Will come back and recommend
Remko Bak: Heerlijk gegeten. Aanrader in de categorie klein maar zeker fijn.
neveu michael: Magnifique soirĂ©e.. Accord mets vins, au top! .. service aux petits soins..TrĂšs bonne dĂ©couverte ! đŸ„‚
Christophe BERNARD: Que dire .. .PARFAIT .
Tommy van Erp: C’etait super!Samen met mijn man een heerlijk diner genoten in dit prachtige restaurant. Er hangt een hele fijne sfeer en de gastheer en gastvrouw maken dat je je ongelofelijk welkom voelt.We kregen twee ongelofelijk smaakvolle en bijzondere amuses en daarna een voortreffelijk driegangenmenu met bijpassende -heerlijke- wijnen.Absoluut het bezoeken waard!
Maxence Bernard: Excellent evening, excellent food, excellent service. I recommend 100%
Fonseca Romain: The dishes are excellent and seasonal, everything was perfect from start to finish! I would like to highlight in particular the kindness and attention of the team who were simply brilliant! Thank you for this moment!
Alejandro Peiteado Brea: Fantastic food and service. I will come back!
Manila VENETHONG: Perfect, time for lunch. Impeccable service and lovely staff. The dishes were refined and tasty. A pure delight for my taste buds.
Rodrigo Behague: A refined, minimalist but at the same time very warm setting.Culinarily, it's a gustatory journey mixing food and wine.Beautiful cuisine, fine wine list, we are not overrated, quite the contrary.I highly recommend the place
Frank Kooring: Gezellig ingericht restaurant, comfortable stoelen ruime tafels en hartelijke personeel.De gerechten zijn stuk voor zeer smaakvol en worden mooi gepresenteerd.
Irma Bosman-Kooring: Bij een weekendje weg hoort altijd een goed restaurant. Deze keer werd het L'Arc in Lille. Superb! Fijne, ruime tweepersoonstafel. Sfeervol restaurant met semi openkeuken. Compacte kaart. Gerechten waren uitstekend. Bekende ingredienten in een onverwachte uitvoering. Mooie wijnen. Attent personeel, dus wat wil je nog meer. Een echte aanrader! Heb echter wel een puntje van kritiek; het tempo was iets te hoog.
François F.: Nice place to have a good time with quality cuisine and professional service.
Samira Taleb: Parfait....les mets... l'accord des vins...l' on reviendra😍😍😍
Bruno Ruis Manager Platinium Associé Iad France: Le temps d'un agréable dßner, je recommande l'établissement " L'arc " pour le raffinement de leur plats et la qualité dégustative. Le cadre est Cosi, trÚs agréable et son personnel disponible et agréable.Faites vous plaisir.
Franck Hoyer: Un peu cher pour ce qui est proposé
Eric Morisse: Avec ma femme, pour le réveillon du jour de l'an, nous avons profité du menu spécial réveillon tout simplement sublime, délicieux. Le personnel au top avec l'explication de chaque plat, une soirée inoubliable, merci à toute l'équipe

