Best Puppet Theaters In Lille Near Me

Puppet Theater Lille Opera Théâtre de la Verrière Cinéma l'Univers Le Grand Bleu L'Hybride L'Aéronef La Rose des Vents Le Petit Autre Chose - Moulin Roty Jardin Vauban Hôtel Carlton Lille The LEGO® Store Lille Couvent des Minimes de Lille maison Tournaisienne Museum of Fine Arts Marionnaud

1. Puppet Theater "Le P'tit Jacques" - Lille

· 55 reviews

1 Av. Léon Jouhaux, 59000 Lille, France

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Puppet Theater "Le P'tit Jacques": what do users think?
Daumy foto: Toujours un grand bonheur de retrouver petit Jacques dans ses exploits. Et surtout de voir la joie et le plaisir des enfants
FABIEN BENSALEM: Très bien l'équipe bravo 👏
sandra B: Très bien, petit bémol pour le Manque de vision de la scène lorsqu'on est derrière, mais l'histoire était bien avec beaucoup d'humour.
CAMILLE MALYCVC: Un joli moment de tendresse et de rires au théâtre du P'tit Jacques. L'ambiance invite petits et grands à la magie du rêve et à redécouvrir les sentiers de l'innocence de l'Enfance. Les personnages ont tous leurs traits de caractère, avec leur propre voix et interpellent les enfants. C'est très drôle et mignon. WC à proximité donc très bien pour le pipi-room. Peut-être réserver les 2 premiers rangs aux tout-petits, car nous étions installés au quatrième rang, et un peu de mal à bien voir pour mon p'tit loulou avec des adultes devant nous. Obligé de l'asseoir sur mes genoux.
lilas: Théâtre de marionnettes très apprécié des enfants
christine peuvion: Very good for small tents to be sheltered and very very clean toilets
Benoit Obry: Warm welcome, very pleasant place and setting, and show very appreciated by young and old.What a pleasure !!!
Hubert DUCROCQ: Great show for kids
sandra carlier: Great time thank you.
nathalie lecouf: Superb show.
Jainie_jane: Me, I find the idea really playful and fresh but my daughter did not join.We'll try again later ^^
Cédric Delesalle: Top supet awesome yres nice show
Christine Dherse: Fauteuils mal adaptés pour des petits enfants et adultes ne devraient pas prendre les premiers rangs
Eric Vervondel: Il y a autre chose que la télé et les tablettes...sortez les enfants et partagez avec eux un moment de tendresse,de rire et de CONVIVIALITÉ.De plus interessez les à découvrir ce monde feerique qu offre ce petit théâtre de marionnettes dans ce somptueux écrin qu est le jardin vauban.
kévin 5988: Compliquer à trouver une place
Sylvie Montpellier: Toujours très sympa
Celine D'almeida: Très bin acceuil. Et speclacle très amusant pour les petits et les plus grands. Les enfants adorent. Belle idée de sortie et d'ouverture sur le monde du spectacle.
Karunah Macke: Les Spectacles sont vraiment sympa pour les enfants. Très dynamique. Le personnage du petit Jacques est attachant. On inclus les enfants dans le spectacle en leur posant des questions.
didier sturm: Les voire les théâtres de marionnettes en pleine nature les tout petits et grands enfants il sa dor !
OA D: Superbe spectacle pour les enfants émerveillés par l'histoire et l' interaction entre le public et les personnages. Tout le monde participe. Une heure de bonheur. Merci aux acteurs ....
Guillaume Deloffre: Sans plus

