Best Advertising Agencies In Lille Near Me

BANANA - Agence Créative I Stratégie / Design / Photo / Vidéo / Com Farouk Nasri | Création site internet & Agence web UX Design Poil aux Dents Nikita Creative Business KRBO Wokine Agence Web Lille - WEBAGENCELILLE.COM Agence Éon TLAgency EPSILON Lille OP1C (On prend un café) Let's Fly Production IÉSEG CONSEIL Lille - Junior Enterprise Click2Buy

1. BANANA - Agence Créative I Stratégie / Design / Photo / Vidéo / Com - Lille

· 13 reviews

7b Rue de Trévise, 59000 Lille, France

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BANANA - Agence Créative I Stratégie / Design / Photo / Vidéo / Com: what do users think?
Marina Dos Santos: L'agence Banana a été très réactif et a très bien compris mes attentes lors de notre évènement d'entreprise.Les photos sont très belles ! Un travail de pro !Je recommande vivement !
M Fleur: Je recommande les services de l'agence les yeux fermés. Équipe jeune, dynamique, ultra réactive et professionnelle. J'ai eu le plaisir de travailler avec eux sur un projet de vidéo et un shooting photo, le rendu est extrêmement qualitatif et bien au-delà de nos attentes. En résumé si vous cherchez une agence pour vous accompagner, vous venez de la trouver 🙂
Lanternat Matthieu: We collaborate on creating a campaign for my startup. The results: unique connection with the shooting team, Fun and sharp planning which led to a successful promotion campaign.Give it a try by yourself
Valentine HERBAUT -DOMYOS MARCQ EN BAROEUL-: Agence professionnelle et talentueuse ! J'ai eu l'occasion de travailler avec l'agence durant les 2 dernières années, sur des projets de communication divers : refonte de charte iconographique, shootings photos et vidéos de produits, projets motion design... Toujours très satisfaite de leurs réalisations et de leurs idées créatives, je recommande fortement Banana et sa team très sympathique :-)
Nat Bra: Agence au top, équipe très professionnelle et à l’écoute qui nous a permis de cibler nos besoins et optimiser la communication.Nous avons été impressionnés par la qualité des projets travaillés!
Salah KOUATHE: Très bonne expérience avec la société Banana.A l'écoute des besoins et très compétente dans son domaine, je recommande.
Anne-Sophie D.: Cela fait un an que j’ai l’occasion de travailler régulièrement avec l’agence Banana dans le cadre de shootings. Une équipe très professionnelle, créative, agréable et humaine qui sait challenger son travail pour des résultats impeccables. Je recommande vivement 😊
Marie Charlotte GOUR -DOMYOS MARCQ EN BAROEUL-: Super agence !Patient & à l'écouteJe recommande :)
Marie Vanmarcke: Ravie d'avoir confié mes projets à l'agence Banana qui est très professionnelle et réactive. Elle s'adapte parfaitement aux différentes demandes. On a un interlocuteur direct qui est toujours très réactif et à nos petits soins. Mention spéciale pour la bienveillance et l'état d'esprit. L'équipe est au top !
Claire TETU -BTWIN VILLAGE LILLE-: Agilité, créativité, respect du timing et équipe très sympa ! Un bon mix pour un projet de vidéo stop motion réussi :)
Guy-William Pivot: Lively team, full of ideas and energy, which delivers at the right level, even with a significant schedule constraint! Good relevance to the automotive field.
Pauline Flamme: (Translated by Google
Xavier C G: Quality agency, attentive and serious. Nothing to complain about the work provided. I recommend !
alexandre salome: A young and dynamic team and a successful project for my company. Good luck to them!
Clément Delporte: Je recommande +++(Translated by Google
Fanny Scornet: Very good agency! The work is always clean and delivered quickly. Always pleasant atmosphere 😁I recommend !
charles bossart: Agency attentive and very creative. Mr. Marez and his team were able to respond to our request on all of our needs and in our image! Which is not easy to find today... I recommend themCordially
Souhail EL YOUSFI ALAOUI: BANANA is much more than a branding agency, it is above all relevant advice in digital transformation, creativity and many years of experience. Quick thoughts easily executable within your budget.I recommend !
Marie Verstraete: et les images sont magnifiques, je recommande.(Translated by Google
PAULINE HILLEBRANT: En plus d'être sympa, l'équipe BANANA a su démontré sur un projet vidéo et photo, leurs compétences et la pertinence de leurs idées.Je suis ravie de notre collaboration, je la recommande auprès de mes collègues et ne vous dire qu'une chose : FONCEZ :)Encore merci à vous pour ce super boulot,Au plaisir !
Jérémy Woittequand: J'ai eu le plaisir de collaborer avec l'Agence pour la réalisation d'un film institutionnel. Une agence à challenger pour vos projets.