6. Le Lion Bossu - Lille

· 291 reviews

1 Rue Saint-Jacques, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Le Lion Bossu: what do users think?
DUQUENNOY OLIVIER: A good address with well-worked products.
Lindsey Auffret: Food: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 5/5Recommended dishes Ox Cheek with Rocket Salad, Turbot Fillet Mashed Black Garlic Lemon and Avruga Caviar Stracciatella and Spinach Lasagna, Iberian Wild Black Pork Black Pepper Sauce and Mix Vegetables, Filet of Beef with Foie Gras Ravioli, Chocolate Tart Tonka Custard with Mascarpone and Walnuts, Beefsteak with Thyme Butter Sauce or Smoked Marrow or Maroilles SauceMore
Bernard Stievenard: Very well received in a pleasant setting. The food is surprising and delicious.
SĂ©bastien C: Excellent restaurant, the cuisine is refined, refined and the setting pleasant.We took the Le Grand Gousier menu.I highly recommend !
Katia A.: Excellent food, perfect service. I recommend !
cameron mcgregor: Superb restaurant and, after an absence of 4 years, it was a delight to be back. The food, wine and service is outstanding and the atmosphere is still fantastic. Still my favourite restaurantFood: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 5/5Recommended dishes Iberian Wild Black Pork Black Pepper Sauce and Mix Vegetables, Lemon Curd Tartlet Rhubarb and Strawberries, Filet of Beef with Foie Gras Ravioli 
J Kyr: A very enjoyable evening!! The 5 stars are deserved
JC: Incredible very good
.Food: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 5/5 
laurence caron: Very warm welcome, refined cuisine and no excessive waiting between courses. To recommend
Mehdi Makhlouf: Always a pleasure to go to the hunchbacked lion for lunch! It's just great!
Cyril Vroland: I invited my husband for his 40th birthday and it was just perfect!! From appetizer to dessert!! Everything was excellent with fine cuisine!! Congratulations to the kitchen!! And the service was perfect too!! with a touch of humor!! Well done to all the team!! We will come back
Julie vander meiren: Beautiful restaurant, the dishes are good but a big problem in terms of service. Unpleasant waiter who keeps giving orders to his colleague in front of us and arguing with the chef in the kitchen right next to us!
Julien Monzat: Very very good restaurant, the food was exceptional for the price. Really, kudos to the chef! We recommend 100%.
Colette DRANSART: Excellent dayTHANKS
Ines Herbin: Food: 5/5|Service: 4/5|Atmosphere: 4/5Recommended dishes CƓur de Chocolat Fondant, DoradeMore
noemie beaugrand: Excellent comme d'habitude !! Le service et la cuisine sont au top :)

7. Melting-Pot - Lille

· 550 reviews

3 Rue Anatole France, 59800 Lille, France

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Melting-Pot: what do users think?
Jonathan Lawniczak: Exceptionnel! Dans mon top 3 des restos !! Allez-y les yeux fermés
Christian: Comida de la regiĂłn de muy buena calidad y la decoraciĂłn inmejorable.
François SAULNIER: Une belle adresse dans Lille. C'est bon, beau avec un service jeune et sympa.
Alexandre Rompteau: Superbe dĂ©couverte ! J'adore la dĂ©coration, les serveurs sont trĂšs aimables et la cuisine est incroyable 👍
Vincent: Belle découverte pour un dßner professionnel
Gérard Soïka: TrÚs bonne table, plats avec du goût, nous nous sommes régalés...le tout servi toujours avec le sourire..nous avons passés un moment trÚs agréable..
Lili Vaut: Merci, c'Ă©tait trĂšs bon et le personnel trĂšs gentil et aimable
Jean-Baptiste Branquart: toujours autant agréable !(Translated by Google
Gaetan demessine: Excellent dish, lots of flavors and fresh products. Reasonable price for the quality of products and service. The half-cooked tuna and its noodles: a delight!
Christophe: Real top, thank you again 😁Food: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 5/5 
Gaelle Schoefflen: Merci !(Translated by Google
Tracey Patterson: That's wonderfulFood: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 5/5 
axelle cichy: Very pleasant place and very tasty dishes, with impeccable service!!!
Koen Hermans: Perfect quisine. A lot of effort was put in each dish and presented by very welcome staffFood: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 4/5 
Arun SI: Excellent fusion dinner. Great flavors
Phil Bois: TrĂšs bon moment, excellent repas, gentillesse des serveurs et patrons.
Guillaume: Restaurant charmant en plein cƓur de Lille.Du choix dans le menu entrĂ©e plat dessert Ă  34€ (il manquerait peut ĂȘtre une viande). Service agrĂ©able
Rashida SK: Lovely place to have a delicious meal. Every request was catered to- change of table, making a drink not on the menu, etc.Food was delicious. Loved everything.I do look forward to going there again some day. Hopefully I'll be just as happy the second time as I was the first.