2. Lille Opera - Lille



· 1051 reviews

Pl. du Théâtre, 59000 Lille, France

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Lille Opera: what do users think?
Nicolas Jayme: Very good time and very nice place
Mickaël Grout: Visited on WeekdayMore
Alexia Hondermarck: Invited for the performance Fine oreille. Beautiful setting, kids loved it
Alexane B: Sumptuous! The conservation and elegance of the interior are surprising. All decorations and paintings are in perfect condition. To visit absolutely.
Sébastien Mamalet: I only go to the theater square to sit down
Smitthy :O: Every time I've been there I've never been disappointed. In addition, lately, the operas performed have been revisited in a contemporary style, which gives a certain freshness to works by Henry Purcell, for example!!Let's talk about the place and the decoration! This place is splendid! Your eyes will be dazzled!
Barbara Delattre: Last FREE visit of the season, made on Saturday June 17, in addition with a very pleasant guide who also showed humor, I believe that the whole group greatly appreciated this visit. Special mention: visit to the terrace, on the roof of the Opera.
annabelle cauderlier: Visited on Weekend Wait time No wait Reservation recommended YesMore
Neicilef: Very nice opera with a great program over the year. The staff is friendly and very available.
Thomas Lopez: always great sound experiencesWait time No wait …More
Clotilde Bontemps: Magnificent building a jewel of gold and crystal... excellent acoustics...
Patrick Vantomme: It is a place which imposes first by its architecture then by the refinement of its interior. The welcome is attentive and the shows are varied and of high quality. Only downside, it is better to have good buttocks because the seats put them to the test.For the rest, the programming is of high quality and the staff attentive, organized and courteous!
Carolina Román: Hermoso lugar!Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended Yes …More
S F: c’est beau à l’intérieur et assez impressionnant(Translated by Google
Patrick Mazaingue: Magnificent building. Both outside and inside
Emirkan Ergezer: İçine giremedim ama dışarıdaki atmosfer çok canlı
Michel Duquesne: Superb venue!Affordable prices
nicolas knockaert: magnificent place not to be missed during a visit to lille
jean-phi 5962: Great place for great shows 😉👌
Matthieu DESQUIENS: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended YesMore

3. Théâtre de la Verrière - Lille

· 76 reviews

28 Rue Alphonse Mercier, 59800 Lille, France

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Théâtre de la Verrière: what do users think?
val val: Une expérience malheureusement catastrophique !A la rentrée 2022, la Verrière annonçait une formation théâtre avec représentation le 26 juin 2023 sur leur scène.Rien de cela ne s'est produit.Les ateliers hebdomadaires, en principe menés par #Louise Wailly #compagnieproteo n'ont été qu'un échec cuisant : absentéisme, annulation, retard, sous multiples excuses les plus originales et légères les unes que les autres. Tant par la metteuse en scène que par les comédiens, amateurs ou pas...En conclusion, je pensais trouver un atelier digne de ce nom puisque géré par une professionnelle dans un lieu professionnel : rien de suivi et évidemment aucune représentation n'a pu être possible. Belle déception, 1 année de perdue dans un investissement stérile. Engagement non tenu !
Gregory Bougard: Un vrai théâtre comme on aime
Hermine Dziczeck: Très bon spectacle "I love my job" ! Comédiens au top, satire piquante et très bonne mise en scène 👍
Sylvie Darras: W
Claire Mercier: Un lieu avec des spectacles super variés et souvent excellents, et un bar très sympa et bon marché.
Malik: Petite salle chaleureuse
Isabelle PETIT: Very pleasant and very simple reception area with its associative bar.We had come for Fabcaro's "zoom" comedy show. Complete disappointment. At best we smile. I really didn't agree.
Huguette Prévost: Very kind
yeabutna: Very nice decoration in the lobby and the bar staff are very pleasant and open to discussion
Anne Verheyde: Welcome and place at the top !!!
Jean-Francois Queniart: All places of culture are fragile so to preserve. The bar association is a good idea especially when it is held by three zigues full of humor. Comfortable seats, reasonable gauge. To live in an emergency. Thank you.
Sabine Mallet: Good show, warm and friendly welcome!
jean-marie Duriez: A theater of high quality in its program of young promising companies
Lysiane Ossart: Interesting shows
Remsbloblo Remsbloblo: It's a nice little theater that should improve its public reception area.
Marie Nord: Always pieces that touch me, never disappointed
SabrinA Médaille: Sympa
Dominique Y: Accueil sympathique. La salle est confortable. Le plus : un bar à l'intérieur qui permet de discuter après le spectacle avec les comédiens et entre amis.
Daniel Beauvois: A theater to discover depending on the shows.
Marie Malo: Good eveningI have just seen a very beautiful spectacle which touched me a lot. I highly recommend it to you: a pure moment of happiness, a nugget that I leave you the leisure to discover. Trust me, go ahead. They are still there Thursday and Friday.My name is Marie.I was sitting in the front row and I was able to sing the same song I sang to my child son. I still have a great feeling in my plexus.Don't hesitate to go there.
bebel belka: Great welcome