2. Farouk Nasri | Création site internet & Agence web UX Design - Tourcoing



· 13 reviews

164 Rue de Fives, 59200 Tourcoing, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Farouk Nasri | Création site internet & Agence web UX Design: what do users think?
Agathe Antoniak: Our company LEVELS AUTOMOBILE called on Farouk for the design of the new logo, but also for the migration of the website to a new URL address, following our change of trade name. The collaboration was efficient and pleasant, Farouk offering quality support, being present and a teacher. We are so satisfied with his service that we have just validated a bigger project with him, which will be the creation of a new, more upscale website, under Wordpress, in order to improve the customer experience, our image and above all our referencing. Do not hesitate to call on him, even if you are not passionate about Web subjects... He will be happy to guide you and decipher the important points for you!
thomas dangreau: Very good professional who takes his time with his clients, tries to understand them and satisfy them.
MSL Association: Very professional, Mr Nasri provides the advice and information necessary for the development of the project.
Nasri Ilyas: Very good agency. Thanks to Farouk for his follow-up and his expertise, very professional!
Amrouni Karim: Availability, professionalism, great listening skills, wise and relevant advice.I recommend this agency
Saad Ghammad: Having used Farouk Nasri's agency, I highly recommend these services. Professional agency, responsive and above all with excellent support before and after the service.He was able to advise us beyond our initial need, whether on the WEB part, SEO, Design...Thanks again.Saad
Julie Pellegrini: Great performance despite very tight timing. Farouk is very professional, we will call on him again.
Célia Nourine: Farouk overhauled the website of La Comédie de Béthune, bringing his keen eye to questions of user experience and design. He was very available and attentive to our expectations while being proactive. He also sought to make it easier for us, as administrators, to use the site with an organized and clear back office. Always ready to answer our questions, provide advice and expertise in the face of our problems with a creative spirit, I recommend Farouk for the creation of websites.
Erwan Tanguy: We asked Farouk to redesign the La Comédie de Béthune website in WordPress and we are very satisfied, he was able to meet our needs over the course of the discussions with a design approach compatible with our print graphic charter.
Dominique Mahieu: I am very pleasantly surprised by the result of Mr Nasri, who quickly carried out our project.Always listening to us, a designer at the forefront of his achievements, really great professionalism, meticulous to the smallest detail !!!.Mr Mahieu Dominique,President of Leers OS Cyclo
Saigh Nacim: We contacted Farouk for the design of our website, and he gave us good information and advice!
mehdi madji: I asked Farouk, designer found on the internet, after looking for a web agency in order to advance my website creation project, Farouk explained to me well how a site works in all areas, he m contacted me quickly and made it easier for me to make appointments, this person has imagination and adapts perfectly to what you are looking for. The realization of my logo was meticulous and totally reflects my company, his work is precise, serious and very orderly, the adventure continues with the site.
