Best Painting Academies In Lille Near Me

Conservatoire de Lille Arts Nouveaux University of Lille IESEG School Of Management Sciences Po Lille ESPOL (European School of Political and Social Sciences) Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains PRES Lille Nord de France University EDHEC Business School Charles de Gaulle University – Lille III L'atelier Des Chefs Lille

1. Conservatoire de Lille - Lille

· 23 reviews

Rue Alphonse Colas, 59000 Lille, France

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Conservatoire de Lille: what do users think?
François René-Bazin de Jouy: Bel endroit, et belle acoustique
nicolas knockaert: Magnifique salle avec un personnel accueillant
Hugues Huddlestone: Ecole de haut niveau.
Francois Baudinet: Concerts Appart pour le moment exceptionnels instrumentistes, public averti et depuis très longtemps...Belle salle bonne acoustique et bonne visibilité.
Christian Amirault: Lieu toujours bien équipé et étudié pour l'apprentissage de la musique ainsi que pour les concerts.
N I: Very satisfied with the education followed for my daughter.Thanks very much..
pascal gorski: I practiced not to attend a concert but to prepare a performance in Lille in December. Very nice building. Very good acoustics.
Christophe HALNA: Magnifique endroitSuperbe musique
Lyderic Engelaere: A fuir car un prénommé raxime rolinr étudie la bas (dangereux)
PasT T: Très bel endroit, où on se régale de voir des artistes, des musiciens, de qualité
ALEX MC II: Très bon conservatoire, le point noir est l’état du bâtiment : la peinture des murs,...
Colar Kevin: This institution declines over time! Lack of useful communication, elitist selection, completely incompetent educational manager with a very aggressive attitude! In short, most teachers are condescending and have nothing to do with students, especially those whose parents are not in the business. The child of the deputy director or the head teacher does not suffer from bullying from the teachers, they have classes reserved for their revisions. All this has been noted and I deplore this type of discriminatory attitude at all levels. On good terms.
JACQUILENES: Hermosa arquitectura. Me gustó mucho estar ahí
Cyprien Hoët: Super conservatory with a good level of instrument classes and a warm, dynamic atmosphere!

2. Arts Nouveaux - Lille



· 83 reviews

47 Rue Jean Bart, 59000 Lille, France

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3. Palais des Beaux Arts - Lille

· 4250 reviews

Pl. de la République, 59000 Lille, France

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4. Junia Isen Lille - University Catholic De Lille - Lille

· 51 reviews

41 Bd Vauban, 59800 Lille, France

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Junia Isen Lille - University Catholic De Lille: what do users think?
Etna_The_Trooper: Bonne école, bientôt rénovée et des enseignants au top du niveau !
ruiwen he: Une belle école de la qualité ! Respect toutes les passions d’étudiants
Mehdi N.: Eu egard aux echanges avec le directeur académique, tout porte à croire que la communication n'est pas leur fort. Il y a tant d'écoles proposant des MBA qui sont beaucoup plus professionnels que cela ne sert à rien de leur courrir après.
Carlos Jerez: The place is labyrinth. Nice common areas.
Rik C: State-of-the-art digital school
HE RUIWEN: An excellent school
Remy MARTINETTI: A SHAME for the Church!
louquen: Ici c'est isen!
Bilel Reziki: Ca va
Kiazerty: Trop bien avec les copains !
J MAR: "All is digital "!!! Everything is digital ferait bien plus sérieux. Si quelqu un lit ce commentaire a little improvement would be appreciated ;) bonne école sinon
Jean-Lionel Toulemonde: Quality engineering school!
Kevin Beaulieu: Excellent. Thank you isen.
Olivier COUSIN: Excellent school that knows how to motivate and highlight the qualities of each. The environment of the Catholic University is very buoyant: relaxed, good-natured, studious atmosphere, many inter-school projects, very pleasant neighborhood. I recommend without hesitation.
Cyprien Hoët: School that looks nice but like all engineering schools that are expensive all year round!
Valis Sotomey: University really not great, it's called prep, but go to real prep, that is to say the one that prepares for engineering school competitions and you'll see.
Maxime Claisse: A good school that allowed me to get good jobs.