4. Cinéma l'Univers - Lille

· 150 reviews

16 Rue Georges Danton, 59000 Lille, France

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Cinéma l'Univers: what do users think?
Patrick Boilot: Ideal for a photo exhibition
Marc Sinkiewicz: This cinema projects so-called arthouse films and documentary films. With a new team, this place organizes always interesting exhibitions, the latest one presented the photographic works of several photographers. To have.
jean-philippe F: Associative cinema with an eclectic program.
Raphaëlla B: Good cinema!
Vanessa Laniesse: Cinema à la bonne franquette, authentic without fussI felt very comfortable...
sylvain Ducloy: Un lieu sympathique où voir des documentaires passionnants ( notamment les âmes fortes) une buvette et une Excellente ambiance.
Mel Most: Petit cinema bien sympa.
François Borne: Super lieu ! Tenu par des gens passionnés, très agréable...
Philippe Fauvarque: A nice little cinema
Nicole Carmelez: Interesting confidential film!
annie ragouilliaux: Always interesting debates with the directors. And benevolent
Vilma Sabato: Endroits trop rares , à développer et à garder à taille humaine .
Mira Ait: Un lieu tres chaleureux.
Pierre Soubourou: Les locaux de ce cinéma associatif ont été entièrement rénovés. Ce n'est pas loin du centre. Il n'y a qu'une salle. Saluons que ce projet ait vu le jour grâce à des passionnés (et un public qui a suivi)
Martin Grund: Great independent cinema showing good selection of films, plus excellent gallery space and workshops for photography, etc
Florian Virly: Exceptional place with its unique programming.
Malissa Favelas: it's the first time I've come here I have a very good impression even if it's small you can get your bearings quite quickly there are toilets available next to the reception next to the entrance you have to walk along a empty room it is next to the local in the toilets as in front of the entrance there are plenty of posters.
Arnaud LEFEBVRE: Nice neighborhood cinema to support
L Richard: original movies
Adrien de Carpentier: Super ciné indépendant à la programmation propice à l'évasion et à la découverte.
Thomas M: Beaucoup de ciné débats organisés par des assos gratuitement ou à petits prix + petite restauration 😉