Fat B: Professional web agency, attentive to the customer, I highly recommend
Association ECOPAL: , le développement et l'ergonomie web (UI
Gabriel Dufour: Very professional support, Farouk has very solid expertise and is also very creative. He brought real added value to the design of our website by not hesitating to challenge the established order.
Badre Z: Farouk est intervenu sur la partie UX et design d'une application Web en cours de développement. Véritable force de proposition, il s'investit à 100% sur ce qu'il fait et nous a donné entière satisfaction. A recommander chaudement
Jimmy Ryckewaert: Mr Nasri Farouk nous à accompagné à 100% pour notre projet de site internet, il à était à l'écoute, présent, professionnel, de très bon conseil donner et l'apprentissage de Wordpress avec facilité. Cela nous a permis de mettre en place un site Web de qualité, un UX design superbe, il à retravailler notre logo et nos clients nous ont donné une rétroaction à ce sujet au-delà de nos attentes! Il nous avait confiés au début du projet qu'il allait réaliser de belles choses sur ce site et il nous bluffait bien sûr... C'est un concepteur de site performant, avec des idées plein la tête et très rassurant. Il dirigera votre projet vers le sommet, comme si ce site était pour lui. Également pour le SEO du site, il garde sa parole, notre site ne fait qu'augmenter... Notre commande augmente à l'aide de ce site. La satisfaction de ses clients est primordiale pour lui et cela se ressent. L'élément le plus important au début du projet est qu'il répond facilement à la demande, aux attentes et au budget établi. Nous vous conseillons ce web designer et son agence web
David Sarrasin: Enseignant en primaire, j'ai fait appel à M NASRI pour débloquer un problème majeur sur un site que j'ai moi-même créé sur Wordpress pour un ami producteur BIO qui avait besoin de cet outil pour rayonner.M NASRI a été réactif, il m'a bien questionné pour établir son premier diagnostic. Il a réalisé un devis estimatif qui à la fin, a été respecté.Il a communiqué le suivi de ses interventions.Il a résolu le problème majeur et procédé à un toilettage du site en repérant "les lacunes du débutant" et en apportant son expertise.Le compte rendu oral a été aussi formateur.Je suis donc un client très satisfait qui va pouvoir enfin offrir un outil opérationnel à son ami.Je compte poursuivre ma collaboration avec lui en cas de besoin.M SARRASIN DAVI DECHY 59187
Mouloud Madji: Très content de la création de mon site internet.Farouk a été super pro et très réactif , y compris pour le design de mon logo. Ses conseils ont été pertinents et judicieux. Il a été à l’écoute de mes besoins qu’il a très bien retranscrit.Très bonne collaboration. Une agence web et un designer que je vous recommande vivement.
Agence Création: Très content du travail accompli sur notre identité visuelle et la création de notre site web. Si vous recherchez une agence web à l'écoute, rigoureuse et très investie, n'hésitez pas... Foncez !Merci Farouk !
Guillaume SOCHON: Farouk nous a accompagné pour la création total de notre site internet/site web, et pour la création de notre logo. Nous avons fait appel a lui et nous ne le regrettons pas, c'est un magicien de l'informatique et un excellent web designer/Graphiste. Nous partions de rien et force de sa patience et de sa dévotion il la créé le site et le logo qui correspond à 100% à l'image de l'entreprise. Vous pouvez lui faire confiance les yeux fermés

