Best Orthopedics In Lille Near Me

Thelu Charles-Edouard Michel Andre Docteur Jean Yves Deladerriere Chu De Lille Docteur Limeli Nambou Mephisto Lille ASICS Mouscron / Moeskroen Geox Retail S.R.L. AVIVA ASSURANCES

1. Thelu Charles-Edouard Michel Andre - Lille

· 16 reviews

13 Pl. Philippe Lebon, 59000 Lille, France

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2. Docteur Jean Yves Deladerriere - Recueil



· 10 reviews

Imanord - Private Hospital in Villeneuve d'Ascq, 20 Av. de la Reconnaissance, 59657 Villeneuve-d'Ascq, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Docteur Jean Yves Deladerriere: what do users think?
Nicole Lemai: Thank you for your availability, a shoulder operationmade in total confidence. As usual. No fear As for the always smiling secretary, a nice word. A team at the top. THANK YOU again.I highly recommend this doctor and his team.I wish you and your secretary a Merry Christmas..
Christophe DEDESSUS LE MOUTIER: A surgeon who takes the time to explain well, and who operates only if necessary. He did a very good job on my shoulder.His secretary is smiling, friendly and explains the different procedures well.I highly recommend !
Nono Medj: Very good doctor, took the time to explain my problem to me. Very human I am reassured
pepin francoise: Excellent surgeon whom I recommend without problem listening, reassuring.
Caroline Daussy: estimant qu'il ne sert à rien d'effectuer un RDV sans radio. Si vous souffrez vous n'avez qu'à attendre il ne faudrait quand même pas qu'il prenne 15min de son temps en étant payé pour essayer de trouver une solution autre qu'opérer et donc faire entrer le cash. Aucun respect, business business.(Translated by Google
Damien Decottignies: Surgeon who can be recommended without problem. Listening to his patients and available, After a foot problem for several months was able to find the solution and treat me
Jerome Fauqueur: The can go there with your eyes closedSecretariat a love always smiling and kind
Nathalie Dorangeville: Very good surgeon, he operates at hpva villeneuve d'ascq.