5. Le Grand Bleu - Lille

· 130 reviews

36 Av. Marx Dormoy, 59000 Lille, France

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Le Grand Bleu: what do users think?
Virginie DERAIN: Always an excellent welcome, a friendly and very professional team. Varied shows that address major themes. Well done and thank you!
DERVILLE ISABELLE: Show for unstructured ce1 students. Without coherent history. incomprehensible.
BARBRY Nathalie: Very nice program for the youngest...
Aline Demoutiez-Watté: Welcoming for children with a reading corner, tables to draw the show was very good
Virginie Heyndels: Show for children from 3 years old, well adapted. We arrive in advance and the children have access to drawing tables and a cocooning book area, but also to grenadine and coffee for the adults. During the show the children are all very attentive.
Eli Gaillard: They're really cool there though.
Angeline FILIPPOZZI: Wonderful show
Camille Daboul: (Translated by Google
Gérald Izing: A great place with quality programming and a very friendly team!The benchmark for Young Audience Theater
Christine D: sortent et lui sont donnés. L'entrée de la salle est finalement attribuée à 65 personnes dont ce monsieur très content et ses 2 filles et nous repartons sans voir le spectacle. Je conseille au caissier de faire un effort au vu de ce que je perçois comme de l'entre-soi. Et là, il m'affirme que ce monsieur qui démonte le décor aurait réservé à 15h. Pourquoi ne s'est-il donc pas présenté au guichet ? J'étais venu pour 35 mn de rêve et repart avec l'impression que c'est la "lutte des places"...(Translated by Google
Martine Aerbeydt: It's a pity that there is no programming during school holidays.
Charlotte DUWELZ: Salle très accessible, les spectacles pour tous les âges sont toujours de qualité.
francois vallee: Bonne programmation ...
Mélissa AUCEJO: Découverte du théâtre lors d'une soirée avec karaOKAY live. Très bon accueil au théâtre, équipe dynamique. Nous avons passé un très bon moment. Gradin super confortable, très bien entretenu 👌mise à dispo de casque anti bruit pour enfant.. merci et belle saison à vous !
Frederic Bahaux: Une découverte une après midi théâtre une première...bravo accueil et personnel au top !!!
jacquemin christophe: C'est un lieu unique pour le développement culturel de la jeunesse. Vivement que cela rouvre...
jose crepieux: Nice welcome and nice program. An essential place of culture in Lille.
bonnet adam: I spent a good afternoon with my children thank you
vincent maire: Great
Thomas Dekeirle: Superb programming every year
jean-françois Macrelle: too little known

6. L'Hybride - Lille

· 112 reviews

18 Rue Gosselet, 59000 Lille, France

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L'Hybride: what do users think?
Anne Sophie Cuvelier: Très sympa
Lancel Xavier: Fantastique endroit, idéalement situé, très bien pensé. Tout le monde est aux petits soins, les conso ne sont pas chères, on peut régler en cb ou espèces. Tout est clair à l arrivée. Mais surtout, la programmation tient ses promesses ! Résultat, on passe une très bonne soirée, bien rythmée, et on a qu'une envie: revenir. Merci à Étienne de m'avoir fait découvrir ce lieu !
Léa Qv: Belle découverte, je recommande.Ambiance coupé du temps et ça fait du bien !Le concept est génial
Dam: I did training there. Very nice, great! Perfect if you are a fan of CM
Lucie: Super nice place for screenings!!
Julien Dudek: Little hidden nugget
Raphaël Mte: The experience was incredible, for peloche and bamboche lovers 🎞️🍺
Guillaume Michel: Unavoidable ! A cinema only! The team is great!
Yo Pla: A great place with a good atmosphere and good projections
Loup Ciosek: Je conseil, pour y ramener un ami, un date ou la famille (avertie chacun d'eux, les court métrage sont ce qu'ils sont en fonction de la programmation 😀
ivan moreau: Cocooning atmosphere in this place filled with sofas. I went there to see animated films and it was very nice. Ideal for a first date 😉
Nicolas Mahaut: From the strike
Van Papadopoulos: The entrance fee and the supplement to be paid to the association is not clear. Once there, we have no choice and we end up paying more than expected. Staff at the bar not professional, regulatory room limit because seat not attached. Avoid if you visit Lille.
Victor Lepoutre: If the picker and the big mix had a child, he would have the eyes of the hybrid. Sit on a sofa, take a vegan croque and let yourself be carried away by a short film. Culture, it rehydrates!
Marie Lamerant: An association that allows you to relax and grow in a pleasant place at a lower cost
Victor Robert: The team is nice and the evening was good!
Gael Denhier-Dennetiere: Place with programming that makes you dream and drinks that make it difficult to settle on a single choice. The projections make people laugh, cry, create anger and hope, sometimes all in the space of an instant. I love this place, I have no stronger words that come to me to say it otherwise. Plus, the prices are really, really low. Go for it ! If it's not your soup, it will be that of one of your friends.
Macha Tétart: We feel like in the living room of friends: beers, boards, comfortable sofas and a nice mix in the public. Committed choice of films.
Nathan Douchez: I like
Morgane Lainard: Ambiance chaleureuse, prix attractifs
alexandra julie: Le confort des canapés, la sympathie de l equipe, des prix plus qu abordables, une programmation renouvelée = de bons moments assurés chez l hybride