3. Poil aux Dents - Lille

· 56 reviews

14 Rue de Marseille, 59000 Lille, France

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4. dentsu lille - Lille

· 4 reviews

217 Bd de la Liberté, 59800 Lille, France

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dentsu lille: what do users think?
Ju Mallet: Positive:Quality
warning: Très bonne agence
Related inquiries Advertising agency:

5. Wapiti Agency - Agence web et e-commerce - Lille

· 24 reviews

34 Pl. du Général de Gaulle, 59800 Lille, France

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Wapiti Agency - Agence web et e-commerce: what do users think?
Catherine Sabatier: Responsive, professional and very friendly agency!
Christophe Beuscart: top and professional.nice to work with you.
Thierry Cieutat: Very satisfied with the quality of the recovery of our business site + the relationship on the technical aspects, advice, and management of the action plan. I recommend
Jérôme Garcin: Serious and efficient agency. Highly Competent Lead Developer
Gabrielle Adam: The Wapiti agency created my website and I'm delighted! Paul was attentive from the start to understand and transcribe my needs. Throughout the project he was available, proactive and very responsive. Result, I am very happy with my site and I now master Prestashop to get by on a daily basis.I highly recommend the agency and will not hesitate to call on them again for future developments. THANK YOU !
Gilles de Cliple: The Wapiti team supported us in the redesign of our b/b website.They showed great expertise in digital marketing on topics such as graphics, integration, project management and technical performance of the site. Conversion rates are on par with our expectations and we continue to work with them to further improve our KPIs through this scalable and easily customizable site.
anthony Jarosik: Excellent team and great work thank you!
Paul Delcloy: Always a pleasure to work with Jérémy and the Wapiti agency. The team is very available, responsive and competent. They are trusted partners that I recommend.
Alice Trouvé: I called on Wapiti for the production of business cards, I am very satisfied with the result, thank you for this professionalism, I would call on your services again if necessary.
Bordeau Chesnel: After several collaborations with the Wapiti agency, which satisfied us on the various projects carried out, we recommend the agency for its agility and efficiency.
Maud Herbaut: A big thank you to the whole team for the creation of my logo. They were able to understand my expectations and create a custom logo that perfectly matches my needs. I am delighted with their services and I recommend them with pleasure. good continuation full of success
Ophélie Herbaut: .(Translated by Google
Didier Chantôme: Experience in redesigning a website:- very good customer service- excellent friendliness in exchanges- somewhat long delays- a few errors in the realization, but well corrected
Alex O: Very dynamic team that knows how to listen to its customers to offer a tailor-made solution. I appreciated our collaboration in the redesign of our website
Groupe Leader: A team very reactive to requests, and proactive, which shares their detailed analysis with you and provides you with advice beyond the strict request made. Jérémy and Julien, in addition to being pro, are also very pleasant in their relationship.We recommend without hesitation.
Laurent RINIE: Excellent team, both commercially and technically. Wapiti has developed our new E-commerce site, we are very happy with it. I wouldn't hesitate to contact them again.
Societe Vekia: Wapiti has been supporting us for more than a year on the redesign of our website and its SEO optimization. The team is attentive, available and flexible, which is why we continue to work together!Their support can range from advice with limited resources to the full implementation of a digital marketing strategy.

6. Nikita Creative Business - Lille

· 11 reviews

22 Rue Jean Moulin, 59800 Lille, France

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Nikita Creative Business: what do users think?
Jean-Philippe Malard: Agency that combines creativity and CSR
Cédric Minot: An agency that sends heavy. From brand strategy to creation. Unmissable in Lille.
Lucy Perce: Always on top !
Nord Forge Association: A beautiful Lille agency that is attentive and ready to accompany you.
Siebrand Thierry: Great team! Superb achievements and full of creativity. Keep it up.
amaury thuyn: A simple and passionate agency, and in addition who likes to eat & sing! Ps: bring your vinyl, they have a jukebox!

7. Hi agency - Lille

· 5 reviews

229 Rue Solférino, 59000 Lille, France

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8. KRBO - Lille

· 3 reviews

34 Bd Carnot, 59800 Lille, France

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9. Wokine - Lille

· 4 reviews

16 Pl. Cormontaigne, 59000 Lille, France

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Wokine: what do users think?
Joël BERTIAUX: Wokine has developed 7 sites on the same frame for our nursing homes. Nothing to say about the development. A maintenance contract has been signed. It appears today that it has not been respected and that our sites work with an "old version" of wordpress. Image displays are all over the place which is not selling. In addition, they ask us to use only landscape. Avoid if you want a site that lasts over time. : the brilliance of the start does not last in time despite the sums invested.
Philippe Sence: I recommend the ideation phase in design thinking mode conducive to identifying the challenges of your company.
Samuel Beghin: That's an agency! Creative, friendly, responsive,... I advise for your websites.