8. PANCOOK Lille - Lille

· 847 reviews

125 Rue Colbert, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
PANCOOK Lille: what do users think?
SĂ©bastien Le Lann: Very nice atmosphere very good food well served !!! We are hungrier afterwards! The prices are correct. A good address!!!
Grégoire: Fresh products, super pleasant service and top value for money, too bad that you'll be closing soon!!
coralie patigny: Very nice little restaurant, the food is excellent and the people who work there are very friendly, friendly and warm 🙂
Tournemaine clement: Very friendly and very goodFood: 4/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 5/5 
Adrien Furnari: The pancooks are original dishes that I recommend
Marie-agnes Firmin: J'ai adoré surtout la spécialité du pancook hummmmm trop trop bon avec un accueil trÚs sympa merci encore
Lionel Yo: Pas forcément thaïlandais contrairement à ce que le nom pourrait laissez penser.Cependant la cuisine et le service était trÚs sympathique.
Anaëlle Riffard: TrÚs beau moment passé au Pancook rue Colbert.Accueillis par une trÚs bonne hÎte, gentille et rigolote, nos plats étaient délicieux. Petit coup de coeur !
Julie Corbehem: Accueil chaleureux, les pancooks sont délicieux !Je reviendrai sans hésiterMerci !
Carole D: Excellente adresse ! Accueil irrĂ©prochable et bonne ambiance . Leur spĂ©cialitĂ© est Ă  dĂ©couvrir. Nous avions rĂ©servĂ© juste avant un concert. Suite Ă  un petit contretemps, le patron nous a gentillement fait un geste 😊. Encore merci pour votre professionnalisme 🙏Nous reviendrons sans hĂ©sitation😉. Carole
Lost Driver: Superbe Restaurant, la cuisine est ultra savoureuses et rapport qualité prix trÚs intéressant. Petit bémol pour le service, pas toujours trÚs agréable et le choix des biÚres trÚs limité ! Néanmoins, ça vaut cinq étoiles pour les saveurs proposées.
MĂ©lanie Desverronnieres: Parfait, le vrai « plus » de ce restaurant c’est Marie Jo, une personne joviale qui nous fait sentir comme chez elle un vrai plaisir ! Sans compter sur la qualitĂ© des plats et le tout Ă  un prix abordable. Encore merci !
nicola panella: Merci pour le superbe accueil de Marie-Jo !Excellent repas, rapide et abordable.
Alexis Parois: Un grand merci pour le superbe accueil de Marie-Jo ! On se sent comme à la maison. Au delà de ça nous avions trÚs bien mangé ! Un régal ! Nous reviendrons bientÎt pour sûr !
Frédérique Clippe: TrÚs bel accueil de Marie Jo , on se sent comme à la maison, la cuisine est excellente trÚs bonne ambiance merci pour le bon moment passé
Alanis Cls: Avec mon compagnon nous sommes venus hier soir. L’accueil Ă©tait top, nous avons Ă©tait servi rapidement. Il y a de l’ambiance musicale. Rien Ă  dire.Les plats Ă©tait trĂšs goĂ»teux, trĂšs bourratifs franchement pour une premiĂšre c’était top! Nous somme partis le ventre plein et le visage souriant !Merci pour cette soirĂ©e.Wheelchair accessibility: Facile d’y accĂ©der, grĂące Ă  leur espace.
Frederic PALMER: Si vous recherchez un restaurant oĂč vous pourrez dĂ©couvrir la cuisine Thai Pancook est le lieu. Une cuisine dĂ©licate et typĂ©e qui saura satisfaire les plus exigeants. Le service a permis, sans difficultĂ©, satisfaire un groupe de 15 convives 😊

9. L'Assiette du Marché - Lille

· 337 reviews

61 Rue de la Monnaie, 59800 Lille, France

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L'Assiette du Marché: what do users think?
Gina H: mais elle en valait le coup. Nous avions bien sûr réservé à l'avance.(Translated by Google
Franck Salomez: Food: 5/5|Service: 3/5|Atmosphere: 5/5Recommended dishes Oeuf CocotteMore
Brieuc Corlay: Excellent place for nice French food at a reasonable price. Service is excellent, both in French and in English. Location is perfect right in the heart of Vieux Lille.Food: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 5/5 
Collard Philippe: To discover, thank you Gaspard and Charlotte and Eugénie the chef
Roselyne Delbart: Very pleasant setting. Service with Charlotte and Gaspar😉 at the top
 to the chef EugĂ©nie a super chef
 question quality ratio price I recommend it to you