7. L'Aéronef - Lille

· 912 reviews

168 Av. Willy Brandt Centre Commercial - 59777, 59777 Lille, France

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L'Aéronef: what do users think?
Florian Carly: Always fun!
Ed: Nice room on a human scale.Super the Hu!
François Dhs: Un autre concert la voix de la chanteuse trop basse.J'ai l'impression que le matériel est là depuis mon premier concert quand j'avais 17 ans et j'en ai 32..Des concerts plus chill comme MacDemarco ça passe bien il y a 3 instruments et c'est de la musique pop/rock tranquille.Le point noir c'est vraiment le son.(Translated by Google
Alice Labrune: A simply incredible room, very good sound and mention for the downstairs bar which allows you to take your drink without missing anything, the staff of the place is also super nice, thank you for this evening at the top with M83!
Julien (Littlekisscool): Great first experience at the Aero with The Beths!Friendly atmosphere, sound OK, the group would have deserved a lot more audience but so much the better for us in the front row!
Quentin W: Room well placed near stations and metros, restaurant and bar inside. Possibility to stand up high and earplug available.
Murielle L: Great place for a concert.
Thibault Lizé (Samus): A concert hall that she is! For those who can't stand the crowds and the pit too much, I advise you to go upstairs.Only downside: the choice of beers a little light for a Nordic place!
nuno lopes: Amazing
Timothé Potard: Great venue, well thought out from start to finish. Both food and drink are at a very reasonable price, and the different gestures offered to people who prefer soft modes of transport to come are very interesting!
Fred Debert: The room is exceptional, intimate family limit and the acoustics are insane!!! One of my favorite rooms
Steeve Ducret: Room at the top its exceptional !!!!!
Stephane Vérin: During Jinjer's concert in June 2023, a great evening, the room was quite cool despite the stifling heat outside. A bar where the drink is not overdone. The security service is at the top to collect the personnel "thrown" on the front of the stage by the public
Flavien Minne: Always so nice this room...
Carolyn Florentin: A discovery for me...a concert hall on a human scale. I will go back there !
an so: Nice concert hallWith concert tickets at very resonable priceThe staff is smiling and very pleasant
mathieu maes: Toplocatie voor concerten. Ondergrondse parking en vlot terug weg van Rijsel na het optreden.
Wim Willems: Erg fijne Club, leuker nog dan AB en vlak over de grens!
Andy: Really good venue, great sound, atmosphere, bar staff, location. I highly recommend it.
Giuseppe Montali: Un des temples lillois de la musique
Julien Desintobin: Génial pour passer un bon concert boire un verre ainsi qu'une petite restauration 👍