10. Agence Web Lille - WEBAGENCELILLE.COM - Lille

· 11 reviews

5 Ter Rue Vieux Faubourg, 59000 Lille, France

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Agence Web Lille - WEBAGENCELILLE.COM: what do users think?
Sphère Gym: Following a hacking my website was completely blocked. So I contacted this agency. Samy answered me very quickly with a signed quote and the video appointment was made within the week for the repair. Live troubleshooting, so I was able to see how professionally Samy dissected my site by entering the databases and all the protocols that are incomprehensible to someone like me and who have no secrets for him. A quality service for a very reasonable cost and a very friendly human relationship with good advice. I highly recommend ! thanks again
Bertrand BAILLOT: I called on for the management of several digital projects and I truly recommend this company for its professionalism and meeting the deadlines requested. I am very happy with the services, thank you.
Juliette STEVEZ: Professional company, attentive to the customer, very responsive, conscientious, reachable very quickly. Very satisfied, I recommend
Raphael Monnanteuil: The services of Webagence Lille are of very high quality. We have been using the services of this company for several years for our websites and our referencing. We have since considerably increased our turnover thanks to the fabulous work done! Congratulations and especially thank you
Nadine Lefebvre: Serious company that was able to answer all my questions and requirements.Responsive, friendly professional who knows how to guide you when you are lost in the face of the multiple information you will have to manage.I recommend this company 300%.Thank you for your support with a capital S.Ms Lefebvre
Caroline H: very bad experience with this agency lack of transparency, quotes not in accordance with requests and non-professionalism, I do not recommend
Simon Castel: Web agency Lille has been supporting us for several years. Available, flexible, attentive and able to adapt to all requests and solve all problems, Samy provides quality work that we are satisfied with and that we recommend!
Bricoman: Web Agence Lille, led by Samy, is an agency that was able to listen to our needs from the first contact. Force of proposal, in permanent watch, available and competent in many technical fields of the web, Samy knew how to bring us his expert glance and direct us on a not very obvious project.
Quentin Lambert: Very satisfied with the work in collaboration with Samy, who was able to respond positively to a complex request. Throughout the development process, good advice was given to me, which allowed me to properly redefine the project. I highly recommend Webagencelille!
David Jeruzalska: An exceptional web agency for all phases of a project until its ultimate realization: adapted advice, relevant proposals, innovative know-how, modern and ergonomic design, responsiveness for immediate tailor-made. And, in addition, an exceptional availability... The realization of my site required the implementation of very sharp operational strategies and there again, Webagencelille answered present and knew how to take up the challenges permanently. To optimize navigation, interactivity and referencing around performance: A Must! Indeed, bringing together in the same place, a site, a blog, podcasts and 2 forums was truly a feat. Thank you Webagencelille for this great performance and this top-of-the-range success...
Thomas Giraud: Very good web agency: responsive, operational, direct and efficient communication. A real plus to optimize your SEO

11. Agence Éon - Lille

· 5 reviews

165 Av. de Bretagne, 59000 Lille, France

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12. Adrénaline - Lille

· 1 reviews

6 Rue d'Angleterre, 59800 Lille, France

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13. TLAgency - Lomme

· 5 reviews

165 Av. de Bretagne, 59000 Lille, France

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14. EPSILON Lille - La Madeleine

· 34 reviews

2 Pl. de la Gare, 59110 La Madeleine, France

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15. OP1C (On prend un café) - Roubaix

· 8 reviews

25 Rue du Chemin de Fer, 59100 Roubaix, France

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16. tawkr - Lille

· 3 reviews

7 Bd Louis XIV, 59800 Lille, France

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17. Let's Fly Production - Lille

· 20 reviews

40 Groupe Wannoschot, 59000 Lille, France

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18. IÉSEG CONSEIL Lille - Junior Enterprise - Lille

· 86 reviews

3 Rue de la Digue, 59000 Lille, France

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19. ORES - Lille

· 4 reviews

1 Rue d'Inkermann, 59000 Lille, France

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20. Click2Buy - Lomme

· 18 reviews

82 Rue Winston Churchill, 59160 Lille, France

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