3. Chu De Lille - Lille

· 464 reviews

2 Av. Oscar Lambret, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Chu De Lille: what do users think?
Pascale Fugaldi: Très bon accueil aux urgences ophtalmologiquesC’est la deuxième fois que je m’y rends et à chaque fois j’ai eu affaire à une équipe très professionnelle avec des explications très claires sur ma pathologie avec un suivi régulier
Morgane Taylor: Si je pouvais ne même pas mettre une étoile je l’aurais fait !!!! Hôpital qui est plus préoccupé à prendre les organes de quelqu’un plutôt qu’à essayer de lui sauver la vie. Je n’en resterais pas là et porterai plainte contre vous.
Kiri Kiri: ❤️ Je suis passée pour un prélèvement de sang ! Accueil au top, quel sourire, quelle attention, quel accompagnement, quelle assurance ! La consultation était rapide et top! Je voulais que ça prenne plus de temps, lol même passer la nuit là bas ! Merci pour votre bienveillance et aussi d avoir remarqué que j aurai mon anniversaire dans 5 jours et me le souhaiter! Je vous envoie des coeurs infinis d amour ❤️
Veronique Lefevre: Extraordinaire centre hospitalier, personnel charmant et efficace, praticiens de valeur, et soins au top. Lille est vraiment la ville où l'on peut bénéficier des soins particuliers. Vive le service public et merci aux soignants je 🙏
Stéphanie afflard: Prise en charge hier le 15/06/2023 de ma mère envoyé aux urgences par son médecin traitant. Service surchargé de monde : des brancards, des personnes assises! Et malgré la surcharge de travail, des soignants bienveillants qui jongle avec les patients, qui courent à droite et à gauche, le médecin, l'aide soignant, l'infirmière ouafae, l'hôtesse Valérie et j'en oublie peut-être... GRATITUDE d'être là, au service du public dans des situations qui pour la personne admise est unique.
Marie Fynes: Bonjour ma mère a eux un rendez-vous aujourd’hui avec un médecin très désagréable là engueuler car elle a oublier un papier à la maison
Lyli: Nous avons consulté les urgences ophtalmologiques pour notre petit garçon de trois ans, l’agent a l’accueil très souriant, rassurant ( je n’ai pas son prénom ) merci car ça m’a rassurée.Ensuite nous avons était vue part un Docteur qui a pris son temps malgré que le petit ne voulait pas trop se laisser faire.Explication parfaite.Nous avons dû retournée après le week-end afin de vérifier si tout était correct et impeccable 👌 !!!Même docteur en plus donc rassurant pour le petitTrès gentil le docteur ( je n’ai pas le prénom ) merci pour tout
Anne sophie Lemoine: Personnel désagréable..une usine on prend les patients pour des mouchoirs honteux........ le personnel à revoir. Ils attendent la fin du mois pour le salaire
Justine Faucqueur Herbaux: Passage aux Urgences Ophtalmologiques vers 18h en semaine, équipe en or !Mon petit de 3 ans a été chouchouté (les petits cadeaux sont un gros bonus), il y a une salle d'attente avec des jeux mais nous avons pas eu le temps de les utiliser car on est pris en charge tout de suite.L'agent d'accueil (Thomas) est adorable, rassurant, souriant, une pépite !Merci encore pour les soins prodigués et cette qualité de service.
Meaux betty: A disaster.. arrived on May 16, 2023 at 10.30 a.m. taken care of for the perfect welcome, quick examination then 7 people in total it's impressive so many people to take their blood pressure.. then directed to another place to see the doctor. . phew that's ok there is only one patient and he is waiting for his report and he comes out it is quite fast for him unless he has been waiting for hours I see the doctor after an hour for 3 minutes then X-ray 5 minutes and waiting for the results by this same doctor who answers me "ba yes that's it madam emergencies. 2 p.m. still no results I see him looking at my results before he leaves to eat around 12:30 p.m. and when he returns at 1:45 p.m. the same he looks at my file for 5 minutes then closes it and takes another patient to the waiting room .... I dream I have been waiting for hours and he does not finish my file so that I can leave .... never again the chr de Lille no respect ....
Bernard Delepierre: Healing everything is fine but really abusive the parking lot there is no longer a price for consultations in addition we go there every month so if we stay 1 hour 2.80 euro abusive if we stay longer there bill is salty it becomes abusive
Christelle Dartus: The psychiatry team without any notion of psychology...with the elderly, no humanity, what an image for a Chru! Nobody came out more tired than they came in....
Olivier Hilaire: It is the reference hospital center for the north of France.
Vincent Teddy: I find it shameful that when you accompany a child, a baby to the emergency room, we can't accompany him with two his father, his mother stayed at his bedside with him!!!
Philippe HOLVOET: Do not seek care security c la
Christine Werquin: Good hospital service
Angie Richez: Hospitalized in gynecological surgery for 10 days I can only thank and congratulate the team which is exceptional professional human respect for the patient to listen in short they deserve all my congratulations for the work they do and always with a smile !!
Deschodt Sabine: Currently in the pulmonology department, late due to the lack of reception staff when I arrived at the pulmonology department the two nurses downright humiliated me in front of all the patients by telling me that I was late and that it was necessary to plan . Being myself a nurse, I find the reception received by two nurses and their lack of professionalism unacceptable. I do not recommend this service
Ilona Tribout: pulmonology department,Extremely unpleasant, impolite, humiliating, non-chalant nurses.
Camille Lebon: Unacceptable! Arrived at the emergency at 7 a.m. exit at 6:30 p.m.We asked for a few things to eat several times. Nurses who say "we're coming". Forced to restart. results my father, who is very old, has nothing to eat from 6.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Contradictory speech from staff, we are told one version of the results but when we return. We read the exit sheet with the results of the exams and it is quite the opposite that is written. 🤔
Emeline Braunbart: Incompetent nurses who do not examine their patients, I stayed 1h30 in the waiting room in pain. They were whispering to each other that I was exaggerating and pretending like I loved the hospital