Freddy: We hadn't booked in this friendly restaurant nestled at the end of a courtyard, but were very well received by friendly staff. Pleasant setting, fast service, quality cuisine, refined. Very fair prices. This restaurant is definitely worth a visit and deserves its five stars. I recommend without hesitation.
JEAN LUC MARECAUX: Very pleasantly surprised by this establishment housed in a backyard of old LILLE. The staff is very professional, the dishes refined all this in a nice setting.
Valerie Capretti: we ate very well, the service is very good with competent staff. we recommend
Dieulle Martine: Great at all levels: the place, the welcome and the quality of the dishes offered Go there with confidence
Adé: Extremely disappointed by the mediocre quality of the dishes, in view of the rather high prices, and the very limited friendliness of the service.Unsmiling and haughty staff. Feeling of disturbing.Nice setting, sheltered from cars but nothing more.The dressing of the table and plates does not present any charm.
Thierry: A very friendly place with excellent service and tasty food.To do and redo!
jerome renaux: Nice place in old LilleFood: 4/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 4/5 
Samuel Derache: Very good atmosphere and very pleasant outside with this weather, super good food with a reasonable dose on the plates, enough to manage to go through the starter, main course and dessert which is very cool and the service was Perfect, waiters very kind and with small onions too, strongly advise, thank you for this experience, heart on you!
Wendy Boudjenane: A wonderful culinary experience a special star for Chef Eugénie and her kitchen teamTop-notch service with a butler at the height of the settingI recommend!
cyrille rousseau: Good quality cuisine in a pleasant terrace in a quiet interior courtyard
Roxane Jandrier: Food: 5/5|Service: 5/5|Atmosphere: 4/5Recommended dishes Raviolis de Royan Aux CĂšpes, Oeuf CocotteMore
Diem 59: . Indigeste au possible avec les frites de polenta.Je déconseille fortement.(Translated by Google
Maxime Colpin: Very good brasserie located in a magnificent building in old Lille. We eat very well and for a very democratic price. The plates are full but the presentation of the dishes could certainly be improved.If I return to Lille, it is possible that I will stop there again!!
Renaud Gahide: Magnificent place, historic setting, large terrace, fresh and healthy cuisine, pleasant service even when it is very crowded at lunch time. We will come back to it.
Kary Shou: Very pleasant setting, top service ... and the kitchen .... DE LI CIEUSE !!!! I recommend !Kid-friendliness: Des menus enfants y sont proposés.

10. Canard Street - BĂ©thune - Lille

· 1175 reviews

62 Rue de BĂ©thune, 59800 Lille, France

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11. Meet People - Lille

· 327 reviews

21 Rue de Gand, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

12. BEEFHOUSE - Lille

· 457 reviews

100 Av. Willy Brandt, 59777 Lille, France

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13. Jour de PĂȘche - Lille

· 346 reviews

2 Rue de Pas, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

14. Le Domaine de Chavagnac - Lille

· 509 reviews

43 Rue de Gand, 59000 Lille, France

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15. L'Improviste - Lille

· 145 reviews

79 Rue de Douai, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

16. La Table de Sam - Lille

· 212 reviews

148 Rue d'Artois, 59000 Lille, France

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17. Il Ristorante - Lille

· 1460 reviews

51 Rue des Tanneurs, 59000 Lille, France

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18. A la Table de Louise - Lille

· 165 reviews

24 Rue Royale, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

19. Isa Lille - Lille

· 37 reviews

2 Rue Norbert Segard, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

20. Brasserie de la Paix - Lille

· 598 reviews

25 Pl. Rihour, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

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