5. University of Lille - Lille

· 54 reviews

42 Rue Paul Duez, 59000 Lille, France

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University of Lille: what do users think?
Candide NGOMA: La maison du Savoir 💡🧠.
Mervine Nsangi: Combien des pourcentages autorisent-il pour s'inscrire à l'université de Lille ?
Assoulti Yanis: Un accueil vraiment au top pour les inscriptions je tiens à signaler que le personnel est très compétent et professionnel d’après ce que j’ai pu constater et surtout le retour des collègues et amisBig up à Laurence et Justine hayatte et Thibault très souriant Bravo à vous continuez vous êtes au top
AMP Reliures: Une université qui propose de nombreuses formations pour ses étudiants, et des aides aux financements variées. En revanche depuis le changement de statut de l'université qu est maintenant un organisme d'état, c'est un scandale de voir comment le service comptabilité ne paye pas ses factures. Madame Sylvie Raoult, en charge des facturations se cache derrière les plateformes de paiement telle que chorus pro, pour ne pas payer les fournisseurs. C'est le premier service public que je rencontre dont le service comptable n'est pas capable de prendre en charge une facturation sur leur propre plateforme de paiement. En tant que centre de formation j'ai formé haut la main leurs élèves, tous diplômés, sans règlement à ce jours (plus e 2 mois après la facturation). Le contact est déplorable, vous n'êtes pas rappelés, les quelques mails reçus le sont avec un dédain qui frôle l'impolitesse la plus grande, et en attendant l'université ne paye pas ses factures auprès de ses fournisseurs. Aux formateurs, et toute personne traitant avec le service comptable attention vous allez vous faire voler. Vous ne pouvez même pas faire valoir la close de pénalité de retard. Un scandale, une expérience que je ne renouvellerais pas.
Docteur DUKE: L'université de Lille, c'est :- Une équipe pédagogique dont la quantité de professeurs convenables est dénombrable sur les doigts d'une main adactyle.- Une primauté des formalités administratives sur l'avenir professionnel, qui est normalement l'aboutissement de l'université.- Une administration qui réussit l'exploit de réunir un nombre de branquignol au mètre carré bien supérieur à la moyenne nationale, déjà très élevée.Et comme on ne change pas une équipe qui gagne :- Une organisation déplorable, à l'image de tout le reste.L'université a au moins le mérite de nous préparer à l'incroyable désordre qu'est la France, elle en est d'ailleurs sûrement la cause.
KerayTv _59: Very nice university
Maroua LACHACHI: Very bad establishment
Stéphane Henneron: 😒
Aakash Malik: It is an honor to be a student at ULille, very supportive departments at the university helping in every scenario from integration, education, study, researcher skills, financially and free language courses. I am proud to be a former ULille Master's student 😊. I recommend more students to join this wonderful university to get multidisciplinary knowledge from both study and researcher perspective.
Kaniel LKrn: Good but declining
RetryMod: Very bad establishment the teachers don't care about the students and they don't even listen to us mixed schedules and poor organization of the rooms and buildings because each time it takes 15 to 20 minutes to find a room
Laurent Allouchery: Very good university
pierre bucquet: Be careful for dental emergencies you have to suffer very hard if not outside
Justine Poulin: good university
Bruno Watteau: Very well received and nothing to say
Eric Noël: Emblematic place of the university
Kinder Maxi: Organization for deplorable registrations, an unavailable administration, a shame!
waleedo 1988: The most rasist university, I recommend more for foreign students
Medo Khaled: اريد التقديم فى هذه الجامعه ماوهوا المطلوب انا اكون طالب مصرى الجنسيه بالصف الثالث الثانوي
Mathilda M: No organization, no availability... Everything is going from bad to worse at this university... Schedules on site always out of step with those on the site, no telephone number for IRs and when you call reception, endless waiting: (...It's deplorable
Romain M: (Translated by Google