4. Docteur Limeli Nambou - Lille

· 22 reviews

51 Rue Marcel Hénaux, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Docteur Limeli Nambou: what do users think?
Mathilde Tabian: He's my parents' doctor.. horrible run away from him! No empathy.. 1 star is way too much. He's haughty, he doesn't even take 5 minutes with people. As soon as we arrived, what interests him is your vital card and your money. Unworthy of a doctor.
Margaux Manigaut: I don't understand the comments. Having anxiety attacks, Dr. Nambou very clearly demonstrated empathy and active listening.I thank him again
nisrine azmani: First appointment with the doctor who takes his time and gives very good advice for everyday life. 👍👍👍
Asa Ba: Aucune compréhension! Aucune excuse d’annuler son rdv comme çaFranchement je recommande pas du tout !(Translated by Google
Jean Batou: I do not haveConsult the person but just to see the comments, Mr. breaks the Hippocratic oath, it says doctor? You risk legal action just for that. I note only the responses to the opinions I specify.
brandon marie-claire: To flee.
Sarah Houssein: Honestly, I don't understand all these judgmental comments. I have been followed by this doctor for several years and certainly he is more introverted than other doctors, but it is his nature to be discreet and reserved and he must be respected. Nowadays we misunderstand these personality traits, we allow ourselves to project our own interpretation of them and it is unfair. It is even easier to oppress indirectly via the internet without worrying about the consequences it has on others. Nothing beats his own experience, go there yourself and see if this doctor suits you or not. If not, there are plenty of other practitioners out there.
Rai Ali: After reading some negative comments I was a little skeptical about bringing my son back there, but finally after consultation I was able to see a Doctor, a man very invested in his work, welcoming and smiling. And compared to the communication it seems to be just a reserved person but beyond that the job is well done. I recommend !!
Maxime Zhu: Doesn't deserve more.
Valentin Leonard: I am requesting a prescription to perform an ultrasound for a calf tear. Mr. Nambou asks me for a report. I suggest that he send pzr mail. He tells me that he does not want to give an email, and that I have to redo a physical appointment. I had however specified that I was in physical displacement.So I give up and I would leave my tear as such.
Marie Hélène Akuete: Incompetent doctor the opinions below describe well the character does not take his time to examine the patients, to take the vital card, for that he is fast but still takes the time to answer on Google! pitiful! report this doctor!
Tanguy: frankly not phew
Venus 13: This doctor lacks communication. Despite the negative comments, I wanted to make my own opinion. I confirm all comments are true.
fabio: Do not finish the session, auscultates very very very badly, pushes to pay to make them leave faster, refuses to make a prescription. Forced me to leave after 10 minutes after waiting 50 minutes for just one other person while I was alone in the waiting room.
Zeny Michely: Good diagnostician, Bad in human relations...
Dystorian Kolast: (Translated by Google
So Mallys: No communication and no empathy, I do not recommend this doctor.
Diego: To flee!!! I had an accident at work and he didn't even want to see me because according to him, it's the emergency room that takes care of it
Naws Nanoucha: Doctor listens and does everything to find a solution, I highly recommend him.
Si Am: TO FLEE !!!!!! I told him I was a contact case, didn't even prescribe me a test and told me to wait for the person's results when I have a fever and body aches. I ask him for a test and tell me to see another practitioner.
Hassiba K: A great doctor who listens and takes the time to see his patients well. I have been able to read comments on the lack of communication and the difficulty of understanding, it is totally unfounded and appalling. I can only recommend De Nambou.