8. Palais des Beaux Arts - Lille

· 4250 reviews

Pl. de la République, 59000 Lille, France

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Palais des Beaux Arts: what do users think?
Tom: Lol(Translated by Google
sung cheol park: 멋진 박물관.고전부터현대미술까지 많은 그림들(모네,마네,르느와르,루벤스등).조각(로댕).신경을 많이쓴 기획.친절한 직원들.박물관 앞 주차장(4시간에8유로).박물관 티켓은 7유로.가치가 있는 박물관.
Agnes Felten: Magnificent place of culture. Beautiful spaces that highlight the richness of the collection.
Frdric HEDUIN: StunningVisited on Weekend Wait time No wait …More
Marc Legrand: Visited on Weekday Wait time No wait Reservation recommended NoMore
Gerard van der Hoff: Heel veel. Mooie zalen vol met schilderijen.
Evelyne FONTAINE: Large museum where it is pleasant to discover paintings and sculptures from the permanent collection and temporary exhibitions, for a reasonable admission price. The temporary exhibitions are generally of good quality. The shop offers a large selection of books and more. We also tested the cafe where we had a good time enjoying an excellent cappuccino, chocolate, lemonade and brownie.
Pascal Anthonio Brignoli: I really liked it, it's been a long time since I've set foot. Unfortunately, I haven't done the grand tour, however I recommend it for enthusiasts who plan to plan several hours.Of a very beautiful cultural richness with a constant evolution.I recommend it for young and oldI would like to say a big thank you to all the super dedicated caring and attentive employees who are there to help on simple request.It's up to you to make your own opinion 🤗
Rachel Munn: Beautiful displays of historic art, mostly sculpture and painting. Special digital expo interwoven skillfully throughout the museum. Highlights included pieces by Claude Monet, and the Picasso. Lowlight was finding out that Van Goghs cow painting was out on display at another museum!Nice cafe and relaxation spots too :)
mendy_ultra instint: First visit today to this place and I was pleasantly surprised by the beauty of the works inside the Palace of Fine Arts, a great visit to do with friends or family
catherine mercieca: Wait time Up to 10 minMore
Ju Gb: Visited on Weekend Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended Not sureMore
Emm Call: One of the finest museums in the region. The collection is impressive and the temporary exhibitions are very interesting, the latest on the theme of video games is a success. Finding busts of video game characters in the midst of great artists such as Rodin proves that the 10th art has its place there!
Du Pain sur la Planète: Magnificent, gigantic… what more can I say?
Valérie Merlen: Visite en semaine, en début d'après-midi, très agréable, peu de monde. L'exposition présentée sur les jeux vidéos a donné l'occasion d'une refonte de la muséographie très intéressante.
Mike C: Honestly. Only entered this building because I need led to defecate. Which in itself was well worth the entry price, but I digress.After exiting the toilets, found the gallery to be rather enjoyable. With several exhibits that were truly notable and worthy of the entry price in their own right.Anyway, whether in need of an epic dump or not, this is well worth a visit, even if you only have a passing interest in “art”.
S G: Pareltje. Echt gewoon magnefiek al die kunst bijeen.
Sarah Murray: I didn't even enter. Faced with a queue and unfriendly security guys. I saw two tourists of far east Asian descent having every inch of their suitcases examined before anyone was even allowed to enter. The other security guy just looked on and told people to move (it was difficult there was a queue behind the ladies having their bags checked) when there was no space to move. Seemed aggressive and unnecessary (and I didn't feel people were welcome) so I left and didn't get chance to see any of the art within the building.
Azur: Very interesting combination of video game and classic arts.Visited on Weekend Wait time Up to 10 min Reservation recommended No …More

9. La Rose des Vents - Hôtel-de-Ville

· 225 reviews

Bd Van Gogh, 59650 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

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La Rose des Vents: what do users think?
Philippe Lenfant: In the process of upgrading and renovation.Currently closed
Xtofus Magnus (Xtof-Photographie): .Vivement la réouverture(Translated by Google
lebon price: A place of culture open to the city?Rather a pit for public finances reserved for a higher category, inaccessible for most people.The perfect ambassador of bobo left socialism that everyone hates today.
Sonia Gignet: Discovery
Eric Di bernardo: National scene, the theater of the Rose des vents is at the same time a high place of culture in the Lille region, but its establishment in Villeneuve d'Ascq also marked the beginnings of the birth of the new city. Symbol of the will of the municipal team led by Gérard Caudron, to create a beautiful and large city for its inhabitants, Nadia's enigmatic smile has illuminated decades of construction of an urban model like no other. Beyond its remarkable architecture, the successive teams managing the facility have brought to life a high-quality cultural dissemination structure. This building, which is now fifty years old, will benefit from a major rehabilitation necessary to erase the passage of time. See and remember this isolated block until its anchorage in the heart of the city, hoping that everyone will return there after a few months of work and the release of culture.
Jean-Paul P: Not bad
Chloé 2: Superb place!Very beautiful and vast scene!
Laura Costa: A must-see place in the Lille metropolis, a simply brilliant team and top-notch programming!
BRICE Christophe: Nice place, very nice and friendly staff...
Nassima Yakoubiachoui: It's a place that I really love.
Frederique Morin: Very nice quality shows
Galactic Fake: spoko obsługa
Fiona Uytterhaegher: Very well
Alexandre Demoury: Excellent performance hall, modern, innovative, accessible.Carry on!
Levecque Agnès: Beautiful area . I'm part of a choir we sang for the 50 in town
Catherine Thoraud: Nice programming
Marie-Agnès Saint-Omer: Spectacles au top. Excellent accueil avec des explications bien fournies et adéquates. Et...le bar est très agréable avec des tarifs modérés. 😊
Thomas Denys: J'ai passé des moments émouvants avec de beaux spectacles
Mathieu Dauchy: Cette scène nationale cultive l'ouverture à tous et au monde!
Fabien 2lambersart: Great show!!