6. IESEG School Of Management - Lille

· 78 reviews

3 Rue de la Digue, 59000 Lille, France

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IESEG School Of Management: what do users think?
Louis masson: Quality teaching which, beyond the rankings, brings real value to its students, both in managerial skills, analytical skills, public speaking, personal development and associative experiences.Joining IESEG means immersing yourself in a collective and intercultural dynamic, to meet the needs of a globalized world.
Werner Doufi: scamers
Bert Paesbrugghe: Super!
Ayan Jana: Good experience
Aarpa Basu: Student exchange program at IESEG from IMT Ghaziabad.
Nguyen Hoang Nam: I studied master in management of information system here. This is a suitable place for who is looking for both academic knowledge and practical experiment. Great school!
Florian Danvin: D-1 before the start of the school year: schedules are not made for students.Is it possible that a school cannot schedule its own students even 1 day before the start? It's crazy but it's the reality. No explanation to the students, they are on their own. Pitiful back-to-school presentation. Impossible to ask a question to the director who was himself the presenter, left after 30 minutes of back-to-school meeting.I don't even need to specify that the price of the school should at least allow for a 'normal' return to school.To see the rest of the year!
ILDIRIM77: Critical:QualityAvoid this "school" as a whole
P Jb: Amazing school with a lot of foreigners and qualified teachers
Kévin Apostol: Nightmare, I totally regret my choice and absolutely do not recommend this school. At least not for a Master of Sc program.
Twignar: Best school in the world.P.S: Vote Edwin for the BDE
Nathan: Very bad experience at the competition 2 years ago. 18/20 in English and 2/20 in meeting with the jury. I think they failed to see the potential, I'm currently on a gap year at Goldman Sachs in the USA, too bad for them.
harold m.: Good school and international openness.
Deval Panchal: Multicultural experience. Good professors. International club rocks!
Baptiste Gustin: Enseignement de qualité qui, au delà des classements, apporte une réelle valeur à ses étudiants, tant dans les compétences managériales, l'esprit d'analyse, la prise de parole en public, le développement personnel et les expériences associatives.Rejoindre l'IESEG c'est s'immerger dans une dynamique collective et interculturelle, pour répondre aux besoins d'un monde globalisé.
TL Meret: IÉSEG is a school, but it is above all a big family in which everyone can develop great managerial skills as well as human qualities. The shy and insecure boy that I was at first is now only a vague memory.
Brijeshkumar Maurya: I'm going to IESEG for September 2017
Grégoire DENIZOT: Do not respond to emails
Narath KH: another good school in Lille
Juan Colosimo: Excellent environment

7. Sciences Po Lille - Lille

· 38 reviews

9 Rue Auguste Angellier, 59000 Lille, France

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8. ESPOL (European School of Political and Social Sciences) - Lille

· 13 reviews

83 Bd Vauban, 59016 Lille, France

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ESPOL (European School of Political and Social Sciences): what do users think?
Trinidade Gaillard: pendant les 3 années de licence est un plus qu ' on ne trouve pas ds toutes lesécoles de l enseignement supérieur en France ! Bravo !(Translated by Google
Xavier Sionneau: Very nice university with beautiful buildings.
rodolphe alvial: Espol, or how to want to play in the big leagues without having the means...... how is it that master's students are obliged to resort to "sellers" of conventions for their internships? Espol refusing to give them..... Beautiful showcase, nothing behind 😌
Samuel Couteau: Incredible, this school is superb in the image of its students! Teachers of a rare and exceptional quality just like his students! Accompaniment at the rendezvous and quality learning like his students!
Nino Davitashvili: A very good quality education and engaging classes. As an exchange student, I was very glad with what I saw. Highly recommended for anyone willing to enter a professional field of Political Sciences. international Relations, Law and other related majors.
Matthieu Jacquin: Une très bonne école basée sur les sciences politiques européennes. Bien qu'assez récente, elle a réussi a se construire d'or et déjà une solide réputation grâce à des professeurs qualifiés et une véritable implication des élèves.

9. Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains - Tourcoing

· 61 reviews

22 Rue du Fresnoy, 59200 Tourcoing, France

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Le Fresnoy - Studio national des arts contemporains: what do users think?
Ella Altman: World's Best National Contemporary Arts Studio
Philippe Lootens: Multi-cultural place: exhibitions, cinema,Various activities for children and others, film club, etc... All in a friendly and simple way. A place to recommend.
Nadia Benabdellaziz: Super nice place the decor the atmospherethe major renovations are great...
Marion Knaepen: Great movie theater. Very nice for a school trip. Just missing a small flyer of the short films proposed to rework the films in class.
J-F B.: Le Fresnoy welcomes cinema and/or exhibition lovers. These make it possible to discover the quality of the work of the students or former students, French and foreign, of the training center. A shop and a restaurant area are also available to visitors.
Galaxyplaydia TV: Inexpensive cinema in the rather spacious Le Fresnoy compound. Choice between two rooms. A big one and a smaller one I think. A bar at the exit of the 2 rooms and an exhibition area where you can walk around during the Panorama festival... So rather nice!
Vanessa Laniesse: A place that will enlighten you with its lights, its culture, its retrospectives. Simply by its warm place
Jacky Baert: It's not really for the place, I just broke down in front of it. So not very good memory 🤣🤣🤣
Catherine Thoraud: Beautiful scenography for panorama 23!
Mathilde: Très beau centre d'art contemporain et belle expo en ce moment.Gratuit le dimanche en plus !
Arlette Despretz: Salle de cinéma ( Renoir )spacieuse et confortable . .
Véronique Lenglet: Programmation art et essai dans des salles et un cadre de qualité
Logan Monteiro: Ce sont des voleurs pour 3 adultes obligation de prendre une inscription pour a peine quel jour dans le village sa fait 20€ par personne pour l'inscription plus a chaque passage 2€ par personne c'est inadmissible 🖕😡🖕.
Fabien Chérif: Nice place to savor unforgettable moments with friends or family...
Erwan: Unbelievable ! It's really fascinating!
Alexis Snn: To reach the direction of the center, dial 17
Annie Nollet: I love this room a real pleasure
Hugo Pétigny: It's beautiful, impressive and innovative. Art lover? Go for it!
Yann Szwec: a restaurant and a cinema in a film school. 10 minutes walk from my apartment
izumo: Very nice place, an enriching experience. However, the welcome is not really warm or friendly.

10. Polytech Lille - Cité Scientifique

· 49 reviews

Av. Paul Langevin, 59655 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

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11. PRES Lille Nord de France University - Lille

· 2 reviews

1 Rue du Professeur Calmette, 59000 Lille, France

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12. ISEFAC Bachelor Lille - Lille

· 8 reviews

6 Bd Papin, 59000 Lille, France

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13. EDHEC Business School - Croix

· 95 reviews

24 Av. Gustave Delory, 59100 Roubaix, France

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14. Charles de Gaulle University – Lille III - Pont-de-Bois

· 175 reviews

Domaine Universitaire du Pont de Bois, 3 Rue du Barreau, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

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15. L'atelier Des Chefs Lille - Lille

· 53 reviews

74 Bd de la Liberté, 59000 Lille, France

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16. Wall Street English - Lille

· 52 reviews

Centre Commercial Euralille, 59777 Lille, France

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17. 3w Academy - Roubaix

· 2 reviews

99 A Bd Constantin Descat, 59200 Tourcoing, France

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