5. Mephisto Lille - Lille

· 45 reviews

70 Rue Esquermoise, 59800 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Mephisto Lille: what do users think?
pascal macron: Very professional welcome.I recommend if you are looking for a good pair of shoes
Maxime Delcampe: Very welcoming and patient and attentive staff.Good experience with a return for a size change.I recommend
Patricia Gloriant: I recommend this place, the staff is really nice..
Laurent Falque: A Canadian friend came on our advice. She tells us that she experienced a pressure sale. Finally too narrow the pair the pair of shoesAdvice from a really pro podiatrist for the Store Manager: ask the customer to put his foot on the sole that has come out of the shoe. At the end of the foot there must be space for an index finger
Sylvie Ropital: Very friendly welcome and helpful staff.
Francis GRYMONPREZ: Very good professional 👏
yuqing cao: 非常好吃的甜品店,但是早晨是无法堂食的,可以选择带走
Micheline Lallemant: Not being served by the store manager! To flee !
Carla Baye: The first approach to the store is rather pleasant but the team is only focused on turnover without taking into account the customer, his taste, his style and his desires provided that he is the object of one or more sales.So is the essential only the quality shoe promised by the brand?
Wassim JOURDAIN: . Fuyez !(Translated by Google
yves waquet: Good morningUnable to move, I bought shoes on the net. Very well informed by the saleswoman who contacted me within the hour. Availability of the product I wanted, speed of delivery, in short, only good. I forgot, superb pair of shoes. Thanks again to the efficient and competent saleswoman
Valérie GUYOT: High quality shoes, very good advice staff.
Marie Thérése Zolendzewski: Always satisfied with the Mephisto brand
padif2002: Hello the shop is nice it is bright there are many products but we are not piled up on top of each other. The saleswoman accompanied me from start to finish advising me and helping me in particular on the selection of the right size, all with a smile. Of course these are the mefisto prices so it's not quite cheap but it must be said that the comfort and quality are there.
Nounette Nounette: Very competent staff, attentive and good adviceI recommend +++
Patricia Lucas: A lot of choices
T. Bev.: Very professional and personable
Benoît Collette: Large selection of high quality shoes. Reasonable prices.
A H: des produits".Le personnel était à l'écoute et à su trouver les paires correspondants à nos besoins et à nos goûts. Je les remercie très sincèrement pour leur patience, pour la qualité de leur travail ainsi que leur détermination à nous donner satisfaction (dans mon cas, avec une course poursuite assidue d'une paire de chaussures avec les transporteurs...
Jeannine Fabre: Very welcome and you can take the time to make your choice.
Michael ***: Great service. 5 stars what more can I say?

6. Médecins Du Monde Hauts-de-France - Lille

· 6 reviews

129 Bd Montebello, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

7. Geox - Lille

· 4 reviews

Printemps Lille, 39 45 Rue Nationale, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp
Geox: what do users think?
john boss: Introuvable . Pas de geox dans le coin ! Passer votre chemin

8. Assurance Lille Aviva - Lille

· 4 reviews

88 Rue du Molinel, 59000 Lille, France

Address Website WhatsApp

9. Assurance Lille Nationale Aviva - Lille

· 5 reviews

136 Bis Rue Nationale, 59000 Lille, France

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10. ASICS - Roubaix

· 64 reviews

44 Rue Mail de Lannoy, 59100 Roubaix, France

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11. Sulzer - Wambrechies

· 1 reviews

Parc du Polygone, 391 Av. Clément Ader, 59118 Wambrechies, France

Address Website WhatsApp

12. Mouscron / Moeskroen - Mouscron

· 39 reviews

7700 Mouscron, Belgium


13. GEOX - Faches-Thumesnil

· 69 reviews

Route de Vendeville, 59155 Faches-Thumesnil, France

Address Website WhatsApp

14. Geox Retail S.R.L. - Roubaix

· 109 reviews

73 Rue Mail de Lannoy, 59100 Roubaix, France

Address Website WhatsApp

15. Coffee Time - Armentières

· 2 reviews

59280 Armentières, France



· 2 reviews

40 Rue du Professeur Perrin, 59170 Croix, France

Address Website WhatsApp

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