10. Le Petit Autre Chose - Moulin Roty - Lille

· 56 reviews

Le Petit Autre Chose, 99 Rue Esquermoise, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Le Petit Autre Chose - Moulin Roty: what do users think?
cricri lauw: Nice shop. We found our happiness for the first birth of grandparents
caroline lepagnot: Great shop! Very nice teamAli Baba's cave for children!I highly recommend
Xookies: Very good shop, beautiful items and sellers at heart to advise.
Bernard Jcqs: Unique shop!
Élisabeth Leriche-Pauchet: Beautiful shop, beautiful choices, a great gift package, with a smile, what more could you ask for!
Marie-Astrid Legendre: cute affordable
Marion et Antoine: Very nice shop with simply incredible and very qualitative baby/child items! Really nice and available sellers.
Evelyne Rosey: Always a pleasure to come to this paradise for toddlers, there is always something for everyone! Constantly new things to arouse our curiosity ... in short, the detour is essential 😉
Alcior: quand il s'agit d'un achat cadeau :
María Garza: Children not welcome and bad attitude.
Christine Dherse: very friendly
Nour Charlotte Daouadi: Beautiful products the saleswoman is listening I like I like
Guillaume Bénard: Nice shop. Beautiful products with advice and a very pleasant welcome.In the top !
Delannoy Anne: Tested the order by phone and pick-up in store, at the top! And very nice packaging 😊
Pascal Petitbon: Great shop. Competent and pleasant staff. I will come back to spoil my little girl.
manon declerck: Beautiful shop, lots of gift ideas, beautiful packaging and welcoming staff with good advice!
AGNES L: Magnificent toy store with stuffed animals and wooden toys... Very welcoming staff. very nice gift package .. I will come back.
Alan Borne: Gorgeous
SnOwx: Magasin très sympa !
Claudine: Plein de jolies idées de cadeaux. Même pour un petit achat on prend le temps de vous faire un bel emballage. 👍
Jacky Lhoir: A voir l'étage

11. Jardin Vauban - Lille

· 3146 reviews

Bd Vauban, 59000 Lille, France

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12. Hôtel Carlton Lille - Lille

· 567 reviews

3 Rue Pierre Mauroy, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

13. Hôtel Campanile Lille CHR - Lille

· 514 reviews

Rue Jean Charles Borda, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

14. The LEGO® Store Lille - Lille

· 1258 reviews

100, Avenue Willy Brandt, Centre Commercial, Unité 43, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

15. Couvent des Minimes de Lille - Lille

· 630 reviews

17 Quai du Wault, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

16. maison Tournaisienne - Tournai

· 82 reviews

Réduit des Sions 36, 7500 Tournai, Belgium

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17. Museum of Fine Arts - Tournai

· 350 reviews

Rue de l'Enclos Saint-Martin 3, 7500 Tournai, Belgium

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18. Marionnaud - Lille

· 142 reviews

38-40 Pl. du Général de Gaulle, 59000 Lille, France

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